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Unconditionally: Chapter 7

E - Words: 4,298 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
135 0 0 0 0

Eli sat with his head down, body beaten and bruised, as the gathered pack leaders discussed how they were going to proceed from here. It only took a week of the wolf style interrogation to get the man to crack, begging to confess everything he knows and out everyone involved. What was the last thing that broke him? Henry Anderson, a pack leader from Ohio and father of Blaine Anderson, just looked at him with pure hatred and he knew that nothing the others had done to him would come close to what this wolf was capable of.

"Is everyone here?" Duncan looks around at the collection of pack leaders, all of which have had a member of their pack effected by these silly human antics. "Looks like it, so lets proceed. Eli Mathers, you have admitted to your crimes of attempting to rape a member of my pack and that you have knowledge that you wish to tell us before your crime is punished under the laws of the pack."

"Laws of the pack? What about my human rights!"

"You forfeited those when you messed with my son. Crimes against humans are tried in a human system. Crimes against pack are subjected to pack law as stated by the United Co-existence Alliance." Henry clacks his jaw in anger. "Besides, you have a human witness to make sure nothing we do is outside of our laws." He gestures to the Professor. "Maybe if you would have done more homework in your cross-species law class then trying to kill my son, you would know all of this already."

"Whats going to happen to me?"

"You will be given a chance to face the one you did the injustice too. If you were a wolf, it would be a no rules fight for five minutes, but as youre human to make it more far you are given a 2 minute head start before the one you offended is allowed to hunt you down and do as he pleases." Duncan puts a comforting hand on Henrys shoulder. "If he is unfit to do it himself, he may select another wolf to go in his place. Seeing how the wolfsbane has rendered his immune system to next to nothing there is a very good possibility that it will be someone else hunting you. Now, about your confession."

"Fine. Yes I befriended Blaine Anderson as part of my initiation into the fraternity of Alpha Omega Alpha. I dont know who started it, but I know that as part of the yearly tradition every member of the fraternity must seduce and sleep with a wolf. The rules are simple. They have to be a mated wolf and you have to have witnesses that you did it. The packet of drugs is something we are each given and told that it makes things easier." Eli looks down at the ground as he hears the growing agitation of the wolves around him. "Everyone until me has gone for an omega because they are easier to subdue, but I chose an alpha in a drunken bet."

"How many wolves have you done this too?" Another pack leader snaps out.

"Personally? Just Blaine. Witnessed? Six this semester and I know they did this all last year. Maybe the year before that as well."

"And at no time you stopped to think if this was wrong or not?" Henry shakes his head in disbelief of all the suffering these boys have caused.

"Why would I? I was always taught you were just some weird animal that likes keeping sex slaves."

"Our mates are not sex slaves." Henry growls, moving closer to the boy. "They are what completes our souls, something you humans dont seem to care about since you jump from bed to bed."

"Better than being raped and held for the rest of my life by some power crazed alpha." Eli slumps after the hard slap across his face from Henry.

"That isnt how it works." Henry growls. "But you know that dont you." He freezes when he sees the truth on Elis face. "You know and you still did this?"

"Yes alright! I know how connected mates are! I know how hard something like this is on an omega! Thats why I went for an alpha!" tears are streaming down his face. "Just give me a pen and paper and Ill write down everyone I saw rape an omega and everyone I know that is in the frat. Just take them down and stop all this from happening! Ive been a stupid asshole and tried to be cool by doing what everyone told me I had to do!"


Kurt snuggled into Blaine, trying to get his mate to open up at least a little. Ever since they were released from the hospital two days ago, Blaine has been off. At first it was because they were both still recovering in their own way and now it seemed as if every time Kurt touches him he hurts him.

"Knock, knock." Lillian pokes her head in their bedroom door, hands holding a tray of food. "Ive brought lunch."

"Thank you Lillian." Kurt sighs when Blaine doesnt even react past hiding his face. "Love, you should say hi to your mom."

