Sept. 4, 2013, 11:14 a.m.
Sept. 4, 2013, 11:14 a.m.
"It's nice to meet you Kurt. Now if you'll follow me we can go over the rules and daily life of the facility as well as figure out your individualized plan."
Blaine offered a small half smile and started to walk down a much too narrow hallway, jabbering about god knows what the entire time. Kurt couldn't honestly be bothered to listen at the moment. He just wanted to get the hell out of here and drink himself into oblivion.
Kurt followed Blaine, his movements almost robotic, sitting in the chair he was pointed to and tapping his leg restlessly. This place was already unnerving and he hadn't been here an hour.
"Let's see..." Blaine pulled out a file with Kurt's name on it and started flipping through the pages. "Let me make sure what they have is correct. Your name is Kurt Hummel, age twenty three. Your dad is your emergency contact and you're here for substance abuse in multiple forms, correct?"
Kurt confirmed everything by shaking his head, letting out an irritated breath.
"Alright, I'm going to ask you some questions so we can tailor a plan for you and get you back on the right track, sound good?"
Kurt nodded again.
"Tell me about your addictions,"
"Mostly alcohol and cocaine."
"How often or when do you start drinking?"
"When I wake up to whenever I pass out."
Blaine made a note on the file. "And the cocaine?"
"I use it whenever I can get it and in whatever form is available."
Another note to jot down. Kurt could feel the room getting warm as if there were a million eyes judging and staring at him. "Anything else you've used?"
"Anything I can get my hands on."
"Any suicide attempts?"
"Not unless you count drinking until I black out."
Blaine made a face that Kurt couldn't quite make out. It was mostly pity, he figured. But it was mixed with something else. Confusion? Sadness? Anger? All Kurt knew was that those warm honey eyes got even brighter with unshed tears stuck behind him. That, and the fact that he made Blaine look like this actually made him care a little bit. A very little bit. Granted, it mostly confusion as to why someone would give two shits about him, but it was a start.
As if nothing had happened, Blaine continued talking. Except this time he looked up from the file and straight at Kurt. And as if one queue, Kurt's heart started racing.
"I think it's time we go over the rules of the facility. I don't care how asinine you think they are, if they're broken consequences will be unavoidable. Do you understand?"
Kurt nodded, clenching and unclenching his fist.
"Alright, first and foremost there is no drugs or alcohol of any kind allowed on the grounds. Inside or outside. If we find that you have them or any paraphernalia associated with them you will be removed from the program, no questions asked. Second, we understand that sobering up is a hard process. That being said, we do allow our patients to smoke and we do provide you with cigarettes at the dispensary."
"And that is...?"
"I'll take you on a tour later and show you where it is." Blaine flashed a much too bright smile in Kurt's direction. "Moving on. You'll have a room you share with three other men. You all will have daily and weekly tasks you must complete and if everything gets done, your unit will be rewarded. Here's where it gets worse. You are under no circumstances ever allowed to go into the girls side of the rehabilitation facility. You may not talk to any woman that isn't a staff member here at Elmhurst. You are also not allowed to get anyone else's prescriptions or indulge yourself in any that are lying around. You room is camera monitored around the clock, so someone will be notified if we see anything suspicious. And finally, we will be doing a thorough bag and cavity search before you're allowed to leave my office. So if you'd stand up for me."
Kurt let out an irritated huff and stood up, ignoring the way Blaine ran his hands all across his body. Ignoring how much he liked the way his hands were soft, yet assertive and gentle. And definitely ignoring the way his tongue stuck out just a little bit when he concentrated. Definitely.
"Are we done yet? Because I'm not an idiot. Why would I sneak something in here in my pants?" Kurt removed Blaine's searching hands from his body and stared him down disapprovingly. "Look, I know this is all protocol, but you're getting much too intimate for a simple cavity search. So just believe me when I say I don't have anything. Besides, you said yourself I'm on constant surveillance. I'm sure your little spies will know in no time flat if I do so much as breathe the wrong way."
As was typical of an angry Kurt, he stormed off. Except it didn't quite have the same effect seeing as he ran face first into the locked door. "What the actual fuck? Why did you lock us in here?" He glared daggers at Blaine, trying to stop the bleeding that was coming from an unknown source.
Blaine simply laughed. "I didn't lock it. It's a safety feature on all the doors here. And if you'll look down," He pointed next to the door knob, "You'll see a green button that you push to open the door." He walked over and pressed the button, effectively opening the door. "I think we better go to the nurse's station and get that bleeding checked out."
After a much too long and much too animated walk down the hallway, they were finally at the nurses station.
"Oh, honey. What happened to you?"
"I ran into a door. Can you just give me something for the pain?
"Oh. Uh, we can't give you anything for pain since they all have a tendency to become addictive. But we can clean you up and write you a prescription for some pills that will help take the edge off. I'm sure Blaine here can walk you through the dispensary rules and how to use it effectively." The nurse winked at Blaine effectively nauseating Kurt even further.
As fate would have it, he managed to chip four of his teeth from his bout with the door. He also re-broke his nose again, which is probably what was hurting again. Kurt declined whatever surgery they were wanting to do on him in favor of going to his room to sleep. He did let them clean up the mess of blood and reset his nose, though.
With a grumbled and barely audible thank you directed at the nurses, he was back off with Blaine. Following him through a pair of double doors and coming to a halt outside something that looked like the window you would see outside an old auto repair shop or school cafeteria.
"Well Kurt, I give you the dispensary. I know it looks like nothing special, but this will become your favorite place in Elmhurst. I'm sure of it." There was that stupid too bright smile again. "Anyways, there's someone on duty here during normal functioning hours. But seeing as it's night I'll show you how to use the automated system."
Really, a trained monkey could use this system. All Kurt had to do was stick his prescription into a slot. A machine determined if it was real or fake and then dispensed the medication accordingly. It was more or less like a watered down ATM machine. And if you wanted cigarettes all you had to do was punch in your patient number and hit a button. Apparently there was some sort of allowance, which Kurt didn't care about and paid no attention to when Blaine explained it, and as long as you weren't over that for the week they would dispense up to three packs at a time. Kurt opted to get out one as well as a lighter – of course standard one light only ones – and followed Blaine through the rest of the rehab center, nodding half heartedly as he pointed out various areas and people.
"No offense, but you're too fucking perky. Please take me to my room and wrap up this damn tour. I'm not really retaining anything anyways." Maybe he was a bit harsh, but he didn't care. He hurt everywhere and couldn't even drink or take anything to numb it. This really was like hell on earth.
"Yeah, sorry." Blaine looked absolutely defeated, but Kurt had no idea why. He wasn't worth Blaine's attention anyways. Blaine led him down a hall and to the door farthest down the hall on the right.
"Here's your room. And here..." he dug around in his pockets, "is your key. If you were ever to misplace it let me know and I can get you another copy."
"Yeah, thanks. I'm gonna go now." Without another word, Kurt went into his room. Little did he know that just outside the door Blaine had sunk down against the wall. His head in his hands and crying silent tears that no one would know about.