The Boy Next Door
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Boy Next Door: Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,476 - Last Updated: Dec 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 30, 2014 - Updated: Jul 30, 2014
220 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Oh my god! You guys are amazing! Thank you all so so much for the support with this!
"Blaine! You need to get out of the damn bathroom!"

"Mummy swore!"

"Tyler be quiet please… Blaine! Now!"

Mrs Anderson banged on the door as Tyler poked her cheek with a soft giggle, crying out happily as the woman jostled him a little on her hip.

"You have 5 seconds mister or so help me God I will ground you! I need to get the kids ready…"

The bathroom door flew open and Blaine stood there in a singlet and boxers, half of his jaw cleanly shaven, the other half still bearing the white foamy cloud of shaving cream.

"Mum. I need to shave or Ill look homeless. Why cant they just use your bathroom?" he breathed and pulled his hand back as Tyler reached out curiously for the razor with a smile.

"Can I shave too?" he giggled and Mrs Anderson set her son down.

"Go find the girls please honey" he sighed and the little boy raced off as the women turned to her other son.

"Blaine… honey I understand that your morning routine is important but I need to get the kids ready for day care today. Cant you do this later?" she sighed and Blaine rolled his eyes.

"I dont understand why they cant use your bathroom. Im 18. Surely I should be allowed my own space…"

"You have your own room…"

Blaine closed his eyes and took in a small breath before he opened his eyes again and looked at his mother.

"Im 18. I have a job and I have school and I need to get by in this town. You know how I was seen in Westerville and…. That didnt get us very far and Id like to make here… seem more like home. So Im trying to fit in. And that requires me to shave, mum." He sighed and the woman looked him over for a moment before she leant forward and took in a large whiff of air, starling the boy.

"The hell!" he huffed and stepped back as a grin spread onto Mrs Andersons peachy lips.

"You have cologne on. A lot of cologne. Blaine Anderson… since when do you wear a lot of cologne and shave and… have you actually washed your hair? Oh my god… do you have a boyfriend?" she grinned and Blaines eyes grew wide


"No" he choked out and the woman giggled.

"Oh my god! My baby boy has a man in his life!" she cried and Blaine scowled, storming back into the bathroom to finish shaving.

"No I dont! I just want to look good"

"For a boy"

"For myself"

"Bull" Mrs Anderson grinned and leant against the doorframe as she watched her son shave. Blaine ignored her and tilted his chin so he could get the blade under his jaw, fully aware that his cheeks were now a little pink from her comments.

"Who is he?"

Blaine groaned and glared at her reflection.

"There isnt anyone mum. Okay?"

"Whatever Mr cool" the woman chuckled and looked down as Tyler appeared at the door with three little girls, all with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, all looking at Blaine with smiles on their little faces.

"Does Blainey have a boyfriend?" they chimed and Blaine rolled his eyes, hurriedly wiping his face on a towel before he pushed passed his family.

"No!" he cried and slammed the door to his room, Mrs Anderson smiling.

"Leave him alone kids, hes in denial"

"I am not!" the muffled sound of Blaines voice reached the womans ears and she smiled softly before she ushered her kids into the bathroom. She was happy her son had finally found someone, no matter how much he denied having done so. She knew her boy, and that boy who had stormed off to his room in a fluster was most definitely, a boy in love.


"Im sorry. He has a boyfriend?" Daniel frowned as he sat at the breakfast table, choking a little on his toast. Claire smiled and rubbed her husbands back as her kids sat glued in front of the TV for a few minutes as she packed their lunches.

"No. Apparently not, but there is someone hes dressing up for. I just think you should let him know that he can talk to us" Claire smiled softly and her husband looked up at her.

"You mean, I should let him no its okay to talk to me? He already talks to you" he sighed and Claire smiled as she moved to finish the lunches.

"Thats my smart man" she grinned and Daniel rolled his eyes as Blaine came hurrying down the stairs, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

"I have work after school today and then Kurt and I are going to study at his place. So Ill be home late" Blaine hummed and reached across the table to grab an apple as Daniel frowned.

"Late? Curfew is 11 Blaine. You still have school tomorrow"

"Whos Kurt? The nice boy from next door?" Claire asked and Blaine nodded.