"…hi mom…"

"Blaine…" Kurt holds his mate closer.

"Thats an improvement at least, but I dont blame him. My poor boy." Lillian puts the tray down near Kurt before checking both of their temperatures. "Kurt how are you feeling? Morning sickness still really bad?"

"Um. It is, but I think that has to do with the fact Im still on antibiotics and this little guy just doesnt like them." He looks down fondly when Blaine, face still hidden, rubs a comforting hand over his tiny baby bump.

"Well, let us know if it gets worse alright darling?"

"I will."

"Henry will be up to talk to the both of you when he gets back and the rest of us are going to take the little ones out to see the aquarium!"

"Oh that sounds like fun! Maybe next weekend we can take them again and join you. What do you think love?" They both look down at the scared whines coming from the curled up alpha. "You are so lucky I love you."

Lillian laughs as she gets up. "Ill see you boys later."

Once shes out of the room Kurt clacks his jaw. "You cant be afraid of everything like this. I know what happened was horrible, but no one in the house is going to hurt you."

"But they will judge me…"

It comes out so quiet, Kurt isnt sure he heard him at all. "What?"

"They are judging me. An alpha that was too weak to protect themselves from a predator that their mate warned them about. Im a loser and I dont want to see the regret in their eyes for having such a worthless alpha for a son or the disappointment over me letting it happen…"

"But thats not what they are thinking at all."

"Yes they are."

"No, we arent. Blaine, that could have happened to anyone and in fact from what dad said, its happened to quite a few wolves over the past few years. You just happen to be the first alpha that someone has targeted." Kurt burrows down to get face to face with his mate. "We are all very upset this happened to you, yes, but not because you were weak but because someone out there thought it was a good idea to get between you and me and try to break us. They had no respect for our bond." Kurt sighs when Blaine hides his face from him. "Blaine, do you think me or the kids love you any less because of what happened?"


"Do you think Sebastian, Alain, and Nick have stopped being your friends because of this?"


"If this would have happened to someone else, would you feel the way you described about them or would you try to help them?"

"I... I would try to help them."

"Then why do you think anything everyone has done for you lately is anything less than them helping you because we all love you and are sad about what happened, but dont blame you one bit?"

"I… dammit."

"We understand you need time and we are all willing to give you time, but please know that we are all here for you still because we love you."

There is no verbal response at first passed the sniffling that comes from Blaine as the alpha starts to cry, finally letting out all the pain hes been feeling inside about what happened. He sobs until he cant hold it in anymore and just lets everything out. How dirty he feels and how horrible it was not having any control over his body while that man took him to the hotel room. How lost he feels not knowing what happened after that, but knowing his clothes were torn and that someone other than Kurt touched him that way. Kurt just lets him say everything he needs to while holding him close and comforting him. Showing Blaine that hes always going to be there for him.


"We have word going out to all the packs in the states to see if any of the wolves that suffered wish to take their allotted action against their attackers."

"Thank you." Duncan smiles at the other pack leader as he looks over the list of thirty people, only about fifteen of them have a note next to their name that they had been confirmed in raping a mated wolf. "Professor, have you sent word out to the human authorities?"

"Yes. They have a copy of the list and are going to help collect the ones on the list and do an investigation to see what they can find. This is also being picked up by the federal government, as something like this has never happened before and they are wanting to help keep both sides settled as the law states, pack justice is to be doled out by pack."

"It needs to be done though." Henry growls. "Those kids should never have done what they did. No one deserves to be drugged and used."

"If the human authorities find that some of them are innocent of actually doing the crime, we will allow them to be prosecuted through a lesser trial. They will be hunted, but not harmed. Maybe then they will know what it was like for the ones they knew got hurt, but didnt help."

"Ill let them know." He turns to Henry. "If I may ask, outside of being the human representative, how is Blaine? He is one of my favorite students."

"He hasnt talked since the first day, at least to anyone but Kurt. He refuses to leave their room. Its not easy for him to accept that it happened, but I hope he opens up soon." Henry tries to hide how hurt he is that his son hasnt talked to him at all. "At least he has Kurt."


