Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 15

E - Words: 2,874 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Chapter 15

Amy watches her mate as they drive towards the Anderson residence to help his friends re-arrange their new home. Her first time officially meeting his friends and All she can think about is how he still wont talk to her without crying or saying how sorry he is. Truthfully, right now is the only time in the two weeks they have been together that she has seen him even smile a little bit. Don't get her wrong, she is very happy to see him smile, but she just wishes he would smile like that for her. She turns her eyes towards the large house in front of them as they park. Jeff, Nick, and who she can only assume is Julia already out front talking to a pair of boys wrapped around each other.

Wes looks towards her, a sigh escaping his lips. "Are you sure you want to come with me? I don't want you to get over whelmed."

"Why would I get overwhelmed?" She raises an eyebrow at him.

"New people. New place. I don't know Ok? I just want to make sure you're going to be fine with all of this."

"The only one freaking out is you." Amy gets out of the car, heading straight for the group of people who immediately look towards them. She purposely smiles as Wes hurries to catch up with her. "Hi. My name is Amy. Nice to finally meet you all." She holds her hand out to shake Kurts hand.

"Nice to meet you Amy. I'm Kurt and this goober behind me is Blaine." Kurt giggles as Blaine tickles his sides.

"I am NOT a goober!" Blaine reaches out to shake her hand. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

Amy smiles, covering a laugh with her hand. "Maybe. I go to Crawford."

"I thought I recognized you." Blaine grins wider. "You're in the orchestra. Violin if I remember right and you use to come to all the Warbler performances. Though I don't remember you talking much."

Her cheeks heat up as her smile widens. "I never did say anything. Didn't want my parents to realize I left Crawford for any reason." She shifts her eyes to her mate as he fidgets around her with a worried look on his face. Nick slapping him in the back of the head to calm down. "I may or may not have been spying on a certain wolf who caught my eye."

Jeff grins. "You really came to all those shows the first two years to spy on your now mate?" He pushes his hand out. "Jeff here. This is Julia my mate." He pulls Julia towards Amy.

Amy laughs at them outright now and shakes hands with Julia. "Nice to meet all of you." She looks back at Wes, putting her arms over her chest. "Look, I didn't freak out like you thought I would. Now what excuse are you going to use to keep me hidden?"

Wes frowns. "I was not trying to keep you hidden! I just.. was worried about our bonding and how you would react outside of it being just us."

"Well then stop worrying. I told you I wanted our bonding and I was ok with how it happened. You're the one that has been so upset over it."

"Amy, please can we not do this here?"

"Fine." She turns back to the group watching quietly. "You must be Nick."

Nick nods his head. "Yeap. The only solo guy here."

"You are very lucky to be single. Being with someone brings drama." She smiles towards Kurt. "So what are we doing today?"

Kurt pulls himself away from Blaine to lead Amy back towards the pool house where there are piles of furniture already moved out into the yard. "Well today we are painting the rooms since there shouldn't be any rain and we can leave the furniture out here. When we're done everything will move into it's new spot."

"Seems like a lot of work for one day and only seven of us."

"Well my dad and step brother are coming in a little and Puck, Rachel, Quinn and her mate, Sam, and I think maybe Mercedes. You wouldn't know any of them. They are all from my school."

"Well that sounds like a much better amount of people to get this done. Where can I start?"

Nick walks with Wes digging into him about assuming his mate would be a cowering type of wolf while his eyes watch Jeff talk with Blaine and Julia walk no where close to him. He knows they really are not mated, but if they want to pull off the fib they really should act more like newly bonded mates. Holding hands, constantly gravitating closer to each other. Just like Blaine as they get closer to the small house and he instantly goes over and puts a hand on Kurt, giving into his bodies need to constantly touch his mate. Even Wes gravitates over to Amy and keeps a hand on her as they start to talk while she paints. He just shakes his head seeing that he seems to be the only sane one in the whole bunch.

A few hours later find the group of young wolves laughing as Burt and the rest of their friends show up and a certain loud growl coming from the backyard. Burt runs to see what the hell is going on and is caught with the funniest sight he has ever seen. Kurt is covered from head to toe in at least three colors of paint and eyes glowing as he chases Blaine, a rightfully terrified look on his face, around the yard.

"Blaine Anderson! I will KILL you! Do you have any idea what so ever about how hard it is to get paint out of your hair? Let alone THIS much!" Kurt growls deeper in threat to his mate.

