Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 11

E - Words: 8,362 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Chapter 11

Humming a random love song as he comes downstairs, Kurt gabs the attention of his dad. The elder Hummel sitting at the dinning table watching his son zoom into the kitchen and then back out with a bowl of fruit and yogurt. Still humming and dancing around as he makes his way to the table and slides into a chair without even a small snide remark about how Finn is eating more syrup then pancakes.

"Who are you and what did you do with my pup?" Burt folds his paper.

Kurt clears his throat as his smile grows wider. "I am still Kurt dad."

Burt nods his head trying hard to hide his knowing smile. "You sure?" His eyes sneak over to Carole slipping into her chair hiding her own smile behind a coffee cup. "I was thinking you were an overly happy Kurt who had something very special happen yesterday?"

"Oh my god! You KNOW!" He throws a blueberry at his dad making the three of them laugh and Finn look a bit confused.

"You really think Henry and Lilly wouldn't call and tell us? Especially since they caught two teen boys with their arms around each other and attached at the lips."

Kurt groans. "They had to tell you about that? Maybe I wanted to tell you that I have a boyfriend."

"Boyfriend huh?" Burt gets up, patting his son on the back. "This means he is not allowed to skip dinner this Friday."

"Fine dad! Now get out of here so I can finish my food before my boyfriend gets here."

Carole points towards the living room while Kurt is trying to put food in his mouth. "Maybe your boyfriend would like to sit and eat with us."

"Wait what?" He turns around just in time to see Burt and Blaine hugs. "Blaine! You're not suppose to be here until 10!"

Blaine walks over, kissing his cheek. "I wanted to make sure yesterday was definitely not a dream."

"Liar. You just wanted out of the house because your parents are teasing you just as much or more then mine are teasing me."

Their eyes meet, Blaine trying to keep a straight face while Burt heads out to work and drags Finn along with him. Carole laughs at their standoff as she finishes her breakfast. Blaine eventually caving with a loud laugh. "FINE! Yes I wanted away from my mother and father teasing me about how long it took to tell you my feelings." He opens his mouth as Kurt feeds him a piece of fruit. "Plus I missed you and wanted to invite you out to a movie."

"Include lunch after the movie and you have a date sir."

"Then it's a date."


As the door opens Nick smiles brighter. "Morning Mr. Sterling! Jeff around?"

"Up in his room Nick." He moves to let the boy in. "Go on up, he's seemed a bit out of it since yesterday. Maybe you can cheer him up."

"I'll definitely try." the boy hurries up the stairs, leaning against the door frame when he gets to Jeffs room, smiling at his friend who is deep in thought. Book in hand and eyes looking somewhere else. "You didn't answer your phone and you're sitting here reading so soon into summer break?"

"Hm?" Jeff doesn't even move .

"Jeff, man starting to scare me." he walks over running a hand in front of the other boys eyes. Finally breaking his trance.

"Nick? When'd you get here?"

"Few minutes ago. Got worried when you didn't answer any texts or phone calls." He belly flops across the foot of the bed, turning on his side to watch Jeff. "What's eating you up? Got you all zoned out and weird."

"Just thinking about things."

"What things?"

Jeff turns his eyes to stare at his friend. "Have you ever thought about how at the end of this summer the majority of the people we know will be either mated, in a mate agreement, or locked away because their an Omega and their families will keep them hidden until they find a mate for them?"

"Yeah so?" Nick shrugs. "That's just the way our lives go. We're wolves and this is the life we were raised to live."

"I know, but Mr. Anderson has been trying so hard to change everything. I just thought maybe someday our kids wont have to view sixteen as when their adult hood or imprisonment has to start."

"At least in our pack. Jeff, things are already changing and have been for a while now. Kurt stayed in school all year and is still unmated."

Jeff smiles at how Nick seems so unattached. "Kurt is special. He's a lot stronger then any Omega I've ever met."

"He's special because he wasn't raised as an Omega. He was raised as a son with his own mind and strengths. More and more wolves are being raised that way. I even heard a couple packs are trying to raise the minimum mating age to eighteen. "

"Wish that was here too." Jeff closes his book before hugging it to his chest. "Have you ever thought about what you want in a mate?"

"Um I have." Nick rolls to his back smiling at the ceiling. "Beautiful eyes, glowing smile, a strong and independent perfect man that gives me that spark every time we look at each other. Love at first sight. What about you Jeff?"

"I don't know. I always thought it would be someone that understands me and has the same beliefs in equal right for all wolves..."

Nick sits up fast. "Jeff what are you not telling me?"

"My parents think I am wasting my summer and not taking my future seriously."

"Alright, so their a bit uptight."

Jeff starts to play with the page edges "If by the end of summer I don't have a mate of my choosing, they are taking me to Chicago, the pack my mother is from, and I will be put into the mass Mate gathering."

