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Blackbird: Special Education

E - Words: 4,114 - Last Updated: Jun 12, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Jun 12, 2016 - Updated: Jun 12, 2016
320 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hey all! So I will be trying to update this weekly from now on. Let me know what you think!!!

"Thad, head count" Wes hums as Blaine takes a seat amongst his fellow Warblers. He's fiddling a little with his cuffs, looking down at his phone quickly before he stows it away and Thad starts listing off people's names, all of them responding in a different pitch. When Blaine's name is called and sings it back deeply and earns himself a high five from Jeff. He can't help but feel a little nervous. Today is the day that Kurt is able to join his warbler brothers, and he's genuinely excited. He and Kurt are pretty close friends, and having another friend to sing and dance with during glee club never hurt anyone. Kurt had also decided to be extremely secretive about his singing voice, refusing to sing along with Blaine in the car whenever a Katy Perry song blasted through the speakers. Blaine, of course, respected this decision. They had been rivals at the time, but now Kurt was one of them, one of the team, and he was extremely eager to hear the boys voice in action. The council had decided against having Kurt audition. Apparently Wes had gotten his hands on a video of them performing a 'funky number', and had stated that he thought Kurt would 'make a wonderful addiction to their baritone's'. Blaine had of course deemed this ridiculous. Based on Kurt's naturally high speaking voice, he figured Wes was simply trying to wind them up.

"All accounted for" Thad nods and sets his papers down, Blaine receiving a small nod from Wes. The boy gets to his feet and walks over to the main doors, smiling as he opens them.

"And now let's welcome the newest addition to the Warblers, Kurt Hummel." Wes calls and the Warblers all start to applaud as Kurt walks into the room. Blaine claps along with the rest and gives Kurt a smile as the boy looks around, clearly just a little overwhelmed. Blaine remembers the feeling all too well.

"And our oldest tradition for our newest Warbler… an actual Warbler" Wes hums and Blaine carefully picks up the small cage that had been in the centre of the room, smiling at the little yellow bird that tweets softly inside.

"Kurt, meet Pavarotti" He grins and looks at the little bird. "So long for now little buddy" he whispers and walks over to Kurt, handing him the cage as Wes speaks, chuckling softly at the stunned look on Kurt's face.

"This bird is a member of an unbroken line of canaries who have been at Dalton since 1891. It's your job to take of him so he can live to carry on the Warbler legacy. Protect him, that bird is your voice."

Blaine smiles as he watches Kurt interact with the bird. Pavarotti had been his for a short time, and he feels somewhat grateful that Kurt is the one to whom he passes the bird on to.

"Hey I'll bring him to work with me. Weekends I volunteer at a stray cat rescue. It's at the bottom of a coal mine." Kurt chuckles and looks around the room at the sea of blank faces. Blaine smiles to himself and shakes his head as the Warblers sit in a stunned silence.

"That was a joke, I-I don't work at a coal mine…" Kurt is interrupted by the banging of Wes's gavel, which reminds Blaine instantly to attempt to hide it again once the meeting was over. The last time had resulted in a hilarious breakdown with Wes interrogating nearly every Warbler about its whereabouts. Blaine had very nearly been denied a solo because of it too.

"Let the council come to order. Today we discuss the set list for Sectionals…" Wes begins as Kurt raises his hand and shakes his fingers a little.

"Council?" he muses and Blaine shuffles a little on the end of the couch he's currently perched on.

"We don't have a director. Every year we elect three upperclassmen to lead the group. But don't worry, we all get a say." He reassures Kurt, realising that this is the first time Kurt is hearing about the Warblers structure.

"Oh fantastic! I have a lot of ideas. Warblers, if I may? Now I can't deny that the Warblers vocals are absolutely dreamy, but I believe our set for Sectionals this year should have a little more showbiz panache. I think we should open with Rio by Duran Duran" Kurt's voice is so full of energy and courage that it makes Blaine's heart break just a little to see the smile fade from Kurt's face when he is told that the Warblers are not responsible for song selection. Blaine catches the boys eye and gives him a soft smile, motioning his head towards the seat on the sofa beside him.

