The Boy Next Door
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The Boy Next Door: Chapter 1

E - Words: 3,589 - Last Updated: Dec 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 30, 2014 - Updated: Jul 30, 2014
215 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: :D Thank you all so so sooo much XP
"Hummel, have you ever wanted to make out with me?"

Kurt looked up from his tattered copy of Pride and Prejudice and gave Santana a deep frown.

"No. Not once. Ever" he spoke in a bored tone and Santana shrugged it off as she bit into her carrot stick. Rachel looked up from her sheet music to give the boy a raised brow as they both waited for an explanation as to why the cheerio would be asking him such a question. The cafeteria continued in a soft buzz as Santana looked up.

"Because youre gay right?" she asked another question and Kurt just looked at her.

"Does it look like it?"

"100 percent"

"Then yes Santana, Im gay"

The boy went back to his reading, not really interested in what the girl was harping on about. Most of their lunches started out like this. Santana would ask a pointless and sometimes offensive question and Rachel and Kurt would simply brush it off. Then Mercedes would come back from waiting on the long line of teenagers; all of whom were equally pissed about the ongoing ban on tater tots, and she would complain about her salad yet end up eating it anyway. Then Puck would come in with some pointless news about things that went down in gym class, with Sam agreeing with him and giving the odd detail about the situation here and there. Normally it wasnt even worth listening to, so thats why Kurt always brought a book to read. It passed the time and gave him a few extra points with the English teacher Mr Turner (who happened to be extremely cute and under the age of 25 which Kurt found to be a bonus) and it meant he could just relax and let his friends babble away, whilst still feeling like he was a part of the group.

Today however, after Mercedes came back and complained, when Puck arrived, Kurt was stunned to find that the boy seemed in shock. Kurts eyes flickered up and he let himself study the boy with the Mohawk for a moment before he let his eyebrows raise.

No, he wasnt in shock.

He was in awe.

"Oh my God. Dude… you should have been there" Sam breathed as Mercedes looked at him, stabbing lettuce absently with her fork. Finn hurried over to the table and pressed a quick kiss to Rachels cheek before he sat down.

"Are we telling the gym story?" he asked, arm draping over the girls shoulder. She blushed and looked up from her sheet music.

"What happened in gym?"

"Sam was just getting to it. Come on Trouty Mouth, spit it out" Santana hummed and Brittany nodded from her place beside her.

"Please. I want to know if Coach Beiste actually has magical horns" she beamed and Kurt simply rolled his eyes.

"No one cares if someone scored a touch up in football okay?" He began and closed his eyes when all the boys looked at him with frowns.

"Touchdown!" the cried and Kurt raised a hand to silence them.

"Whatever. Its just always the same stuff. Mike did this or Finn did that… we understand you guys like football and youre good at it but maybe try broadening your horizons a little, gain some knowledge about what wed like to hear" Kurt sighed and Rachel turned to look at him as the boys tried their hardest to process what Kurt had said.

"I like to hear about it" Rachel began to protest but Santana simply scoffed.

"No, you like to listen to how your frankenteen stumbles around a field. Somehow its a turn on for you" she shrugged and Rachel proceeded to blush furiously, Puck interrupting her before she could come up with anything to say in response.

"No dude, youll like this one. Its about Karofsky" Puck started and Kurt closed his book quickly.

"Puck…" he breathed and Mercedes frowned.

"Puck you know we dont talk about that jackass for a reason…"

"No! No its good! He got beaten up! Well… punched in the face" Sam smiled and Mike nodded enthusiastically as Tina gasped from her place on his lap.

"Okay, hold up a second. Karofsky got punched? In the face? Whos crazy enough to do that yall?" Artie asked and Kurt internally swore to put an end to his language, but for now he was actually interested in this story.

"Go on…" he breathed and Puck grinned.

"Okay, so we were in the middle of gym and theres this new guy. Kinda small and all that but he packs a hell of a lot in the bicep region" Puck exclaimed and Santana rolled her eyes.

"We arent asking for a profile on the guy, get to the good stuff!" she huffed and Kurt bit his lip, sitting back a little. Karofsky was an asshole, and of course he was glad that someone had finally put him in his place, but he didnt really need another Neanderthal roaming the halls of the school. He already had enough to deal with as it were. He looked at Sam who had now taken over from Pucks story.

