Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 1

E - Words: 3,160 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Author's Notes: Based on a GKM request that I filled in a short version and have now expanded out.This starts out with Kurt and Blaines parents and then goes into their life growing up and eventually becoming mates. It also covers Wes, Nick, and Jeff and their mates. I very big warning for chapter 7. I swear to you, I cried writing that chapter. I also stress that just because there are Alphas and Omegas, there is switching in this. Just because you're an Alpha gay wolf, doesn't mean you always top.
Chapter 1

It was hard for Emilia Lacros, Omega mate to Edward Masterson, to sit and watch her only daughter, Lillian prepare for her own mating. Nightmares of her own night in the woods haunt her even now, 18 years later. She had known that being taken to the pack meets when she was of age was her parents' way to get her a mate because it was tradition. One that was slowly dieing out and she were glad. There was nothing romantic about being thrown into a field with thirty other wolves, a mix of Alphas and Omegas, to wait until one pinned you to the ground. She had felt lucky that it took until she was 18 for an Alpha to choose her and that she had meet and talked with a nice young Omega male during her first claiming gathering, Phillip Hummel, who told her about his future Alpha female who he was in love with that was in that same gathering. She was very happy to know that the two had ended up together.

She watches as her daughter smiles and laughs with the Anderson parents, her future mate by her side. It is just so different then anything she is use too. Emilia stands when her mate gestures for her to join them, walking over slowly and still trying to figure out why her mate was protecting their daughter from the same nightmare so many other Omegas have gone through.

"Mother! There you are. Come and say hello to Henry and his parents." Lillian takes Emilia by the arm and leads her over to them. "We will all be a family soon."

"Not family, child, you will be mates."

"No mother. I love Henry and we plan to marry. You know this. That is why we waited until I was 18." She giggles a bit at how her mother could have forgotten that.

"So different." Emilia shakes her head and when they are closer she goes to her mate, lowering her head to show her obedience and keeping her eyes caste down. "Edward, may I address the Andersons?"

Edward leans down and sniffs her neck, making sure it is just family scent on his mate before nodding. "Of course. The children are going to be a mate pair by the end of the night and wed after their bonding week. You should get to know them."

"Thank you mate." Her eyes raise slowly and she ignores the look of shock on Henry's face, his parents were a love match so he's never seen such obedience. She can't hold that against him. "Congratulations Henry, I am sure you are going to be the best mate for my Lillian."

"Thank you madam." Henry reaches over and takes Lillian by the hand. "We may have only known each other for a few years now, but I know we will be very happy."

Emilia studies their faces, tilting her head in contemplation. She had never seen wolves in love really. Her parents had meet the way her and her own mate had and the marriage aspect is so human of a ritual, but it would be worth her confusion to see her daughter smile more. She just wishes it would be out in the woods instead of what had been agreed upon.

Since Lillian and Henry wished to wait until they were 18, her daughter hasn't been outside of the house grounds for the past two years. Therefore, so no other wolf could interrupt and to grantee the mating happens, the couple is going to be locked in a room for a week. Food slipped in through a small opening under the door three times a day.

"Well, I believe it is time." Edward claps his hands together. "Emilia, would you kindly go with Nick here and wait. This will be to hard for both of your Omega traits to handle."

The two Omegas nods their heads and with Nick giving his son a hug and kiss on the cheek, they go to wait. The new soon to be pair being lead up the stairs to a large bedroom by the Alphas. Her heart sinks when they come back down, without the children next to them. Then she closes her eyes as she hears the sound of items being thrown and her daughters scream echoing trough the house as she is cornered into a claim. A tear escapes her eye as her mind tries to rationalize how this is good and needed. Her heart tells her they should have given Lillian the chance to outmatch the Alpha in a run through the grounds at least.

A couple hours away another mating is taking place between two wolves who couldn't be more in love. Burt Hummel had known Elizabeth Lebo since he was 12 and she was a freckled faced 10 year old girl that hit him with a mud pie. The laugh and smile on her face that day on the play ground had won him over. It was the same smile he was looking at today while she blushes and talks to her mom, the Alpha that has cared for her up until today, her 16th birthday.

Burt and Elizabeth have been dating for the past two years. He has been the perfect gentleman and they had talked about if they wanted to mate or not. He had even talked with her parents, one of the few love matches they had ever meet. Phillip and Rebecca Hummel were both mated and married, the love shining in their eyes every time they look at each other. Both parents had never wanted to see their daughter go through what they did to mate. The large gatherings of unmated wolves almost never lead to a loving pair, so when Burt came to them a week before Elizabeth was to turn 16 and asked their permission to claim her, they were ecstatic and immediately said yes. Soon after Burt had placed an engagement ring on his young soon to be mate.