"Now, I propose we do our entire set at sectionals in eight-part harmony…" Wes begins the topic of the day as Kurt gathers up his things and the bird cage and makes his way over to Blaine, taking a seat beside him.

"Are you okay?" he asks softly before his name is called and he looks up.


"Your opinion?" David hums and Blaine blinks.

"My opinion…."

"On opening with Hey Soul Sister by train and doing it in eight-part harmony?" Thad asks and Blaine simply nods.

"Sounds like a plan" he smiles and looks back to Kurt, who is now focusing his attention on Pavarotti, who was hopping around the bottom of his cage happily. Blaine sighs and turns back to the discussion the council are now having on what song they should follow up with. They eventually decide to decide later, and after going through a quick rundown of how they will be getting to sectionals (Thad convinced the Dean to hire a fancier bus that came with a mini fried), Wes bangs down his gavel and the Warblers all start to depart.

"Blaine! A word!" David calls and Blaine rises to his feet, moving over the council desk.

"We were thinking… we want to open up the second song to someone new…"

"It's no disrespect to you…"

"Of course not" Blaine cuts Thad of with a raise of his hand and he lets a smile form on his lips. "I'm so grateful that you let me lead you in all these wonderful songs all the time, but yes… it is time we let someone new have their moment to shine. Are we going random draw or someone who shows commitment and a solid attitude?" He asks and Wes nods as he puts his papers away.

"A good attitude. We've written a small list. We all agree on Jeff and Nick as the two who should audition" He states and Blaine bites his bottom lip for a moment before he decides to voice his thoughts.

"I'd like to add Kurt to that list."


"He's shown a good attitude about his idea's being shot down so quickly. He's new… he needs a chance to prove himself. David pushed for me to have a chance and… look how that turned out" Blaine speaks in a business manner and Wes sighs before he nods.

"Okay. Jeff, Nick and Kurt"

Blaine grins and pushes off the desk, straightening up.

"Wonderful. I'll tell them the good news"

He hurries to grab his bag and heads out into the hall. He himself had auditioned for a solo at their previous sectionals, and he had blown them away with his cover of We are the World. It was the perfect song for the Warblers to join in on, showcasing their team spirit whilst also allowing Blaine's vocals to shine. Blaine makes his way down the hall and spots Kurt about to descend the staircase. He hurries after him with a hand tight on the strap of his bag.

"Hey, Kurt, wait up!" he calls and catches up to the boy, who looks at him with a small smile when he sees who is calling his name.

"I saw that Glee Club was hard for you today, seeing your idea shot down like that." Blaine smiles at him gently and Kurt lets out a soft sigh.

"It's just a different energy in there. Not better or worse, just something I'll have to get used to."

"We recognize that and we have a tradition at this school of rewarding a student with a good attitude, so we'd like to invite you to audition for a solo." Blaine smiles and watches as Kurt's eyes light up just a little at the prospect of a solo.

"For sectionals?" he breathes and Blaine nods.

"For sectionals. Sing something good." He hums and pats Kurt's arm before he hurries off down to the bottom of the stairs with a grin. He loves being able to make Kurt smile. He pauses at the bottom of the stairs before he turns around and looks at his friend, who is still standing on the staircase in shock.

"Hey… I just had a thought. Do you have class right now?" He asks and Kurt nods.

"Yeah, French."

"Okay, well after that meet me back here okay? I want to show you something" Blaine grins and earns himself a raised brow from Kurt, but the boy agrees anyway.

Blaine finds himself standing at the bottom of the staircase after Kurt's class, checking his pocket watch every now and then.

"You look hurried. Am I being to slow?"

Blaine looks up as Kurt smiles at him, coming to a stop in front of Blaine.

"Not at all. Good class?" Blaine asks as Kurt looks around and nods.

"Yeah, I mean it's nice to not be the only one who can speak French in class anymore" He hums and turns his attention to Blaine. "You wanted to show me something? Should I be worried?" He asks and Blaine rolls his eyes fondly before he takes the boys hand and squeezes it.

