July 17, 2013, 10:20 a.m.
July 17, 2013, 10:20 a.m.
Warnings: Orgasm denial, breathplay, intense fucking...
Words: 2,916
"So what's this I hear about you not wearing bowties anymore?"
Blaine groaned, blushing and hiding his face in Kurt's shoulder, shaking his head.
"Hey, none of that," Kurt said, pushing him away gently, "you love your bowties, Blaine. Why have you stopped wearing them?"
Blaine bit his lip looking anywhere but Kurt's face and curling slightly in on himself. "It's... weird... and silly."
"Oh, honey," Kurt cooed tightening his grip on Blaine's tie and tugging him back in a bit. Blaine's breath hitched and Kurt smirked, "a lot of the things you do are silly, but, that doesn't mean I don't want to hear about them," he patted his head. "Communication is clearly one of the things we need to talk about anyway..."
Blaine sighed, resting his head on the pillows, "I know... I just feel weird about it."
"I was just spanking you, Blaine. I don't think whatever is going on with your bowties is going to be stranger than that," Kurt reached down and massaged Blaine's ass to make his point. Blaine's eye lashes fluttered against his cheeks as he moaned and rocked forward in Kurt's grip.
Kurt immediately pulled his hand away, returning it to the tie. "No," he said gently and Blaine immediately stilled. Kurt smiled, kissing his forehead once. "Now, tell me about the ties."
Blaine relaxed a little under the command but he was still nervously playing with the fingers of Kurt's free hand in between them. "It's... they're not just accessories to me. Every bowtie I own, you gave to me. I don't wear them for fashion, I wear them... because they make me feel like I'm yours. Like I'm safe and loved and..." he took a deep breath, "and owned."
The corners of Kurt's mouth twitched up in a soft smile and he gripped Blaine's hand tightly in his and nudged his chin up to make him look at him. "They're your collars." Kurt said simply.
Blaine nodded, swallowing, "I just... it felt wrong wearing them after I cheated. Even though they'd never meant that to you, that's what they were for me, so I had to stop." Blaine was surprised that his heart didn't clench with guilt at the mention of his infidelity. He wasn't happy to talk about it, but he didn't feel as bad anymore. It was in the past and he'd gotten his punishment. It almost felt like it hadn't happened. Almost.
Kurt was silent for a moment, brushing the pads of his fingers along Blaine's jaw as he stared into his eyes. Searching, or maybe just looking. Blaine missed the quiet moments of togetherness like this when he was able to just look at Kurt. His best friend, his lover, his Dom.
"I forgive you," Kurt finally said, the words ghosting across Blaine's face taking that final weight off his shoulders as it went. His eyes fluttered shut again, a few tears slipping out.
"Thank you," he whispered.
Kurt rested his forehead against Blaine's, his eyes falling shut too. There was so much more to discuss and he ran through everything they needed to talk about in his mind, making a mental checklist. Some of it could wait, or be partially discussed tonight. This new side of their relationship was going to take some working out to find out exactly what they both wanted from it, but most of that could wait for now. They'd need to do it before he left, it wasn't a conversation they could have over skype.
"We need to discuss a contract," Kurt said, "and limits, and safewords, and how much we want to do this, how often, how we initiate, rules for play, rules for everyday..." he trailed off when he saw the wide-eyed look Blaine was giving him. "What?"
"How do you know so much about this?" He asked, "I... the spanking part wasn't all that confusing because being dominate just seemed to come naturally to you before, so I figured it was just instinct... but..."
"We did a leather line at Vogue," Kurt said, "I had to do some research on the bit more... unconventional uses of leather wear for Isabelle and it was... intriguing."
Blaine giggled, "Justintriguing?"
"Okay, fine, I was hard for the rest of the day." He glared playfully at Blaine, swatting at his arm when he continued to laugh at him. "You're just vying for another spanking, mister," Kurt threatened, but he was laughing too.
