Make a Move
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Wont Tell Anyone

Make a Move: Chapter 7

E - Words: 6,381 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/7 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
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Author's Notes: Warning: Character Death
Make a Move 7

The first wailing cry of the morning brought a smile to the tired new fathers face. His grin growing even more when he walks into the nursery to see his dad cuddling and cooing at the small girl in his arms while his papa changes the little boys diaper.
"You both know that I am more than capable of taking care of my kids."
Blaine looks up with a sheepishly guilty look on his face. "We were just thinking you would like to sleep in again. Take some time and look after Jeff while we get to know our grandkids."

"Uh huh. That's been your excuse for the past week." Eric goes over and coos down at his daughter. "Little Miss Katelynn, it's your grandda using you as a reason to not attend to his daughters many suitors that are here for her ball this evening where they will try to fight for her hand and draw her attentions away from her brothers husband?"

Kurt covers his laugh with a loud cough that startles David in front of him, making the boy cry. "Your dad know your grandda very well, doesn't he David? Hum?" Kurt snuggles and soothes the small boy in his arms. "What you're missing in that statement is how addicted to babies your dad is and since it seems that I won't be having anymore, he is focusing on yours."

"I thought that second part was known by everyone." Eric goes over to kiss his sons forehead. "You can visit them as often as you want, but don't use them as a way to ignore the fact your daughter is now 16 and by you law old enough to start courting."

"When did you start knowing me so well?" Blaine looks at his son with a new feeling of pride at how mature he's become over the years.
"That would be the day you found me in the library and we talked about all the things we had in common."
"You were..."

"Yes I was only a child then, but it's the day I started to learn who you were and how proud I would be to call you my daddy."


"Now you made him cry." Kurt kisses one wet cheek. "Blaine, love, we really do need to go get ready for the ball and start greeting all of our guests."


"Katlynn will still be here later. Our son has no need or desire to move out yet."

"Or ever." Eric picks up his daughter from his dads arms. "Anthony asked me to stay on as his head of the knights. I'll being charge of the kingdoms security."
"He already asked you?" Blaine seems pretty surprised that his son has made any moves towards when he'll be running the Kingdome. "We haven't even talked to him about when he will be crowned king yet."

"I think a lot of it has to do with his fear of being left behind." He kisses her forehead before laying the tiny girl in the crib next to her brother. "We've talked about his panic attack the day before the wedding and his fears from before."

"I thought it was just stress." Kurt guides the two adults out of the nursery so that the drooping eyes on the babies stay closed. "I've never seen him so..."

"Vulnerable." Blaine finishes.
"He was afraid that if Aiden left for the night, he wouldn't come back. It's left over from all the people he's loved leaving him." Eric passes the message along to the nursemaid that the babies are napping before going with his dads to a sitting room. "Timothy started to plan leaving him when they were 10, I left him, the first person he though he was in love with used him and left him, and it's just been a downward spiral from there. He has issues, but now that he has Aiden I think he'll start to get stronger."

"He's not going to be happy when we move out like my parents did." Blaine groans.
"I think he'll be fine with it as long as you stay in contact and visit more often then our grandparents do. They moved quite a bit away. I know Jeff and I are looking at a nice sized property to the east of here. It's still on the palace lands, but it's far enough away that we can raise our kids without being in the way of the palace operations and then I'll be close enough to ride in to do my job."

"You'll be a great addition to the palace advisors." Blaine thinks out loud.
"I think you'll be good for Anthony as well." Kurt squeezes his sons shoulder.
"He's asked Timothy and Richard to be on his team as well. He wants Timothy to be there to tell him what he sees and allow his brother a say in the way things are done. He wants his brother close and he respects his view of what's going on around him along with Richards honest and trustworthy manor."