"Okay, so Karofsky was acting all high and mighty as usual and we were playing dodge ball in the second half of the period and the new guy was sort of just standing there and Karofsky thought it would be funny to throw a ball at his head. The guy didnt even say a word. He just walked over to Karofsky and socked him right in the jaw" Sam grinned as if it was the best thing hed ever witnessed and Finn nodded.

"Yeah, Coach had him suspended for the day so he went home but it was really cool. Karofsky looked like he wanted to cry" he grinned and Kurt sighed.

"He sounds like a jerk."

Everyone looked at him with a confused expression for a moment or two before Rachel frowned.

"Kurt… we all know Karofsky is a jerk…

"No." Kurt sighed and bit his lip, looking at his friend. "The new guy"

There was silence for a moment before everyone started talking all at once.

"Are you kidding me?"

"He punched him in the face!"

"Dude! Hes amazing!

"He punched him in the face!"

"Kurt? Are you feeling okay? Did you hear what Sam said?"

"In the face!"

"Alright!" Kurt cried and the table fell silent. The boy sighed and grabbed his bag off the floor, slipping his book into it, looking up as he stood.

"Im not saying Karofsky didnt deserve it, but any guy whos just arrived and doesnt know a person, and goes and punches them in the face for getting hit with a dodge ball in a game of dodge ball… they dont sit right in my books" he shrugged and Rachel sighed.


"Im going to go home. I have study next anyway. Ill see you guys tomorrow in glee" he sighed and slipped his bag over his shoulder, letting his lips curve into the smallest of smiled before he headed toward the exit of the cafeteria. It wasnt like he was upset that the boy was hurt. Not at all. If anything, he was really glad. But the fact that this mysterious new boy had done that… it made him curious, happy, scared and excited all at the same time. He heard his friends start to talk again as he left, blocking them out as he headed down the hallway.

One more year.

He had one more year in this place and then hed finally be free. Free to go where he pleased, do what he pleased. He knew one thing for sure, and that was that he wasnt going to spend one second longer than he had to in Lima, Ohio.

He drove home with his music turned up high, humming along to the lovely vocals of Pink as he turned onto his street. A frown set on his face when he saw his Dad standing out of their lawn, talking to a man hed never seen before. Kurt beeped and pulled up onto the driveway, both men turning over at the loud sound. Kurt cut the engine and climbed out of the car, looking over to where his father stood at the edge of their front lawn.

"Hey kiddo. Come meet our new neighbour." Burt waved him over and Kurt slid his bag onto his shoulder again and walked to stand beside his Dad, giving the other man a small smile.

"Hi" he breathed and let his eyes quickly scan him over.

He was rather tall with salt and pepper hair, eyes a deep brown. He smiled at Kurt, the corners of his eyes wrinkling a little as he did.

"Hello. You must be Kurt. Im Daniel Anderson" he smiled and held out his hand for the boy to shake. Kurt nodded and shook his hand, not at all surprised by the firm grip he was met with.

"Yeah, Im Kurt. Nice to meet you" he nodded and pulled his hand back, folding his arms over his chest as Burt looked at him.

"Daniel and his family just moved in over the weekend. Which youd know if you were ever home on the weekends" Burt chuckled and Kurt sighed.

"Im sorry for having a life Dad" he muttered and Daniel Anderson laughed lightly.

"My eldest says that all the time. Hes off in LA right now so I suppose its one less mouth to feed." He chuckled and Kurt looked behind him at the large house hed grown up next to. It was big, really big. It was the biggest on the street and it hadnt been occupied in about 5 years. Kurt had the perfect view into the house from his bedroom window, and more often than not he would sit there and try to imagine what if might be like if someone moved in. Perhaps theyd finally make use of the large room with the chandelier, and gorgeous wooden flooring. He knew it was odd, to look into an abandoned home and wish that someone would come along and make it lively again, but he did it anyway.

Kurt looked then to the driveway and found a large van there, filled with boxes. Daniel followed his gaze.

"Took three trips to get all the stuff here" he chuckled and Kurt blinked, looking back to the man.

"Sorry?" he asked and Daniel smiled.

"You were looking at the van. It took us three trips, here and back to Westerville to get all the stuff here" he smiled and Kurt nodded, Burt chuckling.

"At least its not too long of a journey" he hummed and Daniel sighed.

"It sure can seem long when you have four kids in the back, all singing along to Katy Perry. And then you have a moody teen who wont stop complaining about how hungry he is the entire way." He chuckled and straightened up his shirt. Something moved in the doorway of the large house and Kurt turned his gaze to see exactly what it was.

