The Boy Next Door
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The Boy Next Door: Chapter 2

E - Words: 4,107 - Last Updated: Dec 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 30, 2014 - Updated: Jul 30, 2014
208 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: There you go darlings :D
Kurt walked down the hall, his eyes set on his locker. He could hear the quickened footsteps of leather boots behind him and he knew he was being followed.

"Kurt! I dont understand why youre so upset!" Blaine called as he dodged his way in and out of the crowds of teens that had now chosen to gather in the halls before the bell rang. Kurt rolled his eyes and came to a halt by his locker, throwing it open once hed managed to get it unlocked. Blaine stopped beside him, his eyebrows knitted into a small frown.

"What did I do wrong?" he asked and looked at the taller teen, awaiting an answer that didnt seem to come for a good, long minute. Kurt sighed and turned to face the boy, trying his best to get his stomach to stop fluttering at how close his new neighbour was standing to him.

He was mad at Blaine. Now was not the time to realise he smelt like absolute heaven.

"You picked on someone for no reason" he breathed and Blaine let one black brow raise up in confusion.

"Excuse me? Since when did I pick on someone?" he asked and folded his arms across his chest, genuinely interested in what Kurt had to say.

The boy sighed and shook his head.

"Dont play dumb Blaine…"

"Im not playing anything…"

"You punched Karofsky yesterday. For no reason…" Kurt sighed and blinked furiously when Blaine held up his hand to silence him.

"Okay, first of all I dont know people by name so try and describe them. Lets call Karofnutter… Tubs. Did I punch Tubs in the jaw? Hell yeah I did. But I have my reasons and Id rather not share them with someone I just met." Blaine sighed and lowered his hand, letting it dip into his pocket as Kurt just stared at him.

"I dont believe you" he sighed and gripping the strap on his bag as he looked up at Blaine. No one could have a solid reason for doing something like that to someone they didnt know, for something as simple as a possible accidental ball to the head; even if the one behind the ball throwing was a total jackass.

"Im not asking you to. I told you my side, what I want you to know. I couldnt give a damn if you believe me or not. Doesnt change the fact that someone needs to stand up to that fucker" Blaine shrugged his shoulders and zipped up his jacket. Kurts mouth fell open a little and the boy gave him one last look before he turned on his heel and headed off down the hall, people moving out of his way. Kurt watched after him until the boy in leather turned the corner and Kurt let out a sigh.

Its not like he cared they were arguing. He didnt even know the guy after all. He ignored the slight annoyance he felt with himself for not agreeing with Blaine, but he couldnt. He couldnt allow for any bullying of any way, shape or form. No one, not even Karofsky, deserved that kind of sadness and torment. Kurt closed his locker and didnt even bother to wait for Rachel like he normally did so they could walk to class together. Today he just wasnt in the mood.


All day Kurt kept on seeing Blaine everywhere, but the boy simply ignored him. In fact, Kurt noticed that Blaine seemed to ignore everyone. A few girls had tried to talk to him and hed simply brushed them off, going back to scrawling down things in a little tattered notebook he had that he seemed to shove into his pocket every time the teacher walked passed. Hed walked passed Kurt in the hall and hadnt even so much as batted an eyelash in the boys direction, walking with a sense of purpose that made everyone part like the red sea when he walked by.

"Hes really quiet. He doesnt talk much at all" Tina commented at lunch as they all sat, crowded around one small round table. Mike leant over her to reach for a fry, Mercedes batting his hand away.

"Thats what being quiet means Tina" Artie sighed and Puck frowned, leaning closer to Kurt as he tried once again to read.

"He seemed pretty cosy with you this morning Hummel" he hummed and everyone looked up to Kurt, their eyes wide.

"Kurt!" Rachel gasped and Kurt looked up to roll his eyes.

"What? He happens to be my new neighbour so he offered me a ride" Kurt shrugged and Santana snorted.

"On his cock" she muttered and Kurt proceeded to turn a deep shade of red, a few people sniggering as Rachel looked absolutely horrified.

