Up in Lights
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Up in Lights: Chapter 15

E - Words: 2,498 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
153 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: warning for character death and a foursome
Is Blaine nervous right now as he watches Kurt do a last once over on his clubbing outfit for the bachelor party tonight? Hell yes. Of course he is seeing as the last time they went to a club Kurt died. But he can't go back on his word now. He promised his love that he can go with him tonight and he really can't wait to show off to all their friends how hot his boyfriend is, but he's still scared shitless.

"Do I look alright for the party?"

Great. Now he's on the spot.

"You know I can feel and hear everything you have going on up here." Kurt taps his forehead. "We've been over everything a hundred times. We're bringing a large water bottle of my special blood mix, just in case I don't like anything they have. If I feel too uncomfortable with the feeder humans that are there I will safe word to you, Sebastian, or Alain and whichever one of you I safe word to will bring me outside to a safe place in their car before calling you, if it's not you, or calling them to tell them we needed a break."

"I want to add that I want you to check in with me either in person or through our link." Blaine pulls him in closer by the hips and puts their foreheads together. "It may seem like a lot, but it would make me feel better."

"Daddy, are you...? Yes of course. I should have known you would be worried, but Andrew is gone for good and no one else would be stupid enough to hurt me."

"But they will want you. I'm going to be so uncivilized tonight. Probably spend most of it being overly possessive of you."

"Good because I want everyone to know that I'm yours and it will save me from batting them away from you." Running his hands around Blaine's chest, Kurt cups his face before kissing him. "Baby is very possessive of his daddy. Sharing is not an option."

"What if it was a mutual sharing?"

"Like a threesomes?"

"Maybe. Maybe more. This party could open up some options for us to display our passions while using others for our amusement."

"Gods it would be so hot to let you take me with others watching... daddy can we maybe, leave it as an option?"

"Really? You are so perfect baby." He attaches their lips in a possessive kiss before backing away fast. "Let's go before I change my mind and just rip your clothes off and have my way with you all night."

"Thought we were just talking about doing that in public."

"Oh fuck this is going to be a long night."

Two hours later he's proven right as Blaine watches Kurt dance with his arms around Alain as Sebastian tries to tell him all about the new house he's buying closer to where Blaine lives because they want to look into having a baby.

"We were thinking about adopting a hellhounds as well, just to keep that special moment of hell in our lives alive." Sebastian waits for the response from his friend that is definitely not listening to anything he's saying right now.

"That will be nice."

"Like a bee sting to the gonads. What the duck man!" he slaps Blaine with a laugh as his friend hisses at him. "What has you so preoccupied?"


"Well duh, he's always got you distracted lately, but you seem..."

"He's thinking about expanding our play to outside our home and we sort of had a talk about having others join us..." Blaine admits with a slight blush.

"Little innocent Kurt wants an orgy huh?" Sebastian drape his arm over Blaine with a laugh. "No wonder your keeping your eyes on him, but don't worry. If he meant it he won't make a move without you. Now have you introduced him to our version of alcoholic drinks?"

"Not really. He's a bit sensitive to the exotic blood mixes, hence his special brew."

"Well maybe we should go over there then, because Alain just slipped him a Blood Bomb. It's one of my loves favorites, but who knows how your sweet cheeks will react to a mix of 20 different bloods."

"Fucking hell!" Blaine is weaving through the dancing bodies and the non-vampire feeders to get to his boyfriend and groaning when he gets close enough to see his eyes are brighter than before and he's defiantly amped up from the vampire style drug. "Baby?"

"Umm dad~dy! Dance with us!" Kurt's arms wraparound Blaine shoulders and pulls him in close to sandwich his body between Alain and his boyfriend. "Alain is teaching me so much."

"How many bombs have you had?" Blaine can't help how having Kurt clinging and moving his body in that way is getting him worked up.

"One. That's all I want is one." Kurt runs his teeth over Blaine's neck. "And you. Gods I want you daddy."