"Ah, speaking of moody teenagers, heres my third eldest" Daniel smiled and waved the figure over.

Kurt felt his stomach flip and his cheeks blush as a boy walked out onto the garden to where they stood, a tiny smile on his lips.

He was gorgeous as far as Kurt was concerned. He looked nothing like Mr Anderson, not at all. His skin was flawless and tanned, almost caramel which Kurt absolutely loved. His hair was a mass of unruly black curls that seemed to poke out as if the boy had just woke up but still managed to make him look extremely sexy at the same time. Then there were his eyes, oh sweet lord his eyes. Kurt glanced at them and he had to look away out of fear that hed actually make a noise. They were a brilliant hazel, striking and somewhat cold but they made Kurts skin tingle with a strange warmth.

Needless to say, Kurt thought this boy was very, very attractive.

"Blaine, this is Mr Hummel and his son Kurt" Daniel smiled and Burt held out his hand.

"Just Burt" he nodded and the boy shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you sir" he smiled a little and gave Kurt a nod. Kurt swallowed and Daniel looked to Blaine.

"I thought you were at school" he frowned a little and Blaine shrugged.

"I was." He said simply and Burt frowned too.

"Yeah… why are you home so early kid?" He turned to his son and Kurt looked at him with innocent eyes.

"I have a study period. I prefer to study at home, its quieter" he smiled a little and Blaine nodded.

"Yeah. Me too." He smirked a little at Kurt, who looked down at his feet for a moment.

"Okay, Im going to go and… study" he breathed and nodded before he hurried off inside, the three men continuing to talk on the lawn.

Kurt hurried up to his room and dropped his bag on the floor, closing his door behind him. He collapsed onto his bed and closed his eyes.

It wasnt often that he felt so extremely attracted to a guy. The first time it happened was when he was watching Nightmare on Elm Street with Mercedes back in his freshman year. One minute hed been watching the screen and enjoying the popcorn when suddenly hed been overcome with a rush of heat and his stomach flipped and his palms got sweaty and all he could do was stare at the lovely creature on the television screen. That was how hed developed his crush on Johnny Depp.

He sighed and let his eyes open to stare up at his cream coloured ceiling. This boy was his neighbour, and he was probably as straight as a pole, whereas Kurt was about as straight as a roundabout. He sat up and spun around a little so he was facing his window, squinting a little to look out and across to the next house like he usually did. He was stunned to find that after two days of him being away, the room had changed.

It now had grey pinstriped walls instead of the lovely soft cream ones it used to bear, posters hung up of bands Kurt didnt recognise. There was now a large king sized bed in there, stacked with pillows. His eyes found the chandelier which, to his happiness, seemed to have been cleaned and still in use. He sighed a little and kept on staring until he noticed the door open in the room and Blaine walked into his eye line. He had his back to the boy, staring at a large pin up board on the wall. Kurt allowed himself to stare at Blaine for a moment before he rushed forward and pulled his curtains closed. He let out a soft breath, cheeks flushing a brilliant pink before there was a small knock on his bedroom door.

"Decent!" he called and resumed his position on his bed, looking toward the door as Burt entered.

"Hey kiddo." Burt smiled and stepped into the room, hands immediately dipping into his jacket pockets. Kurt nodded and looked at his Dad, waiting for him to start talking.

"So, new neighbours huh? Blaine seems like a good kid" Burt hummed and rocked back a little on his heels. Kurt simply nodded.

"Daniel said he needed a job so I offered him a job down at the shop. Hell be there every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday" he hummed and Kurt blinked at his father.

"What?" he asked, unsure if hed heard right.

"I figure I need another set of hands since you keep blowing me off for that Glee club of yours" he chuckled and Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Come on Dad, you have Finn. And you have Paul and Gary and Steve…" he hummed and Burt raised a hand to silence him.

"I know, Im only kidding. Having Blaine around with help. Besides, we need new friends" he smiled and didnt miss the look of confusion on his sons face.

"You and me, weve been alone for a long time Kurt. It might be nice to have some new neighbours who arent trying to kill us or set their dogs on us" he smiled and Kurt cracked a smile. The Leighton household was on the other side of their home, and they rarely discussed that family. It was for the best.

"I suppose youre right" Kurt muttered and Burt grinned.

"Im always right kid"

Kurt scoffed and Burt stood in his doorway for a few more moments.

"Im gonna go get some Chinese food. Want anything?" he asked and Kurt shook his head.

