Up in Lights
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Up in Lights: Chapter 9

E - Words: 2,929 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Up in Lights 8


It's the whine Kurt makes as he sits in front of the window looking out into the dark yard that get's Blaine to smile. It's the same sound his boyfriend has made every five minutes when he thinks he isn't paying attention to him. Truthfully, Blaine is not paying attention to him because that sound and the pout on the boys face are just to adorable for words. Especially when you tie it in with the flooding of emotions and thoughts about going outside and chasing squirrels. Yes, squirrels. That's what has him laughing internally and concentrating on keeping his side of the link quiet.

"Da~addy!! Please! I've been good like you asked. I didn't even tackle Sebastian when he walked in the door two hours ago."

"Which I'm very great full for, by the way." Sebastian slowly sips his cup of blood when Blaine glares in his direction.

"Kurt, love, you know that there is more then just being good. We're working you up to going outside, but that wont happen until you stop imagining chasing small fluffy animals and ripping their throats out."

His blue eyes narrow towards his boyfriend. "You're just no fun!"

"What's this about small fluffy animals?" Sebastian looks between them. "And no more glaring! I want to know. Really."

Groaning Blaine shakes his head. "He keeps chasing the sounds of the squirrels outside while his mind overflows with images of tearing them apart."

"They taunt me! You're not listening to how they pick on me! Throwing things at the windows and sitting right outside laughing at me." Kurt huffs as Sebastian can't contain the laughter anymore. "Now I know why cats go so stir crazy. Those birds and fluffy animals just know what buttons to push and just KNOW they wont get caught because we can't get out."

"You. Are. Priceless." Sebastian is nearly rolling around in his chair as Kurt glares daggers at him.

"Baby, stop your train of thought."

"Don't wanna. He's being an ass and would deserve it."

"Deserve what?" Sebastian looks between them as they have an odd silent conversation. "Guys, you're freaking me out." When Kurt towards him with one brow raised and a smirk on his lips, he barely has ten second before there's a pouncing fledgling tackling him to the ground and hissing. "What the fuck!"


Kurt grins before his fingers start to tickle his friend. "You ass. You thought I was going to bite you or something didn't you? Hah! I'm more in control then that!"

Blaine freezes as he watches his baby play with Sebastian when his friend starts to tickle him back. The calm and ease radiating from his boyfriend brings a pleased smile to his face. Maybe the boy was closer to being able to go outside then he thought. "Sebastian, I think you should call Alain and see what e has going on tomorrow."

"Huh?" The two on the floor stop their tickle bout to stare at Blaine oddly. "Why would I do that? I know he has a photo session and then we were going to hang out at my place for some much anticipated private time. Unless you're kinky and want the details." Kurt slaps him playfully before crawling off his friend and into his boyfriends lap and open arms to snuggle.

"No, I just want to see how many people would be there so that maybe we could supervise a visit with Kurt." Blaine laughs as his vision is immediately full of nothing but those gorgeous blue eyes.

"You mean it?"

"Yes Baby. You've proven to me that you can stay calm and in control, now you wont be able to go out alone, but in an environment with three vampires you trust and maybe one or two humans we can see how close you are to being fully in control."

"If I do good maybe my dad can come for Christmas!" Kurt freezes when he sees Blaine freeze at that. "Blaine, why do I feel you trying to hide something from me? Why don't you want my dad to come for... Oh god! You haven't told him!" His hands hit at the solid chest of his boyfriend while Sebastian laughs at them. "You promised me you would tell him!"

"I know, but it's been hard trying to juggle you, work, my parents, and find time during our sleeping hours to call him."

"You have to juggle me huh?"

"Not like that, you know what I meant."

"No I don't. Why don't you explain it to me?"

He groans before forcing Kurt to look him in the eyes and to stop the snarly attitude he's showing. "You're a newly turned fledgling and even though I am fully and truly happy to have you with me for the rest of eternity, it isn't easy to take care of you're particular needs while dealing with all the modern day hassle of having a turned vampire." He pulls a reluctant Kurt into a soft kiss. "you're very worth it though and I'm sorry I haven't been awake during the day to call your dad."

"Can we call him now?"

"It's midnight love."

"Dun care. I wanna call my dad so that he knows we wont be there for Christmas, but maybe he can come here."


"I know he wont be mad! Especially since the last thing you told him was that I was beaten up by...." he freezes still not able to really talk about what happened and how his ex was the first thing he ate. "Please Daddy."

