Dances, Drama and Dresses
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Story
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Dances, Drama and Dresses: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,476 - Last Updated: Jan 22, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Jan 19, 2014 - Updated: Jan 19, 2014
101 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hi guys! Im seriously blown away by the reception of this fic. Anyways, heres the second chapter and I hope you guys still like it. Im always open for suggestions and ideas, so dont be afraid to suggest away.

“Okay, as promised Im going to do a little question and answer session today. I wrote down your guys top asked questions from both the comments and my tumblr site as well as some that kind of made me laugh, so here goes nothing.”


Kurt ruffled the paper a little bit and looked at the first question. “Alright, well, Im going to combine a few of these into one since theyre simple. Lets see, Im twenty three and when Im not taping these videos, I attend the Fashion Institute of Technology, also known as FIT and have a part time internship a Vogue.” He flashed the camera a smirk. “I like fashion, if youre just now tuning in and couldnt figure that out by all the videos on my channel.”


He continued. “Some of these are kind of personal and not necessarily stuff Id like to be public information, so thats why Im scanning carefully, sorry for all these awkward pauses.” He looked up and down the list once more. “Alright, I guess its harmless enough to tell you all I am indeed gay, which really shouldnt be a shock, and I do have a tattoo. No, I wont go into specifics but it is tasteful. Promise.”


Kurt closed down his current internet tab to notice a new question in his Tumblr mail, clicking it open. “Oh, looks like I just got another question on Tumblr and I actually kind of like it. Kurt, what was your life like in high school and how does it differ from who you are now?” Kurt sighed and looked straight into the camera before answering.


“Okay, first things first. I didnt come out publicly until I was a sophomore, but everyone pretty much already knew I was different. Needless to say coming out didnt really make things better or worse one way or another. I did get bullied, but it wasnt really anything crazy – mostly name calling and the occasional dirty look, but those are easy enough to brush off and ignore. Lets see, Oh! I was in my High Schools glee club. We were called the New Directions and we were two time national champions, so that was pretty cool. I was never really featured, but it was something I enjoyed and actually where I met some of my best friends and current roommates. Now to how my life is different. Well, for the obvious I chose fashion over performance and I moved to New York and finally got out of Ohio. Im more comfortable in my own skin and not as scared to face a challenge head on. And I know now that all my impulses shouldnt necessarily be acted on. Other than that, Im honestly about the same. I dont really believe in changing who you are, when you can just grow as a person and better whats already there.”


Right as Kurt was looking for something to do, Rachels little kitten jumped up on his desk and into the view of the camera. “Well, I guess I owe you all an introduction.” He picked up the little kitten and put him in his lap. “This is Diesel. And hes my roommates kitten, although he totally like me the best but we dont have to tell her that. He actually got the name diesel for the fact that he purrs so loud it kind of sounds like an old diesel truck driving down the road after it first starts up. That, and I dont really think hes like some name that would only fit a female poodle.” Kurt rolled his eyes and put down the little orange tabby kitten on the ground.


“Well until tomorrow, I hope you guys have a good day. And as always, thanks for watching, subscribing and commenting. I sincerely appreciate the love and Im sending it all back your way.” With a signature smile and wave, Kurt quickly shut down his webcam and started the work of editing his video into something presentable for his loyal following.






He was still shivering and entirely creeped out. If it werent for the camera already being on, Blaine would be in the shower scrubbing away the feeling of mortification. But then the little blue light came on, and Blaine put on his best game face and smile he could muster up.


“Hey guys, I have a story for you today and Im just going to start right in so I can get it off my chest.” Blaine exhaled quickly, rubbing his hands together and raising his eyebrows a bit nervously. “Okay, so as you all know, or maybe you dont, Im going to school to be a kindergarten teacher. Right now Im finishing up my last semester and student teaching. Well, today one of the teachers kept hitting on me. I;m talking relentlessly, eyes raking up and down me and just general extreme discomfort. So at first, I just kind of blow it off, maybe itll go away and politely decline. Well, by the end of the day she was quite literally stalking me and insisting I take her out tonight and...well, lets just say I snapped in the middle of the hallways. I went of on a rant with how I was gay, first off, and even if I wasnt that her creepy behavior is definitely a way to get me to not agree to a date with her. And then she had the nerve to try and kiss me! I never thought the day would come where I would have to physically remove a girl from me, but today was that day. Luckily there were no kids in the hallway and there was a witness, so my position is safe and shes been suspended indefinitely.”


Blaine sighed again and ran his fingers through his now loose curls, letting out a nervous laugh. “So Im going to cut this session short today. Frankly, I really need to take a shower because Im hoping I can scrub some of this away. So until tomorrow, guys.” Blaine smiled and clicked off his webcam. To be honest, he didnt think there was going to much in the way of editing so Blaine simply pressed upload and published the video before going to take his shower.





“Yeah Rachel, itll be fine. Just promise me you wont touch the stove during the five minutes Ill be gone.” Kurt rolled his eyes and walked back into his room and over to his desk. He loved living with Rachel and Santana, but they were seriously infuriating sometimes. Why did she have to worry so much about why he was going to his room? Hed forgotten his phone, the place isnt going to burn down and the food isnt going to burn.


After locating his phone and grabbing it, Kurt made to get back out to the kitchen. At least, until he saw a little notification of a personal message on his open channel page. Sure, he was used to getting tons of notifications through email about comments and subscribers, but getting and actual private message on his actual channel was a surprising rarity. Sitting down in his chair, Kurt clicked on the little notification and waited for it to load.


FashFrenzy04: hey have u ever seen BlainesBowties channel? You should check it out because you two would be awesome on a collab video!


Weird, Kurt thought, he quickly typed the username into the searchbar to see what he could find.





Amazing how a shower can make everything feel better. Blaine was practically a new person, or thats what he was going with anyways. Not to mention that singing at the top of your lungs like your a Grammy Award winning artist performing at the 50th anniversary – complete with standing ovations and an encore. So he had a vivid and slightly overactive imagination, thats exactly why he went into elementary education.


Blaine walked back into his room, waving to Sam as he passed in the hallway, and immediately sat at his desk and opened up his YouTube page. A private message? Thats really weird. Maybe there was a glitch or something because he never got those. Nevertheless, Blaine gave the website the benefit of the doubt and clicked on the little notification, reading the message.


MegaMusicMan: dude u should check out FashionKurt. Seems like the type of guy u would like to b friends with if u know what I mean


Disgusting, Blaine thought. Hed never once talked about what he looked for in a guy or went into his sexuality beyond stating he was gay. And to be honest, someone judging this other user and then passing it off on Blaine just didnt seem right to him. Yet here he sat, typing the user name into the search bar and searching for this person that was supposedly his type. Thinking hed maybe found the right person, Blaine clicked on the link to the suggested channel


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