"No. Ill just have that leftover salad I made you for lunch" he smiled and Burt nodded.

"Alright kiddo. See you soon" he smiled and left, closing his sons door behind him. Kurt bit his lip and fell back against his pillows, closing his eyes once more. At least there was a bright side to his day. Hed met a very attractive boy. And that was good in anyones books.


Kurt set off for school the next day, only to find that his car wouldnt start.

"Oh you have to be kidding me" he breathed and climbed out, lifting up the bonnet to take a look. His Dad was already at work and he didnt have time to try and find the problem. He sighed in defeat and was about to go and grab his bag and call Mercedes for a ride when he turned and let out a gasp.

There stood Blaine, dressed in tight fitting black skinny jeans and a plain white shirt, black leather over the top. He grinned at Kurt and the boy swallowed.

"Uh… hi" he breathed and Blaine smirked.

"Car trouble?" he mused and cocked his head to one side, Kurt nodding, trying his hardest not to blush but it was proving rather difficult because oh my god could those jeans be any tighter?

"I can look at it for you" Blaine continued to smirk and Kurt shook his head.

"No… no I. I already did. I just… Im gonna be late" he sighed and chose to look down at his feet. His feet didnt make him blush.

Blaine grinned and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I could drive you"

Kurts head snapped up and he blinked at the boy.

"I… really?"

He was a little shocked. People never normally spoke to him. Not boys. Especially not boys who looked as good as Blaine did.

"Sure. If you dont mind the mess." He hummed and Kurt bit his lip.

"Yeah… okay. Thank you" he breathed and moved to collect his bag out of the car. Blaine shrugged and pulled his keys out of his pocket, walking over to the small black car that was parked at the side of the road.

"Its not too shabby" he smiled and Kurt climbed inside the car.

"Its really nice."


With that Blaine started the engine and pulled away, Kurt playing with the strap on his bag. They were silent for a good minute or two before Blaine clicked his tongue.

"You go to McKinley right?" he asked and Kurt nodded.

"Yep. Unfortunately" he sighed and Blaine let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh dont worry. I feel the same way. I feel the same way about school in general" he chuckled and turned the radio on, twisting the dial down a little so the music only played in the background. Kurt nodded and bit his lip again.

"So… you moved here… from where?" he asked gently as Blaine turned onto the same road as the school.

"Westerville. So like… two hours away?" Blaine hummed and smiled. "God, we do not live far from school do we. Why dont we just walk?" he asked and Kurt looked at him.

"Its winter. It rains" he sighed and Blaine shrugged.

"A little rain never killed anyone. Get an umbrella" he shrugged and Kurt cracked a small smile.

"I suppose"

They sat in silence once again as Blaine parked the car, cutting the engine.

"So, Kurt. Ill make you a deal" the boy grinned and turned to look at his neighbour. Kurt looked up once hed taken his seatbelt off and raised his brow.


"Ill drive you home, if you show me where English is" Blaine grinned and Kurt nodded.

"Okay, sounds good" he smiled and both boys climbed out of the car. Blaine walked around to Kurts side and they walked in silence toward the school. Kurt was about to ask what classes Blaine had for the rest of the day when he saw Sam and Puck walking toward him.

"Kurt… dude I thought you were upset about the whole Karofsky thing" Sam frowned and Blaine stared at both of the boys, stopping when Kurt did. Kurt felt a little happy that Blaine waited for him, but he frowned at his friends.

"What are you going on about?" he asked as he slid the bag strap a little higher on his shoulder.

"You seemed upset yesterday… we had no idea you knew the guy" Puck sighed and Kurt sighed.

"I honest dont know what you mean" he shrugged and Blaine stepped forward.

"Karofsky. Is he the asshole who threw a ball at my head?" he asked kindly and Kurt looked up at Blaine.

"You… youre the guy who punched him?" he asked and Blaine nodded causally.

"Sure." He smiled and Kurt sighed. Great. He lived next to the guy who thought it was fun to go around and bully people. The very attractive boy who thought it was fun to go around and bully people.

Kurt sighed gently and Sam and Puck looked at him as if expecting an explanation.

"English is at the end of the hall on the right. Ill walk home" he breathed before he turned and headed toward the building, leaving his two friends and Blaine behind. The new boy looked stunned and Kurt didnt look back.

He didnt need another bad thing in his life. Not now. Not ever. And if that meant staying clear of Blaine Anderson, then thats what he would do.


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