Up in Lights
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Up in Lights: Chapter 6

E - Words: 2,963 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
149 0 0 0 0

"Just hold that pose. Good. Very good." Alain keeps clicking sending a knowing smile Kurt's way as the model fumbles around a bit to accidentally get into another good pose. As his friend and now assistant turns to leave the room and get the next model ready with a hand to his mouth, Alain know they both think the current guy on set was hired for his looks and not his skills. Maybe his skills as well, who knows with the models Alain and Kurt don't hand pick. He clicks one last time, checking the image on the screen to his right to make sure it's an acceptable one and smiles at the guy. "All done. Thank you."

"Should I go put the next outfit on?" The guy who wasn't even worth remembering his name asks as he moves closer with a obvious hit of flirting in his eye causing Alain to just raise his brow in wonder at that.

"Nope, no need. Have plenty of models left to photograph tonight and not enough time."

"Oh. Alright." He steps closer to Alain with a sly smile on his face. "Want any help?"

"That will be unnecessary seeing as he had a perfectly able assistant and a highly protective boyfriend who refuses to share."
Both the model and Alain look over at Sebastian and Blaine standing watching the exchange. "Thank you for your time Eddie, but you're not needed on this set anymore so leave now and keep your dignity." Alain smiles towards Sebastian as Kurt makes his way over to Blaine giving him a soft kiss.

"Fine and the names Steven."

"Good now I know what name to erase from the contact list." Sebastian growls out as the model leaves quickly. "Ass." Alain wraps his arms around his boyfriend after passing the camera off to one of the crew and kisses him softly.

"Play nice Bastian." Blaine sniffs behind Kurt's ear. "Hey baby. Ready for a food break?"

Kurt blushes as his body shivers with the use of his pet name. "Is it really time to eat?"

"Yes it is and the sun is rising soon. How close to being done are you?"

"We still have three more sets to get through. I'm sorry!" Kurt pouts when Blaine groans. "We didn't start when you did since a couple shoots need to be outside in the early sunrise. Are you mad?"

"No not mad, just missing you. It's been two weeks since I've had you all to myself."

"Hey we have a shopping date now that I've gotten some money."

"I could hav-" Kurt cuts Blaine off making Sebastian laugh as the four head out to grab something to eat.

"You've done enough for me. Let me buy my own clothes please. It's something I haven't done in a really long time." Kurt entwines his fingers with his boyfriends.

"I fully agree!" Sebastian shouts out. "Let the boy grow up! Anyways I told you I'd kick your ass if you tried to control him. That includes financially."

"Shut up." Blaine broods, yes he's proud of Kurt for getting a job that wasn't handed to him by Blaine. He did the interview process and applied all on his own, though it was Alain hiring a personal assistant he swears Kurt earned the job all on his own.

"Daddy, please don't be all pouty. Baby sorry." Kurt lays on the pouty lip and flashes his big blue eyes to Alain and Sebastian's amusement and Blaine's down fall. He even adds in gripping his hands behind his back and tilting his head to the side just like toddlers do when they really want something from their parent.

Sebastian whispers in Alains ear. "He's good."

"You have no idea. Those eyes have tamed even the diva of models on set. He knows how to manipulate."

"In the best kind of way."

The two laugh as Blaine groans and gives in telling Kurt it's ok and he wont get in the way of his independence. Truthfully their all a bit curious what kind of clothes the human will get. They've only ever seen him in jeans and t-shirts from Blaine's closet with nothing that screams Kurt. Alain at least has a hint that the boy has a great eye with the way he puts the outfits together each shoot and the designs he's been sketching during their breaks.

What none of them were expecting was the shopping experience they had with Kurt. Apparently the boy was pretty particular in what he wanted from where and he could shop for hours. None stop hours of trying clothes on and going through just about every rack of clothing in the entire mall. Alain and Sebastian were having fun picking on Blaine as he got stuck holding bags and being 'whipped' as Sebastian put it until Kurt came out of the fitting room with a pair of the tightest pants any of them had ever seen paired with a form fitting V neck asking them how he looked. None of them knew what to say. Blaine was to busy feeling like the luckiest vampire in the world. Alain could only think about how to get Kurt to model periodically like he does and Sebastian was grinning with pride that Kurt was able to stump Blaine silent.

"Now I'm worried." Kurt nibbles on his bottom lip as he furrows his brow. "I'll go change and try something else. I'm sorry you had to see such a horrible choice." He turns to go back into the dressing room at the same time all three vampires call out.


"Huh?" nervous blue eyes turn towards them with fear at the outburst and unsure of what he did wrong.

"Baby, you look... gods I can't even call you a baby anymore." Blaine puts all the bags down and pulls Kurt close so he can feel how affected his is by what he sees. "You are the sexiest man I've ever seen. I was just speechless as my mind tried to figure out how I got so lucky to meet you all those months ago."

