At Sunset Beauty.
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Story
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At Sunset Beauty. : Chapter 3

M - Words: 2,030 - Last Updated: Jul 25, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jul 17, 2013 - Updated: Jul 25, 2013
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Author's Notes: Feedback is always necessary!

Chapter three.

As we pulled into the dirt road leading to the cottage, I instantly lost my breath. There were so many trees that looked so amazing. The property was small, only consisting of a small teal colored house not five yards from an ocean as clear as day. Britney parked the car right next to the house. We opened our doors and exited the car, rounding it to come face to face with the beautiful house.

"Here it is." Britney said, opening the trunk, "Blaine should be around any minute."

"I'm amazed by this view." I breathed, taking my luggage. She carried the other suit case to the porch, I followed not far behind.

"I know, I am too."

We climbed the three stairs leading to the porch. There was a swing next to the door, and I couldn't believe I was going to be living here for five months. When we entered the home, Britney placed my luggage at the door, ushering me to do the same.

"Tour?" She proposed. I nodded, at a loss with words. She smiled before leading me down the four foot long hallway.

"This is the kitchen, as you can see," she said as we entered a room. It was a beautiful shade of green. As were the countertops and utensils. The cabinets were black but still looked like wood.

"Blaine and his dad built this place, but Blaine designed the interior. What I love most about it is the brightness. How it looks during the day." She continued. "C'mon, now down here..."

She lead me across the way to the living room. She talked about how Blaine was inspired by his mother when he painted it. Something about the sun. It was a deep, mustard yellow. But it looked so amazing. There was a flat screen television in front of a huge, yellow couch that bent around. There was a glass coffee table and a fire place.

"The bathroom is next to the tv..." She announced. I looked over to whee she pointed and walked to it. It was small, but cute. It was black and white with only a toilet and sink. I ventured back into the living area, looking around.

I looked at Britney who smiled.

"Wanna see your room...?" She asked exitedly. I simply nodded again. She then took my hand and laughed. She pulled me through a small hallway in between the living area and kitchen. At the end was a door. We entered the dark room with anticipation. She then turned the lights on and I lost it. I was so speechless. It was huge.

"Oh my god," I said, taking it all in. This room was tan and black. The bed sat next to a window at the back of the room. There was a black carpet with a tan rug covering the area next the the bed. The bedspread was tan and black with orange triangles. There was an AC going, making the room cool.

"That's not all..." She sang. Oh lord, I thought. She made her way passed me to a door in the corner of the room. I followed her as she opened the door. My jaw dropped. It was a master bathroom. The first thing I saw was the sink. It was a metal/copper looking bowl with the same color foset. The mirror was rimmed black. I saw a jecusey like bathtub and next to that was a circle closed shower. In the corner was a toilet. The walls were painted a shade of hold that was so shiny.

"Like it?" I heard from behind me. It was a familiar voice. Not Britney this time. I turned around to a man wearing lime green jeans and a black tee. He had curly brown hair and hazel eyes that stared right through me.

"I love it," I said. He walked towards me.

"You must be kurt," he said. I nodded. "I'm Blaine..."

"This house is gorgeous," I said.

"Thanks." He smiled.

I smiled back.


I was lost in the music elevating from my iPod doc as I unpacked my cloths into my new closet. It was really good space wise and I was really happy with it. I sighed, hanging up my last shirt. It was about twelve in the afternoon and Blaine left with Britney after introducing himself in person. We talked for about twenty minutes before they left. He told me that if I were to need groceries or cloths or really anything, that there's a Walmart right outside the wooded area. So I could walk. So I figured I'd go grocery shopping after I finished unpacking the bathroom.


I've always loved shopping for food. It's something I kept so sacred with myself. It's something I was in charge of and no one could tell me how to do it.

As I strolled down the pasta/non perishable aisl, I looked out for fresh pastas I could make for dinner.

Once I was finished and all checked out, I walked back with five bags in each hand. So maybe I didn't think it through. I forgot that I wouldn't walk home completely empty handed. But it really was only a mile so I wasn't too worried. It's good exercise. As I walked, I admired how pretty the trees looked. I'm that kind of person.

When I got back, it was about four and I could hear my stomach screaming at me. It was angry because I've been neglecting it all day. I hurried to put away food and utensils. I heard the bam of the droor closing behind me and before I knew it, I was at the fridge, collecting ingredients for my dinner. I started by adding a tablespoon of butter to a pan. I thinly sliced a tomato and seasoned each addition with salt and pepper. I looked back to my pan, turning the heat to low. I waited for it to bubble before adding two pieces of sour dough. It made a fabulous sizzling noise. I carefully added one slice of Gouda to each white colored bread, and added two tomatoes to each as well. I put a top over the sandwich tops to keep steam in. That action melted the cheese and cooked the tomato. After a minute or so, I flipped one side over the other, making the sandwich in all it's glory. It was a lovely golden-brown. I didn't bother with a plate, I just wrapped the bottom with a napkin.