"Santana hes not even… gay" Kurt breathed, swallowing hard as he moved his book to try and discreetly fan himself. He wasnt actually sure if Blaine was gay, but he had a good feeling he wasnt.

Santana chuckled and Brittany happily ate the girls lunch whilst she spoke.

"Remember how I asked you yesterday if youd make out with me?" She hummed and Kurt nodded a little.

"Well, I asked because I met that leather boy and he didnt seem to want to flirt. At all. Every guy here thats straight flirts with me Kurt" Santana spoke as if it was a fact and all the boys nodded.

"Its true"

Kurt bit his lip and sighed. It was true. Hed seen it happen and whilst he thought it was absolutely pathetic, he couldnt deny that it was happened to be a fact.

"Okay… but maybe you just arent his type"

Kurt knew the moment those words had left his mouth that he was going to pay for it. Santana sat up a little in her seat and Kurt swallowed.

"Okay Hummel. Lets get something straight here. I, am fucking hot. Okay? Girls who like girls want to be with me. Guys who like girls, they want to be with me. And, Im pretty sure that if I grew a penis, guys who liked guys would want to be with me. Dont tell me Im wrong okay? I have an excellent gaydar… and your little next door fuck buddy? Hes gay" Santana pursed her lips and Kurt stood up, shoving his book into his back.

" You may be right, but I dont judge people based on whether or not they want to shove their tongue down your throat" he huffed and tugged a little on his jacket, wetting his lips before he continued.

"And for the record, if you grew a penis, I still wouldnt make out with you" he breathed and headed toward the exit, the rest of the glee club remaining silent as Santana stared after the boy, the slightest amount of shock still on her face.

"Wow, Hummel sure told you…"

"Shut it Sam!"


Everything in this place smelt like feet and old hotdog water.

Blaine hated the way McKinley smelt more than he hated the actual people who attended. It was only his second day and hes already figured out that the people who went here were self-obsessed, lazy and rude. Or at least thats what hed found out from the two classes hed attended. He wasnt usually one to like school regardless, so this just added to his list of why he wanted to bail.

He made his way down the now empty halls, trying to figure out if he should actually attend his next class or just go home and play videogames for an hour before he started his new job at Hummel Tyres and Lube that afternoon. He shoved his hands into his pockets and decided he was just going to go home when he heard a loud bang from down the hall. He quickened his pace and turned the corner, his eyes narrowing at what he was seeing.

"Say that again Hummel" Karofsky snapped as he pinked Kurt into the locker, two more of the other jocks flanking him, grinning like prize fools as Kurt tried his best to stare down the larger boy.

"What happened? Are you deaf?" He breathed and Karofsky pulled his fist back as if to punch the smaller boy in the jaw, Kurts heart hammering against his chest. He closed his eyes and waited for the impact but it never came. Instead, the large fist that was clenched around his jacket seemed to ease and let go, Kurts feet feeling a little more like they were on solid ground. He opened his eyes and they widened immediately, Karofskys cries only just reaching his ears. Kurt watched as the larger boy was tackled to the ground by the boy in black leather, the other two jocks standing there for a long moment as Karofsky gasped, the wind having been clearly knocked out of him.

"Pick on someone your own size for a change ay, asshole?" Blaine spat as he hopped back up, seemingly unharmed. He straightened his jacket as Karofsky lay there, gasping for air. His two friends dragged him up by his armpits and Karofsky glared at Blaine.

"Youre dead leather boy" he spat and Blaine just looked at him.

"I dont think so" he hummed and the jocks pulled Dave away, all muttering something about how theyd make Blaine pay.

Kurt stood with his back still against the locker, watching the scene unravel before his eyes. The moment the jocks turned the corner he looked over to Blaine, fully aware his mouth was a little open, eyes wide.

"I… I…" he breathed and then closed his mouth, locking his jaw. Blaine looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"Seriously? I do something like that and you still think Im an ass?" he asked and Kurt swallowed.

"No. I just… I could have handled that…"

"Yeah, it really looked like it" Blaine huffed and dug his hands into his pockets again. Why was this boy so damn stubborn? Why couldnt he just accept the fact that Blaine had helped him, say thank you and let him go about his day?