They had picked a beautiful field of flowers in a forested area to hold a brief gathering. A small cabin decorated for the bonding week and stocked with food and necessities. Friends and Pack members that are close to the families were invited to witness the beautiful occasion of a planned claiming before the two would run off into the woods. Then the party would wait to see if they come back mated or if Elizabeth was to strong for her desired mate.

The only thing that made Burt a bit sad was that his best friend couldn't be there to celebrate with him. Henry was busy claiming his own mate, a woman Burt had never met before and hopes is a good match for the lively young man. His eyes land once again on his soon to be mate as her blue eyes shift to him with a shy smile, not even listening to her uncle as he talks to her about mating and how wonderful it is when the younger generation gets together to create the next line of wolves.

Once everyone has arrived, and the sun is dipping down below the horizon, she stands at her parents side and keeps her eyes trained on Burt. His parents to the other side of her waiting for their son to make a move. Everyone stays silent as he takes his steps towards the beautiful wolf that holds his heart already. He takes her hand and bows down, gently kissing the silky flesh with a sweet smile.

"Are you ready?"

"I've been ready." She uses a finger to lift his head up, leaning forward and softly kissing his lips. "I love you Burt. No matter what happens, I love you."

"I will always love you Lizzie." He pulls her close, holder the blonde goddess in his arms as Burt starts to sniff her neck. It's only when he lowers his hands to her waist and starts to nibble at the skin that things change. The woman in his arms drops out of his hold and turns, running away from him with a sparkle in her eyes. Her scent leaving a trail behind her. Burt doesn't hesitate, he takes off after her. Following her scent as she ducks and dodges around trees and over creek. The run had began and all watching couldn't be happier to watch the couple disappear into the trees.

Hours later, with his arm protectively around her shoulders, Burt escorts his new mate out of the woods. Their friends and family cheer for them as he presents his mate. Their eyes meeting seconds before their lips meet and they spend the evening eating and laughing with everyone. Arms or hands always touching each other or holding the other close. As dawn arises they take their leave to the cabin and spend the week letting their love grow and becoming more of a single entity then two separate wolves.

Two different sets of mates joined that week under two different settings. Edwards signing a contract for the uniting of his small pack with the Andersons. He having used his daughter to gain a business agreement like old time families that would marry their daughters off for a union of land. Phillip helping his Alpha wife, Rebecca, pack their sons belongings to be moved into the house the two sets of parents have purchased for the couple. The first thing both couples do after their week is over, make an arrangement to meet.

Burt and Elizabeth being all smiles and hanging on each other, Henry cuddling and trying to get Lillian to open up to him. Two planned mate sets from two different types of families. Sitting down to plan what they want to do for the summer before school starts up again.

Elizabeth reaches over to the only member of their group that is new. "Lillian, you can relax. The boys just went to go get our food from the counter."

"Huh? Oh sorry." She forces a smile, her golden eyes shifting around nervously.

"Is this a bit to much for you? I can get them to leave if you want. We can go back to Burt and I's house if that would make you feel less stressed."

She shifts her eyes back to the gentle face of the young girl sitting near her. "I'm just... it has been two years since I've been anywhere but in the house with mother."

"It's understandable that you would be nervous then. The offer still stands, we can go somewhere with less people."

"No. It is not my place to ask things of my mate."

"Why not?" Her head tilts to the side causing the long strands of golden blonde hair to slide and her eyes scrunch up in a curious fashion.

"My mother taught me that an Omegas place is to be obedient and follow what your mate wishes of you. You do not speak back and you definitely do not ask for things unless it is a need to keep you from harm, but that would be rare because your mate knows what is best for you at all times."

A tinkling laugh escapes the other wolfs lips as she shakes her head. "That is true for old fashioned mates. One that went through the mass claiming festivals they hold every summer on the full moon." She scoots her chair forward and leans in whispering. "Were you a forced mate? I thought you two were like Burt and I since you were married as well."

"I.. I knew Henry before but I.. I don't know." She shifts her eyes towards the guys laughing and talking up at the counter. "I was so scared when he..." She can't even say as her eyes slip back towards the floor.

"Oh Lillian. It's ok dear." Elizabeth wraps her pale arms around the older wolf. "It must have been very hard on you." She uses a finger to lift Lillians chin to look into her golden eyes. "But if you were just a mate and not a partner he wouldn't have talked about you so much before hand."

"He talked about me?" Her eyes slip back to watch as her mate starts walking back, carrying a tray of food.

"Of course he did silly." Elizabeth sits back up with the brightest smile on her face when she sees Burt is getting close to the table. "He said he fell in love with your eyes the first time you meet at some sort of business party."

"That was three years ago."

"So? He said you two spent all evening talking about your love of music and I remember how he couldn't shut up about the, wait how did he put it, Henry! What word did you use to describe Lillians eyes when you had first met her?"