I ate in silence at the kitchen island. I took that as an opportunity to think. I started with the simple question: Why did I come here? I wasn't complaining or regretting my decision. I was just contimplating wether or not I did this for myself. Maybe I just wanted to see who would notice my absence. But then again, I didn't have anyone to realize that I wasn't there. Besides, probably, Isabelle, but that's obvious considering she was the one who encouraged me to get away. To be quite honest, that question, I knew, was going to remain unanswered for a while. The reason was to find out the answer to that question.... That made no fucking sense. Anyway, I was tired of thinking by then, and once I finished my grilled cheese and tomato, I did the dishes I used, which was only the pan and the natal spatula I used. Then, I decided to watch a movie. I looked through the movies on demand that were free. I scrolled through horror, fantasy, comedy and finally Pixar. After searching for a while I chose Monsters Inc...which was my favorite.

I reclined in the corner of the double directions couch. I felt myself getting so into the movie. After about thirt minutes, however, I was out.


I was awakened the next morning by a few knocks at the front door. I ran to it in anticipation and pulled it open, revealing a very sweet smile.

"Hi," he said happily. Pfft... Morning person. I thought. "How'd you sleep?"

I smiled, "Good."

"That's good! I was just stopping in to ask how you were during your first night."

"Thanks. It was great," I said. I didn't really know why I was being so shy.

"So, I was wondering... We're having a little party back at my place at nine tonight," he bagan, "you should come." He sounded like a teenager. A nervous one, at that.

"Sounds fun. You live up the road, right?"

"Yeah, I'm the deserted one at the top of the hill." He laughed.

"Okay. I'll be there. Thanks for stopping in, by the way."

"It's no problem." Blaine replied, "we'll I should head back. See you soon."

"Bye," I laughed nervously as he walked down the stairs. I watched as he drove off.

I trudged back into the living room and plopped back on the couch. I closed my eyes and drifted off. I didn't realize, immediately, that I went into a completely different zone. Maybe it was the fact that I was in a new environment. I've read that if you have unusual/unfamiliar surroundings you'll have unusual/unfamiliar dreams. Mine, however, was even more unusual than I could've ever imagined.


I slept for a good three hours after Blaine left. I felt really good about this part and was, to my surprise, really excited. At eight o'clock, I decided to shows, do my hair and put on a pair of white skinny jeans with a yellow shirt that fit snug to my torso. I topped off my outfit with a black scarf. I found myself becoming nervous for some reason. I didn't know these people. Yes, I've had a few phone conversations with Blaine and spent an hour in a car with Britney, but I felt so foreign there. I haven't felt close to anyone in a while, and maybe it's not safe. But the fact that he thought of me: and wants me to come...

It was dark out. And I don't mean dawn I mean dark. I couldn't see where I was going. All I had was my phone to see what was two centameters infront of me. For all I knew, there could've been a herd of cattle crossing the dirt roads where I walked.

Somehow, I made it to the top of the hill, and the only reason I knew that was because I could see the glow of Blaine's lights through his windows. I trotted to the front door and knocked three times, the door swung open immediately.

"Heyyy!" Yelled a very excited Britney dressed in sweats. I smiled and waved.

"Hi, Britney," I greeted

"Come in! We're about to watch The Pact!" She squealed, pulling me inside. We walked through a hallway before coming to a living area where a few people sat, including Blaine.

"Guys! Kurt's here!" Britney called, catching their attention. Blaine beamed, getting up from where he sat on the floor.

"I'm so glad you could make it," he exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. We parted seconds later, he kept his hand on my waist as he spoke," guys this is Kurt, he just got in yesterday. Kurt this is..."

"Tina," said a pretty Asian girl that sat in the middle of the couch.

"I'm Sam, but you can refer to me as White Chocolate," resisted a blind surfer looking guy, making everyone chuckle.

"Mike for the win..."

"And finally me. My babes Mercedes. I really like your outfit," said a glamorous looking girl sitting next to Mike. I mumbled a shy 'thanks'. I felt Blaine run his hand up my back, and then down again, leading me to sit on the floor next to him. Britney took a place on Mercedes's lap. Blaine sat rather close to me as Mike got up to press play and turn off the lights. As the movie began, I came to a realization the Blaine Anderson was definatly touchy feely. He rested his head on my shoulder and put his hand on my leg, not that I was complaining. It felt good to be close to someone. And he was only being friendly. He seemed tired, too. Maybe being tired makes you loopy. I didn't know. But what I did know was that when the movie ended, and he pulled away, I felt the strangest withdrawal and loss I've ever felt. But I was met with some sweet hazel eyes that were matched with an amazing smile.


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