"Sap." Sebastian laughs. "But he's right you look capital H O T, Hot! You're way to good for that lame guy who's wrapped all around you."

"I just want you to think about expanding into modeling. Those clothes, Kurt they highlight your body just perfect. You have a great eye." Alain wraps his arms around Sebastian, yes a little bit of jealousy is seeping out that his boyfriend is eyes Kurt like he's the new toy that he wants.

"Oh." His cheeks start to burn as he buries his face into Blaine's chest. "Ok. I'll keep them and um, I'm ready to go." His hands start to fiddle with his boyfriends shirt. "Please daddy? Can we go home?"

"I think that can be arranged Sugar. Did you want to wear these clothes home?" Blaine whispers into the pale ear as Sebastian gets lead away by Alain to give them a private moment. "I'd really love for you to wear them home. The looks everyone is giving you. Gods it makes me so proud to know they can't have you."

A sly smile grows across his face as Kurt peeks his eyes up in an enticing way. "Anything for you Daddy." He groans when Blaine grinds forward a bit. "We should go clubbing. Soon. I love how you want to show me off as yours."

"Let's talk about that later. Right now I want to get you home so I can peel these clothes off your sexy body."

For once their glad Sebastian came with Alain as their lips collide the second their in the back seat of the town car as the bags are secured in the trunk by the driver who doesn't even blink at Kurt flush against Blaine as he straddles his lap. Hands grip and pull at clothing, but Kurt wont let Blaine remove anything while their in the car. Instead he slowly rolls his hips down to keep his boyfriends attention elsewhere. A surprised noise escapes his throat as Blaine nips at his neck teasing the skin with his fangs leaving a slight red trail. Bringing out a very needy whine as Kurt shivers above him. It was purely by accident that they found Kurt loved pain as long as it didn't leave perminet marks.

By the time they pull up at the house, Kurt is a needy pile of lust begging for Blaine to bite him. His unhappy whine grows when he gets a negative response. "Not until your clothes are in the house and put away. Baby needs to ear his treat."

"Unn but I need you. I need you so bad daddy. It hurts I need you so bad."

"Then hurry up and put your stuff away." He kisses and sucks hard on Kurt's neck before sliding out of the car to help the driver carry in the bags. "Thank you Sammy. Let the company know I'll be driving myself tomorrow."

"I'll let them know Sir. Have a good rest of the day." Sammy heads off as Kurt hurries past both of them and starts to put the belongings away while Blaine sets about getting a drink with a smirk as he listens to his boyfriend rushing around as he opens their connection wider feeding him want and lust. Purring when he feels need and desire come back at him. His brow quirks when he starts to feel pleasure slowly growing stronger. He also notices that he can't hear Kurt moving around upstairs anymore.

"Baby?" He puts the glass in the sink before following his nose towards one of the spare bedrooms, his smile growing as he realizes its the one they use when things are going to get messy. "Are you beckoning me baby?"

"D-Daddy... need you so bad..."

When he gets around the door frame, Blaine freezes as his eyes land on Kurt in the middle of the black bed naked with his fingers moving in and out of his entrance. Set in a way that he has a clear view of the pink stretched opening sucking up those long pale fingers. "I can see. You're being a very naughty Baby."

"Punish me then Daddy. Um make me k-know I'm bad Daddy."

"As you wish Baby. My bad, bad, very naughty Baby." He doesn't waste any time getting his clothes off and grabbing the paddle. "Stop fingering yourself baby, that's very dirty."

Kurt obeys raising his ass in the air higher. "But it feels so good daddy."

"I know, but only daddy can touch you." He swats the paddle hard across his boyfriends cheeks drawing out a loud moan from the boy. He repeats the swat three more times before leaning in to scrape his fangs against the reddened flesh, keeping track of his boyfriends pain to pleasure ratio through their bond. "Seeing you all red. It get's me so hard Kurt."

"Um, d-dropping the Baby?"

"Yes. I want to bleed you. Make you run red instead before I slam into you hard enough for you to still be feeling it next week."

"Yes!" Kurt arches his back as Blaine sinks his teeth into the flesh on his ass and lets the blood run down his leg. "More! Please Blaine, please mark me as yours!"

"Mine and no one else." He licks up some of the sweet smelling red liquid before biting the other cheek, scraping his nails down Kurt's back and leaving raised track in their wake. His next set of bites cover his boyfriends arms and back, blood running down and dripping into the sheets below them. "You smell so good. So fucking good." He growls when Kurt turns over, showing him down before straddling his lap and impaling himself onto his member with no lube or extra stretching. "Oh god!"