"I deal with this all the time thank you very much. Im still here arent I?" Kurt huffed and picked his bag up off the floor, dusting it off before he slipped it back onto his shoulder, looking up at Blaine.

"If you were trying to look like a hero and change my opinion on you…"

Blaine scoffed before Kurt could even finish his sentence.

"Are you kidding me? You honestly think I give a damn what you think? I was trying to be nice" he breathed and stepped back, throwing his hands up in some form of defence.

"You know what? Forget it. I cant win with people. You try and be tough and stand up for yourself and you get shit. You try and be nice and you get shit. I give up. Im sorry I helped you out. Have fun walking home." Blaine huffed and stormed down the hall and Kurt just watched him go. He didnt give a damn if Blaine was mad at him or not. They werent friends. All they were was neighbours, and hed learnt from experience that you didnt even have to like your neighbours. He gripped his bag and headed off to his final class of the day, meeting Mercedes along the way.

"Kurt… are you okay?" the girl asked as she linked arms with her boo, looking at him with some concern on her face as they headed to class, the halls slowly starting to fill up again with students.

"Ill be fine" Kurt sighed and gave her a weak smile, the girl looking ahead.

"You know you cant lie to me white boy. Does it have anything to do with that new kid? Ive seen him around and he is fine" she smiled and nudged Kurts ribs gently, the boy chuckling softly at her words. Of course he was fine. He was more than fine. He was damn sexy.

"Hes a jerk. And as much as I like that Karofsky may be being put in his place… I dont like that he needs to be bullied to get there. Ive been bullied all my life cedes and I dont wish that kind of treatment on my worst enemy, which happens to be Karofsky" Kurt sighed as they turned into their geography classroom, taking two seats near the back. Mercedes sat down and got out her books, turning in her chair to look at Kurt.

"Do you actually have any proof that hed bullying Karofsky? I mean, yes he punched him but… maybe he was provoked a little more than just having a ball to the head" she raised her brow and Kurt shook his head.

"No… Puck and Sam said that he didnt even say anything…"

Mercedes looked at Kurt for a long moment.

"Since when do we believe everything Puck and Sam say?" she mused and Kurt sighed, opening up his text book. She did have a point. Those boys could definitely spin a story when they wanted to. The teacher came in and started up the class in his monotone voice, the pair turning away to focus on their work. Maybe Mercedes had a point, but Kurt wasnt ready to believe that fully just yet. After all, he didnt even know Blaine. And despite how attractive he was, maybe he didnt really want to know him. He sighed and started to scribble down notes and after about ten minutes of boring talk from his teacher, all hes written was one thing.

Blaine Anderson?


Blaine parked up outside his new home and headed inside, the smell of fresh cookies and coffee hitting him hard.

"Daniel? Is that you?" a female voice called as Blaine closed the door.

"Its Blaine!" he called and a woman appeared in the doorway, her long Blonde hair pulled back into a neat ponytail, blue eyes narrowing slightly.

"Dont you have school now Mr?" she asked and a small smile appeared on her lips when a little boy raced under her arm, giggling as he flew into Blaines awaiting arms. Blaine lifted him up and perched him on his hip.

"Hows my little man?" he asked and the little brown haired boy grinned.

"Good. I just finished my colouring and I helped mummy make cookies" he beamed and Blaine kissed his cheek.

"Thats awesome bud. Why dont you go and make me some milk for them then yeah?" he smiled and set the little boy down, watching him with soft eyes as he hurried off. Mrs Anderson smiled and leant against the frame.

"Now why cant you be like that with everyone?" she asked and Blaine smiled.

"Because Tyler happens to be the only person I like" he smiled and took off his boots, moving to kiss the womans cheek as she smiled.

"Im gonna go shower before I need to head to work" he called as he hurried up the stairs. Mrs Anderson turned toward them.