"I guess the next step would be to decide when we're going to retire and where we plan to live." Blaine smiles sadly as he realizes that all his babies are grown and moving on and he's actually alright with that.
That evening, after dragging themselves out of their blissful wedding beds, Anthony and Timothy walk into the ball room to celebrate their sisters sixteenth birthday. The only reason they really came was because Eric promised that he and Jeff were going to make their first appearance after the birth of their twins and help the newlyweds to figure out which of the suitors lives the furthest away so that they can make sure Elizabeth ends up further away then she thinks she will. Alright, so Eric kind of agreed to that to keep them from actually doing that. It isn't right for them to drop down to her level.
The evening was going perfectly with all these men that just wanted to dance and flirt with Elizabeth, while Blaine glared daggers at most of them and Kurt smiled pleasantly as he made sure to talk with the ones that spent the most time with their eldest daughter while Elizabeth tried her best to apologize to her brothers and new in-laws. Timothy and Anthony spent most of the time trying to ignore her while talking with the princes and other suitors between comparing notes about their similar sex lives. This last bit may or may not have caused Eric to blush and Aiden to make an excuse to go talk with Jeff while Richard tried to convince Timothy that topping once isn't a good way to judge if you like it or not, since he rather enjoyed being the bottom for once.
By the end of the night, Timothy and Richard had new things to try after they get to their honeymoon location which included Timmy agreeing to try topping again. Anthony and Aiden didn't wait until morning to leave since they were heading way up north to see where Aiden grew up and get his things ready to be sent back to the palace. Jeff surprised everyone by staying most of the night with short trips to check on the babies when his worries grew too big and Kurt would laugh at the new parents as he shooed them away to check on the sleeping angels and get their nerves settled. Elizabeth ended up fawning over a couple different men who made her second guess what she had ever seen in Aiden and if she secretly preferred the prince from the southern Kingdome just because he's far away from the north and sweet talked her into believing that he's waited years for her to come of age so that he could come and try to win her favor. The only one that was sad, was Alain.
The ball signaled that it had been a week since Sebastian and the Smyths had left for the North to settle into their new roll as rulers and also the first time Alain had to face a group of people without the encouraging words of his friend. The stares he had gotten all day had him wishing that he was stronger like Michael, who seemed to take the sympathetic words and looks in stride. It's even worse knowing that the burns and discoloration were going to be permanent, all the whispers and sad faces proved to him that no one would ever want to get to know him for who he is inside instead of his outward appearance and title.
The next year found the suitors for Elizabeth narrowed down to the prince from the south, a young man that was only a year older than her. Prince Albert had quickly won over Kurt with how much he cared for Elizabeth more than her title and Blaine by how accepting he was of their unusual family design, seeing as it's never been heard of for a crown prince to be looking for a surrogate to carry the next heir to the throne. Because of this, Blaine was more open to talk marriage and they started to plan a wedding for her 18th birthday.
Eric moved out not long after David and Katlynn turned one, Jeff stressing that as nice as t was to live in the palace he was really looking forward to get back to being their own family. It was a beautiful plot of land on the edge of the palace lands, a house that had to have work done on it first since it hadn't been used for a few generations now. The history behind the property was once where one of the past queens had used to get away from palace life and be with her children so that they would grow up with strong family values. What no one saw coming after the new family had settled into their home, was Alain asking to go with them.
"Papa. Daddy. Please let me go with them." He pleaded over dinner a few months after Eric and his family had left, his siblings all looking at him in with a mixture of emotions.
"Alain we've been over this already, there is no reason for you to move in with your brother." Blaine enforces back towards his son. "Besides, you don't know if he would want you to live with them."
"But Dad I've talked with him already and both he and Jeff are happy to welcome me to live with them."

Kurt sighs softly as he studies his son. "Why do you want to leave your home so badly?"

"Because I don't feel like I belong here. Don't misunderstand, I do love all of you, so much but I need to be away from the whispers and sad looks I get." His hands run sadly over the scars still standing out on his skin. "I can't heal emotionally if I can hear how people feel sorry for me. How they think I'll never find a husband who loves me for more than my title and dowry because of what I look like now. Even Michael has to deal with all the mumbles and sympathy."