"Of course not. I just thought that you needed a little pick me up" Blaine hums and let's go of the boy's hand and starts to walk him down the hall. Kurt follows beside him, looking at him with curiosity evident on his face.

"You know that we are under age right?" Kurt bites his lip as Blaine looks at him.

"We aren't going drinking Kurt. I just wanted to show you something that I enjoyed when I first started here" Blaine explains as they walk down another hall, coming to a small door at the end. Kurt looks around before he smiles at his friend. Blaine opens the door and the pair are immediately met with a loud tweeting sound. Blaine watches as Kurt steps inside. Across the other side of the large room is an Avery. It's large and bright, little yellow canaries tweeting around happily. Kurt blinks and looks to Blaine.

"What is this?" he asks softly.

"This is Pavarotti's family" Blaine smiles as he stands behind Kurt, looking at the boy with a soft smile. "This is where he will come soon as well, and he'll find a little girlfriend and then Pav junior will come along and be passed down to the next Warbler to grow with." Blaine hums and Kurt nods, stepping a little closer.

"So he's… not all alone?"

"Not at all. This is where they all live. We just take care of the little ones, when they are old enough to be parted from their mothers obviously" He smiles and moves over to the Avery, smiling softly. Kurt walks with him and stands beside him, admiring all the little birds that were happily chirping and hopping around.

"This… it's made me feel a little better. Knowing little Pavarotti can come back here to his family" Kurt sighs and Blaine reaches out to take his hand.

"All in due time Kurt. I promise"


Blaine applauds along with the rest of the Warblers when Jeff finishes singing his own exciting version of Take On Me from Aha, and Blaine notes the impressed looks that sit upon the councils faces.

"Wonderful. Jeff we will be in touch shortly. Please send in Warbler Kurt" Wes nods and Jeff hurries out of the room. Blaine takes the time to readjust his tie and sit up a little in his seat. He has no idea what Kurt is singing; the boy never came to him for song advice all week. Blaine simply assumes it's because Kurt doesn't want any inside help, but he feels a little put off by the notion that perhaps Kurt is seeking advice elsewhere. He lets the thought run away as Kurt enters, smiling softly.

"Hello my fellow Warblers" he hums and Blaine gives him a small thumbs up as Kurt hands off his CD to Thad and stands in front of the group with a straight back and a smile.

"Today I will be singing Madonna's hit classic, Don't Cry for Me Argentina. A personal favourite that I feel highlights my vocal talents" Kurt smiles nods to Thad, who hits play. The music starts and Blaine settled back in his seat and allows himself to watch Kurt's performance. The moment the boy opens his mouth he is absolutely blown away. Kurt is a countertenor. It should have been obvious simply from how his voice sounds on a day to day basis, but Kurt singing is absolutely beautiful. Blaine watches his talent and coaches him through slightly. After all, he knows the Warblers tough standards, and so far Kurt is not scoring high for song choice. Kurt is emotional and in control of his voice the entire song, but Blaine can't help but notice some of the unimpressed faces in the room, and he himself knows this is not a team song. Maybe if Blaine had offered him some song advice… no. Kurt hadn't needed him. He had to make his own decisions, he is his own personal after all. Blaine watches as Kurt comes to the closing note and he applauds the boy for his efforts, letting himself look over to the council.

"Thank you Kurt for that… rather eye openings performance. We'll be in touch shortly. If you'd like to just wait out in the hall with our other two candidates" Wes gestures over to the door and Kurt nods, gives a little awkward curtsey and hurries out the door. Once it closes the Warblers begin to talk amongst themselves and Blaine is called up to the front.

"The council feel that we need to see another song from the contestants…" David begins and Blaine smiles.

"I know. I think maybe if we give them a theme, that way they know that…"

"Blaine. We would like Nick and Jeff to sing another song, and figure out some harmonies for the rest of the team to add into them. Kurt was…his vocals are impressive" David sighs and Blaine raises a hand.