"You stay in school all day tomorrow Blaine!" she called and the boy responded with a small yeah, the woman sighing softly. She loved her son, she really did, but she often worried about him. She sighed and headed back to the kitchen. He was a good kid, it was just a shame that he tried to hide that fact for as long as he could.


It was about 6pm when Blaine set down the wrench and wiped his forehead with a small towel. Hed been working on a car for the past two hours straight and he needed a break. He unbuttoned his blue overalls that had taken at least three long lectures from Burt to get him into, and tied the sleeves around his waist. He had a white singlet on underneath and he let a small smirk cross his lips when one of the other guys let out a low whistle.

"Jesus Anderson, work out much?" Gary called from across the garage and Blaine chuckled.

"Need to pass the time somehow right?" he called back and Gary chuckled, carrying on with his own work.

Blaine was about to go into the office to ask Burt if he could take a ten minute break when the doors opened and the garage filled with the smell of pizza.

"Ah yes, Kurts here" Paul grinned and put away his tools, headed over toward the doors. Blaine frowned but did the same, folding his arms across his chest, a small smirk on his lips when he saw Kurt standing there with an armful of pizza boxes.

"Oh you saint" Paul grinned and took one from the boy, moving to open it as Burt came out.

"Oh Kurt, just in time. What did Evan say?" he asked his son as he took a box, pulling out a slice with a happy smile. Kurt smiled back and handed the rest of the boxes to Steve, fixing his shirt.

"He said next time we can have a discount for being his most valued customers" he hummed and let his eyes scan the garage, finding Blaine nowhere in sight.

"I thought you said Blaine was working today?" the boy questioned his father, who was munching away on the pizza. He swallowed and nodded.

"He is. Hes working on Miss Harrisons car. Down the back" Burt hummed and waved lazily toward the back of the garage. Kurt nodded and grabbed a box, headed down there as the other men stayed with Burt, eating a talking loudly. Kurt made his way around some cars and he almost dropped the pizza when he saw Blaine.

The boy was lifting up a tyre, his muscles flexing, and small beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Kurt swallowed because if looking at Blaines arms wasnt enough, the boy had tattoos.


There was a phoenix on his bicep, ready to take flight, flames blazing up under his wings. Kurt swallowed and Blaine looked up, a smirk crossing his lips.

"Come to thank me have you?" he asked and set the wheel down, wiping his forehead on his arm. Kurt took a moment or two to get his breath back, setting down the pizza box on the work bench. He folded his arms across his chest.

"I came bearing food. I do every Tuesday" He shrugged and Blaine gave him a long look.

"Im not hungry" he sighed and turned back to the car. Kurt bit his lip and watched the boy for a moment.

"I… today… I guess… I kind of do owe you a… thanks" he breathed and Blaine looked at him from over his shoulder.

"You guess?" he chuckled and Kurt let a frown set on his face.

"Thats the best youre going to get. Im still not sure I… believe your story" he breathed and this time Blaine turned to face him. He looked at the boy and smiled.

"Why? Is this guy such a nice person?" he asked and Kurt coughed.


"Is he a friend?"

"God no…"

"Then why is it so hard to believe that theres more to the story?" Blaine asked and Kurt looked down at his shoes.

"Because it just seems like youd be the kind of person to do that" he spoke and Blaine nodded, stepping forward to take a slice of pizza from the box.

"I thought you werent hungry" Kurt commented but Blaine continued to eat, ignoring the comment.

"Why do you think Id be the kind of asshole who just punches a guy in the face?" he asked, genuinely curious as he munched on his pizza. Kurt looked up and wet his lips with his tongue, thinking for a short moment.

"Because… you dress like someone who… who does that. Youre distant… you have tattoos…"

"So basically youre judging me by how I look?" Blaine asked and Kurt felt his cheeks slowly start to flush pink.

"I… no…"

"Yes you are. Why does he bully you?" Blaine asked and cocked his head to the side when Kurt scoffed.

"Youre kidding me right? This is Ohio… why do you think he bullies me?" Kurt asked and Blaine shrugged, eating some more.

"Because… Im gay" Kurt swallowed. He wasnt ashamed of admitting that to others, and to himself. He knew what he was and he had for a very long time but he also had no idea how Blaine would react. The boy looked up and smiled.