"That sucks." Nick reaches a hand out to take one of his friends hands. "Who says you have to actually mate with the girl you choose?"

"Nick, what the hell are you talking about? You have to mate at those things."

"No. You have to choose one and run them down. You could always strike a pact with one of the girls and fake the run. You get to meet them before the run right?"

"Yeah, there's a bonfire the night before."

"Well work your magic and talk to one. Have her agree to run and you chase her then just spend the night in the woods talking and getting to know each other? Worse that can happen is your parents think you got beaten by an omega. Best? You find someone you can actually connect with and make a mate deal with her parents."

"You are one tricky pup you know that?" Jeff laughs. "I like the idea though. What about you? You really going to wait until you find that 'spark'?"

"Most definitely. No spark, no chase. I need to find my own Kurt."

"Nick tell me truthfully. Do you have a thing for Kurt?"

Nick smiles as their eyes meet. "I have a thing for the type of person Kurt is, but not Kurt himself."

"You are so confusing." They both laugh before starting a talk about what to do that day. Wondering if Wes would be up for a movie or trip to the arcade.

The next couple weeks went by with Kurt and Blaine going on random little dates before they would hang out with their friends. They found it was natural to fall into the roll of boyfriends an that they both loved the bonus of now being able to hold the others hand or kiss each other when ever they feel like. Only being made fun of when Burt or Henry catch the boys kissing in the middle of a movie. Making both boys blush and snuggle closer as their fathers take turns joining them, knowing smirks on their faces.

Everything was perfect until the county fair. Blaine holds his boyfriends hand as Wes and Jeff talk with him. Nick keeping his distance since Blaine still growls at him anytime he steps to close to Kurt, so he stays back only talking with Blaine when Kurt isn't by his side.

Blaine leans over kissing Kurt on the cheek. "Want some cotton candy?"

He smiles while looking around. "I would love some, but I told Mercedes and Tina to meet us here. In front of the Ferris wheel."

"How about the boys and I can go get it while you wait. It's right there." Blaine points a little bit away where the stand is. "I'll be in sight of you the whole time."

"Go. Get it and some roasted peanuts." He pulls Blaine into a sweet kiss. "I'll be fine."

"Maybe I don't want to go now." Blaine leans in, kissing Kurt a little more hungrily until Wes pulls him away.

"Enough lover boy. Food now. Kissy face later." Wes winks at a laughing Kurt as he pulls away a groaning Blaine. Jeff and Nick shaking their heads. All three boys letting Blaine go once they are at the line. "You are so attached at the hip to Kurt."

"Yeah man, Kissing and holding and all the gooey things you say to him." Jeff rolls his eyes.

"Not to mention the growling thing anytime I go near Kurt." Nick cringes when Blaine growls at him. "Or mention his name. This is really making me nervous to be anywhere near you."

"Sorry. It's just with the thought of him liking you and you seeming to like him... My wolf wont stop." Blaine blushes. "At least until we mate."

The three boys move closer, pulling Blaine to look at them and lose sight of Kurt. "Really? When are you planning to do it?"

He has no clue which one asked first causing him to laugh. "Sometime after the trip to California. I wouldn't feel right anytime sooner and then having to leave him for a whole month."

Wes nods slowly. "Makes since. You sure he's willing to wait? It isn't quite safe for an Omega especially during summer."

Kurt watches them for a bit before pulling out his phone to see if there were any messages from the girls about their ETA when two arms wraps around his waist, pulling him in tight against a chest he doesn't know and surrounding him with a smell he shudders at. His instinct freezing up when a mouth licks and bites at his neck and those hands start to wander his body.

"So good. You smell so good." The hands moves up, forcing Kurt to expose more of his neck. "Was watching you for so long and now you will be MINE." The strange wolf growls into his ear causing the Omega in Kurt to shiver and his instincts to kick in. The sweet scent starting of his readiness to mate wafting into the Alphas nose.

Kurt shudders right before he drops down and out of the mans arms before taking off running towards the trees. The Alpha taking a bit before running after him. People around them cheering the Alpha on and getting the attention of the boys. Blaine watching as Kurt takes off and his panic sets in before he takes off after them with Wes and the boys fast on his heels.

His legs move fast , but he can still hear the Alpha behind him. Kurt wishes he could have run straight to Blaine. That's what he wanted to do, but his body wouldn't let him. His wolf wouldn't run to another Alpha while it is testing an Alpha. He dodges and winds around trees and fallen logs as he tries to come up with a plan. This wolf is definitely better then Karofsky was and is keeping up every time they run threw a clearing. He's going to have to outsmart him and he knows it.