"I know. He was too personal and wasn't thinking of the team"

"Perhaps next time" Wes smiles weakly and nods his head. Blaine smiles just a little and straightens his tie once more.

"I'll notify the candidates" he says and makes his way to the door, a sad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He doesn't want to deliver bad news to Kurt, if anything he wants to give the boy another chance. As he walks out into the hall he hears the three talking and he gathers himself up and interrupts them.

"Hey guys. Nick, Jeff, congrats you're moving on." He smiles and the pair cheer and hug each other before they hurry off. Blaine lets his eyes focus on the Kurt as the boy smiles in defeat.

"Any sage advice?" the paler boy muses and Blaine watches him with soft eyes.

"Don't try so hard next time."

"I didn't realize that caring was frowned upon." Kurt is almost sarcastic and Blaine tries his best not to frown. He knows it doesn't seem fair that Kurt has to sit this one out, but this is his team after all. Things are always done to tradition and Kurt needs to know these things so he can start becoming a part of the family that helped Blaine so much.

"I don't know how it worked at your old school, but did you notice that we all wear uniforms around here? It's about being part of the team." He says, aware that his tone may be a little bit too sassy, but Kurt doesn't seem to care.

"I guess I'm just used to having to scream to get noticed." Kurt says and looks down. Blaine sighs and moves a little closer as he speaks"

"You're not gonna make it as a Warbler if all you care about is getting noticed."

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"I know it's gonna take some getting used to but you'll fit in soon enough. I promise." Blaine smiles as the boy and starts to head back towards the Warblers before he pauses and turns around to look at Kurt.

"Why did you pick that song, by the way?" he asks and Kurt looks up at him, rubbing his knee a little.

"A friend suggested it to me. She said I should be personal. I knew it wasn't ever really wise to put my trust in Rachel Berry" Kurt chuckles softly and Blaine gives him a soft smile.

"You have an amazing voice Kurt. It's very impressive. And I'm sure your time for a solo is just around the corner" he hums and shuffles a little on his feet. "If you're not busy later… did you want to come and help me set up some decorations in my dorm room?" he asks and Kurt just looks at him with a blank expression.


"For Christmas."

"But it's November"

"Well you can never be too ready for Christmas Kurt. We can maybe watch a movie too." Blaine smiles hopefully and grins when Kurt throws a nod his way.

"Sure. I'll come over." He hums and Blaine nods.

"I'll see you there"


When the day of sectionals finally arrives the Warblers all pile into the new bus and start to warm up instantly. Blaine sits beside Kurt and talks to him quietly for the ride there. He knows that Kurt is eager to see his friends again, and Blaine lets him know that it's totally okay if he wants to go and see them before they perform and wish them luck. They talk about how excited they are and they go over some of the songs with the others and play a small game of would you rather until the bus arrives. Once they are all signed in Blaine lets Kurt go and find his friends, staying back to talk to Wes and David about a few last minute noes he has. The gets himself ready and when they start calling for places Blaine heads off to find Kurt. He finds the boy talking away happily to a small brunette girl who is rather loud and animated, and he smiles a little at how comfortable Kurt seems around her.

"Kurt, they're calling places" Blaine smiles and looks to the girl. "Hey" he nods and Kurt stands and bids the girl goodbye and follows Blaine.

"How are the friends?" Blaine asks and Kurt smiles.

"Good from what I gathered. Stressing a little but, I think we all are" Kurt hums and bites on his lower lip, clearly nervous.

"Okay, I'm going to give you a small tip here. Smile" Blaine hums as he and Kurt move backstage as they wait to go on. Kurt looks at him and sighs softly.

"I'm sorry. I know you must think me ungrateful…"

"I think you're adjusting" Blaine tells him before Kurt can finish. He looks at the boy and turns to face him fully. "Kurt, I get this is hard for you. It has to be, seeing your friends again and being at a different school… but you can make friends here too. And maybe we can be your new family. But for that to happen you have to be open to the idea"

Kurt looks at him for a long moment before he nods and looks at his shoes.