Michael nods stuttering out in a way they have all gotten used to. "I-I Ha-ha-te it." His voice had started to come back in the past few months, but there was still no sign of his legs working and no one could say if his ability to talk will continue to improve or not.
"If you both feel like it's too hard to be around the servants and other dignitaries, then why is it that just you are asking to leave Alain?" Blaine eyes his sons.
"Because Michael was afraid you would never give him a chance to leave since he still can't walk and his voice is slowly coming back. Even though Eric said he is more than welcome as well that way he can have a quieter environment to heal in away from prying eyes and judgmental stares."
"Alright." Kurt puts a hand over his husbands to shush him from objecting. "We'll let you both go on a trial base to see if it helps you become stronger. It isn't our place to hold you in a situation that hinders your growth and happiness, but promise you will both visit often because you're still our babies." Kurt laughs as Alain runs around the table to throw himself into a hug with his papa.

"Thank you papa. Thank you."

"We'll also keep talking about all these missives you've been sending back and forth with Sebastian." Kurt whispers to his son so that Blaine can't hear and draws a deep blush from his son.
"I really don't like having so many of our children gone..." Blaine mumbles.
"Love, you know there will be a day that they are all gone from our home and living their own lives, right?"

"Yes, but not when their 11!"
A week later and a few fights with Blaine about how things will work with his sons being away from home and Michael and Alain were moved in with Eric.
The next year finds Elizabeth getting married to Albert on her 18th birthday. A ceremony that was so extravagant that everyone would always remember the event, Blaine most of all. Not only did he give his first daughter away, but he had to watch Lucus faun over one of Prince Albert's cousins, a boy named Samuel or Sam for short, and Alain gushing over how much Sebastian has grown in the two years since they've seen each other. Even Michael was finding pleasant company with a young noble lady Marley, who was a close friend of Wesley's' wife. He could see just where the next bunch of years were going to take them as his kids grow up, fall in love, and move on in their lives.
It's only after he sees off the last of his daughters belongings that Blaine lets it sink in that he should figure out what he's going to do about the crown. How long he wants to be on the throne. He's done a good job avoiding the question for the past two years, but knowing that all his children are nearing the age of marriage has him opening his eyes to the truth of the situation. Should he remain on the throne until he dies or, like his parents, retire early so that he and Kurt can enjoy their retirement and maybe travel? A discussion he knew they would have to have eventually, but was too afraid to have because it would mean starting a new life and accepting his family is grown.
Embarrassingly though, he doesn't have that talk with Kurt for a few more weeks. Not until Anthony bursts into the hall where they are discussing politics with their advisors to happily announce that their surrogate is officially pregnant with his first child and heir, a point he stressed that no matter their gender his first born would be his heir. During the congratulations that followed, Blaine turned to Kurt.
"I want to start preparing Anthony to take over the throne."

Kurt nods slowly. "We've been doing that since the day he was born."

"Yes, but I want him to take the throne at the same age I did. I want him to become king at 24, that gives us 4 years to start implementing the changes he wants so that it isn't a shock to anyone when he takes over and start having him sit in on these meetings to make decisions."

"Are you sure about this?" Kurt asks with worry in his voice. "I know how hard it is to think of our babies as grown-ups."

"I'm sure. I'm ready for this and he's ready for this. It wouldn't be fair if it was my fault he was held back from his full potential."
"I am so proud of you." Wrapping his arms around Blaine, Kurt leans in and kisses his husband. "You're such a good father."

"I'd be a better one if we would have had this talk years ago."

"You weren't ready years ago, but now you are."

Anthony interrupts their solitary moment to hug around them both. "I'm going to be a father!"