Blaine whines in response. "Sorry! It was a joke! I didn't mean for it to land on you!"

"Oh but you did you jerk!" Kurt cuts left then right, kicking Blaines legs out from under him as he grabs his arms and flipping him down to the ground. Pinning the wolf to the ground and growling in his face. "How should I make you pay for this? Hum?"

Blaine puts his hands up in surrender. "Mercy! Please Kurt! I'm sorry... I'm really, really sorry!" He closes his eyes when Kurt bares his teeth, only opening them again when he feels his mate being yanked off of him and Burts voice cutting through his sons growls.

"Calm down Kurt! He didn't mean it!" Burt keeps his arms holding through his sons arms, keeping the boy pinned to his chest.

"let me go! He ruined my hair, got paint all over the floor, and he ruined my clothes! He's to busy playing around instead of being a mature mated wolf!"

"Kurt you are going to regret it if you don't calm down."

Blaine gasps as he watches Kurt growl at his dad and try to get out of his hold before Burt just chucks his son into the pool. "Kurt!" He growls in warning at Burt. "Why'd you do that?"

"Hush your growling." Burt narrows his eyes at the boy. "I'll pull rank on you if I have to. I threw him in to cool him down and it seems to have worked." he points to the shivering wet form of Kurt slowly getting out of the pool and leaving a trail of paint in the water and everywhere he drips.

Blaine is up off the ground and running over to Kurt, pulling his mate into his arms. Kurt burying his face into his Alphas neck. "Shh it's ok. I've got you. I'm so sorry about the paint, I really am."

"It's ok... I just need a shower to clean up." Kurt nuzzles closer to Blaine. "Join me? Please?"

Blaine closes his eyes as he starts to huff out his enjoyment at the feeling of Kurt being so clingy. "What about moving everything back into the house?"

Amy sneaks closer to them, offering one of the rag towels Kurt had told her were for clean up. "Kurt showed me the diagrams of where everything goes and what the different markings mean. I can make sure it goes alright, with the help of Wes, I think we can handle it while you take care of your bond."

Blaine takes the towel from her and wraps it around Kurts body. "That alright with you love?" Kurt nods slowly. "Thank you Amy. We accept your offer. Now I'm going to take Kurt into the main house for a shower and we'll be back soon."

Amy giggles a bit at that. "Go do what you need to, we'll be fine." She heads over to Wes and everyone going over what all the tags mean and putting the diagrams of each rooms furniture placement in the matching room.

Kurt shivers as Blaine guides him towards the main house, sliding the side door open and towards the closest bathroom. "Blaine, I don't forgive you for the paint."

"I didn't figure you would." He leans in to turn the shower on, letting the water warm up while he locks the bathroom door and starts to undress his mate.

"But I'm not mad at you anymore. I'm sorry for growling at you like that."

"You were in your right to attack me when you felt threatened." Blaine moves Kurt into the shower before he starts to strip his own clothes on. Not even noticing the blue eyes studying every inch of his body. "I wish your dad wouldn't have thrown you in the pool though."

"Why not?" Kurt starts scrubbing at the paint so that it comes out of his hair faster. His eyes watching as his mates muscles shift and move as he gets the last of his clothes off and moves to get into the shower with him.

"Because it should have been me to do it. Then I wouldn't have been so angry at Burt for calming you down and pissed at myself for not being able to sooth you when you needed it."

"Babe, there was nothing you could have done. I was in a rage at you." Kurt wraps his arms around Blaines waist. Nuzzling under his chin. "You can sooth me now though."

"Even with all our friends outside waiting for us?" His hands wander up into that beautiful light brown hair. "Do you really want me to make love to you now?"

"I always want you to make love to me." Kurt surges up, connecting their lips in a needy kiss.

A needy growl comes from deep inside Blaines chest as his hands rake down his mates body and lifting him up, wrapping those long pale legs around his waist. Pushing until Kurt is leaning his back against the wall, giving him a bit of support as one of his hands moves to tease his entrance. His lips breaking from the kiss to suckle the pale skin on his mates neck. "Kurt.." His cock stiffening and wanting to enter the slick warmth, rutting against Kurt as much as he can.

"Down.. Baby put me down. Let me turn around for you." Kurt rolls his hips not knowing if he likes being fingered more then the rutting. "I can't stay up here and waiting for your knot to release."