"You can do whatever you want to my ass, Sir," Blaine muttered, his eyes darkening.
"What about other parts of you?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow and letting his hand trail lightly down Blaine's side.
"Anything," Blaine breathed out, "my body is yours."
Kurt moaned, pulling away from Blaine to undo the button on his pants and shimmie them down his legs. "Shirt off," he grunted as he stated untying his bowtie.
Blaine's hands instantly flew to his neck as he started to loosen the tie.
"No," Kurt said, "keep the tie." He finally slid his arms out of the dress shirt and practically tackled Blaine onto the bed as he started working the shirt open from the bottom. Kurt pressed him down into the bed, pushing the shirt off his shoulders and straddling his thighs.
"Kurt," Blaine whined, trying to buck his hips up as Kurt lightly trailed his fingers up his Blaine's cock, dancing them around the head.
"Still," Kurt commanded and Blaine did so with a groan of annoyance. "Don't get snippy with me, pet, I could just leave you here, hard and wanting..."
"No, no, please," Blaine whimpered.
"Shh," Kurt hushed, leaning down to kiss him chastely, "be a good boy and I might let you come."
Blaine nodded as Kurt pushed himself down Blaine's body until Blaine could feel Kurt's hot breath on the head of his cock. He clenched every muscle to keep from pumping up towards the heat of Kurt's mouth. Kurt licked up from his balls, swirling his tongue around the head and dipping his tongue into slit, just barely. Blaine whined.
"I..." Kurt kissed his balls almost as sweetly as he would kiss a baby's head, "want you," another kiss at the base of his cock, "to tell me," kiss, a little higher up, "what you want," kiss, "out of this," the final kiss on the head, "relationship."
Blaine's breath hitched as Kurt finally took him into his mouth and every coherent thought flew out of his mind because, holy shit it had been a long time since he'd had a blow job and he'd almost forgotten how amazing they were. But Kurt pulled off too soon, smacking his hip to get his attention.
"Tell me, Blaine," Kurt repeated, "What are your kinks? Your fantasies? What would you think about every morning when you'd pull your bowtie tight?" Kurt was looking at him expectantly so Blaine nodded.
"Um... I'd think of serving you," Blaine mewled quietly when Kurt start lapping at his balls with his tongue, "but, um, just like... everyday things. Making you foo-oh!-ood, or, or, um opening the door. You'd just, like... order me around, then..." Blaine's eyes rolled back into his head as Kurt pushed his legs up so he was almost bent in half with his knees bracketing his head so that he could have access to Blaine's asshole. "Then... you'd call me your g-goodboy," Blaine's voice went up an octave and cracked on the last word.
"How did that make you feel?" he blew a puff of hot air on the wet skin around Blaine's hole, making it clench and quiver under his stare.
"Good,god,it made me feel so good, and w-wanted. Needed..." Kurt slowly speared his tongue into Blaine hole, "Owned."
"What else?"
"Um.. I'd sometimes tie it t-too tight. So that I could feel it with every breath—" Kurt let go of Blaine's legs so they flopped down beside him and he crawled up closer to Blaine, his hand trailing along his chest till it came to rest on the tie still pressed into Blaine's windpipe.
"Someone likes breathplay," Kurt muttered pressing down gently on the knot where it rested at the base of Blaine's throat, dipping in between his collar bones.
Blaine nodded vigorously, "S-sometimes I'd think about your hand around my throat—"
"Like this?" Kurt asked, moving his hand so his fingers wrapped around Blaine's neck and he added the slightest be of pressure, the web of his hand digging into Blaine's adam's apple.
"Y-yeah," Blaine stuttered, his breathing shallow and his pupils blown, "and you... you'd fuck me, gradually increasing the pressure." Kurt did so and Blaine's eyelids fluttered shut in contentment.
"More," Kurt commanded.
Blaine blinked up at him, "You... you'd... everything would start to go f-fuzzy, but I'd be calm... Be-because you knew."
