The Boy Next Door
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Boy Next Door: Chapter 5

E - Words: 2,340 - Last Updated: Dec 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 30, 2014 - Updated: Jul 30, 2014
214 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry for the slow update guys. Ive been sick for the past week and so so sooo busy. But here it is :D
"Okay… okay… But what if I wear this blue shirt… with the buttons and my white jeans?" Kurt asked, hanging up his jeans and shirt on the railing of his curtains, holding his phone to his ear. He looked passed the clothes with a quizzical look on his face, staring at Blaine. Blaine lay on his bed, phone on loudspeaker, staring at Kurts clothes with a shrug.

"I like the shirt but, really? White pants to a party? With alcohol?" Blaine hummed and Kurt nibbled on his lower lip at the comment.

"You wouldnt wear white?" he breathed and Blaine sat up.

"Hey, dont start stressing out. Is this your first party?" Blaine asked with a soft smile that Kurt could just make out and he blushed, pulling his clothes down from the railing.

"It might be…"

"Thats cute"

"Its pathetic" Kurt sighed and sat on his bed, turning back to his window so he could look at Blaine as he spoke. Blaine frowned and shook his head.

"Not its not. Its probably really smart. Besides, half the time theyre just idiots getting drunk with other idiots. But this one will be fun. I promise. Maybe just wear the shirt and your black jeans" Blaine suggested and watched as Kurt searched through his closet, pulling out a pair of black jeans, examining them closely before he sighed softly.

"Maybe I just shouldnt go…" he began and Blaine cut him off with a loud huff.

"Oh my god. Kurt, the party is in 2 hours and you havent even picked out an outfit. It doesnt matter what you wear, youre going to look amazingly sexy and every gay guy and possibly straight guy there is going to want to bone you" Blaine grinned and had the pleasure of watching Kurts cheeks turn from pink to flaming red.

"Blaine! You cant just… Oh sweet Gaga" Kurt breathed and Blaine laughed.

"Relax Kurt. Just shower and get ready and have something to eat and Ill be over to get you. Dont stress, cutie" he grinned and waved as he hung up, disappearing out of his room, leaving Kurt standing in his room with a slack jaw and wide eyes.

He swallowed and set his phone down, giggling a little to himself as he headed over to the bathroom, heart racing.

Had Blaine really just called him cutie?

He blushed and stripped off his clothes, stepping under the hot blast of the shower, closing his eyes as he smiled softly.

Maybe tonight hed step outside his comfort zone.

Maybe tonight hed actually face his fears and tell Blaine that over the last few weeks hed actually fallen for the badboy.

All those late night in his dads tyre shop and watching Blaine work in those white singlets with his tattoos…

Kurt let out a soft gasp when he realised that those thoughts were making his blood run south. He shook his head and turned off the hot tap, gasping when the cold water hit him.

He decided to keep his shower quick as to avoid any more wavering thoughts. He dried himself off and perfected his hair, making sure it was silky and shiny and coiffed. He got dressed and made sure he smelt great, looking himself over again before he slipped on a jacket and grabbed his wallet, heading on downstairs to where his father was, sitting on the couch with a beer and a newspaper.

"Party tonight right?" Burt asked and looked up as Kurt checked his hair in the small mirror that was situated on the wall. He simply nodded and Burt smiled a little.

"Any idea what time youll be home?"


"Will you be driving?"


"Are you going to blindly drunk?"


"Do you have condoms?"

Kurt choked on his answer and spun around to face his dad, who was looking at him with an unreadable expression.

"Excuse me?" he squeaked and his face turned pale, stomach squirming at the words that had left his fathers mouth.

Burt sighed and set his beer down before he stood and looked at his son.

"Kurt… Youre growing up and… you and Blaine are really close…"

"WE arent together Dad!" Kurt squeaked and Burt sighed.

"It doesnt matter Kurt. Youre getting to that stage in your life where you might start… to… try new things and I want you to be prepared…"

"Dad! Please… Im… Im not going to… be… needing them. Not for a long time yet" Kurt breathed and fanned himself with his hand, trying to calm down.

"Just… be safe okay? Dont… dont do anything that your heart wouldnt like" Burt nodded gently and Kurt blinked.


