The Boy Next Door
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Story
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The Boy Next Door: Chapter 9

E - Words: 1,805 - Last Updated: Dec 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 30, 2014 - Updated: Jul 30, 2014
227 0 0 0 0

Burt Hummel wasnt exactly sure what to expect as he parked up at his sons high school. He received a call from Figgins simply stating that his son was in the office and he needed to come in right away. Naturally Burt assumed the son of which the principal was referring too was Finn, so he wasnt too phased. The boy had probably just caused another Glee related fiasco with his little Jewish girlfriend and Burt was being called in to be notified of the matter and sit there as the teachers and Finn all came to some moral solution without his help. His expression changed however when Daniel Anderson pulled up a few bays away and climbed out of the car, a confused expression sitting on his face.

"Oh great" Burt sighed and headed on over to the man. "You got a call too?" He mused and Daniel looked up with a sigh.

"Yeah. Blaines in trouble. Again" he sighed and Burt chuckled.

"Boys will be boys. Ill walk you in" he nodded and the pair headed on into the building.

"I know boys will be boys but Blaine... Hes already on two strikes and a third... I dont even want to think about what a third would do to him. Hes a good kid, so Im hoping theres a jolly good reason as to why hes in there" he sighed and Burt nodded.

"My kid better have one of those too" he huffed as he led him down the hallway to the principals office. He opened the door to see Rachel sitting beside Finn, whispering something to the tall teen. On the boys other side was Blaine, who looked up at his father with a worried expression, but Burt was looking passed him, eyes landing on Kurt.

"What did you do?" He sighed as Figgins offered them both seats, the men sitting down. It was only then that Burt noticed two boys in letterman jackets, glaring angrily at the ground as if it had done them some horrid wrong.

"Mr Hummel, Mr Anderson... Im very sorry to have to call you down here like this. Now, Ive contacted the other parents and Mr Berry is on his way and Mr Karofsky and Mr Hunter are both not able to be reached at this time... so may ..."

"Id like to know why my Kids are in trouble Figgins" Burt huffed and the principal sighed.

"They were involved in a lunchtime kafuffle" he nodded and Kurt rolled his eyes.

"It was not. It was a fight. One that was rightly started" he glared at Karofsky who snapped his head up and glared right back at him.

"This wasnt my fault Hummel, it was you and your damn hom ..."

"Finish that sentence. I dare you" Blaine growled and Mr Anderson frowned at his son.

"Blaine" he warned and the boy fell silent. Kurt sighed and patted his arm softly, Burton eyebrows rising at the contact just a little before Rachel spoke up.

"Dave did start provoking the boys..."


"Mr Hunter" Figgins warned and Azimio fell silent again.

"Now, Mr Hudson, since youve been the silent party here... why dont you tell us the events that occurred in my cafeteria" Figgins looked to Finn as Burt folded his arms across his chest.

"Go ahead Finn" he encouraged and Finn sighed.

"Well... I dont know... I walked in after it had started..."


Finn had been really proud of himself after class had finished. Hed just managed to ace his geography test and he knew it was because of all the hard work hed been putting in to get into Rachels pants. The girl had told him that if he got an A on the test then she would definitely have sex with him on the weekend. Not a maybe... A definitely. He beamed as he entered the cafeteria, only to be met with what appeared to be a battle cry coming from his girlfriends lips as she dived onto Karofsky, tugging at his hair.

"Rachel!" He cried and raced forward, only to be body slammed by Azimio. He groaned and hit the ground, noticing that Blaine was now diving for Karofsky, Kurt tugging him hard.

"Blaine stop! Dont do this!" He cried and grabbed a fist full of the boys hair. Finn was about to let out a yell for Kurt to help Rachel who was currently trying her hardest to bring Azimio down as he pinned Finn to the floor but Figgins loud yelling interrupted him.


"Thats all I saw" Finn nodded and Figgins sighed.

"Thank you Mr Hudson for your unhelpful account" he sighed and Kurt shook his head.

"He doesnt have the whole story, I do" he breathed and Figgins looked at him.

"Well then Kurt, go on" Burt sighed and looked at his son, eager to find out why the hell his son had been involved in a fight in the first place.


Kurt walked into the cafeteria with Blaine and smiled happily. "So, I was thinking that you should consider joining glee club" he grinned and Blaine rolled his eyes.

"No way in hell" he smirked and headed toward the food line, Kurt poking his hip. He was about to pout and ask Blaine why when a snigger came from behind them.

"Hey losers. Get to the back of the line" Karofsky huffed and Kurt ignored him as Blaines jaw set in place. Kurt noticed him tense and rubbed his arm.