They lose themselves in the music. Hands exploring and pulling, bodies melding with each other. Blaine downs a couple Blood Bombs with Sebastian and doesn't even think about it when his friends' body melds behind him while Alain holds tight to Kurt. All their bodies heating up as the party wears on.

Strippers come out at some point, none of them caring as the special mixes work through their systems. Kurt eventually asks to be show how to properly drink from a fairy, whose smell caught his attention. It's a task that the fairy is happy to sit through as the three other vampires walk him through how not to harm his server. The backroom, special in the club for those who want to feed in private, fills with Kurt's moans of pleasure at feeding from a living body and it leaves Kurt turned on so much that he tackles Blaine as the fairy leaves. Its quick work for Blaine to get on his knees, pulls his lovers zipper down, and pull out his cock as his mouth swallows him down with a happy moan. He tells Kurt through their link that he can just go for it and he does. Holding Blaine in place as he fucks into his mouth. Not lasting long as he can hear the party going on outside the room and he knows someone else will want the private eating area soon.

They don't even remember that Sebastian and Alain were in there watching the entire time until they hear a muffled moan and turn to see Alain shivering with Sebastian wrapped around him from behind, jerking him off. Kurt has to admit that that was the hottest thing he's ever seen. He just wants to... "I want them. Can we have them? Please? I don't think I'd ever trust anyone else enough to share you with, but them."

"Let me talk with Sebastian baby." He kisses him while he fixes his loves pants. This isn't easy for him as they watch Alain shiver as he cums. "Go with Alain and clean up, love." He kisses Kurt softly before going over to his friend. "Can we talk?"

"Now? Really?" Sebastian groans since he has every intention of dragging Alain to the sofa in the room, locking the door, and having his way with him. "Ugh, fine. Hun I'll find you shortly."

"Um. You better." Alain purrs out as he leaves with Kurt, the two giggling and comparing notes on their lovers.

"Now what did you want?"

"Remember what I brought up earlier?" Blaine doesn't break eye contact with Sebastian as he nods. "Kurt wants it to be you and Alain."

"You're asking, so that means you want it to. I've waited hundreds of years to have you tell me you want me and you do it days before my wedding." Sebastian laughs at the glare Blaine gives him. "Don't worry, I love you still, but I love Alain more."

"Good, do you love him enough to have sex with Kurt and me?"

"Just once?"

"That's up to Kurt, but yes just once. You know I'm not about sharing."



"God, Alain has been fondling Kurt hoping this would happen since you first told me about your talk and Kurt told him!" Sebastian moves fast as he roughly pulls Blaine into a kiss. "We did want you two to end up with a hose bag looser that just wants an in on the company or a promotion. Plus you two are so hot."

"We should sneak you two out of your party then."

Sebastian raises a brow before Blaine is pulling him out the door as someone else starts to come in to feed. They look around for their boys, grinning wide when they find them wrapped around each other giving everyone else on the floor a show with how their bodies move with each other. It's hard for them to go over and wrap around their boys, whispering in their ears how hot they are and how much they want them alone and making sure Alain is alright with one night of sharing. His response is to pull Kurt into the hungriest kiss, leaving the other two gaping at their loves.

Blaine pushes Sebastian to get moving as he gropes Kurt and pulls him out to the car, only getting a few catcalls and some disapproving look from some of their closer friends as Sebastian and Alain follow them. He doesn't care though. He's surprised they don't get pulled over with how fast both cars are driving to get to the house.

The next moments are all a blur of hands, clothes, skin, teeth, and stumbled steps into the playroom. Somewhere in all the groping and kissing, Blaine tells them that Kurt can't have his hands bound and the next thing they know, Blaine down on his back with Kurt slowly riding him and Sebastian is thrusting into his writhing body and Alain sits on Blaine chest. Being fingered by Blaine as he ruts with Kurt. They spend the rest of the night switching between positions and partners, taking turns replenishing their systems with blood. Eventually Kurt yawns and curls up passing out as the sun slowly rises. Blaine carries him to their bedroom, washing him down, as Sebastian and Alain curl up in the guestroom.