"Kurt… be careful okay? I dont want you to be hurt by some badboy" Burt said softly and Kurt bit his lip a little.

"Dad… I wont" he nodded and Burt moved forward to hug him.

"I trust you Kid" he smiled and pressed a kiss to his hair. Kurt smiled and hugged his dad back tightly, his stomach settled a little. It was comforting to know that his dad loved him so much.

There was a knock at the door and Kurt pulled away with a small smile.

"Blaines here" he breathed and Burt nodded.

"Yeah… right well… Let me know whats happening and… remember what I said" Burt nodded and clapped his sons shoulder. Kurt nodded and hurried to the door, waving to his dad before he stepped outside and walking right into Blaine.

"Oh!" he breathed and stepped back, allowing his eyes to slowly travel over Blaines body, mind blanking.

Blaine looked absolutely hot.

He had tight black jeans on with a simple white shirt, black leather jacket over the top, hair gelled up a little so it was still curly but not as out of control.

And… oh god… was that eyeliner?

Blaine grinned and pulled Kurt in for a tight hug.

"You look amazing" he grinned and stepped back, taking the boys hand as he dragged him happily to the car.

"This is going to be great. Puck said that people are already there, and its awesome" Blaine grinned and Kurt slid into the passenger seat, listening as Blaine babbled away, hardly able to concentrate. He was so nervous. This was his first party and he really didnt want to look like a fool, especially not in front of Blaine. Tonight was the night he really needed to make an impression.

Thought it seemed that everyone at the party was also there to make an impression.


"Oh god" Kurt breathed as crowds of teens danced around him as the music rocked the house, all holding red cups filled with god knows what, music so loud that he could feel the beat pulsing in his veins. Blaines hand rested on the small of Kurts back as he guided the boy through the dancing teens toward the kitchen where Puck stood, pouring cup after cup of some form of alcohol that Kurt couldnt name.

"Anderson! You made it!" Puck grinned and Kurt swallowed as Puck handed him and Blaine some cups. Kurt took a sniff as Blaine just took a large gulp and grinned.

"Its awesome here" he beamed and Puck nodded and he clapped Kurts shoulder.

"Sure is. Good to see you too Hummel" he smiled and leant in closer.

"Theres a guy here, names Eric. Hes looking for someone of the male gender to… party with" Puck grinned and Kurt felt Blaines hand slip around his waist, hand resting gently on his hip.

"Well Kurts here with me" Blaine smiled and pressed a kiss to Kurts temple before he let go and drained his cup, setting it down.

"Go dance, Ill join you in sec, I just need to go and talk to a few people" He grinned and headed off into the crowd that were flowing from room to room. Kurt sighed and gently sipped his drink, the taste making him squeeze his eyes closed for a moment, the liquid burning his throat a little as he swallowed.

"What is that?" he asked Puck as the boy made more drinks.

"Vodka and coke my friend" he grinned and Kurt nodded, taking another sip of the strangely appealing drink. Puck looked at him and grinned.

"You keen on Anderson?" he asked and Kurt sighed, leaning against the kitchen bench.

"Yes. Hopelessly. But…. He just wants to be friends" Kurt sighed and drank a little more as Puck chuckled.

"Kurt, really?" he asked and raised his eyebrow, Kurt nodding as he scanned the crowd for any sign of his friend. Puck rolled his eyes and tapped Kurts shoulder when a rather tall boy came walking toward them, blonde hair falling into his eyes, red button up shirt open a little, showing off his clearly tattooed chest. Kurt blinked and sipped his drink.

"Thats Eric" Puck smiled as the boy came to a stop in the kitchen. He looked Kurt up and down and then let his blue eyes settle on Puck.

"This him?" he asked in a southern voice that made Kurt melt a little.

"Kurt" he breathed and held out his hand, Eric tugging him forward with a grin.

"Eric. Care to dance?" he hummed and Kurt went to object when Erics arms wrapped around him waist, pressing them together.

"This is a good song" he grinned and Kurt blushed, looking up at the boy as their hips started to move along to the beat. Puck smirked as Kurt decided to just give in and dance with this good looking boy. It wouldnt be long until Blaine would be back and then he could dance with him. He decided that was a good plan and he let his arms drape over Erics shoulders casually, the boy grinning at him.

