The Boy Next Door
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Boy Next Door: Chapter 3

E - Words: 2,979 - Last Updated: Dec 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 30, 2014 - Updated: Jul 30, 2014
225 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Thank you guys so much for all the support on this story!!! I absolutely love you all :D
Okay, So I have an amazing idea –B

I wouldnt be so sure of that. You and amazing ideas dont mix well together –K

You cant say that! Youve known me for a week Hummel –B

A week is all I need Anderson –K

To what? Learn to love me? ;) –B

In your dreams leather boy. Whats this idea of yours anyway? –K

And please tell me it doesnt involve trying to send messages to each other via paper aeroplane, as my gutter is now clogged and I think my dads mad about that –K

Your dad needs to lighten up. We were having fun! –B

Oh please dont tell him I said that… I really like my job –B

Dont worry, I wont tell, I like you having a job. I finally have someone to talk to whos under the age of 30 –K

You mean you finally have someone to ogle at whos under the age of 30? ;) –B

Get over yourself Anderson. You better be here in 2 minutes because Im leaving and this time I will not wait –K

Im already at the door –B

Kurt grinned and slipped his phone into his coat pocket, pulling his school bag off the back of his bedroom door before he raced down the stairs. Every day for a week now he and his neighbour had rode to school together. Theyd parted ways the moment they reached the teen filled buildings, texting often throughout the day until they met back at the car park when the final bell rang, heading home or to the tyre shop, non-stop talking or texting until their heads hit the pillow at night and they fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

"Im off to school, bye Dad!" Kurt called and grabbed his car keys, opening up the door with a grin.

"Im a man of my word Hummel" Blaine grinned, stepping back down the porch steps so Kurt could get outside. He looked at Kurt through his black ray bans and Kurt rolled his eyes as he followed Blaine.

"Do you honestly not own any other clothes?" he asked, poking Blaines chest, his finger hitting the soft fabric of Blaines signature white cotton t-shirt. Blaine smirked and turned his back to Kurt, heading to the boys now fixed car.

"You should know. The amount of times Ive caught you spying on me in my room" Blaine grinned and Kurt felt his cheeks heat up at the comment.

"Thats not true!" he cried and unlocked the car, throwing his bag into the backseat before he slid into the drivers seat. He looked to the passenger side and Blaine grinned at him.

"I know" He smiled and strapped himself in, sitting up happily in his seat as Kurt started to engine. He reversed out as Blaine turned the radio on low, humming softly.

"So…. This amazing idea?" Kurt smiled and glanced over at his friend before he returned his attention back to the road. Blaine smiled and cracked his knuckles, rolling his eyes when Kurt shuddered at the sound.

"I was thinking, we should go to the movies" he hummed and Kurt smiled.

"Sure. The movies sounds fun. I wouldnt call it an amazing idea though" he giggled a little and Blaine pouted.

"It was the best I could do" he hummed and Kurt smiled as they turned into the school.

"Blaine, its a great idea. When were you thinking?" he asked and Blaine pulled his sunglasses back onto his face.

"I was thinking tomorrow night actually" he smiled and Kurt cut the engine.

"Sure." He beamed and then his smile fell. He slumped in his chair and let one hand come up to pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Damn it. I cant actually do tomorrow. Wednesdays are always spend with my girls" he breathed and turned his head to look at Blaine, an apologetic smile on his lips. He knew it had only been a week, but he and the boy next door had really been getting on well. It was almost as if hed known Blaine for year, yet at the same time he still had so much left to learn. Blaine nodded and shrugged his shoulders, brushing it off even though he felt rather unhappy on the inside.

"Its cool" he hummed and Kurt bit his lower lip for a moment.

"I could… bring them along?" he looked at Blaine again and the boy laughed.

"Good one Kurt" Blaine grinned and shook his head softly, stopping when he caught Kurts expressionless face.

"Wait… seriously?" he breathed and Kurt nodded.

"Yes. Theyre my best friends and I think it would be really fun" Kurt nodded and undid his seatbelt, climbing out of the car. Blaine followed after him and shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.

"I dont know Kurt… your friends… they give me evil looks in the hallway… they dont like me" Blaine stated and Kurt rolled his eyes as he grabbed his bag from the backseat, locking his car once he was done.

"Blaine they dont even know you. Mercedes and Rachel are… okay theyre very out there but Im sure that after spending even an hour with you that theyll love you as much as I do" Kurt nodded and Blaine turned to face him, a grin spreading onto his face.

"You love me Kurt?" he hummed, Kurt blushing furiously at the boys obvious smirk.

"You know exactly what I mean" he hummed and Blaine nodded, grinning to himself as they neared the building.

"I do. And… I guess that would be okay then. As long as I pay for your ticket" Blaine smiled and nudged Kurts arm, the boy smiling softly.

"Blaine I cant let you do that. Id only ever let a boyfriend do that" he chuckled and Blaine bit his lip.

"Thats fair enough I guess. Can I at least buy popcorn?" he mused and Kurt nodded, pulling the door open that led into the overcrowded hallway.

