Up in Lights
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Up in Lights: Chapter 14

E - Words: 2,725 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Blaine was alive. His Blaine was alive and like hell was he letting go of him until the sun rise made him fall asleep. He doesn't care about the looks he's getting from the creepy elf, alright not creepy but really how old does an elf have to be to become that wrinkled? It didn't matter. His face is staying hurried in his boyfriends' chest and his arms around his waist fully enjoying the feeling of his boyfriend being back and counting down the minutes until they can both feed from each other and restart their connection.

"Baby, are you still hungry? You didn't drink much when you got here."

"I am... are you? I want our connection back." Kurt turns his head as he sniffs up to his boyfriends' neck. "Hungry daddy."

"Um, give me your wrist."

Sebastian grins as he snuggles closer to Alain while they watch their friends bite each other. "I feel like we're being voyeurs."

"It's sweet." Alain coos.

"It's inappropriate." Bes Amun grumbles.

"Darling, they haven't seen each other in months and until recently we all thought Blaine was dead. Let them hold each other while Mr....?"

"Lalvon of the mystic forest. It is an honor to represent my race in thanking you for giving us our freedom by riding this world of Ymil the defiler." His eyes never leave Kurt as he addresses them all. "You young man, remind me very much of my granddaughter. I'm very pleased you took on her likeness."

Kurt licks at the bite he made. "Who's likeness?"

"Elizabeth, my darling granddaughter who fell at the hands of Ymil."

"Mom... so you... your my great-grandfather?"

"Yes child and that was why I couldn't stand back at let you lose the one you love." Lalvon smiles at the two all curled up holding each other.

"How did you get him out of there?" Sebastian narrows his eyes, not quite trusting the man. "And why didn't any of you stand up to help defeat her before now?"

"As a species, we are very noncombat, our magic has more to do with preserving life then taking down our greatest enemy, and that left us very weak to her spells. Ymil used a type of magic that feeds off the energy of Elvin magic, so the more of our kind around her the stronger she became. There was no way we could even get close to defeating her and our ties with other races back then were, nonexistent. Who would come to the aid of elves? Vampires wanted our blood, wolves didn't trust us, and the list just goes on."

"You still haven't explained how you got him out of there before she blew up in a big puff of fire."

Lalvon nods slowly. "I thought you might have seen the flash of light?"

"That was... no wonder I got so sick!" Alain is up and pacing the room mumbling about stupid magic elves and making him weak against the toxins he was already fighting. "It was a nullifying spell that stopped time for a brief moment and then he popes in and took Blaine away, hence the flash of light."

"How did that make you sick?" Sebastian is glaring death at the elder elf, who does look sad.

"Because of his fairy blood. When I cast the nullify spell and froze time, it stopped his natural magic that was keeping him well. I had no clue you were sick, please forgive me child."

"No one knew except Santana. She gave me the same remedy she gave Kurt, but it wasn't working because I'm a turned fairy and shouldn't have been effected by a chimera bite to begin with." Alain sits in Sebastian lap to calm him down. "It's just a horrible miss timing in his spell and that poison going through me."

Kurt nuzzles closer to Blaine as he quietly asks the question that's been eating him up inside. "Why didn't you come home sooner...? I spent so much time hiding and not sure what was going to happen to me and this entire time you were just somewhere else without me."

"Oh baby, I wasn't in any state to come home. They had to heal me and deal with a blood hungry and irritated vampire when I did start to heal." Blaine lifts his boyfriends chin kissing his lips softly. "I am just today cleared health wise to come to you."

"Like Alain then? He was asleep until a couple weeks ago. Sebastian was so lost watching him fade and no one could help."

"Like Alain. Apparently my body sucked in some of the backlash from that bitch's explosion and I had to heal while I slept."

"I just... I missed you so much. I don't see why someone couldn't have told us you were still alive."

Their newly forming connection is going crazy with Kurt's still unstable mind. When Blaine moves his face to look into his eyes, he's meet with blown pupils and a ring of red around those beautiful blues. "Kurt, love, go to the playroom and wait for me." Kurt gives off a feral growl, making Blaine raise a brow at his behavior. "Go. Now." He makes sure to push the command through their link, that he has every intention of making stronger the second he kicks everyone out of his home. Well not before he has words with Sebastian about how he seems to have neglected his job of raising Kurt.