"Okay. You two faggots better not get it on right now..." he breathed and before he could finish his sentence Blaine had sent the carrot bowl flying as he turned around and punched him in the jaw. Karofsky yelled and shoved him hard.

"Get lost fairy boy!" He screamed and Rachel heard this and dived for the boy as Blaine did the same. Kurt gasped and tried to pull Blaine back.

"Blaine stop! Dont do this!" He cried and tugged at his hair hard. Blaine gasped and let go of Karofsky.

"Kurt!" He hissed and Kurt leant forward.

"Do you want to go back to Juvie?" He breathed and before he could even get an answer, Figgins was yelling at them all.


"So my kid is in trouble because some jock thinks its okay to call him a derogatory name?" He huffed and Figgins swallowed and sighed. "Mr Hummel, I assure you..."

"My son was simply defending a friend" Mr Anderson spoke up and Blaine looked up at him softly.

"Defending? He was all up in my face for no reason. .." Dave huffed and Blaine cut him off.

"Threatening my boyfriend is the perfect reason to kick you fat ass!" He cried and Kurt tugged him down as Burt and Daniel blinked.

"Boyfriend?" They both breathed and Kurt turned a soft shade of pink as Blaines fingers interlocked with his.

"Yes. Boyfriend." He huffed and Figgins sighed.

"Whether it was in retaliation or not... All 6 of the students will be staying behind after school for a week and will attend detention for the damage to school property. Carrots cost money" he nodded and Blaine went to protest by Daniel simply raised a hand to silence him.

"Thank you. Now of its okay with you Im taking my son home" Daniel sighed and Burt stood. "Me too" he nodded and the principal sighed. "Okay. You 3 stay until I hear back from parents" he told the others as Blaine and Kurt left the room quickly. Burt got to his feet and followed them both, Daniel beside him.

"Blaine…" Daniel began and Blaine looked at his father.

"I was going to tell you. Im sorry I didnt. And Im sorry about today. Im aware of how risky it was but I couldnt just let it go on like it was Dad. Its not fair on us. At all" Blaine frowned and Daniel sighed.

"I know Blaine. Were going to talk about this at home. Lets go" He sighed and Burt looked to his own son as Finn came stumbling out of the office behind them.

"Well be talking at home too. Lets go kiddo" Burt nodded and Kurt kept a tight grip on his boyfriends hand, shaking his head.

"No. I drove here today" he breathed, really just wanting more time to spend with Blaine. Blaine smiled gently before Burt sighed.

"Finn. Drive Kurts car home. Kurt, lets go. Now" he nodded and clapped Daniel on the shoulder before he retreated back out to the car park.

Kurt sighed and turned his attention to Blaine.

"Ill see you later right?" he asked and Blaine smiled and leant down, capturing the boys lips in his own. Kurt smiled against them and kissed him back for a moment before he pulled back and grinned, squeezing his hand before he hurried off after his dad. Daniel Anderson looked at his son and sighed.

"You and me are having a talk Blaine"

Blaine sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets.


"So… how long has this been going on?" Burt asked as he drove Kurt home, the boy looking out the window of his Dads truck.

"What? Me and Blaine? Two weeks" He hummed and Burt sighed, his grip on the steering wheel tightening just a little.

"No Kurt. You and this… Karofsky. How long has he been giving you a hard time?" Burt gave a quick glance toward his son and Kurts shrugged.

"I dont know. Along time." He sighed and Burt shook his head.

"Thats not on Bud. Why the hell didnt you tell me? You know Id do something about it…"

"Like what Dad? Ive told teachers and they dont do a thing. Now I have Blaine. And this is my last year and then its over. I can finally leave this hell hole and go do something with my life without being bullied on a day to day basis. Thats all I want. I dont want to get anyone else involved okay? It will only make it worse" the boy sighed and climbed out of the car when Burt pulled into the driveway. He climbed out too and looked at Kurt, leaning against the truck.

"I know youre not an idiot Kurt, but you sure as hell sound like one right now" he sighed and Kurt grabbed his back.

"Dad, please. Im not. Besides, after this Karofsky wont bother me. Hell be too afraid. Im sorry I didnt tell you and Im sorry I didnt tell you about Blaine. I just didnt want you to worry" he sighed and Burt shook his head fondly.

"Im always going to worry about you Kurt. Youre my son, its my job to worry" he smiled and moved over to the boy, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"I just want you to be okay. Are you okay?" he asked and Kurt smiled gently, wrapping his arms around his Dad.

"Im great"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Dad."

"Is Blaine treating you right?"

"Yes Dad"

"Has he asked you for sex yet?"

Kurt pulled away and scowled.

"Dad!" he cried and Burt grinned.

"Im just messing with you kid. Just as long as youre safe and happy. And let Blaine know I have a rifle."



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