Their first fight Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Understanding: Their first fight

T - Words: 967 - Last Updated: May 29, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Apr 19, 2014 - Updated: Apr 19, 2014
160 0 0 0 0

I miss you :( - Kurt

The boys both had a ton of exams that they were studying for and, attending different schools, they had trouble finding time to spend with each other.

I miss you too xx -Blaine

Is there any chance you can take a study break tomorrow? I think Im going to go insane if I dont see you soon. -Kurt

I guess I could...:) -Blaine

Yay! Come over at 12? - Kurt

Im already there - Blaine

Cant wait :) I love you x -Kurt

I love you too x - Blaine

Kurt grinned, leaning back against his pillows and closing his eyes, clutching his phone to his chest. It had been weeks since theyd first said I love you and it still made Kurts flutter like it was the first time all over again, even if it was in text form.

He locked his phone and put it on his bedside table, cuddling into his bed and pulling the sheets up to his chin, smiling as he fell asleep.

"Oh my god, I missed you so much." Kurt exclaimed the second he opened the door and saw Blaine standing there, looking cute as ever. He immediately pulled Blaine into his arms and kissed him hard on the lips.

Blaine giggled against his lips, kissing him back before they pulled apart. "H-h-hello t-to y-y-you too."

"Uh, dudes," Finn interrupted. "Can you not, like, make-out in the middle of the hallway?"

"We werent making out," Kurt said, rolling his eyes. "We kissed. Once."

"Whatever. Im gonna go watch the game, coming?"

Blaine shrugged, completely oblivious to the look on Kurts face as he followed Finn into the living room. Kurt sighed, closing the front door and following his brother and his boyfriend. He sat down next to Blaine and rested his head on his shoulder, staring blankly at the TV screen while Finn and Blaine discussed whatever the hell was happening on TV.

Two hours passed before Kurt gave up waiting for Blaine to get bored of watching football and went into the kitchen to make a snack, working on some of his homework while he sat in the kitchen and ate it.

Kurt was beginning to get fed up of Blaine ignoring him the later in the day it got. Surely a football match didnt last that long? He was sitting on the other sofa by himself, his earphones in while he studied. Groaning, he ripped his earphones out and sat next to Blaine on the other sofa, kissing down his neck possessively - not even caring that his brother was sitting right beside him.

"Dude!" Finn exclaimed.

Blaine wasnt entirely sure what he was supposed to do. He and Kurt had never done more than kissed on the lips. Sure, theyd made out but it was nothing like that. Kurt wouldnt let up however, sucking a dark bruise onto his neck while Finn stared at them in disgust.

"Im just gonna, uh...go." Finn mumbled leaving the room.

As soon as Finn was gone, Blaine pushed Kurt off of him, staring at him angrily. "What the h-h-h-hell are y-y-you d-d-d-doing!?" He exclaimed.

"Oh, Im sorry," Kurt said sarcastically. "Im sorry for actually paying attention to you, I mean you seem to have forgotten that Im your boyfriend."

"What are y-y-you talking ab-b-bout!?"

"Im talking about the fact that Ive barely seen you in three weeks and now that we finally have time to spend with each other, youre more interested in watching football with my brother! Youve barely said to words to me all day!" Kurt shouted, his face bright red with anger by the time he was finished. Tears were pooled in his eyes and his hands were clenched into fists by his sides.

"If y-y-you h-h-h-had that m-m-much of a p-p-problem w-with it then why d-d-didnt you just say s-s-s-something!?" Blaine shouted back, matching Kurts anger.

"I shouldnt have to, Blaine! You didnt even ask me if I was okay with you watching football with Finn, you just walked off like I didnt even exist!"

"I d-d-didnt realise I n-n-n-needed y-your p-p-p-permission, f-f-father!"

"Stop making it seem like Ive done something wrong," Kurt said, glaring at Blaine. "Ive been bored out of my mind all day while you ignored me!"

"Why are y-y-you b-b-being so f-f-freaking childish about this!? You c-c-couldve j-just t-t-t-talked to me!"

"Forget it," Kurt said, standing up. "You know where the door is." He said, storming out of the room and up to his bedroom.

Blaine groaned and curled himself into a little ball on the sofa. He sat like that for ten minutes before he made his way upstairs, knocking on Kurts door and opening it the slightest bit. Kurt was sat on the middle of his bed, staring at the door with tears running down his face.

"I thought you left." He said monotonically.

"I c-c-couldnt," Blaine said, entering the room and shutting the door, sitting down next to Kurt on the bed. "I c-c-couldnt j-j-just l-leave things like that. I d-d-dont want us t-t-to just run away from our p-p-problems. When w-w-we f-f-fight, and w-w-we w-w-will f-f-fight, I w-w-want us to b-be able to t-talk about it w-w-without one of us s-s-storming out."

"Im sorry," Kurt cried. "I dont know why I reacted like that, and I know I shouldnt have, I just...I hated being ignored by you like that. I felt like you didnt even want to hang out with me, and it sucked."

"Im s-s-sorry too," Blaine replied. "I shouldve s-s-said n-n-n-n-no to F-F-Finn when h-h-he mentioned w-watching f-f-f-f-f-football. I h-h-h-honestly d-d-did w-w-want to s-s-spend t-t-time with y-y-you, I j-just w-w-w-wasnt thinking."

"I hate fighting with you," Kurt said, trying to stop the tears falling from his eyes. "I never want to fight with you ever again."

Blaine laughed. "Id l-l-like th-that t-t-too, b-b-but its in-n-n-n-nevitable."

Kurt laughed and leaned his forehead against Blaines, pressing a tiny kiss to his lips. "I love you."

"I l-l-love y-you, too," Blaine replied. "No m-m-matter h-how much w-we f-f-fight."


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