"Fine!" Kurt hisses and slinks off up the stairs to go hide in the closet of their playroom. Fear gripping him about being alone.

"Forgive me Lalvon, but I need to ask my family two things before I need you all to leave the house." Blaine turns angry eyes towards the three guilty looking vampires and Alain.

"Of course child. I'll leave the herbs for Kurt and you in the hall with instructions for their use." The elder gets up and surprises everyone when he hugs Blaine, the vampire actually smiling at the contact, before heading down the hall. Calling over his shoulder. "I will stick around to talk with the rest of you elsewhere, especially Amunet. My people may need your help in making our way out of hiding."

Once he is gone Blaine turns burning eyes on his family and friends. "What the duck did you do to my Kurt? He's tucking feral! His eyes, that didn't have any red in them are turning red from just two months in your care! What would have happened if I had been dead? You'd let him go and massacre innocent people and have to be put down? God dammit!"

"Blaine, please calm down son. Your father and I had to go with the rest of the council to the main branch in London and when we got back we were going to take him with us, but he was finally opening up to Sebastian and Alain had woken up so it was all going much better."

"So you left him with Sebastian, who I can't blame for much because there is no way I'd be able to care of myself let alone anyone else if Kurt had been struck sick. You left him what, what was he doing?"

Sebastian clings to Alain as the guilt of the situation washes through him. "He locked himself in the guestroom closet. Made a cocoon or nest type thing out of blankets and wouldn't let anyone but me near him. I had help for a couple weeks, but the worse his behavior got the less help I was getting. I couldn't even get anyone to bring us blood. No one. I'm so sorry Blaine. I tried. I got him to come out and spend time with me eventually, nut he was going hungry. Once Alain woke up, he got a lot better. I got his blood mix and we kind of gorged and he was starting to calm down and become himself.... But then your parents came back and my parents were yelling... that was tonight. They kept us so busy we missed his feeding and couldn't work out his energy before he ran." Eyes full of tears Sebastian jumps up to make sure Blaine hears him and understands. "I am so sorry. So very sorry. I tried to get someone to help, but I couldn't leave Alain. The fever was out of control for so long that I had to be there be he live or die."

"I know how you feel." Blaine caresses his friend's cheek. "Go talk with Lalvon, he can probably give you something to make sure Alain is well. Later, when I know Kurt is doing well again I want you to tell me about that ring on your... fianc�s hand?"

"Gladly. It's silly, but Kurt was there for it."

Alain stands, wrapping an arm around his loves waist with a smile. "He was helping me plan the wedding, so I hope he can still do that. There's no one else I'd rather have as my best man, then my best friend Kurt."

"I'll let you both know how he's doing, now I need to go settle him down. Is there any way I can get you to do a blood run for me and just leave it at the front door?"

Bes shyly moves towards his son. "We can do that..."

"No Yet. I'm very made at you a Moot. You both knew better then to leave Sebastian with a fledgling and an unconscious boyfriend. You both need to leave." He ignores his parents as they quietly head out the door, turning back to Sebastian. "I'll make a list real fast."

"Of course, we'll even go and get his things from my place for you."

"Thank you."

Twenty minutes later Blaine goes up the stairs looking for Kurt in the play room and nearly panicking when he doesn't see him right away, but he hears him. "Baby, where are you hiding?" He opens their connection as he hears the closet door open and sees two eyes peeking out from behind it. "Love, come here, Daddy's missed his baby."

"I'm not in trouble?"

"No baby." He open his arms and bares his neck "Come hold me and feed. I know it's been a while since you've had a proper meal."

"What if I want more then blood." Kurt slinks out of the closet, eyes blown with how much he wants from Blaine. "You might have to tie me down."

Blaine shivers with his desire for that, smirking playfully as he slowly starts to remove his shirt, making Kurt mimic him. "You didn't do so well with your hands bound before."

"Then tie me up so that I can still touch you."

Kurt gets a hungry growl in response before he's being kissed within an inch of his life and hands are pulling at his pants. The second both are naked and Blaine has him pushed down into the bed, their teeth sink in whatever skin they can get to as Blaine shoves into his body. It's animalistic and gets blood everywhere, but Kurt doesn't want it any other way. He lets Blaine take him and show him who he belongs to.