A week later, Alain and Sebastian marry in an old fashioned ceremony with just their close friends and family present. Kurt cries while he hugs them and wishes them a safe trip, a cruise around the world, and he wants to hear from then regularly as they can.


"Da~ddy! Are you home yet?" Kurt knows he isn't home yet. Growling in frustration as he stays in his position waiting. He can feel he's close and their link sends messages of teasing need. Yes, Kurt is a bit passed off that their twenty year anniversary plans had to be changed because Sebastian had to stay home with his son, the poor three month old baby has been rejecting the blood mixes and gotten sick, and Alain was in California on a location shoot with the newly out of the woods Elf race. It's a good reason for Blaine to have to go into work for a few hours, but it made them miss their dinner reservations and made the theatre tickets null and void. Now all Kurt wants is to spend his last few hours awake with his boyfriend hurried deep inside of him.

The door clicks before running feet can be heard. "I'm here! So sorry, Sebastian needed me to go and pick up the new herbal mix to put into Alexander's bottle and some new blood types, they're going to see if the fairy blood is what's causing his issues. Everyone told them there was no way of telling how having a baby with Alain's seed this time would translate, but..."

"Daddy? Shut up." Kurt glares at him as he's all dread eagle and on display like a prized animal. "You can tell me all this later. Right now I want to celebrate our anniversary." He points at the cuffs near his head. "Hook me up and have your way."

"Are you... you have issues with...."

"Sebastian has been helping me get over my fear of being bound by the hands. It's your present from me. Happy Anniversary love."

"Happy Anniversary my darling Kurt."


The day Blaine got the call, he didn't know how they would get through it. He watched Kurt sleep as Blaine texts Sebastian that he might need him and Alain to come by during the night. 35 years together and Blaine was scared of telling his lover the news.


He watches those long perfect limbs stretch out as Kurt wakes with a yawn then turn and smile at him.

"No work tonight?"

"No, I called Wes to tell him I needed some time off."

"Really? Eek! What are we going to- why do I feel like you're hiding something?"

He takes a calming breath before opening their connection to let Kurt feel how sad he is. "The pack leader of the Lima pack called, Kurt you father passed away today."

"What? No. No you're wrong! He's on his way here to spend Christmas with us next week!"

Blaine can feel Kurt breaking inside. "Baby, he passed away. We knew it would be soon, he was 84 and with Carol passing three years ago..."

"Blaine... my papa is really gone?" His tears break Blaine inside.

"Yes love." His arms open the second he sees movement and he holds Kurt tight, snuggles him close and lets him cry and scream about how it isn't fair. They don't talk about how Kurt can't go to the funeral because of the laws keeping him from traveling outside of the hive before he's 100 and can be in the sunlight.

Sebastian and Alain show up a couple hours later, their now 18 year old son watching his 3 year old sister that has more of Sebastian in her then should be allowed, and helps get Kurt fed and relaxed. Just being there as he suffers something only Alain has experienced before.

It's the only time Kurt regrets becoming a vampire.


The debates about a person's choice to be turned into a vampire or not had been building for years. Accidental changings or instances like what happened to Kurt setting off human rights activists. Blaine does everything he can to get Kurt's story out there and letting people know that there should be free choice and in cases of emergencies, other rules that can be followed toymaker sure it isn't forced on someone. Alain tells his story of being changed, having been an accidental changing when he was volunteering as a feeder fairy.

The debates go on for years before Kurt's story tips the human committee to vote in favored of it being the choice of the human to be changed. A glorious victory that was followed by the vampire high council passing the law that changed vampires are not less of a vampire then a born blood sucker. Fledglings could now hold seats of power.

How did Blaine celebrate this new status his boyfriend had, a full-fledged member of the vampire hive instead of being Blaine's fledgling? He surprised his lover with wine, dinner, and getting down on one knee.


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