Timothy watches the BIG fish with giant teeth swim around while he thinks about what has been going on around him at home. His papa is still recovering after being really sick, so sick that he wasnt able to go see him so that he didnt get sick as well. Then there is his daddy. His daddy that was sick too, though no one will tell him with what and his daddy wont come out and see him at all. Is he worried? Well of course he is, but he also doesnt think his daddy is sick. The way everyone has been acting he thinks his daddy is hurt. Its just what everyone has been saying around him that has him thinking that. He just hopes that daddy isnt hurt so bad that he wont have a daddy anymore like Levi. Thinking of Levi…


His loud screaming cries echo through the aquarium getting everyone looking over in a mixture of sympathy and annoyance at the little boy whos obviously scared beyond consolation as Sebastian holds his boy tight and tries to hide his face from seeing the large sharks swimming around anymore.

"Its ok Babyboy, they cant get you."

"Is he going to be alright for the rest of the aquarium?" Alain hurries over to coo at the poor boy in Sebastians arms while Richard holds himself up against the glass cooing and gurgling at the big fishies.

"I hope so. Once he knows they wont hurt him he should be fine." Sebastian kisses his sons head and tries to talk into his good ear only resulting in Levi lifting his head, tears streaming down his face, to see another shark swim by and pulling another terrified scream from the boy who takes to hitting his daddy to try and get him to take him out of this scary place.

"Daaa! Ome! Ome!"

"We cant go home yet Babyboy. Look Timothy, and Richard like it in here."

"I dont" Elizabeth mumbles from behind Nicks legs. "Its scary."

"Lizzy it isnt scary. They have to be in water to live, so they cant get us." Timothy snips at her.

"What if the glass breaks you poopoo head?"

"Elizabeth!" Nick snaps at her.

"Sorry Nicky… but still the glass can break and then here will be full of water and they will eat us."

"It will not break! They wouldnt let us in here if it was dangermous."

"Dangerous sweaty." Alain corrects him.

"They might not know!"

"Stop being scared. Alphas shouldnt be scared, especially of fishies."

"Alphas can be scared when they need to be, especially when stupid head omegas dont know they should be."

"Enough! I think weve had enough adventure for one day." Lillian steps in scooping up Elizabeth. "You, young lady should never talk to anyone like that. Same for you Timothy. Just because someone is an Alpha or and Omega doesnt dictate how they should act and I know you know that. Both of you know that."

"Sorry Granma." Both of them mumble out before Elizabeth clings to Lillian and Timothy goes over to Richard and Carol.

"If you kids can be good, I think Levi might enjoy the above water level attractions more than the big tanks." Lillian smiles when they both nod.


"Im back." Henry groans as he collapses on the couch next to Burt who stayed back from the Aquarium trip so that he can get an update faster. "Any change here?"

"Actually, yes. Blaine cried his eyes out and after he fell asleep, Kurt came and told me hes ready to talk to us now that he knows we arent going to think any less of him because of what happened." Burt lowers the volume on the TV. "Your end?"

"The human law agencies are going to help us investigate and figure out who is guilty of actual rape and who is only guilty of not stopping it."

"And the kid who attacked Blaine?"

"As soon as Blaine is ready, hell go against him in a punishment. If he lives hell be locked in a holding facility for five years." Henry grins a pretty evil looking grin. "Five years in a wolf holding facility where everyone around him will know what he did. I doubt hell ever have a good nights sleep again. The same will go for everyone who actually raped someone, those who just knew about it and did nothing are going to be put into the human system. They will decide if they get to do a run, where no harm is done to them or just years in jail."

"Im glad you are making sure they all pay."

Both men jump up and turn around to see Blaine standing at the bottom of the stairs with tears staining his face and Kurt hugging him tight from behind. "Son, how are you feeling?"

"Better. Kurt gave me the ear lashing I needed to start to get better. Im still scared, but Im ready to hold my head up higher."

