Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays
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Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays: Chapter 6

T - Words: 1,273 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Jan 03, 2014 - Updated: Jan 03, 2014
144 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: This chapter was written by congotandsja (me).
”'Sup, homo?” one of the jocks sneered at Kurt as he was shoved into the lockers, his messenger bag slamming against the hard material.

Kurt refused to answer, biting his tongue. The jocks feasted off the reactions of their victims. Kurt had a sharp tongue that whipped out great remarks and wiped the smug grins off those jocks faces. He stopped responding once he realized that criticizing them led to more pain and bruises.

The jocks continued walking past as Kurt sunk to the floor, too exhausted to put up even a little fight. His whole body was aching and he didn't think there was an unharmed patch on his skin. Lifting his messenger bag, he arranged it so it didn't rest heavily on his aching bones.

“Hey, fag!” Kurt jumped as another shout made him glance upwards. His least favorite bully, none other than Dave
Karofsky, was holding an ominous red cup in his hands.

Kurt groaned as he felt the cool slap of the slushy on his face and his coat.

“Girls bathroom,” he muttered, wiping as much of the cherry slushy out of his eyes as possible. He felt a hand grab his arm and lead him in the correct direction.

“Thanks... Tina?”

“I don't get why they do this to you every day.” Tina responded, sitting him down on the toilet seat. “They target all of us in Glee Club but you seem to get extra favorable treatment.”

Kurt frowned and pointed to his face. “Gay,” he explained.

“Not a good reason.” Tina replied, dabbing at Kurt's slushy-covered face with a tissue. “You do have a spare change of clothes in your locker?”

“Tina, you're talking to me.” Kurt said bluntly.

Tina almost managed to look abashed. “I'll go get them. You stay here and clean yourself up. We can't have you going to Glee Club looking like Darth Maul.”

Kurt blinked. “You know Star Wars characters?”

“I dated Artie.” Tina explained. “Also, it was pretty damn good. Now, I'm going to get your clothes, and you're going to sit here and wait, like a good boy.”

“Yes, mom.” Kurt joked, ignoring the glare Tina gave him, and looking down with slight embarrassment.

Kurt dabbed at his face with the wet tissue, shifting his feet as he waited for Tina to return. Figuring the majority of the slushy was gone from his face, he walked over to the mirror and ensured he looked normal.

Tina hurried back in, her footsteps clicking against the bathroom floor. “Here,” she said, shoving the clothes at him and taking in his reflection. “Much better. Now, I'm going to find Mike. He has some explaining to do.”

“What's wrong with Mike?” Kurt inquired, concerned.

“None of your business. Now get changed! Glee Club's in five minutes!”

Kurt grimaced and nodded at Tina's bossy tone. “Thank you!” he shouted, as Tina left the bathroom. Even though she could be a bitch, she was also, undeniably, a good friend.

After changing into an outfit that was not as stylish as his previous one, Kurt exited the bathroom, keeping an eye out for stray jocks. He didn't have another spare change of clothes in his locker. He let out a sigh of relief as he got to the choir room in one piece, sitting next to Mercedes and Rachel. They were both eyeing him in confusion.

“Boo...” Mercedes whispered. “What's wrong? You look like you just found out Lady Gaga died.”

Kurt sniffed, smiling at Mercedes, and pulling his scarf tighter around his neck to hide his bruises. “I'm fine, ‘Cedes. I had a run in with the jocks. That's all that happened. I promise.”

Mercedes nodded, unconvinced, but patted his hand. “Tell me if they do it again. I'll get Santana to go all Lima Heights on their asses.”

Kurt chuckled and leaned into Mercedes, comfortable and safe. Rachel eyed the two of them with a little jealousy, but decided to remain quiet and wait until it was her time to sing.

Kurt turned to Rachel with a small grin and reached out a hand. The small brunette blinked and took it in her own, frowning. “Have you officially gone insane? It could help you on the road to stardom but I don't believe it's the most scenic route.”

Kurt shrugged, tired. “I appreciate my friends, that's all. Now go up there and show them real singing. Your voice is the next Barbra Streisand.”

Rachel blinked, exchanging confused glances with Mercedes, and made her way over to the center of the room before beginning to belt out a strong Celine Dion melody.

Kurt listened appreciatively. Rachel was talented.

After Glee Club was over, Kurt took the bus home. Ever since his dad had banned his ‘baby', he hadn't been allowed to have another vehicle of any kind. Kurt was still mad about that fact. Busses were dirty and crowded and they smelt of sulfur.

After the riveting journey, he made his way into his bedroom in the basement, locking the door behind him, and logging on to Tumblr. He headed over to Sam's Tumblr - ‘NerdGasmFan101' - and typed a quick ask, saying how he thought he had sounded amazing today in Glee Club.

Sam's reply came instantaneously. “Thanks, dude! Mercedes killed her number 2. Just, wow! I didn't no she could sing like that! Y didn't u sing? U woulda been awesome. :(."

Kurt laughed at Sam's appraisal of Mercedes. Sam was obvious when it came to his crushes and Mercedes had made her way on to the list of pretty girls Sam fancied.

“I didn't sing because of certain reasons. I promise to sing next time, okay? I'll sing Carry On My Wayward Son if it pleases you that much... Though I don't think I have the right vocal range for it... Maybe we should do a duet.”

Kurt, satisfied with his response, hit send and looked through his other messages.

“You don't have to apologize. Trust me, I've heard a lot of weird things, and that didn't even make the top ten. Thank you though. :)

And besides, if one of us were going to be on America's Next Top Model, it wouldn't be me ;)."

Kurt paused at his laptop, staring at the message in disbelief. A stranger had complimented his appearance.

His icon contained both him and Sam. How did the stranger know which one was him?

Kurt relaxed as he remembered his ‘About Me' page. He had uploaded a picture on there to stop fans from asking his age. It wasn't a very nice picture, in Kurt's opinion. His face was pale, providing a stark contrast with the darkness of his eyelashes and the strange glasz color of his eyes. Just a plain boring old picture. Something about it had clearly drawn this stranger's attention.

“Top Model?” he muttered, almost putting his face in his hands from the embarrassment. “He thinks I should be on it? No... No way.”

“I wish I could be on it. I'm not pretty or handsome enough, though, I'm afraid. I'd much rather be a designer for the models. The clothes they wear - just heavenly.”

He blinked, wondering if he was being too boring. He didn't want Blaine to stop speaking to him, if he could help it. Suddenly an idea struck him that would force Blaine to speak to him, no matter how awkward the conversation got.

“I'm writing a new fic, a genre I've never done before. Ever. I'm looking for a beta. It says in your bio you read and write fanfiction... Would you consider being my beta? Please.”

There, Kurt grinned as he hit send, not too forward and not flirty at all. He hugged his pillow tightly to his chest, his smile wide.

He was excited for Blaine's next message.


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