"You move really well" he grinned and pressed them closer together. Kurt blushed softly and shrugged.

"I dance a lot. Im in my high schools glee club" he hummed and Eric smiled.

"Thats cute" he hummed and leant down, his nose brushing along Kurts ear.

"Youre very cute Kurt…. I like cute" he breathed and Kurt giggled softly, about to reply when another pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around his waist, tugging him away from the tall blonde boy. Kurt gasped and spun around, immediately relaxing when he saw it was only Blaine.

"Hey" he beamed and Blaine frowned.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, his eyes dark as he looked at Kurt, leaving his face for a moment to glare at Eric.

"Im dancing…"

"Well dont. Not with him. It makes you look slutty Kurt" Blaine huffed and Kurt blinked and stepped away from his friend.

"Excuse me?" he breathed and Blaine swallowed.

"I just… I meant that… we came here together..."

"Yes… as friends!" Kurt huffed and folded his arms across his chest, hardly able to believe that Blaine had just said that to him. Blaine stumbled on his words and Eric sighed.

"Not cool" he breathed and Kurt sighed.

"Id like to be alone for a moment please" he breathed and walked away from them, Blaine groaning. He took another drink, downed it and took a shot before he followed after Kurt, spinning him around in the middle of the living room, people still dancing all around them.

"Kurt Im sorry…"

"Save it Blaine" Kurt huffed and tried to tug his arm back but the boy wouldnt let go.

"Please… Kurt I only said it because…" he swallowed and looked down, Kurt letting his eyebrows furrow.

"Because what Blaine?" he huffed and Blaine bit his lower lip before he looked up.

"You honestly dont know?" he breathed and Kurt sighed.

"Blaine. Honestly? No. I have no idea. Youve been acting really weird ever since we went to the movies with Rachel and Mercedes and you act all flirty and then cold and… now this? What is going on?" he asked and Blaine groaned. He looked at Kurt with large eyes before he surged forward and kissed him hard on the lips.

Kurts eyes flew open and his hands flew up into the air in protest as their lips collided, a sudden burst of energy flowing through him. It took him a moment to realise what was happening, but when he did he let his eyes fall closed and his arms drop to wrap themselves around Blaines neck, humming at the taste of mint and alcohol on the boys lips. They kissed for a moment before Blaine pulled back and his eyes scanned Kurts for any sign of regret. When he found none he gripped the boys hips and pulled him forward again, their mouths connecting again in what seemed to be an endless exchange of soft moaned and whimpers, Kurts fingers carding through Blaines thick curls as he let the boys tongue push past his lips, causing his stomach to do backflips happily.

This was it. He was kissing Blaine Anderson.

And it was absolutely perfect.

They continued to kiss until they needed air and even then they exchanged gentle touches and the odd peck, never straying from each others side. They kissed and danced and stayed together all night, drinking and laughing and just being together. They fell asleep halfway through a make out session on Pucks couch, hands linked.


When Kurt woke up in the morning Blaine was nowhere to be found and Kurt started to panic. He got up and hurried to the kitchen, only to find him eating breakfast with Puck. Kurt smiled and him, expecting a smile back but Blaine simply nodded and went back to eating.

Oh god. It was a drunken mistake. Kissing me was a drunken mistake for him.

This thought stayed with Kurt the entire ride home. The pair remained silent until they reached Kurts front door.

"Thanks" Kurt sighed gently as he fumbled with his keys. Blaine nodded and sighed.

"No problem. I guess Ill text you" he shrugged and Kurt nodded, feeling a lump start to form in his throat. Had he made the whole thing up in his head? He heard Blaine leave and he sniffed, about ti go inside and have a good cry when two hands spun him around, a pair of lips pressing hard against his. He let out small whimper as Blaine kissed him, cupping his jaw as they stayed like that for a long moment before Blaine pulled back and grinned.

"Later beautiful" he breathed and kissed his nose before he hurried off to his own home, leaving Kurt in a state of bliss.

Holy shit. I kissed Blaine Anderson.

Holy shit.

I love him.


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