They all laugh and hug before letters are written and sent out to inform the rest of their family members of the good news, inviting those close enough to dinner that evening to celebrate and gush over the young woman that has agreed to carry all of the two princes' children. They do let slip that they left who the actual father is up to chance. They mixed their seed before giving it to the doctor so that in their minds they are both the father of all their kids to come. Something Timothy may or may not have been starting to think about since hearing his brother talk about having kids and watching his niece and nephew toddle around at their second birthday. Something about all the baby talk around him has just given him baby fever. It's thoughts of what a mini Richard would look like that are floating through his head as Lilly, the surrogate, talks with Marianna about how happy she is to do this for them.
Alain on the other hand sits in the corner reading his newest letter from Sebastian with a giant smile on his face. Two years of sweet letters of nothing really are now turning into more talk about how soon they can start visiting each other. They may only be 10 and 12, but they know there is no one else in the world that understands them the way they do each other. His thoughts of how he can convince his parents that he really needs to visit the north is halted when Lucus announces to the table during a lull in conversation that he has sent a special invitation to Sam to be on his arm for his 16th birthday, the next big event for the family. No one knows what to say to the blushing boy as he admits to having been flirting via letter ever since the wedding where he meet him. Secretly everyone was sneaking peeks at Blaine and how he was taking the news. All of them being surprised when he get's up and hugs his son and happily saying that it was perfectly fine.
What none of the kids see is how their dad broke down later that night while he's tucked away in bed with Kurt and the reality of what his son says sinks in. Lucus would be leaving them sooner then they all thought, since the boy had only just meet this Sam kid at his sister's wedding and before then hadn't shown a fancy for anyone. His tears grow bigger when he realizes that Michael has been conversing with Marley in person as often as she can visit his home with Eric. Out of all their kids, there are only four that he can see have no wish or desire to move on as fast as their siblings. He can only hope that they take their time in finding love, if only for his own sanity.
When the New Year came around Blaine had finally accepted that his kids were growing up and moving on, at least in part he accepted it. Lucus let them know that Sam was not only wanting to live in their Kingdome, but he moved there ahead of time to make sure there was a home set up and ready for when Lucus was old enough to marry. That eased everything for the family as they got to know him, where they never had the chance with Elizabeth's husband and now with her first born child.
They make up for not knowing their other grandson by cooing over the newest heir to the throne, a little girl that clings to her daddies as much as she can while they are both training to be kings. Right now she clings to Kurt as she wails out her discomfort from her first cold.
"Shh I know. I know you feel all icky and hot and cranky, but you need to drink your medicine for grandpa."

Anthony smiles as he spies on his papa trying to give the baby the medicine laced bottle again. "You've lost your touch papa. You were able to get David and Katelynn to drink their medicine with no problem, but now you can't even get little Elaine to put the bottle in her mouth."
"I still can't believe you named her after your dad, that's probably why she doesn't want to bottle form me. He's her favorite." Kurt kisses her forehead to feel how warm she still is. "Her fever just won't drop."
"The doctor said if she didn't break the fever tonight we need to send for him again." Anthony caresses the mess of black curls on her head, frowning at the sweat that has her hair damp. "Let me try Papa." He scoops the baby from his dads' arms and coos at her until the bottle goes into her mouth. "Good girl."

That's how Aiden and Blaine find them, both men hovering over the sweaty little girl in her dads arms while her grandpa runs a cool cloth over her head. "How is she?"

Her eyes snap open at the sound of her granddads voice as she frantically looks around for him, arms flying towards him with grabby hands going to signal how much she wants him to hold her and make the aches stop. "Much better it would seem. Her magic cure, also known as Granddad, is here to make her feel better." Kurt huffs as Anthony passes her to Blaine.
"Don't be jealous, you know Katelynn and David like you more than me." Blaine coos down at her. "Isn't that right Elaine? You love my company because when your big cousins are over there is no room left in Grandpas arms."

