Up in Lights
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Up in Lights: Chapter 11

E - Words: 1,757 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
157 0 0 0 0

Blaine knew that this would be a very long and drawn out attack on the ones that have been hunting and killing the elves for so long which means they can't just go storming into the compound, no matter how much he really wants to. His heart wants this to be completely over before Kurt wakes for the night, but his mind knows that it won't happen that fast.

He knew that as he thanked Sebastian and Alain at his front door and handed the letter to them just in case he didn't come back. His friends hugging him sadly.

"We'll watch over him for you." Alain smiles softly.

"Promise that you'll watch him even if I don't make it back. Promise me." Blaine grabs Sebastian by the hand and refuses to let the man go without his word that they won't let anything bad happen to Kurt.

"We won't have to. You'll be fine." Sebastian wraps his arms around him and holding him tight to hide his tears.

"Still. I need you to promise me. He's so young and he needs someone to help him through the rest of his change." His body starts to shiver with how much it hurts to leave his baby alone. "If it can't be me, I would be more at ease knowing that you would take up the reigns and raise him."

Sebastian agreeing settles into his heart and puts him back as ease as they watch the sun slowly set outside a large compound that the scouts confirmed was housing the coven. His skin can feel the power radiating off of the building and his eyes pick up the faint shimmer that signals a protective barrier is up. That barrier is what was holding them back from barreling in there and tearing out their throats.

"We're almost through."


"Son are you sure this is what you want to do?"

Blaine turns towards his mother to see how worried she really is. "I'm sure moot. I couldn't sit at home knowing that the final battle to protect Kurt was going on and I wasn't here to make sure it was really over. Besides, you need me here and he has Sebastian and Alain to look after him."


"Where the fucking hell did he go?" Alain groans out as he passes Sebastian once again, both of them looking all over the house and neither of them seeing the shining eyes watching them from his hiding place.

"The hell should I know." Sebastian grumbles. "He's better at this then I ever was."

"Stealthy fledglings." Alain mumbles back screaming when he gets tackled from behind and pinned to the floor by a growling Kurt. "What the fuck!"

"You guys suck at this! Maybe you should hide this time." Kurt laughs happily before tickling Alain. "You might be better at hiding then you are finding."

Sebastian smirks as he watches his boyfriend squeal and fight against the tickling onslaught being thrust upon him. "Maybe we will hide." He slowly moves closer to them. "Or, I can join in and we can tickle you!" He moves lightning fast, tackling Kurt to the ground and tickling him while Alain recovers and joins in going after the young man's feet.

"AHH!" Kurt laughs and screams. Kicks and wiggles until the other two let him go to fall into a panting tired pile of exhausted vampire.

"I think it's time for dinner." Sebastian chuckles as he uses the fledglings chin to turn his face. "Your fangs are out."

"Because I'm starving." Shining blue eyes rove over the both of them. "Time to eat! Then time for you to hide!" He's up and running to the kitchen giggling because this is so much fun.

"Babe, I had no idea fledglings were so childlike." Alain walks with Sebastian to get themselves some blood to drink.

"It has to do with the body adjusting to being pretty powerful after being human."

"The long life thing?"

"The long life thing." Sebastian laughs at his boyfriend. "Now let's drink and then hide."

"It's also an increase in energy because our bodies naturally heal faster now." Kurt eyes them both as their jaws drop. "What? I've had ample time to read up on this. Been stuck at home for months, hello?" He rolls his blue eyes as he sits down drinking his blood. "Though, I don't think I want to play hunt you down anymore..."

"That game is called hunt you down?" Alain glares at Sebastian when he laughs because he knew what it was.

"Well duh. You walk around and I stalk you before pouncing. Very important skill to have, thank you. Anyways. I want to watch a movie instead. Can we watch a movie?"

"I think a movie would be perfect." Sebastian ruffles the fledgling's hair making Kurt hiss at him. "Did you want popcorn while we watch?"

"Umm no. Just more blood and a pillow."

"Are you tired?"

"Yes." Kurt fidgets in his chair. "All the cuts and bites are draining me. I guess it's because it's healing, but I'm just really tired."

Sebastian sighs as he looks Kurt over to see how sluggish he's starting to move. "Alright, go up stairs to the media room with Alain and I'll be up with some more blood for you and popcorn for Alain and Me." His smile falls as soon as he hears the other two trudging upstairs, he pulls out his phone to call Blaine even though he knows he probably won't get an answer.