"Oh" he said and Kurt blinked.

"You mean you didnt know?" he asked and Blaine looked up and shook his head. Kurt let out a soft laugh and shook his head.

"Wow. How could you not? I mean… I dont exactly hide it" he motioned down to his clothes and once again the other boy just shrugged.

"I dont judge a book by its cover, and I ask people to do the same for me" Blaine said simply and Kurt immediately felt bad.

"Oh" he breathed and looked down again before he let his eyes travel up to look at Blaines face.

"Why did you punch him then?" he asked and Blaine finished his pizza.

"Why does it matter? I stood up to him. Hes an ass" Blaine sighed and moved back toward the car and Kurt sighed. Why wouldnt Blaine just tell him why? He leant against the bench and watched as Blaine changed a tyre. He worked in silence and when he was done he wiped his hands and moved over to Kurt, taking another slice of pizza. He ate two bites before he set it back in the box and leant on the bench beside Kurt.

"I punched tubs because he called me a faggot" he said simply and looked at Kurt.

"I dont take well to name calling and I didnt think he should get away with it. So I punched him" he sighed and Kurt swallowed.

"I had no idea…"

"I know. But Im not an ass Kurt. Yes I dress in leather and yes Im distant but its not because Im an ass. I have my reasons and Id rather people didnt judge me based on how I look." Blaine sighed and scratched his jaw as Kurt nodded and looked Blaine up and down.

"Im sorry" he breathed and Blaine smiled at him.

"Its fine. Besides, I guess I need one friend in this hell hole right?" he chuckled and bumped his shoulder into Kurts. The boy blushed and looked away for a moment before he faced Blaine and nodded.

"I guess so." His lips curved up into a smile and he nodded.

"Yeah. Id like… that" he hummed and Blaine offered him a slice of pizza and Kurt shook his head.

"No thanks. I had a burrito on the way" he admitted and Blaine smiled.

"Nice. So Kurt… considering were now friends", he grinned, moving back to pack up some of the tools hed been using. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he mused and Kurt actually laughed.

"God no" he chuckled and Blaine smiled.

"Why is that question funny?" he asked and looked at Kurt with a raised brow and the boy sighed.

"Because Im basically the only out, gay kid at school and probably in all of Lima" he sighed and folded his arms across his chest as Blaine shook his head.

"You know thats not true right?" Blaine hummed and Kurt looked at him.

"You know anyone whos gay in Lima? That youve met in the past day?" he chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"If you have, give me his number" he teased and Blaine wiped his hands on the towel before he held out his hand, earning a confused look from Kurt.

"What…?" he breathed and Blaine sighed.

"Give me your phone" he stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Kurt frowned and shook his head.

"Why would I give you my phone?" The boy asked, a hint of suspicion in his voice as Blaine chuckled.

"So I can give you my number silly" he hummed and Kurt blinked.

Had he heard right? Did Blaine mean what he thought he meant.


"Dont look so shocked Hummel. Surely the tight pants I wore today gave it away" Blaine grinned and Kurt blushed.

"I didnt want to assume…" he admitted and Blaine smiled.

"Thanks. But seriously, give me your phone so I can give you my number. Im serious about the whole friend thing. If you can look passed the fact that I hit assholes from time to time" he smiled and Kurt nodded.

"I think I can." He hummed and tossed Blaine his phone. The boy grinned and put his number into Kurts phone and looked up.

"So, Hummel. Tell me about yourself" he grinned and threw his phone back to him, heading over to Mrs Harrisons car. Kurt smiled and sat up on the bench, starting to talk happily.

Thats how Kurt spent the next 3 hours sitting in his fathers shop, talking to his neighbour about absolutely anything they could think of.

At the end of the night Kurt drove them home and Blaine said goodnight, promising to drive him to school the next day. Kurt nodded and locked his fathers truck before he headed inside with a smile on his face.

Blaine Anderson was someone he actually wanted to get to know. And right now, he couldnt wait to start.


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