Dec. 10, 2012, 7:08 p.m.
Dec. 10, 2012, 7:08 p.m.
The day that Blaine met Kurt was a very sunny day. The sun scorched the necks of the kids on the playground as they ran around, squealing, and just getting used to the school environment. It was the first day of pre-school and Blaine sat there playing with his bow tie.
If he had not looked up in the next moment he would not have seen the kid running past him, being chased by much larger kids. The boy did not look happy and he did not seem to be playing a game with those other kids.
Blaine watched as the kids formed a circle around the boy who was half their size and he heard the shots of them teasing him about his pink shoes, chanting about how he was a girl and he didn't belong with the other boys.
He ran over, wanting them to stop making the pretty blue-eyed boy cry. That boy had done nothing to them.
"Hey!" Blaine yelled, pushing through the kids. "Leave him alone!"
The others stood there, looking at Blaine skeptically, trying to see if he was serious. The largest of the group stepped forward and said, "Why should we?"
Blaine gulped as he looked up at the very large kid, "I'll....I'll tell the teacher!" he said, trying to stand up a little taller, trying to look intimdating. He didn't notice Kurt behind him, staring in amazement at the fact that this boy who was tinier than him, was trying to stand up for him.
The crowd just laughed, but they did not care enough at the time to continuing bothering the two boys. So they turned and walked away, not realizing that in the years ahead, they wouldn't walk away so easily.
Blaine turned to look at the boy who immediately hugged him. Blaine took that moment to glance over and see the perfectly coiffed hair, especially for a pre-schooler, and the shining blue eyes. The boy was taller than him by at least a foot and he was wearing rather nice clothes, consisting of a blue vest, light brown pants, and a patterned long sleeve shirt. "I'm Blaine," he told the boy, hugging him in return.
The boy smiled and simply said, "Kurt."