He makes a sharp turn, going under a fallen tree cutting off in a different direction. His pursuer heads left as he hurries to the right. It doesn't take long before the Alpha realizes the trail is cold in that direction and heads back the other way. The break in time is enough for Kurt to grab the low hanging branch of a large tree and scurry up it. Purposely touching as much as he can, making sure his scent is all over the branches before he takes a leap off into another tree. Swinging down to the ground and heading off away from the area before finally going up another tree to hid.

His eyes watch as the Alpha is sniffing around and calling up into the empty tree. He may have been fast and showed signs of strength, but he was so dumb falling for two tricks so close together. His wolf huffs knowing that someone that silly could never best him. His blue eyes shift over to more movement behind the Alpha and his heart rate picks up seeing Blaine and the boys following his trail as well. His pack coming to make sure he is alright. His Alpha coming to save him.

Now that his wolf knows the other Alpha is nothing, the blue eyed boy moves to get down and run to Blaine. Losing sight of the Alpha for just a second as he does so, but its just enough time. When his legs hit the ground there is a hand out and around his neck that same instant. Throwing him down to the ground as the larger body stands over him growling.

Kurt howls out his distaste at the treatment as the Alpha moves down over his body. Struggling as the Alpha starts to tear his shirt from his body. His screams increasing as his flesh is being bared to the man. He kicks out, hitting the wolf off of him long enough to get up and off the ground. Running straight towards Blaine and Wes. Wes noticing him and pointing him out to Blaine. The other boy growling so loud when he sees Kurt headed towards him, shirt torn and pants undone and another Alpha running behind him. Neither of them move fast enough before Kurt is grabbed from behind again. His body being pulled flush against the chest of the strange wolf, his hard cock shoving pushing against his barely clothed ass. His head is roughly pulled to the side into a more submissive position. The unwanted tongue licking at his neck as the Alpha moves to bite into Kurts neck and put him into a tranquil state for claiming.

"Get off him!!" Blaine is now close enough to hear his boyfriends whimpering cries.

Hearing the voice of his chosen Alpha, Kurt reacts. He flings his head back a sickening crack sound coming from the Alpha behind him as he deadfalls out of the wolfs hold. His movements are fast as he tightens his stance when he is free, swinging a leg out and around and hooking the mans legs. Causing him to lose balance and fall towards the ground. Kurt grabbing the mans right arm, pulling it behind his back in a police hold and planting him face first in the dirt with a deep growl coming from his throat. As soon as the man is down Kurt plants his knee in the middle of the Alphas back. Applying all his body weight to keep the wolf in a hold he can't get out of. His upper body is covered in the speck of the mans blood from the now obviously broken nose he cause. His face scrunches up in a feral grown, teeth bared, and hair raising on his arm. His eyes narrow to dangerous slits as his grip gets tighter.

Blaine and the boys freeze. They just witnessed an Omega rejecting an Alphas claim. Wes huffing with a slight smile "Blaine, I feel so sorry for you man. He is one hell of an Omega."

Kurt growls in their direction, warning the other wolves to stay back before leaning down towards his assailant. Snarling out his threat. "Don't you EVER try that again. You are disgusting and weak. There is no way you would ever be MY Alpha." He adds more pressure to the mans arm causing the Alpha below him to howl in pain and having every intention of breaking it.

Blaine rushes towards them before the other guy gets hurt anymore, wrapping his arms around the growling and snarling boy. Pulling him off of the beaten Alpha. "Nick, get that piece of shit out of here." He holds tight to Kurt who is still trying to get tear the throat out of the man who tried to take what was never his to begin with.

Nick nods his head. Jeff and him pick up the Alpha and drag him back towards the fair to get him some medical attention for the broken nose. Wes stays with Blaine incase he needs any help with Kurt.

Neither of them are prepared for how pliant Kurt gets when the man is out of smell range. Tears spring to his blue eyes. His body starts to shiver. Whimpers emanate from his chest as he realizes how close he was to being raped into a bond. Now knowing why Blaine has been so against an unwanted mating and realizing that this was the second time in his life it had happened. The fear of next time he wouldn't be able to out wit or our run his assailant terrifies him.

"Kurt. Its ok. I'm here." Blains noses at his neck, not caring that he is getting blood on himself. "It's ok. I'm here. I'll protect you."

Kurt turns in boyfriends arms and buries his face into the familiar scent. Whimpering out through tears. "But you can't. You're not my mate. You can't protect me."

Blaine clings tighter to Kurt, both crying with how upset they are. "Not yet I'm not, but I will be. Soon. I promise we will be mated soon."

Kurt shakes his head. "I don't want to talk about that now. I want to go home."

His boyfriend nods. Moving to take off his own button up shirt to wrap around the shivering body in his arms. Keeping his arms wrapped around the Omega and trying to give him some comfort. "Lets go."