Their connection flares alive with pain and please shooting back and forth and leaving both without a clue as to who is really feeling what. Their bodies move with a rough primal need as Blaine sinks his teeth into the pale neck in front of him drinking as his hands tighten their hold and slams Kurt's hips down even harder causing the boy to scream out in pleasure. There's no way it can last long, both of them not even caring how short of a time it's been when Kurt moves his mouth and bites hard enough to draw blood from Blaine they both freeze as their bodies shiver in release. Hands clinging as Blaine retracts his teeth licking at the wounds.

"Sleepy..." Kurt shivers as he feels Blaine licking him clean as his hands check to make sure all the bleeding has stopped.

"Shower?" Blaine licks his way into his boyfriends mouth causing him to moan at the taste of his own blood.

"No. Round two after a nap."

They spend the entire day going between sleep and making love to just primal sex. It's with a groan that Kurt get's up and dresses for a night out clubbing as the sun slowly sets.

"It will be fun. Trust me."

"I always trust you!" Kurt yells back as he slips on one of his new tight jeans, moaning in pleasure as they push against his sore body. "Are you sure Sebastian and Alain will be there?"

"Yes. Though we might be late if you keep transmitting all that pleasure my way. You really do love pain hum?"

"Only from you daddy." He comes around the corner showing off his long body covered in black jeans, skull sketchers, white v neck, with a black vest, and his hair styled in an sex hair style. "Every time I move I can feel how hard you fucked me and it just makes me so happy to know it's from you."

"Ugh! You will be the death of me." Blaine pulls him into his arms, his own gray and blue ensemble complimenting his boyfriends apparel. "Baby, I.." He thinks for a bit before smiling. "ready to go?"

"yeah." Kurt leans in and kisses him softly before rushing off to get his wallet and hurries out to the car.

Blaine following slower as he thinks about what he wanted to say. He's in love after being together for half a year, Blaine Anderson is in love with the most perfect human he's ever met. Why hasn't he said anything? In the past it has never turned out well for him as he's had to watch each and every one grow old and die and there's no way he could suffer through watching Kurt die. His mind is so preoccupied with making sure Kurt can't feel these emotions that he just gives automatic responses on their drive and isn't even paying attention as Kurt goes out onto the dance floor with Alain.

A hard slap to the back of his head. "Earth to Blaine."

"What the fuck!" He growls and turns hardened eyes towards Sebastian as he rubs at the back of his head.

"Oh good! You are alive! Great to know since you've been zoned out like one of those rotten smelling zombies we happily were able to contain to the nether realms." He studies Blaine as his friend starts to zone out again. "I've seen that look before."

"There is no look."

"There is. This is the 'I gave my heart to a human and he just wants to let me watch him die' look that you haven't had since Matt. Kurt really turn you down?"

"Didn't ask him." He spins the drink in his hands, not even sure what it is that he ordered. "I just realized how much I love him. Like, heart beating out of my chest every time he smiles and when he walks into the room... gods it's like the first day I saw the sun all over again."

"HAHA! You must have had a better sun experience then I did, that shit was blinding and painful!"

"Exactly. He's so perfect it hurts, but I just can't look away from him." he takes a sip finding that he actually likes what he's tasting. Surprising since their at a human bar. None of them want Kurt in a vampire bar or blood pit. "I'm just scared he will be like Matt, because watching him grow old and die might actually kill me."

"You need to ask him."

"Eventually. Bastian, part of me doesn't want to change him."

"Make up your mind buddy, because you'll either have to put in for an appeal to change him or watch him leave you."

"Hey! You two ever going to come and join us?" Alain crosses his arms over his chest as Kurt is still on the dance floor just having a great time. "I'll also pretend I didn't hear you talking about leaving him. Kurt is to good to be left."

"Awe but dumpling I'll fill you in later alright?" Sebastian wraps his arms around Alain, joining their lips in a fierce kiss.

"You two are just..." His head snaps up when he feels something shoot through his connection with Kurt, eyes scanning the dance floor. "Where's Kurt?"

"He's right over.. wait he was right there I swear!" Alain looks around with Sebastian.

Blaine jolts with a shock of fear running through his body. "Fuck."

Outside in an alley is a brunette slipping down the wall with a hand over his stomach where blood is seeping out of a deep knife wound and fear is shivering through his body. His blue eyes following the running figure of a person he never thought he'd see again even. His vision starts to blur as his mind runs through how weak he is and that he shouldn't have tried to escape, Andrew would never have stabbed him f he'd just gone with the man and signaled to Blaine what was going on, but no. Kurt Hummel had to be strong and brave and fight back against the man who dragged him out the back door of the club the second all the vampires eyes were turned. If only he could see Blaine again and just tell him once how much he loves him.


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