Feeling his phone vibrate, Blaine pulls it out to see if the feeling he's been getting from Kurt is right. His heart drops when he sees Sebastian's name on his screen and he wastes no time answering it. "What's wrong with Kurt?"

"Who says something's wrong?"

"Bastian. I don't have time for this." Everyone around him is prepared as the last of the spell is being said to break into the building. "I can feel something is wrong with him, but can't pinpoint what."

"He's exhausted. After just a few hours of playing his favorite game, hunt the babysitters down, he drank half the amount of blood you said he'd want for his first meal and is now complaining that he's tired and his wounds hurt. If my nose isn't lying, there bleeding again as well."

"Has he mentioned..."

"No he hasn't said anything about howling or the dogs coming for him."

"Stay close to him Bastian. I don't know what they might pull, but we are minutes away, actually seconds away from ending this."


"Watch out for him? Like you promised? If I don't..."

"Don't you even say or hint at something going wrong. You just get in there and get this done so you can come home to all of us."


"Dumb ass." He's caught off guard by the tears streaming down his face, Sebastian Smyth doesn't cry. "God dammit! You better come home safe because I don't know what I'd do if I lost the person I love most in this world, besides my supper sexy boyfriend and that annoying blue eyed brat you had to bring into our lives."

"Are you going soft on me?"

"Maybe. No. Fuck you!"

Blaine laughs as he nods to his mother as he's getting the signal that their ready. "Bastian, I love you too. You're my best friend, brother, and have been the reason my life has been so entertaining. Now go look after the love of my life like you promised." Breath catching in his throat with the change of voice coming through the phone as Blaine curls in on himself.

Kurt is quiet, no emotion in his voice as Blaine feels the fear and pain shooting through his boyfriend. "Their coming. They know and their coming for both of us."

He hears it through the phone and all around him, howling. He's screaming for Kurt as everyone around him goes into action fighting the mass amounts of hellhounds and ghouls that have crawled out of the depths to kill them. The sound of Sebastian's phone hitting the ground as the sound of his friends screaming in pain and Kurt sending pure fear through their connection, everything happens at once and Blaine has no choice but to pocket his phone and join the fight. Determined to kill every single one of them and get to Kurt fast, driving him on.

Sweat and blood covers everyone as the fighting seems to never end. Wave after wave of demonic creatures being summoned and sent after them. Within the first hour, he had felt a sever jolt come through his connection with Kurt and now there was a gaping hole where there used to be a warmth that made his life complete. There isn't even time for him to try calling to see if anyone is still alive at his house, not with the backup being beaten back by the newest wave of gargoyles. What was supposed to be a short skirmish has now turned into a war, Vampires against demonic magic. No wonder the elves went into hiding if this was what they were facing all the time.

"Blaine!" Santana takes down a hellhound that was about to tear at his throat from behind. "Need to pay attention if you want to get out of this!"

"I don't have a reason..."

She rolls her eyes before pointing behind her where Sebastian is tearing down a gargoyle while Kurt and Alain tear out the throats of a couple necromancers. "He's cut up and has some kind of venom going through his system, but he's alive. We just have to get inside and find the anti-venom. Stupid chimera poison."

"How?" their moving towards the people he thought he'd never see again, arms opening wide as Kurt sees him and runs into his hold.

"I gave that ass-hat of an old man a summoning charm years ago, just in case, and he actually had the balls to use it!"

"Desperate times babe. Had to keep my promise to keep the kid safe at any cost, including subjecting him to your company." Sebastian jokes as he eyes over Alain who's limping heavily, clothes soaked with blood that he can't tell how much of it is his boyfriends.

"Thank you. All of you, thank you." Blaine clings to Kurt as his nose draws in his boyfriends scent, changed drastically by the venom flowing through his system. "Baby, you should drink from me to boost your strength until we get inside."


"Kurt. Drink."

"No, it would weaken you and I need your strength to win this." Their lips meet briefly before Kurt is up and hissing at the unknown vampires approaching them fast. Blaine shifts, wrapping his arms around him to keep Kurt calm.

"Sir! Your mother is requesting your presence. She has a plan to end this."


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