"Ugh! Fine! Call your dad while I go mix your special blood and work out something with Alain to get you out of the house tomorrow." Not even a verbal thank you or anything is sent his way as Kurt storms off with his cell phone to call his dad from the bedroom, leaving Blaine growling and pissy as he feels the waves of anger rolling off his boyfriend. "Why doesn't he understand that I didn't have time!"

"Because you did have time and plenty of us telling you to make that call." Sebastian follows his friend into the kitchen. "I even offered to make the call for you, but you said that you'd do it."

"Yes. Well..."

"No excuses. You got caught and now it's time for you to accept his anger and apologize like a big boy."

"Fuck!" Flopping his head down on the counter, Blaine groans as he knows Sebastian is right. "I royally fucked up."

"He's your first fledgling, ended up being a specialty breed, and you love him. You were bound to be distracted, but yes. You fucked up."

"Call Alain and please make tomorrow happen so that he can forgive me?"

"Oh my poor stupid friend, it will take more then just a day out for him to forgive you."

"Ugh! This is why I've been single so long!"

Sebastian bursts out laughing as he gets his cell out dialing his boyfriends number. "Yeah. The way you really fuck things up is just why you've been single so long." He holds up a hand to silence Blaine when he hears the melodic way Alain answers his phone. "Hey sexy, have a question for you."

"No you can't come here and suck me off in the backroom again, I have every intention of finishing this shoot on time, thank you very much." Alain hands his camera off before giving orders to get the next model ready.

"Shit that's sexy, but no. Blaine thinks that Kurt is ready..." He shoves Blaine off the counter "Go mix the blood like you said you would. Anyways, he thinks Kurt is ready to try going outside to a familiar location that wouldn't have to many humans or distractions to see how well he does with his control and to help ease some of the cabin fever."

"And what does that have to do with me?" His smile gives away that he knows, he can feel his lovers plans and fully agrees with the idea, he just wants him to say it.

"Oh you minx, making me talk with my mouth."

"It's currently not doing anything else more agreeable."

"Fuck, you're so spending the day with me."

"Did you even need to ask that? Now back on subject sexy." Alain smiles at the assistant that's blushing bright red because she has a bit of a crush on the vampire. "Kurt and this plan."

Sebastian makes sure Blaine isn't looking as he adjusts himself with mental images of bending Alain over flood their connection, he really does have the perfect boyfriend. "Yes, well, seeing as your studio is very familiar to him and there's a chance of there being a limited amount of beating hearts around, it would be the best environment to test him out in."

"I agree you dirty old man, really thoughts like that at your age?" He makes sure to send even dirtier images through their connection, a grin growing on his face as Sebastian moans loud enough to get a verbal response from Blaine. " Picking me up from work tonight?"

"You don't even have to fucking ask. I'll be there in an hour."

"Just behave when you get here, I still have three more models to get through." Waiving his assistant away Alain sighs. "I need to go love, their ready for me. Love you."

"I love you too, so much." Sebastian hangs up with a grin on his face.

Blaine slips a mug of blood in front of his friend. "Never thought I'd see the day when Sebastian Smyth would be truly and utterly in love."

Giving his friend a brief nod before drinking down the offered drink and watching Blaine mix the bottle for Kurt. "Law of averages makes it possible, but I'm glad it did happen. He's perfect, beautiful, talented, and sexy as all fucking hell. He also said it be ok to bring Kurt tomorrow. I'll text you the details though because.."

"You're going to go get your moves on."

"um. More then just my moves if I can convince him to use that desk finally..."

"TMI Bastian, TMI." They laugh while Blaine walks his friend out, trying to hold off on going to find Kurt and face the wrath of his wrong doing.

Meanwhile, Kurt was a nervous wreck as the phone rang and rang as his fingers crossed that his dad wouldn't be pissed about getting a call at one in the morning.

When the phone finally picked up Kurt was shocked with how awake and hyper his dad sounded. "Burt Hummel speaking."


"Kurt! Oh god buddy, I'm so glad to hear your voice! I was starting to worry the longer it went that we hadn't heard anything. Didn't know if you were alright or if you just didn't want to talk to me again..."

"Dad, slow down, it's 1am and you sound like it's noon."

Burt gruffs out a laugh, as his wolf side lets itself be known. "You do know it's the day before a full moon right? You know how the pack gets before the moon."

"Oh, no I didn't it's been... Dad I wasn't alright that's why Blaine forgot to call. He didn't know how to tell you that I died." The sound of his dad gasping before he sits down hard hits Kurt's ear as tears stream out of his blue eyes. "Dad, A-andrew cornered me when we were out with some friends and he... he stabbed me with some kind of poisoned blade and I was so sick. There wasn't anything else to do, though I would have done this anyways because I love him that much, but he changed me. I'm a vampire dad."