Wes drives them to the Hummel house as Blaine calls Burt to tell him what happened. Jeff calls the Andersons, Henry telling the boy that they would be there soon. Kurt stays nuzzles and cries into his boyfriends chest. Refusing to move until he sees his father. As soon as Burt runs out his front door, heading towards the car, Kurt jumps out throwing himself in his fathers arms. Blaine shivering with the need to hold Kurt but his mind knowing the boy needs his dad.

Nick, Jeff, and Wes head home immediately. Blaine wrapping around Kurt once the boy comes back to him and they stay wrapped around each other as Henry and Lillian rush in. Carole holding Burt and trying to calm him. Both families talk about what they can do. Human laws wont do anything for them and the pack hasn't voted to change any rules about random claim attempts. Blaine clings tighter to Kurt as Burt tells them that this is the second attempt he knows about and they all hang their heads as Kurt whimpers out that he wont go anywhere unless Blaine or his family is with him.

For two weeks Kurt stays hidden in either his house of the Anderson house. Nuzzled into Blaine and filling his nose with the scent of the other wolf. Urging his boyfriend to licks and scent every inch of his skin that isn't cover by clothes. It isn't until he packs for the camping trip that Kurt shows any sign of being alright. His mind settling on one thing. He needs a mate before he goes anywhere else. He needs the protection and comfort only Blaine can give him and he is determined to have him by the time he had decided on. Before the Andersons leave for California. His smile grows as he starts to head downstairs with his bags, the final stage of his seduction packed in them.

"Kurt, you sure you still feel up to going?" Burt takes the bags Kurt was bringing downstairs and carries them outside for his son.

"Dad it's the one time this summer I know I will be safe. No one there would try and force me into anything I don't want and Blaine will be there." He hugs Burt tight. "Trust me dad. I need this weekend."

"I do trust you." Burt kisses his sons temple. The sound of a car pulling up drawing their attention away from each other. "Now go have fun."

Blaine smiles, getting out of the packed car and rushing over to get Kurts bags. "Morning Burt." He leans over kissing Kurt on the cheek. "Morning Kurt. Coffees waiting for you."

"You know the quickest way to my heart." Kurt fake swoons as he gets into the passenger seat.

"No wonder you love me so much. It's all for the coffee I buy you." They both laugh as their long drive starts, waiving goodbye to Burt and turning the radio up.

He's not sure when it happened, but Kurt finds himself slowly opening his eyes. His head leaning against the window as the sun shines high in the sky. His view? A gas pump. Kurt stretches out his arms yawning as he looks around with a smile on his face. Spotting Blaine as the boy comes out of Robs Snack Shack. He waives as he sees that old man Rob is laughing along with what ever Blaine and him were talking about. Kurt gets out of the car and runs over to the men.

"Grandpa Rob!!" Kurt grins even wider as the old man wraps him into a tight hug.

"Look at you! Is that little Kurt? My how you've grown."

The two hug as Blaine puts the bag of fishing bait in the back. "Of course he has Grandpa Rob. He remembers to eat his vegetables."

"Then what's yer excuse son?" He ruffles Blaines hair, that for once isn't gelled down.

Kurt giggles and slides closer to Blaine studying him. "He is right you know. You must not have eaten your veggies."

They all laugh when Blaine sticks his tongue out at the two of them. "Enough teasing me about my height. We've got to go meet up with the others. Kurt and I got off to a slow start this morning." He pokes Kurt in the side, just to hear him giggle. "Grandpa Rob we'll see you on our way home. I'll bring you some big trout for you and Rosie."

Rob chuckles as he watches the two boys. "Ol' Rosie would love that. She aint as spry as she use ta be. I think she misses ya"

"I miss her too." Kurt grins as he turns to get back into the car. "She taught me a lot those first few camping trips. What about you Blaine?" Kurt gives Blaine a knowing look.

"You two were the ones who picked on me. I remember you crying for her when we were little and you didn't like the game we were playing."

"I didn't like it because you were a bully." Kurt raises his nose in the air. "And I only cried for her because you were a mean fuzz ball."

Rob just laughs harder "You two should come round and run with her again. I bet she'd like to see the whelps she helped raise every summer."

Blaine nods a bit "We will. I'll call you when we get back to town and figure out a weekend to come out just to see you and Rosie."

"I'll let her know. Now go have fun an' bring us those trout you promised!" The Old man waives them off before heading back to the building as the boys drive off again.

Kurt watches as the gas station and snack shop shrinks in the distance. "You should have woken me up. I would have loved to see Rosie."

"I couldn't do that." He glances towards Kurt as he turns down the well traveled dirt road. "You sleeping is just to precious and waking you would be like vandalizing a Picasso."

"You compare me to odd shaped faces and odd looking people. I don't know if I am happy or offended."

"Be happy. Picasso is one of my favorite artists."

"You would love something so strange and unusual that it is considered a rare and beautiful thing." He sits up straighter and grins seeing that most of the cars are there already. "We are not the last ones here!"