"Are you ready to pass judgment on your attacker son?" Henry slowly moves closer to his son, seeing that he is still trembling in fear of the world around him.

"I am dad. I know I dont look like it, but I need to do this. I need to show my wolf that we can stand up to our fears and face them."

"Ill set the date of the hunt for Christmas eve then. That way you can have a clear mind for the holidays." Henry reaches his hand out, touching his sons cheek.

"Thank you dad." The next second Blaine throws himself into his dads arms and nuzzles into his chest as Kurt wraps around him from behind and Burt hugs around all of them from the side. Blaine has never been so proud to be part of this family then he is now. The only thing that would make it better would be…

"Granpa! We home!" Timmy and Elizabeth come running in with Levi close behind, not wanting to lose track of Timothy. "Daddy! Papa!"

Blaine laughs as they kids tackle his legs while Levi goes to Kurt, pulling on his leg to get picked up. "How did you know that was what I was missing?"

"We missed you daddy!" Elizabeth sings out.

"Are you feeling better daddy?" Timmy holds tighter.

"How come we didnt get invited to the hugging party huh?" Nick grins as he puts Richard down to crawl off towards his toys with a happy squeal. "Blaine hug pile!"

They all crack up as Nick and everyone else joins the giant hug pile leaving Richard to sit and stare at them oddly, head tilted to the side. Adults are so weird sometimes. When they all break apart talks start up about what everyone wants for dinner and what they should watch on TV, everyone knowing that when hes ready Blaine will open up to them all. For now they let him snuggle on the couch with his two pups and listen to the tales about the sharks and other animals they saw that day.


Christmas Eve became an extremely hectic day for all of them. Decorating the tree, getting the last of the shopping done, and hiding the fact that Blaine would be deciding if someone lived or died. Something that hes waiting to do now as the pack leaders announce to the gathers human officials and wolves that have been chosen as witnesses to the hunt.

"Love, are you sure youre ok with this? Sebastian said hes more than willing to take your place." Kurt nuzzles his mates neck.

"Im sure. I need to do this."

"Are you going to kill him?"

"I dont know. My wolf wants to, but I dont think I could live with the knowledge that I took someones life."

"Then just scare him. I know youre good at that." Kurt kisses him softly as they announce that the prisoner is being given his head start. "Ill be following with Duncan, Henry, and Dad if you need me."

"Ill need you at the end to hold me." Blaine nuzzles against his neck, breathing in their scent to calm his nerves.

"Ill be there." Kurt reluctantly pulls away when his dad comes over and leads Blaine away. "Be strong my love."

"Blaine Anderson, are you ready to fulfill the agreed upon punishment to your attacker?" Duncan asks in an official tone.

"Im ready."

"Then shift. You will be followed by a selection of wolves to make sure everything is done by the law of the pack."

Blaine nods before shifting, sniffing the air. Pacing around until he finds the scent and puts a call to hunt into the air that is answered by those following him before he takes off into the woods. The only thing his scenes keep track of is where Kurt is following behind him, close enough to be known but far enough back to stay out of harms way, and where the scent trail leads. Around and under, over and through, he hunts Eli with ease. Almost laughing at how easy it is to track someone that knows so much about wolves. The stronger the scent gets the more he hears his prey running for his life. Its a seconds thought when he knows where his prey is that Blaine chooses to scare him some more before ending this chase, putting out a loud howl to signal how close he is, chortling when he hears Eli curse out loud and stumble before hurrying off in another direction. Blaine close on his heels. Watching. Breaking branches on purpose every now and then to scare him. Growling from the shadows.

Its only when Eli can see the end of the woods where it is being guarded by two wolves, marking where he has to get to be taken for five years of jail, that Blaine grabs his pant leg and pulls him back into the woods screaming. The two guards laughing softly at his actually thinking he would make it. No one ever makes it unless the wolf hunting them wants them to get out.