"I.. I knew it would happen eventually, but not so soon. That asshat he.."

"He got the end of the councils justice. There's no reason to worry about him and the Elders are searching for whom ever sold him that cursed blade and knew that I am part elf."

Drawing in a shuddering breath as he tries to control his tears, Burt clears his throat. "Let me talk to Blaine."

A slight big confused, Kurt agrees and goes to find his boyfriend at the same time Blaine is heading up the stairs with his blood. "My dad would like to talk with you." They exchange phone for blood, Kurt immediately brightening up at the smell of the warm liquid before he starts to down it hungrily.

Blaine takes a deep breathe before putting the phone to his ear. "Mister Hummel I am so, so very sorry that I didn't call you, but I've never had a fledgling before and it became hard to juggle my responsibilities to work and him along with trying to figure out how to word what happened in a way that wouldn't result in you chopping my head off with a silver axe..."

"I'm not mad about any of that son, I'm a turned wolf so I know how hard it is when you have someone adapting to a new life. Just ask Kurt about my going around marking all my territory." Burt laughs a bit remembering that himself. "No, I wanted to tell you about something Kurt doesn't know about. His mother didn't die the way he thinks she did. She died the same way he did. Poisoned by a hunter that targets Elves specifically."

"Wait, there's a hunter?"

"A group of them that are a part of the witches covens. They hunt Elves and Elf blooded to use their parts in certain spells. They were able to kill Lizzy, but the pack kept them out so that they couldn't harvest her organs and such. Have your Elders start there, with the covens. They'll find what their looking for there, I'm sure of it."

"Thank you Burt." he relaxes a bit knowing the scary wolf dad isn't mad at him. "Also about Christmas, I know we were going to come stay with you, but that isn't possible now. Kurt is unable to be in the sun for the next hundred years and there are no real vampire friendly areas in Ohio as it's mainly all pack. That along with his inability to control his hunger right now, it would be dangerous to have him around so many fast beating hearts. Instead, if he's able to control himself by then, I'd like to invite you and your family to stay with us for the holiday."

"I'd say, great idea if we didn't have pack obligations already for the holidays since the full moon isn't that far away from Christmas day." Burt groans out his frustration when he realizes he wont be able to see his son again for a while. "let's see how he's doing by then and talk about it when we know if he can control himself, especially around pack."

"That sounds like a good plan. Burt, I'm sorry that this ruins the plans we had."

"It's alright. I knew it would happen eventually, but next time something drastic like this happens a little warning would be good. Don't be afraid to call me at odd hours if you have to."

"I'll remember that Burt. Thank you. Did you want to talk to Kurt again before you go? It's getting pretty early and I have to make sure he's fed before his rest time."

"Na, I'll come up with a night that I can stay up and talk to him during the week so that he has a time to talk with me."

"Sounds good, bye Burt." Blaine hangs up in time to hear a loud crashing sound from the kitchen area causing him to run all the way down as the feelings coming off of Kurt are panic and pain. "Baby!" When he turns the corner he can hear the crying and hissing sounds coming from his boyfriend before he sees him curled up in the corner, arm curled tight against his body and the trail of blood starting at the counter and going all the way to the huddled shivering pile of Kurt. "Baby... what happened?"

".. I... I don't know... I don't know what happened." The sobbing breaths coming from the shuddering pile of Kurt break his heart.

Slowly lowering himself to the floor and moving to wrap himself around Kurt in a comforting move, Blaine tries to urge his arm out to see what damage is done and make sure its healing. "Just tell me as best you can or show me through out connection Baby."

"I was... was going to try mixing the blood with some vegetable... like an energy drink to see what it tastes like and... and images just flashed in my head... I don't.. they were so scary... and felt so real..."

"What images Baby. Show me what you saw or tell me." He can't convince Kurt to show his arm just yet so he keeps trying to sooth him until he get's a mind full of death. A young woman throwing herself in the way of an attacker of some kind, no not an attacker. His breath catches when he clearly sees glowing red eyes before the animal darts around the woman and bites down on the arm of the small boy all while he hears the scream of the woman being stabbed by someone else. In his gut he knows he's seeing something Kurt had forgotten and what Burt had been talking about. Elizabeth had been hunted and there was a good chance Kurt was on their radar now. That would be the only reason a vampire would have images like this replaying and when he does pull his boyfriends arm away from his body and sees the still bleeding tears down his arm from where it looks like something bit him, it confirmed to him that what ever creature is hunting his boyfriend, they had hell hounds at their disposal.


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