Blaine drops his legs and spins Kurt around before he slams into the warm perfection of his mates body. Kurt groaning out in pleasure as he is filled completely. Every thrust drawing out a moan from both of them. Blaine gripping at Kurts hips as his moans switch over to a growl as he gets closer to his end. Kurt arching back into every thrust as he feels the knot grow and slip into him with practiced ease, his hand reaching down to stroke himself as he feels Blaine stiffen behind him and the grip on his hips tightening as he feels Blaine fill him. Kurt coming to completion when Blaine reaches around to help stroke him as his lips caress over the pale shoulder and neck. They both kiss languidly as the water washes over them and they wait for the Knot to shrink.

Wes smiles as he watches Amy interact with Julia and Rachel like they had been friends forever. He doesn't even see Burt come up to him after having moved in another piece of furniture.

"You seem to have gotten a lucky draw with your mate."

Wes looks towards the older man with a smile. "I have, but I still.." He groans. "I still feel guilty about our mating."

Burt turns towards him, studying the young mans face. "Why? She seems happy and you seem happy. If I didn't know any better I would have thought you were a love match."

"I wish we were, I mean she says she wanted me as her mate, but my dad pushed me into it." Wes looks down to the ground. "Pushed me into raping her."

"Son, you didn't rape her. She admitted to her parents, who yes talked to Henry and I about this, that she choose you and that she was fully alright with your fathers demands of a run inside the house. She wanted you and I think once you can start seeing that, you will see how happy you are with her."

"Thank you Burt. It may take some time, but we will get there. I will get there." Wes turns to see Julia laugh at something Jeff whispered in her ear. "You want to know something Mr. Hummel? I think I'll take a lesson from Jeff. He had the shorter straw and ended up with a complete stranger and they seem just as happy and carefree as Kurt and Blaine are." he walks off to go help place another set of furniture, leaving Burt to study the other pair.

His eyes watch as Wes leans in and kisses a startled Amy as he passes by and how they are constantly touching. Even Quinn and her mate, a young wolf from another pack named Joe, are always touching or kissing. Julia and Jeff don't seem to do any of that. Even their scent is off. Yes he can smell their scent mixed on each other, but it seems artificial. Nothing like the mixed scents from the other mated wolves. He keeps an eye on them the rest of the day as the small house is put back together.

Kurt rushing in with pinked cheeks to help shift things to a way he likes it and make sure everyone has something to eat. Blaine helping to carry the last of the pieces in. Both of them watching each other and snuggling even closer whenever they can. Their friends cooing over how cute they are as a couple and everyone sitting down to a movie and pizza when the place is put back together.

Later that evening, as Kurt is snuggling into Blaine. Huffing with how happy he is to be in his mates arms as his fingers caress over the bare tan skin. "Love?"

"Hum?" Blaine keeps his fingers moving over Kurts back.

"About school. I know we said we would figure it out by the time your parents get back, but I think we should talk about it now." He shifts so that he can look into those beautiful golden eyes he loves so much.

Blaine smiles as he moves his fingers to caress over Kurts cheek. "You asking so soon after all our friends being here must mean you know which school you want to go with."

"I do."

"Then tell me love."

Kurt worries his lower lip between his teeth before answering. "McKinley. I think we should go with McKinley. I know Dalton is a better school and all, but I don't want to be without my friends and I was talking with Jeff and Julia and they said that their going to McKinley too. That way they don't have to be apart from each other. Even Nick said he might switch since so many of his close friends are."

"So the only one that will be at Dalton is going to be Wes?"

"Seems so. Amy said he would love to go with everyone to McKinley, but his dad refuses to let him even though they are living with Amy's parents."

"Well with him at Dalton it would be easier on Amy and him since I don't see a classic violinist doing well in a public school setting and separating them that far everyday if Wes came to McKinley is just cruel."

Kurt nods slowly. "Then if you wanted to stay at Dalton I would have to go with you so that it wouldn't be hard on us?"

"Except you wont have to make that choice." Blaine laughs as Kurt seems to get confused. "I think we can go with McKinley and if the bullying keeps up or I get into to many fights." He kisses the complaint about Blaine and fighting off Kurts lips. "If I end up fighting, we can switch to Dalton alright?"

"Alright." Kurt shifts to straddle Blaine again. "I can accept that deal."

"This is you accepting a deal huh?" Blaine caresses Kurts naked hips. "I wouldn't think you'd have the energy for another round."

"I don't." He leans down hovering his lips right above Blaines. "This is sealing it with a kiss." He closes the distance. Kissing Blaine with all the love he feels.


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