Hours later, Blaine sends a thank you text to Sebastian before he carries up two large portions of blood to the playroom. He can't help the smile that spreads across his face seeing Kurt on display with his ass in the air and the sexiest come hither look in his eyes.

"Aren't you sore baby?"

"Mm, in the best kind of way."

"Let me see you down this blood and then look at your eyes before I make love to you." Blaine hands him the overly large cup and drinks his own cupful as he watches Kurt chug his like someone who was starving eating their first meal. He'll have to make sure to be careful not to make his love throw up. "Good baby. Very good, now your eyes." He lifts the pale chin, relaxing when all he sees is shining blue staring back at him. "How do you feel?"

"Horney. I need you close so bad daddy."

"It's the reconnection. It's craving our bodies to be joined to strengthen not only our bond as lovers, but as maker and child."

"Then don't make me wait. Make love to me until I have to sleep."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

After moving their glasses away, Blaine kisses Kurt while flooding their connection with love and comfort as he lays him down and pulls him in close. They take their time this time stretching Kurt, even though he was still stretched from earlier. When they join its with mutual gasps as their bodies slowly rock with each other, hands holding, lips touching, and everything moving in slow motion as nothing else in the world matter except each other.


Three months later find Kurt in the passenger's seat of the car watching the world fly by as he happily sings along with the radio. The herbs Lalvon had left were to help soothe the elf in Kurt to accept the vampire half of him to help him become stronger faster and now he's been deemed ready for a small outing to Alain's photo studio with the wedding suits he's made for the soon to be married couple. Blaine has yet to forgive his mother for abandoning Sebastian and Kurt when they needed help, he heard everything about how she denied assistance until it was going to be way too late.

Eventually he'll start to mend their relationship, but for now he's perfectly happy listening to Kurt be a happy stress-free soul again. He's also made a surprise for Kurt in the way of asking Wes to be at the studio to look at some of his boyfriends designs, he thinks Kurt could shine as a fashion designer for their company and truthfully Wes owes him for not being there for Sebastian either.

"How are you doing over there baby?"

Kurt hops in his seat. "Anxious to see Alain and Sebastian again! I think they will love their suits!"

"I love them, you did a lot of work on them baby."

"Of course. A best man can't slack off on the groom's attire." He grins brighter. "Don't even get me started on the amount of work you put in for their bachelor party, though I still hope you deem me able to go."

"If you get through today, you'll be able to go."

"Oh my god! Really?"

"Yes love, really."

"Eek! Awesome! I am so going to that party!"

That same energy is what Kurt greats Alain and Sebastian with when he runs in and hugs them both giggling and going on and on about how he gets to go to the bachelor party, because Blaine said so. Blaine enters to the raised brow of Wes.

"His first successful attempt at an outing, he's overly excited." Blaine gives his friend a one armed hug, the suits hanging from his other hand.

"I can see. He reminds me of you when you in your younger years." Wes moves closer to the new vampire. "He makes you happy. So let me see these designs so I can get back to the office and either post that we are looking for a designer or put in the name of our new employee."

"Huh?" Kurt turns towards the new guy.

"Kurt, love, this is Wes the leading partner in our company and he's here to see the suits you designed and the sketches that Alain has kept around for just this reason."

"Designer? You mean it?" he gives out a high pitched squeal interrupting all the models as their setting up for the nights shoot. "Do you have time to try it on?"

Alain nods slowly. "After this round of pictures, why don't you take Sebastian in back and have Wes look at it first and the designs are still at your desk."

Half an hour later Wes leaves with a huge smile on his face winking at Blaine on his way before the hurricane of energy with the name Kurt flings himself up and around him crying and laughing. Blaine barely has time to grab his lovers' legs to hold him up and catch his balance before Sebastian was hugging him from behind.

"I got the job."

"So why are you crying?" Blaine side eyes Sebastian for an answer.

Kurt kisses Blaine softly. "Because now all my dreams are coming true. I get to be a designer, I live in New York away from the wolves, and I'm with the man of my dreams that I love just as much as he loves me. My life is perfect daddy."


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