"Yeah. His Dad owns the tyre shop and hes in the same classes as me at school" he shrugged and Claire grinned, hitting her husbands arm. The man looked up at her and frowned before he sat up a little and took in a breath.

"Uh… Blaine. Your…. Mother tells me that…. You… uh…. Might be interested in… someone." He coughed and Blaine frowned, chewing his apple.

"And?" he huffed and stared at the man, Daniel swallowing.

"I just… uh… want to let you know what you can talk to me"

"Im not going to gossip with you about boys" Blaine frowned and Claire shook her head as Daniels cheeks seemed to turn a little pink.

"No… not gossip. I just… If Tyler was in this situation…"

"Hes four"

"When hes older…. Id say the same to him" Daniel finished his sentence and Blaine rolled his eyes and took another bite from his apple, tugging a little at his leather jacket as he swallowed and looked at Mr Anderson.

"You know my situation is very different to Tylers" he breathed and Daniel sighed, his eyes softening at the comment.

"I still see you as my son Blaine. And I always will. To me… theres no difference" he smiled gently and he thought for a moment that Blaine was going to say something nice, perhaps even hug him. But the boy simply swallowed his apple, tossed half of it in the bin and gave him a nod.

"Cool. Ill see you later" he hummed and waved to his family before he disappeared out the door.

Daniel sighed and felt his wifes soft hands squeeze his shoulders gently.

"Its progress sweetie" she sighed and kissed his cheek the man nodding.

"I know. I know"


"You look hot today"

Kurts cheeks seemed to remain in a permanent blush, that comment making his lips tremble, a small whimper escaping his lips that he thanked high heaven no one but himself had heard.

"Thanks" he grinned and closed his locker, looking up to Blaine, who was leaning against the locker beside him with a huge smirk present on his lips.

"Just thought you should know. From one gay guy to another" he hummed and he received a few snorts and glares from some passing sophomores. Blaine flipped them off and turned his attention back to Kurt.

"So, are we still on for tonight? Study at the shop? Pizza? Maybe I could sneak us a bottle of wine?" he winked and Kurt smiled.

"Im down for everything except the wine. My dad would kill me and the taste… its too… sweet for my liking" he sighed and Blaine grinned.

"Well, its good job Im not sweet, I want to be to your liking" he hummed and Kurt blushed again.

This flirting had been going on ever since their night at the movies a week ago and he was starting to feel like perhaps this was Blaines way of telling him something. He fiddled with the strap on his bag and leant against his locker.

"You are to my liking" Kurt nodded and Blaine grinned.

"Great. Well I have to go and try not to die in the middle of biology. Ill see you later" Blaine grinned and squeezed Kurts arm before he wandered away, swaggering off around the corner. Kurt hardly had time to catch his breath and calm down his heart before two arms were linked with his, pulling him off down the hall toward his class.

"What the…"

"Be quiet white boy. We need to ask you some questions regarding your little boyfriend" Mercedes hummed and Kurt blushed harder. It was all he seemed to do these days.

"Blaine is not my boyfriend" he breathed and the two girls stopped outside their classroom, turning to face their friend.

"Are you sure?" Rachel asked, arms folded across her maroon jumper. Kurt sighed and tried to look any wear but at her clothes.

"Yes Rachel, Id think I would know if I had a boyfriend" he groaned and Mercedes sighed, raising one eyebrow.

"Really? Because…. Hes flirty. And you flirt back Kurt. Hes clearly into you. Why not just tell him how you feel and then you can finally stop all this But he doesnt like me nonsense" the girl huffed and Kurt let a small frown set on his face.

"But he doesnt like me Mercedes okay? Blaine is… a very … um… forward person. If he did like me… he would have told me by now. Okay? And I cant just tell someone Ive known for two weeks that Im hopelessly in love with him" he breathed and the girls both looked at each other for a moment, having a silent conversation before they turned back to Kurt.

"Why?" they asked in unison and Kurt blinked at them. Were they crazy? Insane?


"Because its stupid. Okay?" he breathed and Rachel sighed.

"You should at least ask him what you are." She sighed and Kurt bit his lip.

Would that do him any good? What if all he got in return was total heartbreak? He swallowed and gripped his bag a little tighter.

"Maybe" he breathed and bit his lip.

"Maybe isnt good enough Kurt" Rachel said firmly and Kurt let out a groan.