Blaine laughs as he shakes his head "No we aren't. Wes can't come up until later tonight. Some family thing, I think his sister has a recital. Finn and Puck are going to be here tomorrow. I don't remember why, but I believe it had something to do with college girls. After that I lost interest in what they were talking about."

"Oh god. Sorry I was so out of it the past few weeks. I should have gotten that information, not you."

Blaine shrugs as he parks the car. "You needed to re-group and talking to an Alpha, even your step brother, wasn't something important for you to do." He pulls Kurt towards him tapping their noses together. "Having you more yourself and happy right now was worth listening about boobies."

Kurt laughs as he gets out of the car. "Boobies? Really? You bring me close and use the word boobies? No kiss for you mister."

Blaine shrugs and starts to unload their gear. "What can I say, bad timing is my specialty."

"So is something else." He pulls Blaine against him and puts their lips together. Grinning triumphantly as Blaine gets a rumble in his chest. "Lets go set up our tent."


"If I was anything less you would lose interest and never chase me." Their eyes meet for a second before Kurt is engulfed in a hug sandwich. Mercedes and Tina squeezing him from both sides and grilling him about his two week absence from their lives. Apologizing for his reluctance to leave his house the past few weeks and promising to make it up to them.

Blaine just watches them and is glad that Kurt seems to be happy before he picks up the tent bag and heads off towards where everyone else is setting up for the weekends activities. Picking a spot near the trees so that there would be more shade in the mornings allowing them to sleep in. He's about halfway done with set up before Kurt runs up with some of the gear and helps him finish with the tent. They take their time getting the sleeping mats and bags arranged inside the tent along with their bags. Kurt sets up a covered section outside the tent for shoes and fishing gear.

Once everyone is set up and the sun is starting to set they all meet at the campfire that's going in the middle of the site. Blaine sitting with the Jeff and a couple other guys, while Kurt sits off with Mercedes and Tina. Catching them both up on the events of the past few weeks and whispering to try and get ideas from them about getting Blaine to mate with him in the next two days.

They talked through the night, both boys taking the time to be with their friends while their eyes drifted towards each other now and then. Hot dogs and just about anything you cold put on a skewer and cook over the fire was the dinner of choice. Then eventually someone brought out a guitar, Kurt is pretty sure it was Sam, and everyone started to sing camp songs. Country song. Anything someone randomly came up with to sing and just have fun. Wes showed up around midnight and joined in the laughter and joy of all the teens just being themselves. Pack and not pack getting along. Omegas and Alphas not having to worry about finding a mate just yet or being fearful that someone will sneak up and take them away. A safe environment that turns into a big dance party that goes until 2am. Everyone passing out in their tents or around the fire.

The next morning Blaine gets up early. Smiling down at Kurt who is still snuggled up to him in his sleep. He carefully extracts himself without waking the sleeping boy to go out and fish with Jeff and Wes. He slips into a simple pair of Khaki shorts and a different t-shirt before slipping out and heading off. Not aware of the blue eyes watching his movements from under the sleeping bag. A Cheshire cat grin forming when Blaine has left the tent as he listens to the whispers of boys talking and the sound of footsteps getting farther away before he gets up and prepares for a day to remember.

His hands go through his bag and come out with a pair of shorts that he would never dare wear in public and he was secretly hoping he could save until they were already mated. They start right below his belly button, curving with his muscles with how the material fits to his skin. The legs end half an inch from the crease where his legs attach to his buttocks. The shorts were red with a white square on each ass cheek and hearts in the middle of those with strips of red going on top, making them peek-a-boo hearts. He pulls on a red top with spaghetti straps of the same material and it does nothing to hide the muscles on his chest and abdomen. To complete his A.C.E. outfit for mission: Snag a Mate, with knee high Red and white socks and a pair of red and white sneakers with pink laces. Just to keep himself a little warmer until the sun raises up a bit more, he pulls on a zipper over shirt that's white. He leaves his hair slightly styled, since they are camping and he doesn't trust lake water to wash his hair with, and exit's the tent. Popping a lollipop into his mouth and heading towards the lake with a hum on his lips around the stick of it.

Everyone that is slowly waking up stops and watches Kurt make his stroll down towards the water. Tina taking pictures and Mercedes giving him a toothy grinned thumbs up as he winks in their direction. His smirk around the candy grows as he hears the boys laughing about Wes putting a worm down Jeffs shirt and threatening to throw him in the water as bait. Non-of them see him coming up, adding a slight skip in his step.

He stops behind them and pulls the lollipop out from between his lips before speaking with a slight purr to his voice. "Any luck so far?"

"Not yet. These fish can smell us I just know it." Blaine groans and recasts his line, not even looking back at Kurt.

Wes lifts a bottle of water to his lips, turning to respond to the question a little more friendly then Blaine did. When he catches sight of what Kurt is wearing and spitting water all over Jeff and Blaine as he coughs the substance out of his lungs.