"Im sorry!" Eli scurries away when Blaine lets him go, flipping over to stare at the black wolf, eyes flickering to the trees behind his captor where he sees movement. "Just let me go! Ive learned my lesson!"

Blaine growls, showing his teeth as his head bows, showing his anger as his body hunches and his hair stands up.

"Blaine, I know I should never have tried. I should have just turned them all in, but I couldnt. Im weak."

He snorts his amusement at the weak human saying that now. Like him admitting to being a dick would really stop this from happening. He bites at his ankles, tearing his pants. Then tears at the rest of his clothes.

"Please! Dont do this!"

Funny. Blaine hears his wolf huff out an amused sound as Eli begs the same way Blaines wolf had. Begging to be left alone as he clothes were torn from his body and marks were being left as Blaine now leaves on his body. He only stops when he has Eli pined to the ground with his teeth biting into the skin on the flesh between his neck and shoulder. Growling out his warnings as he drags him towards the exit and lets go.

"Youre lucky day. Hes letting you go." One of the guards says as he pulls Eli towards the street by his hair. "Five years in a wolf pen with those marks, you might live through a year."

"More like a few months." The other one chimes in as he reaches down to help drag the now whimpering near unconscious man to the transport car waiting to take him away.

Blaine shifted and watched as his Kurt makes his way over to him, slowly wrapping his arms around him. "I let him live."

"I know."

"Im glad I let him live."

"I am too." Kurt nuzzles against his back. "Youre shaking. Are you cold?"

"No. I need you." Blaine turns around attaching his lips with his mates. Pulling him close against his body as they walk backwards towards the denser bushes. "Want you."

"Im yours." Kurt turns around, slinking his body down to the ground on his hands and knees, ass in the air presenting himself to his mate and secretly hoping their dads arent watching. "Take me."

With a needy growl, Blaine quickly mounts his mate. Taking him with all the built up adrenalin he has rushing though his system from the hunt and pent up need hes had with the amount of time that has passed from the last time they had been together.

The elder wolves take it upon themselves at the first sounds of the boys going at it, to head back to the cars and gather their clothes. Theyll get back to them when their done and go home to play Santa Clause for the pups and start their holiday right.

A holiday that has a very special set of guests as they all get home and hurry to put the presents under the tree just in time for Mr. Brenton and Mrs. Brenton to show up dressed as Mr. and Mrs. Clause waking the kids up with a loud "Ho! Ho! Ho!"

They all loved it. Timothy and Elizabeth helping Richard to go up to the pair with happy grins as their dads all take pictures. But no one loved it more than Levi, who woke up slowly when his dad carried him out of bed to see the jolly pair surrounded by the other kids. The second his nose picked up his grandparents scent, he squealed happily and signs to be let down. "Am~pa! Am~ma!"

"There is our special little boy!" Mr. Brenton makes his way over, kissing his grandsons cheek before sitting down so he can hold him. "Have you been a good boy?"

"Es! Immy!" he points to Timothy and signs friend. Then does the rest for the other kids before starting a tale about how he loves it here with Kurt and everyone. Theyve all gotten use to his mix of simple signs and broken words, but they are all amazed and happy with how much he is trying to talk and open up.


"Thats right Babyboy, its Christmas." Sebastian runs his fingers through his sons hair. "I think this year we finally got what weve always been looking for."

"And whats that huh Bastian?" Nick teases as he jumps on Sebastians back giving him a nookie.

"Stop that!" Sebastian laughs. "A home with a pack that makes us feel loved and safe."

"I think thats true for all of us. We thought we had everything we needed in our life, until you showed up with, might I say, the better part of you two." Kurt joins in tickling Levi who laughs before he clings to him in a tight hug showing everyone how happy he is.

"Were the perfect group that will always be together." Blaine nuzzles up to Kurt, hand on his baby bump as he makes faces at Levi.

"You boys are the silliest pack unit Ive ever met." Henry laughs before they all get into an argument over what Christmas movie to watch before the kids start to open presents.


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