Aiden laughs as he kisses Anthony, whispering as he and his husband talk about their daughters' health and leave the two older kings to bicker and vie for the little girl's attention. Eventually they all start talking about planning her birthday party as she drifts off into a peaceful sleep brought on by her fever takes its last pull on her strength and her body goes into rest to start to heal.
The next few years see a flurry of changes in not only their family, but the Kingdome. Some good and some very bad. Anthony and Aiden decided that two children is all they want, announcing this to their family upon the birth of their son, Alexander. Lucus has been betrothed to Sam ever since he turned 18, but there is no sign of them rushing to get married. Especially not with the current dispute between Anthony and Elizabeth going on. That drama started the day he was crowned king, everyone was shocked that she had even traveled north with her four children and doting husband in tow. It surprised everyone because she hadn't returned for Michael's marriage to Marley, or Adam announcing that he was going into the knighthood instead of marriage which the family all gathered to celebrate his 16th birthday without a ball since he didn't want to have women throwing themselves at him.
The fight started out with an innocent jab at the appearance of the kids and how it was horrible to not know if the heir to the throne was actually of the Anderson bloodline. Then it morphed into pulling apart all the changes her brother had made, appointing Eric head of the security of the Kingdome, Richard finance, and Timothy to be a shadow ruler at his side and Aiden as an equal king. Then the next thing everyone knew, when Sebastian showed up with news of trouble in the north, she questioned Anthony when he had Eric send scouts to find out what is going on and how they could help their neighbors and allies. Elizabeth found it a horrible risk to bring attention to the central Kingdome when her brother wasn't even wet behind the ears when it comes to fighting battles and in the heat of their fight, accused him of only being able to find a husband by stealing the man who was supposed to marry her. None of them could blame Anthony for the slap that went across her face, not even her husband that found her behavior quite rude and uncalled for. The next words out of his mouth sent her away and the following letter from her hand claimed she would never visit again unless Anthony apologized personally for hitting her.
This lead to the quads 16th birthday ball being devoid of their eldest sister, though her husband came to give his full hearted apology. Keeping everyone distracted as they talk about what the scouts found in the north, war was coming their way from an island Kingdome of aggressive savages that saw their lands as theirs. With the talk of war looming and William, Marianna, and Duncan all greeting and dancing with their suitors, no one saw Sebastian and Alain sneak out. No one saw Sebastian whisper love into the older boys ears and pull out a ring, offering his heart, soul, and all he owns and will own to the now crying Alain. No one knew when they kissed and held each other tight.
Sebastian lowering Alain down onto the bed with sweet kisses along his neck. "I love you Alain, so very much."