"What the hell Wes!!" Jeff shoots up shaking water off until he to freezes giving Kurt a once over.

"Shit." Blaine is up whipping water off of his shirt as a hand turns him around to face the owner of it, Kurt. His jaw drops open as he feels one hand removing water from his shirt and his eyes watch the other as it twirls the candy right at the front of those perfect lips getting them pink and, his weakness, smelling like strawberries. "K-kurt?"

"Yes baby?" His blue eyes shift up to golden eyes as he slowly straightens up. Kicking his hip out and standing in the most innocently provocative pose Blaine has ever seen. Wes and Jeff are stupefied speechless.

"Are you feeling ok?"

"Per~fec-t." he rolls the word out of his mouth, moving a little closer to Blaine. "Though I was hoping my big strong strapping boyfriend would have fish for me to eat instead of more hot dogs."

That pout should really be illegal. He nods faster then is natural and moves his jacket so Kurt can sit on it. "Just sit right here and I'll make sure you get that fish then." Blaine goes back to fishing with a little more gusto then before. "come on guys. We have fish to catch."

Kurt just smirks and gives them a knowing wink. Jeff just shakes his head and looks between the two of them before picking up his pole to fish a little bit away.

Wes just stares at Kurt for a bit. "You know, I bet you could ask him to get you an ostrich egg and he would go out into the woods to see if he could find one."

"I am pretty sure you're right." His blue eyes go back to his guy, fishing away because Kurt asked for fish. "I like holding this side of the leash. Let's just hope I get what I really want out of it."

Wes laughs before getting his tackle and moving about to fish again. "I hope you do as well." He leans in closer to Kurt. "When you get him to do something stupid. Let me know so I can get a recording of it."

"You have a camera ready? I think you may want to start recording soon." Kurt gestures his head towards Blaine who finally has a fish on his line and looks like a kid at Christmas as he reels in his catch.

He grin is so big as he gets the fish up out of the water and off the hook. Hurrying over only to trip and land at the feet of his boyfriend in a heap of wiggling fish and wanting to please pup. "Look! I caught you a fish!" There is no doubt Wes is going to use this video on them every year at their anniversary. Ah young love and how it makes you into a living clown.

"Oh baby! Such a good job!" Kurt reaches down and runs a finger along his boyfriends chin. "Such a beautiful great big fish, just for me." He leans forward and kisses his sticky sweet strawberry tinted lips against the other boys. "Now you just need to clean it." He pops the candy back into his mouth and leans back with his other hand behind him.

Blaine nods his head and goes about gutting and getting the fish ready to be cooked for lunch. The whole process being filled with cusses when he messes up a bit and grins towards Kurt for approval when he's done right. Kurt eats it all up. Wes eventually goes back to fishing and between him and Jeff they get enough fish to share with the camp. Blaine has three fish caught, gutted, and ready to cook. He's all to eager to get back and get the fish cooking, running off ahead even before Kurt stands up.

Kurt walks with a sway in his hips along side Jeff and Wes, watching as Blaine runs back to get his catch on a stick and cooking sooner then anyone else's. Why? Because Kurt let him know how hungry he was while lifting the bottom of his over shirt and rubbing the bare skin of his stomach. By the time he is back at camp, everyone is either off playing volleyball or watching Blaine make a fool of himself cooking fish with a dopy grin on his face.

Walking up to his boyfriend, while Jeff and Wes get some of the guys to help them prepare the rest of the fish, Kurt plays with the zipper on his over shirt. The noon day sun beating down on them as he grabs Blaines attention with a whimper. "It has gotten s~o hot out here."

"Did you want a drink? I can get you some water." Blaine takes a few steps and comes back with a cold bottle of water from one of the many coolers. Passing it to Kurt and leaning into the hand his boyfriend caresses his head with in thanks.

"Thank you baby." He opens the bottle and tilts his head back, poring water into his open mouth and purposefully letting some get on his over shirt. He fake pouts at his now slightly water dribbled shirt. "This just will NOT do. A wet shirt is just no good." He doesn't see how dark the golden eyes get watching him drink water and now with his hands skimming down his chest, pulling the zipper with them. "Just need to take this off and hang it up to dry." When he has the zipper all the way open he turns away from Blaine, slipping the shirt off his shoulders and revealing so much perfect pale skin that Blaine is sure he is in heaven. He bends over at the waist, showing off his assets as he hangs the shirt on one of the camp chairs. Standing up slowly and turning towards his boyfriend. Moving closer to the boy so that Blaine could get a good look at his outfit from the front. "The fish is burning." He gestures with his chin, but Blaine doesn't move. Kurt shrugs and moves towards the fire pulling the fish out of the flames to put them over on the table. Peeling some off and putting it in his mouth. Moaning at how good it tastes.

