Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays
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Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays: Chapter 4

T - Words: 987 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Jan 03, 2014 - Updated: Jan 03, 2014
142 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: This chapter was written by me.
Chapter Four

Kurt's day was awful.

It started similar to every weekday. He woke up, ignored his laptop so he wouldn't be distracted by that damned site and took a few minutes to choose a sensible, but fashionable, outfit. He chose a simple sweater, with jeans that fit his body in the best way possible.

Now, though, as he sat in his bedroom looking once more at his reflection, he could honestly say he'd never looked worse. The fabric of his beige sweater was torn, a cut on his skin from the dumpster toss this morning. Kurt sighed, as he realized he'd have to spend time sewing to fix the tear. His jeans were covered in dirt and a horrid wet stain sat at the top of them, ensuring that it looked like Kurt wet himself. “Stupid jocks,” he muttered in annoyance, heading to the bathroom to wash his injuries and change into an outfit suitable for lounging in his home.

After cleaning up, he returned to his bed, carrying his laptop with him. His followers were lovely people, girls and boys who praised his works with love. He loved them, even if he didn't follow them. His dash was too full.

Kurt grimaced as he thought about the message he sent yesterday to that hot guy. He'd only done it because the teenager was striking. “That's not the only reason,” he chided himself, annoyed at being shallow. “He seemed nice.”

Kurt never understood why people liked his fics so much. They weren't that good in themselves, especially not his earlier Wincest ones. The basic plot summary of those particular ones was “Sam and Dean kiss and then have kinky sex”.

He had broken through with a Destiel fanfic. He was sixteen when he wrote his first Destiel fanfic. A short drabble, focused on emotions, but it rocketed and he still saw people reblogging it to this day.

He logged on to his account, smiling at the first post on his dash. Misha Collins had tweeted his number. “What an insane man,” he said fondly. Misha was his favorite cast member when it came to interacting with fans. It was hard to not like someone who renewed his vows dressed as a

Kurt trembled as he looked at his inbox. ‘100?' he questioned in disbelief. He never had that many messages in his inbox. It meant his fic was either a massive flop or a great success. He hoped for the latter. Kurt couldn't deal, after his dreadful day, to get any more hate. He
needed compliments today.

“It can't hurt,” Kurt reminded himself. “They're strangers online. They have no power over me.”

He clicked the mail icon, wincing as the page loaded and the first message looked at him. “I think this fic is my favorite of yours! Stunning character development! Wow.”

Kurt blushed and typed a short, but polite, response.

Scrolling, he found a new message from Sam. “Hey, dude! I read ur new fic. Gimme that talent, pls! I want it!”

Kurt grinned. “I learned from the best,” he typed. Sam had taught him about the fandom online.

He continued to sort his messages, happy that there were no hate messages present. Tumblr made him feel better.
He paused as he recognized the icon on the left next to the message. The handsome boy who reblogged his fic two seconds after he posted it. Kurt felt his cheeks burn as he realized that he was staring at the man's curly hair again.

Shaking his head, his eyes scanned the message in his inbox. “Hi Kurt. As I'm sure you've noticed, I'm a huge fan. I've read every fic you've ever written (even your early Wincest ones), and I love everything. But I must say, I don't understand how anyone doesn't love your fics, because they're amazing.”

Kurt didn't know how to respond. The guy - Blaine, he remembered - was adorable and nervous. The simple praise thrust upon his shoulders proved that Blaine was, indeed, a big fan of his works.

Kurt frowned as he realized that this gorgeous teenager had read his Wincest fics. Those were the fics that he tried to hide from the Tumblr community. He didn't even like Wincest. Sam's fault. He forced him to try and write something for the fandom and Kurt let him choose the pairing. He winced at the memory. That decides it, he thought. I'm never listening to Sam's advice again.

Blaine seemed like a charmer. Nice, but obsessive. Kurt wasn't sure whether he should respond. He didn't want to ruin the curly haired boy's opinion about him. Blaine seemed to think he was an angel, by the way he spoke to him.

In that moment, Kurt knew he had to respond. It would be cruel not to at least thank him. He'd sent him a message before.

Unsure what to say, his fingers hovered over the keys. “Don't talk about those Wincest fics, they were bad judgment on my part. Thanks for the compliment.” What else could he say in response? “You look like you should be on America's Next Top Model. ;).”

Kurt hit send before he realized exactly what he had said. “Fuck,” he said into his pillow, embarrassed. Maybe he could remedy the situation. He typed in Blaine's URL and sent him another quick message, apologizing for his bluntness.

“Shit, I'm sorry, that was a weird thing to say. I mean, you are handsome and it is true but... I'm so embarrassed. Ah, sorry. I'm just going to hide under my covers and stay there.”

Kurt exhaled, closing his eyes and hoping that he hadn't been too idiotic.

There was only one way to remedy this situation, he realized, as he went to Project Free TV and clicked Supernatural. “Changing Channels is the perfect medicine.”

He sat, plugging his headphones into his laptop with a grin, and began to watch the episode. It helped take his mind off the humiliation of the entire day.


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