Jan. 28, 2015, 6 p.m.
Jan. 28, 2015, 6 p.m.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. They belong to RIB.
Kurt and Adam met Sebastian at the castle gates. Blaine's entire mouth was blue now and his skin was white as snow. Sebastian was dry and windswept but water still dripped from Blaine's hair and clothes. Kurt couldn't bear to look at him.
“We have to get him inside,” Sebastian said. “We're running out of time. The songs didn't work as well as I'd hoped. Jesse's voice was strong.”
They rode through the gates and as they made their way up to the castle, whispers began to flicker through the crowded streets. Eyes followed them and Kurt shifted in the saddle and kept his eyes forward. The towers of the castle stood over them, guardians of the royal family wondering what had happened to their youngest charge. When they reached the steps, they were met by a pair of guards.
“Who are you?” the first one asked.
“My name's Kurt,” he said as he dismounted. “This is Sebastian and Adam from the Silver Wood. I met Prince Blaine in the woods. He was captured by sirens and became ill from the cold in their underground caves.”
“We need to get him somewhere warm. Immediately,” Sebastian said as Adam helped him get Blaine down from the horse.
“Uh, bring him inside. I'll fetch the king.” The guard turned to his partner. “Take them to the prince's chambers. Get them anything they need.”
Sebastian carried Blaine up the stairs where they were met with a stretcher. They laid Blaine down on it and pulled it up off the ground. Kurt hurried after the guard who was leading them to Blaine's rooms. The castle was dark and cold – the torches on the walls gave off little light and no heat. Kurt began to wonder how they were supposed to save Blaine in a place so bleak.
When they came to a door, the guard pushed it open and stepped aside. Kurt walked in to find a large room filled with oak furniture, the woody smell overpowering. Vases filled with lavender rested on each table. There were no paintings or tapestries on the walls. Blaine had decorated his rooms with smells.
Sebastian and Adam carried the prince to his bed. The large four-poster sat against the back wall beside the fire place. Kurt hoped that would help them keep Blaine warm. The fae laid the stretcher down and Adam pulled back the blankets while Sebastian took off Blaine's wet clothes.
“We're going to need a lot of blankets,” Sebastian said to the guard. “And the king is on his way, yes?”
“Yes, he should be here soon.” The guard bowed. “I will fetch the things you've requested. Do you wish for some food to nourish yourselves?”
Kurt watched as the guard hurried from the room. Adam set about building a fire before Sebastian spoke.
“Kurt, take your clothes off and get into bed with him.”
His eyes blew wide. “What? No.”
“Look, if Blaine wakes up naked next to you, he's going to feel a lot safer than if he woke up naked next to me.” Sebastian's expression turned serious. “Skin to skin contact is going to help warm him up. It could save him.”
Kurt glanced to where Blaine lay motionless in bed before he nodded. “Turn around and close your eyes. I'll tell you when I'm ready.”
Once Adam and Sebastian were facing the other way, Kurt shimmied out of his shirt and leggings before climbing into bed beside Blaine. He made sure the blankets were tucked tight around them before he wrapped his arms around Blaine.
“He's still so cold,” he said. Sebastian and Adam turned around, Adam adding more wood to the fireplace while Sebastian brought over another blanket.
“He'll be alright,” Sebastian murmured. “This takes time.” He laid the blanket over Kurt and Blaine, tucking it under the mattress on either side of the bed.
Kurt nodded and smoothed down Blaine's hair. “He's finally drying out.”
“Just keep holding onto him.”
“This isn't exactly the way I wanted to meet the king.”
“King Cooper will understand,” Adam said.
The door to Blaine's chambers burst open and a tall man with wavy dark hair and a dusting of stubble hurried in. He froze in place at the foot of the bed, panting and watching Blaine with wide eyes.
“What happened? Is he alright? What did the sirens want with my brother?”
“King Cooper,” Sebastian said. “Blaine is fine. We're starting to warm him up. He should start to feel better soon.”
“His lips aren't blue anymore,” Kurt said from the bed as he stroked Blaine's hair again.
“But why did the sirens take him?” Cooper asked. “Did they want to kill him?”
“They wanted his heart,” Adam said. “They wanted to cast a land-walking spell.”
“Why would they do that?”
“We fear they wanted to take over Anders. They two that captured him are dead now but there's no way of knowing that others won't try again.”
Cooper nodded. “I'll tighten security. I'll station a guard at the door.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Should I send for my parents? Is Blaine going to survive?”
“We'll do our best,” Sebastian murmured. “The Witch Quinn has ordered that we do whatever it takes to save Blaine.”
Again, Cooper nodded. “Do what you must. My castle and resources are at your disposal.”
“Thank you, your highness.”
King Cooper left.
More blankets were brought to them and a platter of food was laid out on one of the tables. Sebastian added blankets one by one to the bed, waiting to see how it affected Blaine between each addition. Kurt was beginning to sweat beneath the wool but he figured the extra heat his body was trying to get rid of would help Blaine.
When the fire was strong and the blankets were all piled on top of the bed, Sebastian and Adam stepped back.
“We'll let you two get some rest,” Adam said. “If he wakes, tell the guard outside to send for us. We shall go and speak to the king about the sirens.”
Kurt nodded. “Thank you for everything you've done. For both of us.”
Sebastian nodded. “It's been our pleasure.”
The two fae left and Kurt looked back to Blaine's sleeping face. He held a hand to the boy's cheek, thankful that it was no longer cold. Moving his hand to Blaine's chest, he could feel the steady beat of his heart beneath his fingertips. Tears sprang to Kurt's eyes and he took a shuddering breath as he cradled Blaine's head.
“I'm so sorry I didn't pull you from the river. I'm sorry I didn't try to kill the sirens right there! I had the sword, all I had to do was-” A sob choked him and his tears slipped down onto Blaine's face. “I'm so sorry, Blaine. All I wanted to do was help you find a way through the forest and I couldn't do it. I needed help. I'm not enough to do this alone. I can't do this alone.”
Kurt buried his face in Blaine's hair and clung to his shoulders. Blaine's shoulder dug into his chest when he hiccupped before he heard a groan. Sitting up and wiping at his eyes, Kurt looked down to see Blaine's eyes drifting open. They didn't have their usual glassy expression but had become dazed and cloudy. Until Kurt came into view.
“Kurt,” Blaine lifted a hand and held it to Kurt's cheek, wiping away his tears. “I can…”
“What? You can what?”
Blaine smoothed his thumb over Kurt's skin again before he leaned up and as Kurt searched his eyes, he realised.
“You can see me?”
“I can see you.” Blaine kissed Kurt, putting a hand around his neck and pulling him down. He smoothed his hands down over Kurt's back before sliding them up and tangling his fingers in Kurt's hair.
“We cast the spell,” Kurt whispered when they broke apart. “We must have.”
“Can you see the snakes? Or the spiders?”
Kurt looked over towards the fireplace where a snake had been coiled all afternoon. It was gone. The spiders in the corners and on the walls were nowhere to be seen. The only shadows were cast by the fire. “They're all gone.”
Blaine smiled before his hand returned to Kurt's face and he stared into his eyes. “I can't see to the left.”
“I suppose some sight is better than no sight,” Kurt took a breath. “I still feel anxious.”
“Well, I'll always be there to rescue you.”
“And I'll always be there to rescue you.”
Kurt kissed Blaine again and knew that no matter where they went, they would always be there for each other. They could never fix each other but they could always try to ease the suffering and to find a way around the obstacle. And that was enough.
The End.