Kurt increased the pressure until Blaine was barely breathing, his face starting to go red from lack of oxygen.
"Knew what?" Kurt pressed.
"How... far you cou-could push... me" Blaine's voice was hoarse, "When it was... to-too much."
Kurt pushed down until Blaine's eyes drooped closed again and he breathing stopped all together. He waited exactly five seconds before he let go, pulling the tie loose as he moved his hand away.
Blaine gasped, his body jumping with the sudden intake of oxygen. Kurt watched him closely, drawing random designs on his chest with his fingers, as his breathing slowly evened out and a blissful smile settled on his face.
"What else?" he asked, his hand snaking down to Blaine's cock where he gripped it loosely, stroking with a barely there touch that he knew drove Blaine wild.
"You'd mark me," Blaine said, swallowing, "hickey's all over my body. Some hidden... some where I could feel them... s-some where others could see. See... that I belonged to you."
Kurt smiled, "Any places in particular you remember?" His grip increased and Blaine whined, his hips lifting off the bed.
"Blaine," Kurt admonished quietly.
"S-sorry," he said, "um... on my neck... where the knot of my bowtie rests, so I'd always feel it. Behind my ear, on my hip so my belt would rub against it. One directly on top of my pulse point, in plain sight for everyone to see..."
Kurt hummed in approval, "Is that all, baby? Those all your fantasies?"
"God, no," Blaine snorted, "it would take me a year to talk about them all..."
Kurt smiled, "Good thing we'll have years to explore them all, then."
Blaine's eyes pricked with tears. Kurt was his again, and in so many more ways that before. It was slightly overwhelming, to be honest.
"Hey, hey, pet, what's wrong?" Kurt asked, his brow furrowing.
Blaine shook his head, a serene smile on his face. "N-nothing... I'm just...reallyhappy right now."
Kurt smiled back, "I'm glad. I like you happy..."
"You know what would make me even happier?" Blaine batted his eyelashes innocently.
Kurt smirked, "What?"
"My Dom fucking me." Both boys shivered at the sound of that. Yes, yes, Kurt could very much get used to Blaine referring to him as that.
"I think I might be able to work with that..." Kurt sat back on his heels, watching Blaine for a minute, "is there a particular position you want tonight, babe?" he asked.
"I want to see you," he said quietly, "if that's okay, Sir."
Kurt smiled widely, "That's perfect, sweetheart." Blaine preened as Kurt climbed off the bed to grab his pants.
Blaine raised an eyebrow at him as he pulled a bottle of lube and a condom out of his pocket. "Did you know this was going to happen or..."
Kurt rolled his eyes, "I got them from Puck before I dragged you away from Tina."
Blaine laughed, "Of course Puck would bring comdoms and lube to a wedding."
"I'd be surprised if he didn't," Kurt said, crawling up the bed to Blaine, "Legs up, pet," he added.
Blaine shivered, hooking his hands into his knees and pulling them up to his chest. Kurt grabbed one of the pillows, "Hips up," and slid it under Blaine's lower back.
"Your ass, is definitely going to bruise from that spanking. So you'll remember this night every time you sit down for probably a week," Kurt began, tracing Blaine's hole with a slick finger, "knowing that, on a scale from one to ten, one being the absolute sweetest, most sensual, love I have ever made to you, and ten being you might not be able to walk for a few hours, how rough do you want me to be?"
Blaine took a deep breath, thinking for a minute. "... Eight." Kurt raised a perplexed eyebrow at him, "I want to feel owned again... maybe even a bit used. I want to know I'm yours forever..." Blaine looked away, his cheeks flaming, "but I don't want to be utterly destroyed..." he paused, biting his lip, "yet."
Kurt bit back a laugh, "Whatever you want, pet." He reached a hand up to pet it through Blaine's curls, mostly free from the gel now.