That was the last straw. Blaine couldn't have that sound come out of Kurt in front of all these other guys. He moves forward and wraps his arms tight around Kurts body. Growling low in his chest. "Tell me now." He buries his nose into that sweet smelling neck as his grip gets tighter. "Tell me now that this is what you want before I can not stop myself and regret this later." He opens his mouth grazing his teeth over the flesh on the other boys neck.

Kurt whines his approval of the rough treatment, eyes going glassy as he feels his body start to react. Getting out one sentence before instinct cuts in "This is what I have always wanted." He drops out of the arms holding him and takes off towards the trees. The biggest grin on his face as his body leaves a scent trail for his Alpha to follow.

Blaine doesn't hesitate before he chases after his soon to be mate. He knows there is no way he will lose like the other Alphas did. There is no way he couldn't win because Kurt is his. Kurt will always be his. As they both break through and out of sight of the camp Wes turn towards everyone "Get your bets in now! Will he or wont he succeed in claiming one of the most conniving Omegas I have ever meet?"

Jeff laughs and pulls out his wallet "Also bets on how long they will be gone! I think with as wound up as he is, Blaine wont last 3 seconds inside of Kurt before he's spent."

"Oh He~ll no! he wont have a choice in how long he lasts. Kurt will make him go until they pass out." Mercedes adds her money to the pile before everyone else starts getting in on the bets. Tina pulling out some paper to make notes on who bet on what and times of how long before they come back.

Crunching leaves, heavy breathing, the slight sound of a growl behind him. A heavy pursuit between two boys who know these woods as well as they know their own back yards. Every time Kurt tries to turn down a secret path and switch around, Blaine cuts him off. Arms reaching out to grab Kurt, but missing as the Omega drops and rolls out of the way. They run through trails, over fallen trees, and through a small brook. Neither of them giving up or showing a sign of giving in. At one missed step, Kurt loses his footing only to be grabbed by strong arms pulling him and shoving him down to the ground on his back. His arms raised and held above his head and dark golden eyes move in as his nose flares to catch his scent.

"Not yet." His blue eyes narrow as he uses his un-held down legs to roll up, grabbing around Blaine and pulling the Alpha off of him allowing for the pursuit to start again.

An angry howl comes out of Blaine as his mate slips away. He knew it wouldn't be easy. All those times growing up that they worked together told him how fast his boyfriend was. The times they fought the bullies at school told him how strong. His smile grows wider as he gets back on his feet and chases down the owner of that sickeningly sweet scent that is just getting stronger every time he gets the Omega pinned to the ground. He starts to try a different tactic. He shifts his movement to herd Kurt towards the bottom of a cliff, a dead end that they used to gather wild berries in. The perfect field for claiming, with only one exit between two huge cliffs that meet to form a wall. In the end his plan works. Kurt skit him to the right and when he gets through the trees he stops. His eyes widening at how much he has just failed by getting trapped in the valley. He turns when he hears Blaine break out into the field. Both of them facing off and neither making a move. Blaine waiting for Kurt to try and run past him, so that he can grab him and pin him. Kurt wondering if he could scale up one of the walls. He turns sharp and runs towards the walls, thinking he might be able to trick Blaine into thinking he was going to climb up, but underestimating the speed of the other wolf and finding himself at the end of their run.

A collision of bodies as he closes his blue eyes to protect them from dirt as he is pushed from behind into one hill side. Deep growling behind him, surrounding him. A hard press of hips against his ass shows that his Alpha is ready for him, wanting him to submit. His body starts to respond, wetness seeping between his cheeks and a pink tint rising up his neck.

"Mine." Blaine growls out. His hands pinning Kurt to the wall. Hips pinning the Omega down.

Kurt struggles to get his hands away or head butt Blaine, the Alpha knowing that trick and moving his head to avoid the hits. His mouth lowers to the porcelain skin on the exposed neck before him. Blue eyes open wide as he feels teeth scraping at his skin. "Yours." His head falls to the side fully exposing his neck in acceptance of his defeat and letting Blaine bite him hard enough to subdue him, but not enough to draw blood.

The change is almost instant. The fight in the body below him stops immediately while his mouth is clamped onto his neck. The sweet scent of his Omegas body signaling it is ready to be claimed hitting his flaring nostrils. When he lets go of the hands he is pinning above their heads, they just drop to chest level where Kurt starts to kneed them into the dirt of the wall. Whimpering and starting to quiver in his need to be claimed. Blaine doesn't waste much time. Moving Kurt from the wall and down onto the ground on his hands and knees. Chest against the ground and ass raised in the air. His hands drag over the red shirt and down to the shorts, squeezing the hidden flesh before circling around to undo the button and zipper dragging them and the extremely skin tight underwear under them down and off of the pliant body in front of him.

