Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays
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Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays: Chapter 11

T - Words: 1,021 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Jan 03, 2014 - Updated: Jan 03, 2014
138 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: This chapter was written by The Blonde Haired Goose.
Blaine woke up around 11 am Saturday morning. He rolled over in his bed, opened his eyes, and screamed. There, right in front of his eyes, were Jeff, Nick, Thad and Trent, leaning over his bed and staring intently at him.

“What the FUCK is wrong with you people?” Blaine asked loudly, drawing his blanket up to his chin.

“Today, you're coming with us,” Jeff said. “And we wanted to make sure we got to you before that website sucked you in for the day.”

Rolling his eyes, Blaine sat up. “You are insane, you know that right?” he said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“And that's why you love us so much,” Nick answered, beaming.

Blaine shook his head slowly to himself as he kicked away his covers and got out of bed, ignoring his friends as he went into the bathroom. He pulled off the t-shirt he slept in so that the only thing he was wearing was his black boxer-briefs.

Stepping out of them, he slipped into the shower and turned it on, letting the cold water wash over him. He jumped and cursed and took a step back, out of the water's reach. He turned the knob and waited for the temperature to rise. Once it was warm enough, he stepped back under, once again letting it wash over him.

A warm shower never failed to make him feel better. So much that when he stepped back out, he had almost forgotten all about the four teenagers in his room. He opened the bathroom door; a towel wrapped tightly around his waist, and walked quickly over to his dresser, groaning as he saw that they hadn't left.

“Are you still here?” he asked, not looking at them but instead focusing on digging through his second drawer, the one that held the clothes he used when he wasn't at Dalton.

“We're not leaving, Blaine, so just get that cute little butt into some pants and let's go. Because today, you are not even touching your computer for at least eight hours.”

Blaine disappeared back into the bathroom with his clothes, slamming the door shut behind him. When he returned a few minutes later he was dressed in a tight black shirt, red pants and to top it off, a striped bowtie around his throat. It was one of his favorites. His hair was slicked back as usual, the gel keeping his curls from peeking out.

“I guess there's no way for me to get out of this, is there?” The four boys shook their head, so synchronized it almost looked rehearsed. Blaine sighed heavily. “Fine, what are the plans?”

The looks on their faces as they looked at each other almost made Blaine regret that he hadn't fought harder.
20 minutes later, Blaine found himself at the mall, being dragged into store after store after store. He figured that if he had to be there, he might as well look for some stuff for his next cosplay. His last one had been for Halloween, when he had been the 11th doctor. He had recently changed his icon on Tumblr to one of the pictures from that night, having grown tired of his old one.

His next plan was to cosplay as Castiel, though he didn't know when he would have an opportunity to do so. Still, just having the costume was fun enough for him, which is how he ended up buying a trench coat from a thrift shop not far from the mall, ignoring the way his friends teased him for his obsession.

After the mall, they all sat down together at a restaurant to have dinner. And Blaine had to admit, he was having fun. He was kind of happy that his friends had dragged him out; even though he was still a bit creeped out that they had watched him sleep.

When he finally returned to the dorm room with Jeff, it was nearly 11 pm, and Blaine was exhausted. He got out his laptop and logged onto Tumblr, pleased to once again find two new messages in his inbox, one from Kurt and one from Sam.

“I'm honored to have you as my beta. Two am? Wow, honey. That's one of the first rules I learned in fandom. Never write when tired. You'll get teased mercilessly for the rest of your life. Now, I need your email address. I can easily send you my chapters, then. You better not change the plot. I don't need any jumping Impala's, or dishes running away with spoons.”

“Sorry for not getting back to you earlier, but my friends literally attacked me in bed this morning (I live at a boarding school and my roommate is one of the aforementioned friends, so I guess he let them in) and long story short I haven't been able to escape them before now.

“Trust me; I've regretted it ever since, especially since my roommate read it too. At least I've sworn him to secrecy to keep anyone else from finding out. My e-mail address is blaine-anderson@hotmail.com. LOL, I promise not to change the plot, I'm sure it's amazing as it is!”

Blaine hit send, already excited for Kurt's next message, and read the one from Sam.

“Ive got another freind at school who likes spn too, im sure youd love him. Maybe you can meet him at sectionals or smthng?”

“I am totally open to meeting any and all spn fans you know! I can't wait! I just wish there were more people like you at my own school… Not that the people here aren't great, I just wish there were more fan boys here!”

He hit send again and went back to his dashboard to resume his normal blogging. It didn't take long though, before his eyelids started to feel heavier and heavier, until he couldn't ignore it anymore and closed his laptop. He yawned loudly and stretched his arms.

He quickly changed into his big, stretched out t-shirt and sat down on his bed. Slipping underneath his covers felt amazing, and he was asleep in seconds. He couldn't wait to wake up on Sunday to see if he had any new messages.


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