Lillian startles and sits up straighter, her eyes dropping down to the floor as her mate laughs and sets the food down before sitting next to her. "Heavenly Golden Orbs of the gods." Henry slips his hand over and brings Lillians knuckles up to his lips for a kiss. "Definitely the highlight of that evening was being trapped in your eyes."

She blushes a bright red and chances a look at his face. She has no clue what emotion it is that his green eyes are showing. She's never seen that emotion around her house growing up. "I am glad I could give you such a memory."

"I hope I can give you such a memory as well someday."

"Saps." Burt tosses a fry at his friend as he sits and pulls Elizabeth into a short kiss. "Your bonding week was when all that mushy stuff was suppose to come out."

Henry chucks the fry back before passing his wife the food she hadn't asked for, but he hopes she likes. "We are still working on some, differences right now jerk. Not everyone can be so perfectly matched as you two."

"That is all Lizzies doing." He noses at her cheek and kisses Elizabeths neck. "I am no where close to being as perfect as she is."

Lillian watches the interactions, slowly relaxing around the group of teens and wondering if there is anything different about her and Henry then her parents. She thinks back to what Elizabeth had said about asking Henry, so she slowly takes a deep breath. "H-henry, do you think we could go somewhere less crowded?" Her eyes drop back to the floor almost immediately.

Henry looks at his wife then around at all the people. "Shit. I forgot you havn't been around a setting like this in a couple years." He starts to get up.

"I'll go get a bag to carry the food and meet you at the car?" Elizabeth gets up and puts her hand on Lillians shoulder for support before heading to the counter to ask for a to go bag.

Burt is up and gathering everything up. "Sorry Lillian, we should have planned on some place less popular. You think you'll be alright with the park or should we head to our place?"

Her eyes widen as she looks between them all. No one is mad and they are really asking what would be best for her. "W-we could try the park. I don't want to ruin any plans you had."

"Hun, you couldn't ruin our plans since you are included in them." Henry kisses her temple and guides her up and towards the door while Burt and Elizabeth gets the food and follows them. "We will slowly work on your re-entering the world. Forgive me for making you uncomfortable?"

"I forgive you." She smiles for the first time since they had all gathered together. Slowly slipping her hand into her mates hand. Showing her affection for how much he seems to care about her well being.

The group walks down and large park, pointing out a picnic table with no one around it. Elizabeth and Burt run over first and set the food down, sorting out which food belongs to who. By the time the other pair get there everything is set up and the younger girl is playing keep away with Burt's hat, Sticking her tongue out defiantly as she puts the baseball cap on her head, causing everyone else to laugh as it slips down and covers her eyes.

"You have such a big head!"

"No, you just have a shrunken head." He winces at the swat he receives from that comment. "Ouch. Lizzie what was that for?"

"I do NOT have a shrunken head." She pushes the bill up and gives him a look with her eyes that just makes him freeze. "Good we are in an understanding here. You have a big head and horrible taste in hats."

Henry throws his head back in laughter "She has you there! That hat is atrocious! Really why would you want to wear a red a green camo hat?"

"It was the first one I grabbed." He groans trying to hide his blushing face. "We havn't really unpacked much since moving in."

Elizabeth joins him in blushing and passes his hat back. "Ok change of subject."

"Yes change of subject, so what did we want to do with the rest of our summer? The amusement park is out until Lillian is use to crowds again."

"True. We've talked about going camping in the past. Why don't we do that? Wouldn't have to worry about crowds and we could do some fishing or boating or something if there is a lake or big river near the grounds."

Elizabeth brightens up "I love camping! Please can we can we?" She turns pleading eyes towards Burt.

He laughs and nods "I see no problem with it. What about you Lillian? You ever been camping?"

Her dark curls bob as she shakes her head no. "My dad would never let me camp even in the living room. To unbecoming of a young lady, especially an Omega."

Henry frowns and wraps her hand in his. "Did you want to try camping? Your dad has no say anymore what you can or can not do."

She studies Henry with her golden eyes, reading the emotion in his green ones and knowing that he is really wanting to do something for her. It is such a new experience for her, but she nods. "How will I ever become... better with being to in the world if we don't start small?" She leans in and buries her head in his shoulder. "I would like to go camping with you and my... new friends?" She peeks at Elizabeth a Burt, hoping that they really are wanting to be the first friends she has ever had.

"Oh sweetie of course we are your friends!" Elizabeth hops up and goes around the table to wrap Lillian in a tight hug. "I have a feeling we are going to be the closest of friends."

The group spend the rest of the afternoon talking and planning when they would go camping and what direction they wanted to try and find a good place for their adventures. Lillian slowly opening up more and more, especially with Elizabeth hugging her and encouraging her every chance she got.


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