"God. Fine. Ill talk to Blaine" he huffed and the girls smiled and started talking about their homework and glee. Kurt walked into the classroom with them and sighed softly. Maybe he should talk to Blaine. After all, he didnt have anything to lose, right?


Blaine let out a breath and wiped his forehead on the back of his hand as Kurt sat up on the bench, slowly packing away the boys tools. Hed had quite an enjoyable evening, watching Blaine work on cars, flexing his muscles, admiring the boys glorious tattoo.

"Okay Kurt, Im going to ask. Whats going on with you today?" Blaine asked, leaning against the work bench opposite his friend, folding his arms across his chest, watching in slight confusion as Kurt licked his lips, eyes moving up to Blaines face.

"Hmm?" he hummed and blinked.

"Come on Kurt" Blaine sighed and the boy looked at his own lap for a moment, looking up at Blaine with soft eyes.

"I just… Im confused." He sighed softly and started to twiddle his thumbs, feeling rather nervous all of a sudden. Blaines eyes settling on the boy in front of him for a long moment, his eyebrows moving down into a small frown.

"About what?"

Just say it Kurt.

"Us" Kurt squeaked and Blaine stood up a little taller.

"Us?" he mused, his voice a little harsher than hed anticipated. Kurt nodded and blushed a little and bit his lip.

Be strong. Kurt, for god sake.

"What… am I to you Blaine?" he asked and looked at him, curious and his eyes shone with an intensity that made Blaine swallowed.

"You… uh…." He breathed and scratched the back of his neck before he sniffed and slipped his hands into the pockets of the overalls.

"Youre the first… actual person to ever… give a damn about me… who doesnt know all the shit I have hanging off my shoulders. You like me for… what you see and… I guess Im really damn grateful that you havent took off running yet" he breathed, biting his lip as he watched Kurt, his hazel eyes almost daring him to leave.

Kurt sighed and stood up, taking a step forward.

"Im not really one for running" he smiled and Blaines eyes scanned his face, stepping toward him before he even realised what he was doing. Kurt smiled and felt his heart flutter and his stomach start to fill with butterflies as Blaines eyes moved down to his lips, tongue darting out to quickly wet his own.

This was it. Kurt was going to receive his first kiss. He held his breath as Blaine leant in, eyes remaining on Kurts lips. Kurt closed his eyes and let his lips pucker slightly.

This was it. He could feel Blaines breath against his lips. He was going to be kissed. Here it comes.

He smiled a little and held his breath as Blaine sealed the distance between them, kissing Kurts nose softly.

"Thank you" he smiled and squeezed the boys arm before he turned away to pack up the tools, Kurt standing there with wide eyes, trying to process what had just happened.

Well fuck.

He sighed and turned around, cheeks hot and pink in embarrassment, feeling like he needed to burst into tears. He grabbed his jacket.

"Blaine… is it okay if we cancel study tonight? Im… really tired" he breathed and Blaine turned around.

"Oh, sure" he smiled gently and tugged off the overalls, tugging on his t-shirt, ruffling his hair. Kurt gave him a grateful smiled and slipped his jacket on, picking up his bag.

"I can still drive you home" he nodded and Blaine smiled, grabbing his own bag.


The car ride was silent, the pair listening to the radio as they drove the short distance back to their homes. Kurt pulled up in his driveway and the pair climbed out.

"I hope you feel better Kurt" Blaine moved and hugged the boy, holding him a little longer than hed wanted to, smiling softly. He pulled back and kissed his nose again before he hurried off to his own home, Kurt thanking god that it was dark enough that Blaine hadnt seen how red his face was. He headed into his own home and went straight up to bed, falling onto it with a groan. Why was this happening to him? He sighed gently and felt his phone buzz. He sniffed and sat up, pulling it out of his pocket. He opened it up and smiled a little

So Puck just messaged me and wanted to know if I was free tomorrow night for a party. I said as long as I can bring you then Im in. So… are you in? –B

Kurt stood up and moved to his window, pulling back to the curtains to find Blaine standing there, smiling at him with his phone in his hand. Kurt nodded and Blaine smiled, giving him the thumbs up. He waved and Kurt closed his curtains, laying back down on the bed.

A party? With Blaine? This could be fun.

Or it could be horrid.

There was only one way to find out.


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