"Beautiful." His hands go straight to the ass now bared to the world. Kneading with the flesh and pulling the globes apart. Not even thinking before his nose moves closer, inhaling the scent and drawing him in closer. Burying his nose as deep as he can get to breath in more of that perfect scent.

Kurt digs his fingers into the ground, pulling at the grass around him and whimpering. "Please. Please Blaine." Tears are streaking from his eyes as his need to be claimed takes over and is nearly unbearable. "I need you."

"Shh, I know love." He licks over the opening in front of him, slipping a finger inside to make sure he is wet enough and relaxed enough to be taken. Adding two more fingers quickly to test that, yes, his mate is fully ready for him. "So perfect. So sweet." He licks and sniffs his way up his mates back. Moving his hands to get his own pants off. "No one else will ever touch you again. All mine." He leans over the waiting body below him, kissing his lips over Kurts neck before biting down again as he pushes himself into his mate with one fluid motion.

Both boys moan, rolling growls coming out of their chests as their wolves unite and their bodies become one. His hands shaking as they move down, entwining with Kurts hands. Slowly starting to move his body, hips rolling in and out of his mate. Groaning at the perfect feeling of warmth and wet around him. Knowing that he will always be whole now that he has the other half of his soul. His bite never relaxes, it can't during this first joining. The need to keep the Omega in submission overpowering his human need to kiss Kurt senseless. His hips pick up speed until you can barely hear their moans over the slapping of skin. The feeling in his belly, signaling his knot is starting to form. His growl picks up louder as he slams in harder to get the growing flesh inside his mate. Kurt moans louder and his grip on the others hands tighten until both sets of fingers have no circulation left. On the third try Blaine slams his hips in and rolls without pulling back, finally getting his knot inside as he moves faster, knowing they are going to be done soon. Adding more of his weight to his mates back, causing his chest to go flat against the ground and his hips to angle, making Blaine hit his prostate with every thrust. Causing Kurt to scream out his next moan, body tightening around the flesh united them as his release washes through his body. Kurt shivering as his orgasm leaves him practically purring with pleasure as Blaine keeps moving inside him.

Blaine growls slowly change to a needy whine as he picks up speeds. All to soon he bites down harder and slams in, filling his mate with his seed and going lax above the perfect body below him. As their bodies shiver through their orgasms, Blaine releases his bite hold on Kurt. Licking at the marks left by his teeth and huffing and sniffing to make sure he didn't hurt him as they wait for the knot to release.

Kurt turns his head and pushes his cheek against his mates nose and smiling. Blaine just grins down at him. "I love you." Kurt makes sure Blaine looks straight into his eyes.

"I love you too." Blaine kisses him softly, slowly moving them to lay on their sides to wait for the knot to let go and because Blaine wants to hug Kurt to him and keep them attached as long as he can. "I've always loved you so much. Now sleep my perfect beautiful, mate." He grins as those beautiful blue eyes light up at Blaine calling him mate.

"Only if you promise to wake me with a kiss."

"That's the only way to wake up the sleeping beauty." They both laugh softly as Kurt drifts off to sleep. Blaine staying around him and in him, even after the knot is long gone. Only pulling out when the air starts to get cool and the sun slips lower then the tree tops. He knows they both have to get up and head back to camp. Tummies growling in hunger that can not be staved by eating the wild berries in the field. "Let's get back. If I remember correctly, you wanted fish."

Kurt laughs at him and eventually they head back. Hand in hand. Grins huge across their faces as they come through the trees, before they freeze at an uproar.

Nick, the late arrival to the fun, jumps up and hollers "OK!! Who had Yes they mated and would be back at Dusk?"

"That would be me." Wes comes away from the fire where they have fish and hot dogs cooking. Holding out his hand for his winnings.

"Dude no way! You tied man!" Puck gets to Wes and grins as they divvy up the funds.

"I can NOT believe you bet on us!" Kurt hides his face into his mates neck. Body slipping as close as he can to the other body and shivering when a chill wind hits his exposed skin around the shirt and tank.

Blaine leads him closer to the fire with strong hands and thanks Tina when she hands him the warmer over shirt Kurt had been wearing earlier. "I'm not surprised. I am shocked that Wes and Puck are the only ones who voted in our favor."

"Well that's because everyone else said you wouldn't last more then 10 minutes when you finally sealed the deal." Wes shrugs his shoulders sitting next to his friend and Kurt curls up between Blaines legs and flushes his body against his mate. "I knew from before that you would be running and fighting at least until near dusk."

Both sets of eyes move towards their friend before everyone just laughs. They all eat and make jokes and turn the evening into a congratulations party from all of them to the two new mates. Both boys being happy in the new status to each other and whispering to one another while their friends are distracted about telling their parents at the pool party tomorrow. Sealing their lips together in a loving kiss.


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