"I know. It's just different. And I like to think I already have a friend here" he hums and looks up to smile at Blaine. Blaine nods and reached out, squeezing the boys shoulder gently.

"You do. Now let's get out there and win this thing" Blaine grins and claps Kurt on the shoulder before he hurries off to take his position behind the curtain, the rest of the Warblers doing the same. Blaine lets his head move from side to side as he warms up a little. He's used to performing, of course he is, but he still gets a little nervous regardless. They need to be wonderful today. David claps him on the back as he takes his position and Blaine gives a final glance and smile over to Kurt before they are being announced and the curtain is coming up. He knows he doesn't have anyone in the audience to perform for, no family members or old friends, but his teammates do. So he puts on his best performance and he moves like the stage is his home, making sure to be crystal clear in his diction and make sure that Kurt is having fun. He catches Kurt's eyes a few times during the performance and notices as they go on that the boy is smiling more. The moment the curtains are down again David is clapping him hard on the back and the rest of the warblers are cheering away happily at how they went.
Blaine makes his way over to Kurt and smiles at him.

"So… the verdict"

"It was… wonderful" Kurt smiles and blushes a little as a few of the warblers high five him.

"I'm glad you think so" Blaine grins and links arms with Kurt, walking them off the stage.


/Blaine. SOS in the south study hall. Please come ASAP-Kurt/

Blaine smiles as his phone beeps and he opens it up, a frown racing onto his face immediately.

"Sorry Andy, I really have to go" he breaths as he sets his latte down and gets to his feet quickly, many different scenario's racing through his head as he does. The blonde haired Andy looks up from his coffee, a little stunned.

"Oh… oh okay… um… another time?" he asks as Blaine hurries off.


Blaine races down the hall and makes a sharp turn down another, coming to a halt outside the room. He walks inside and collects himself just a little as he goes.

"I got your text, what's wrong?" he breaths as he spots Kurt sitting over on one of the couches. Kurt looks up at him and Blaine makes a mental note that he boy looks perfectly safe and sound.

"It's Pavarotti, I think he's sick. I've been taking good care of him, but he… he won't sing, and he…he's losing his feathers." Kurt swallows and Blaine makes his way around the other side of the couch, bending down to examine the little bird. He smiles softly when he realises the problem and sits back beside his friend.

"Oh, he's just moulting. He's growing a new coat of feathers so his body as to shut down a little. But don't worry about it. He's got food, water, seems to like his cage. Just give it a little while. He'll be singing again in no time." He smiles at Kurt and the pair look at each other for a moment before they look away.

"Don't forget, Warbler practice tonight at 5. Regionals here we come!" Blaine squeezes Kurt's thigh before he gets to his feet, deciding to leave Kurt be for a while. He was still settling in and probably needed space. He heads out into the hall and smiles a little to himself, looking down at his phone. He has a text from Cooper, wandering if he wants to skype tonight for a few minutes since that's all the time Cooper has these days.

"You weren't busy were you?" Blaine looks up from his phone to see Kurt standing there with Pavarotti. He cocks his head to the side a little as Blaine shakes his head.

"No. No. I was just having coffee with a friend"

"A friend?" Kurt muses and Blaine chuckles.


"Like a date?" he hums and Blaine blushes slightly.

"No. Not a date. Just coffee with a friend" Blaine smiles and puts his phone away into his pocket. "Are you busy after practice? I was thinking we could grab dinner. Eat it in my dorm and watch movies?" Blaine smiles and Kurt nods quickly.

"Yes. That sounds… wonderful" he smiles and looks down at the little bird.


A silence falls over the pair before Kurt bites his lip and smiles, saying goodbye before he heads off down the hall. Blaine looks down at his phone and grins, dialling his brothers number. After a few moments it stops ringing.

"Hey squirt, I have about 2 minutes before I'm due back on set so this better be rapid fire"

"Nice to hear from you too Coop. I just wanted to tell you that I made a new friend. And I really think it's gonna last this time…"


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