Blaine smiled almost shyly up at him, until Kurt practically rammed a finger inside of him, that is. Blaine cried out, back arching off the bed as Kurt started fucking it in and out of him, barely giving him any time to adjust before he slipped in a second one. He scissored the roughly. Blaine whined and panted, his eyes squeezed shut, but he wasn't safewording so Kurt continued.
"Do you need a third?" Kurt asked, already starting to push his ring finger in but Blaine shook his head.
"N-no, Sir," he moaned, "just fuck me—oh—already.Please."
Kurt smirked, pushing away the voice in the back of his head that was still used to the vanilla sex. This is what Blaine wanted, so Kurt was going to give it to him.
He pulled his fingers out and Blaine whined at the loss, his hole clenching wetly around nothing. "Shh, baby," Kurt soothed, tearing open the condom package, "I'll give you what you need." Blaine nodded, his hips thrusting up into the empty air. Kurt couldn't bring himself to scold him, he'd tortured the poor boy enough already.
Kurt quickly rolled the condom on, slicked himself up, and lined the head of his cock up with Blaine's hole. Blaine whimpered, trying to thrust back on him but Kurt held him still. Maybe he still had a bit more cruelty left in him. "Beg," he ordered.
Blaine's eyes fluttered open and he looked up at Kurt, his mouth open and panting and his eyes glazed over. Kurt's eyes widened a bit, because he hadn't thought he'd be able to get Blaine to subspace for a while, but Blaine seemed to have already reached that point. When Blaine didn't say anything, Kurt repeated himself. "Beg, pet, I won't ask again."
"Please," Blaine's voice was hoarse, so he swallowed, "P-please, Sir. Please, fuck me. Please, Ineedyou to fuck me. Please, please,plea—" Kurt slammed into him in one harsh stroke. Blaine's voice cut off, his jaw going slack in a silent cry. Kurt gave him a few seconds to adjust before he started thrusting again, going at a harsh pace that had the headboard slamming against the wall.
Blaine's legs came down, wrapping around Kurt's waist, his heels digging into his ass as he urged him to go faster. Kurt readjusted and Blaine cried out, his head falling back in ecstasy. Kurt smiled and focused in on his prostate, making sure to hit it on every stroke. Precome was smearing across Blaine's belly as his cock bounced with Kurt's movements.
"Sir," Blaine moaned in a way that made Kurt's toes curls.
"What... do you n-need, beautiful?" Kurt asked, not pausing or slowing his pace.
"Pl-please, let me... come. Sir, I need... to come."
Oh... Kurt remembered telling him not to come earlier, but he hadn't meant for that to apply to now as well. But Blaine was such a good boy, he knew who his orgasms belonged to. Kurt smirked devilishly, "Not yet, gorgeous."
Blaine whined, his whole body tensing as he tried to stave off the orgasm he'd been so close to for at least an hour now. His voice was high and breathy, each cry and whimper causing Kurt to go faster. Kurt felt himself getting close and gripped Blaine's cock in his hand. Not stroking, just holding, as he neared the edge.
"Now, Blaine," he said, and that order was all it took for Blaine's whole body to still as his cock leapt, spurting onto his stomach. Kurt shouted out his release as Blaine clenched around him, and collapsed on top of Blaine, breathing heavily.
He stayed like that, knowing he should probably move so that he didn't crush Blaine, but his limbs felt like jelly and Blaine honestly didn't seem to mind as he wrapped his arms around Kurt and held him close. Kurt finally forced himself to move when Blaine's clenching hole became too much for his spent and oversensitive cock, pulling the condom off and tying it off before throwing it in the general vicinity of the trashcan.
Blaine whined at the emptiness, and Kurt just smiled, wrapped an arm around Blaine's waist, and pulled him closer. "It's okay, pet," he murmured into the skin of Blaine's neck. "Next time, we'll find a way to keep you full, even when I can't be in you anymore."
Blaine smiled brightly, nuzzling into Kurt's chest.