"Sure. Ill see you later?" he asked and Blaine squeezed his arm gently before he headed off, dodging his way in and out of the teens as Kurt headed off in a different direction. He made his way to his locker and opened it up, fixing his hair in the mirror for a few moments. He grabbed the books he needed for his English class and closed his locker. He made his way to class without an incident from the jocks, and he knew he more than likely had Blaine to thank for that. He took his seat in English and Mercedes came and joined him, tugging their desks closer.

"Okay white boy, you have a look on your face that tells me you need to talk. Spill" she smiled and rested her chin on her hand as she looked at the boy. Kurt smiled and flicked open his notebook.

"Oh its not really that interesting. Blaine asked me to the movies tomorrow and now Im going to ask you and Rachel" He hummed and missed Mercedes look of pure shock.

"Blaine? Blaine as in the new boy whos been walking around school like he owns the place with his leather and his death scowl? The same Blaine thats been texting you non-stop for a week?" Mercedes mused and Kurt nodded and smiled a little.

"Yeah. Hes not that bad cedes…"

"He seems rude and annoying" Mercedes huffed and Kurt turned to look at her, a frown set on his face.

"You dont even know him. And since when do you ever judge people?" he asked, his arms folded tight across his chest. Mercedes looked at him for a moment before she sighed and looked down.

"I dont know Kurt… I just dont want you getting caught up with the wrong crowd. He could be bad news" she breathed and looked up at her best friend.

"Just be careful?" she asked and Kurt sighed.

"Fine, but you can see how nice he is by coming to the movies tomorrow" he hummed and Mercedes smiled, turning to face the front of the room as Mr Turner came in. Kurt did just the same, letting all his attention now focus on the young teacher. Today the blonde haired man had the sleeves of his lavender dress shirt rolled up, showing off his toned arms. Kurt smiled a little as his cheeks turned their usual shade of pink for this class, Mercedes deeply interested as well as the blue eyed man smiled at the students.

"Okay guys, lets get started!" he beamed and grabbed a pen, starting to scribble down notes on the board as he spoke. Kurt let his chin rest on his palm, pretty sure he looked high, as did the majority if the girls in the room. Mr Turner was new here. Hed only started at the beginning of the year and his charm and soft spoken voice had certainly captured the hearts of the majority of the female student body, and of course Kurt as well.

Mr Turner finished writing up the notes and was halfway through discussing their next assignment when Blaine strolled into class, throwing his bag down on a desk beside Kurt. The boy snapped out of his haze and looked up, a little stunned. Blaine had hardly ever shown up for class in the past week. Mr Turner frowned lightly and the rest of the class turned in their seats to look at the leather clad boy, who now had his feet up in the desk, hands casually resting behind his head.

"Dont let me interrupt" he smiled and Mr Turned folded his arms across his chest.


"Anderson" Blaine grinned and glanced over at Kurt, who was shooting him daggers.

What the hell was Blaine doing?

"Mr Anderson, can you please take your feet off the desk and pay attention. Youve already missed half the lesson" Mr Turner sighed and Blaine let his legs fall from the desk, his boots hitting the floor with a loud bang.

"Sorry man" Blaine hummed and Mr Turner sighed before he went back to teaching. Kurt rolled his eyes and tore a piece of paper out of his notebook, angrily scrawling out a note before he slammed it down onto Blaines desk, the other boy smirking.

What are you playing at?

Blaine grinned and wrote out his reply, casually tossing it back.

Nothing. Im coming to class. You told me I should start attending my classes remember?

Kurt jotted down the notes on the board before he replied to Blaine with a small sigh.

I did, but I didnt mean make an entrance and disrupt them and act like an ass. Im trying to get you into Mercedes good books!

Blaine read the note and threw it back to Kurt, grabbing out his book, scribbling down his notes with a blank expression on his face.

Maybe the only persons good books I want to be in is yours.

Kurt sighed and felt his stomach flutter a little at the note. This had happened quite a lot over the last week. Whenever Blaine casually flirted or complimented him, Kurt got little butterflies that slowly started to flood his stomach, making him blush like a 13 year old school girl with a crush.

But he didnt have a crush.

He couldnt have a crush.

At least not on Blaine.

He sighed and when the bell rang he packed his things away and turned toward the door, gasping a little when he found that Blaine was right in front of him, so close he could smell the soft scent of peppermint coming off his breath.

Kurt looked at the boy with wide eyes and Blaine sighed.

"Im sorry. People arent… accepting of me so its hard for me to…to act like everyone else. I feel like I need to do stuff like that to be noticed. I didnt mean to make you upset with me." He breathed and smiled gently.

"Are we still on for the movies?" he asked softly and Kurt nodded.

"Yeah… yeah sure" he breathed and Blaine stepped back.

"Awesome" he grinned and Mercedes raised an eyebrow.

"Well… Im going to go now, I guess Ill see you later Kurt. And Ill see you at the movies tomorrow Blaine" the girl nodded and gave Kurt a look of curiosity and delight before she hurried out of the room. Blaine smiled and Kurt bit his lower lip.

"Want to escort me to biology?" Blaine mused and Kurt smiled.