"Sebastian... I love you..." His hands cling to Sebastian as their lips connect and their hands wander. Emotions high as their clothes start to come off. Alain having no real clue what's going on, but he trusts Sebastian with his entire being.
They make love until the sun starts to rise and they know there is no choice but to move from their loving embrace before someone catches them and they are both in more trouble than either can imagine. Alain chooses to ignore the look Eric gives him when he attempts to hid his discomfort with walking the next day or how much closer the two of them sit during lunch. How their hands linger a bit too long. He's very glad his brother doesn't say anything when a rider shows up at their door with an emergency letter from the north. War has started and Sebastian is called home immediately to take his place at his father's side. Eric hurrying to the palace to send out a call to arms, telling Sebastian that their forces will be going with him to ensure his safety on the way home and to help defend the north while other forces gather to protect their own borders. It's while Eric is at the palace making the arrangements for knights to gather to get Sebastian home that Alain cries and clings to his secret fianc�.
"Don't go. Please don't go."
"I have no choice love, I must go when my father calls."
"Do you have to go into battle though?"
"Yes." Sebastian kisses him softly. "I need to, to make sure you will be safe. Their next target is here, we already know that."
"I don't care..." He cries into Sebastian's neck. Slowly calming as he realizes that there is no stopping his love from fighting. "Write me every day. Write me so that I know you are coming home to me."
"I promise to write everyday and marry you, even if your father wants you to wait until your 18, the day I come back."
"You better." They kiss, wrapped around each other until Jeff clears his throat to separate them before informing Sebastian his escorts are ready to go. Forcing the lovers to part from each other. Jeff wrapping his arms around Alain as he stands and watches Sebastian ride away with a group of knights until he can't see him anymore. He holds him tight when Alain collapses into a fit of crying and random mumblings about how he's afraid he'll never see Sebastian again.
All their tears grow when the army gathers prepared to leave to both the northern Kingdome and their own border that is being attacked from the east. Kurt in shock when Blaine, Anthony, Aiden, Adam, and Eric suit up to leave with them, leaving Kurt as temporary king in the absence of his son, especially when Timothy shows up with his bow and a smile on his face stating that he'll lead the archers in battle.
In the wake of the forces leaving, Jeff moves back into the palace with the kids to help Kurt run the palace and keep everyone strong. Alain sits by the window every morning until the mail comes to get his daily letter from Sebastian and pass the other letters to Kurt and Jeff. A month into the battle, Sebastian's letters stop. Kurt does his best to help his son as by the end of the second month of battle, Alain has broken down so much that he's made himself sick.
None of them saw it coming when with tear streaked cheeks, Alain confesses that he's missed his cycle the past couple months and he's fairly certain he's with child, Sebastian's child, and he has no intention of getting rid of it. Kurt is happy that Blaine isn't there to go through this, because he understands why his son stands his ground about the unborn baby and how sympathetic he is towards their youngest child having thought that the love of his life, his fianc�, is dead.
When Alain is five months along and soldiers are starting to come home with news of their victories, which they have to face Blaine with what's going on. They get his missive a day before he comes home, promising a big surprise when he gets there.
Kurt is out the door first to greet his returning family, throwing his arms around Blaine and holding him tight as his tears fall. Eric laughing beside him as his kids tackle him to the ground and Timothy screaming when Richard scoops him up into his arms to spin him. When Alain steps out slowly with Jeff, everyone stops and gasps at his round belly. The first words anyone says is Blaine.
"Who? Whose is it?" His eyes are narrowed in anger as he studies his son.
"Sebastian." Alain holds his chin up high. "We were going to get married, but I lost contact with him and..." He starts to break down. "He... I'm afraid he..."

"Is a dead man that better be prepared to marry you right now?" Blaine growls out and turns towards Sebastian who is standing with his mouth agape and his dad glaring at him. "Well?"

Alain cries harder when he sees Sebastian is alive as his hands curl around his belly holding their child. "I thought... I thought you were..."

"We were having trouble getting messages out." Sebastian run and wraps his arms around Alain as he sinks to the ground. "I tried to send letters. I really did, but we were surrounded until your dad showed up and we broke through. I would have... If I'd known I would have come home."

"I love you. I love you so much." Alain kisses him and clings to him as their families urge the boys to go inside, Blaine jumping and scooping his son up when he stumbles a bit dizzy from everything going on around him, Sebastian hurrying ahead to get the doors open so they can get Alain seated in the first sitting room they come across where they all laugh at how silly they probably all look before Kurt goes into what's happened while they were all gone. Alain curling up against Sebastian, filling in the parts that Kurt doesn't know about their engagement.
By the end of the evening, Sebastian is settled into Alain's room, Kurt pointing out there's no reason to keep them apart now while the parents settle down to make arrangements for the fast wedding they need to have for the boys, an emergency missive being sent north to the rest of the Smyth family informing them of the longer delay in coming home and their sons upcoming marriage. In all it takes three days to round up a priest and get the boys married and all of them agreeing that Alain should stay at the palace until the baby is born, Sebastian refusing to move him until its safe for both the baby and his husband to travel.
As the last of the forces are returning home from clearing the fields in the north, Adam grinning as he wraps his dads in a giant hug as he's the last of their family that needed to come home, Alain gives birth in the dead of night. Waking everyone with his screams of pain as the baby refuses to wait until the doctor arrive to come out. Sebastian tries to sooth Alain as Kurt, Jeff, and Blaine work around him to bring their son into the world as safe as they can. The doctor shows up just in time to watch them place a crying healthy baby boy into their sons' arms before they all just laugh when the stress wears off.
Their whole family, minus Elizabeth, gathers in the week before Alain is set to leave for the north, little Elliot curled up in his arms sleeping. They catch up with each other. Talk about the future and laugh about the adventures they've had. Blaine sits back and watches as Kurt curls up into him.
"We've done a really good job with our kids, haven't we?" Blaine sighs.
"We have. They are smart and for the most part caring humans."