Blaine stood in line at the Lima movie theatre, hands shoved into his jacket pockets as Rachel and Mercedes babbled away to each other about what they wanted to sing in next weeks glee club meeting. Kurt smiled gently at the pair as he stood beside Blaine. Hed decided to wear a simple blue dress shirt and tight black jeans with his knee high boots. In his mad attempt to get out of the house on time hed forgotten his jacket. He shuffled a little closer to Blaine and looked at the boy.

"If I told you that they usually arent this self-obsessed… would you believe me?" he grinned and Blaine smirked.

"Not at all"

The boys shared a smile before they moved up in line, the girl behind the counter turning a soft shade of pink when she saw Blaine.

"4 tickets to see Divergent thanks" Blaine smiled and the girl grinned.

"Sure. Double date?" she mused and Kurt saw her eyes flicker to Rachel and Mercedes, who were still in deep conversation. Blaine chuckled and shook his head.

"No. Friend date" he hummed and Kurt swore he could see a spark of happiness in the girls brown eyes as she processed their tickets, handing them to Blaine.

"Can I get you anything from the candy bar?" she asked and Blaine shook his head.

"No thanks. Kurt?" he asked and Kurt looked at him.

"Oh… um. Rachel loves popcorn and Mercedes likes liquorice. And I wouldnt mind having one of those frozen drinks" he smiled and blushed a little as Blaine ordered and paid. He handed out the goodies as the girl waved happily, Kurt sighing.

"She likes you" he whispered as the four made their way toward their assigned theatre. Rachel and Mercedes hung back, whispered between themselves as Kurt stayed close to Blaine. Blaine rolled his eyes and gripped his ticket, walking inside.

"Im gay remember?" he grinned and looked around for where they should sit. Rachel and Mercedes hurried up towards the back, sitting down and giving Kurt big smiles as the boy sat down.

"God… this drink is huge" Kurt sighed as Blaine sat beside him, getting comfortable as others started to fill up the seats in front of them. Blaine grinned and looked over at Kurt.

"Ill share it with you" he beamed and Rachel grinned.

"Kurt would be fine with that" she hummed and Mercedes giggled as Kurt flushed pink.

"Thats okay" he nodded and offered the drink out to Blaine. The boy smiled and had a sip before he settled back into his seat. They passed the time by talking about pointless things until the lights dimmed and Kurt suddenly became very aware of how close he was to the boy beside him. He could smell Blaines cologne (Which hed started to love a lot over the week) and he was glad that he could hardly be seen, because he was pretty sure his cheeks were bright red.

The movie began and Kurt focused on the screen, and he thought he was doing quite a good job until a hot breath rushed across his ear, sending shivers down his spine.

"I reckon… that youd be Dauntless" Blaine breathed and looked at Kurt with shining eyes. Kurt flushed and turned to look at Blaine.

"Whys that?" he asked in a whisper and Blaine sipped some more of the boys drinks the girls happily ate their snacks, glued to the film. Blaine grinned and shuffled closer, their shoulders pressed together.

"Because youre fearless. Youre friends with me after all" he breathed and turned back to the screen. Kurt blushed happily and bit his lip.

"Thats true" he smiled and went back to watching the movie. It wasnt until halfway through that he felt Blaines hand move to his. He held his breath as the black haired boy slowly slipped his hand into Kurts, lacing their fingers together. Kurt knew his cheeks were in fire, his body shuddering in happiness.

He was holding hands with a boy.

In a movie theatre.

In the dark.

Holding hands.

He beamed to himself, pride swelling in his chest as Blaine held his hand. They were large and soft, though he could feel some callouses on his fingers and he knew that was likely from the guitar hed seen laying in the corner of his bedroom.

They continued to hold hands until the lights came back on, and even then Blaine slowly let go, standing up and stretching.

"That was really good" he smiled and Kurt nodded, not sure he could open his mouth without giggling wildly. Mercedes and Rachel linked their arms with his as they walked out, both girls talking to Blaine as Kurt kept silent. He was still trying to process the fact that a boy had held his hand. A boy who was amazingly attractive and smart and nice and funny and actually gay.

But he was a friend.

Kurt sighed and joined in the light conversation as they got into the car, Kurt dropping off the girl. He and Blaine stayed in a comfortable silence, Kurt sighing as they pulled up in his driveway.

"So, Rachel and Mercedes like you" He hummed as Blaine walked him to his door. Blaine grinned.

"I know. Im charming" he teased and Kurt nodded, his stomach fluttering once more.

"I know… Blaine…" he breathed and the boy looked at him with soft hazel eyes.


"I… I had a really good time" he nodded and Blaine grinned.

"Thats good to hear. Maybe next time we can go on our own" he hummed and Kurt bit his lip.

"Oh… yeah. Yeah sure" he smiled and Blaine grinned, stepping up closer to Kurt.

"Okay. Ill see you tomorrow. Night Kurt" he breathed and looked down at Kurts lips before he stepped back and headed off toward his house.

"Sleep well!" he called and Kurt leant against his door.

There was no denying it now. He actually liked Blaine.

A lot.



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