"This includes Elizabeth?"

Kurt groans. "I still have hope that she will grow up one day and realize she's pushed her whole family away."
"She'll learn or I'll go and make her realize it." Blaine grumbles. "I can't see how she can still be so jaded with such an honorable husband."

"We'll never know love." Kurt kisses him gently. "What should we do now? It's only a short time until the last of our kids are married and then we're free to travel to each of their houses to play with our grandkids or take some time and relive our youth."

"I say we relive our youth. Pretend that we're just married and have a second honeymoon before we go spoil our grandkids."

"You just want to have non-stop sex." Kurt laughs. "Or pretend that we can still go that long."

"Umm I bet we can still go that long. You make me feel like a teen every time you touch me."
"You are so sweet and silly at the same time."

"But you love me."

"But, I love you with all my heart."
Years later, the entire family gathers again. Grown and with kids of all ages with them. Even Elizabeth shows up, her dispute with Anthony forgive years ago and right now their glad that they aren't fighting. The sitting room is quiet as they each take their turns in the dark room covered in black. Anthony and Timothy are the last two to go in, being meet with Eric sitting behind Blaine, holding him tight with all the strength and support he can give him.

Blaine's hair is stark white, skin wrinkled and sagging in places from the years. His hands clutching a much paler one as his dulled golden eyes never leave the equally aged face of his husband who lays in the bed. The doctor told them they would be lucky if he opened his eyes again, they would be lucky if he lasted another day, but Blaine was hopeful that his angel would at least open his eyes once more and give him that knowing smile he always knows Blaine needs to see when he's upset over something. His smile would only comfort him for a short time as he knows there's no coming back from this. Their journey was coming to an end. Kurt was going to leave him even though he promised to never leave him.
"Dad..." Timothy starts, but stops when Blaine shakes his head.
"I know. I know it's over, but I just..."
"You should rest...." All their heads snap up when they hear his voice. Ragged with the struggle each word is taking to get out.
When he looks up, Blaine smiles brightly as his tears stream down his face. His last wish was being granted, someone was listening to him and letting him for the last time look into those brilliant blue eyes. Sparkling with the love they hold for him. Looking at him as if they know that this isn't the last time they will see each other. "I don't know what to do. I can't..."

"Don't. Please don't say you can't. I know it will be hard, but we'll see each other again. I know we will because we love each other."

"Forever and always,"
"Forever and always. Now rest with me. Hold me and keep me warm and safe like you always do."
The kids slowly leave the room, Eric going to tell the doctor what's going on as an excuse to let his dads have their last moments together. Blaine crawls up into the bed and wraps his arms around Kurt, kissing his lips as his husbands breathing becomes ragged, his skin growing colder as his blue eyes slip closed. The last breath that escapes his lips is straight into Blaine's ear. "Love you."
"I don't want to be alone..." Blaine cries as his husband goes still and lifeless in his arms. His own golden eyes closing.

When Eric comes back with the doctor it's to find his dad holding his papa with their hands entwined and neither of them breathing. He stops the doctor when he goes to move them and see if there's anything he can do for Blaine.
"Leave them. Their gone." Eric holds his head up high as he smiles. "A love like theirs is too strong for only one of them to stay behind."

"Eric, I'm so very sorry."

"I knew it would happen. Dad hasn't eaten in a week. Hasn't slept. His life was laying in that bed dying and this is what he would want. I can only hope Jeff and I are as lucky as they are, to leave this world together when it's our time." Eric smiles at the doctor. "I also know that somewhere, where ever we go after this world, they are together. They'll always be together and that's where they belong."


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