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Understanding: Speech Therapy

T - Words: 982 - Last Updated: May 29, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Apr 19, 2014 - Updated: Apr 19, 2014
156 0 0 0 0

Blaine: Are you busy?

Kurt: Nope. Whats up?

Blaine: Can you come over? I really need a distraction.

Kurt: Is everything okay?

Blaine: Yeah, I just need a big cuddle.

Kurt: Ill be there soon, okay? I love you x

Blaine: I love you too :)

Blaine locked his phone and put it on the coffee table, leaning back against the pillows on the sofa and pulling his blanket up to his chin, waiting for Kurt to arrive. He jumped up when he heard a knock on the door, hugging Kurt as soon as the door was open.

"Whoa," Kurt chuckled, wrapping his arms around Blaine when he all but flung himself at him. "You okay?" Blaine nodded against Kurts chest, hugging him tighter. Kurt pressed a kiss to the top of Blaines head, rubbing his back a little before he pulled away. "Lets go inside."

They made their way back to the living room and Blaine instantly snuggled up to Kurt, hugging his arm and resting his head on his shoulder. Kurt happily ran his fingers through Blaines messy curls - it was a weekend, so Blaine hadnt gelled his hair - and decided to give Blaine what he clearly needed - comfort. He could talk to him later about what was bugging him, but for now he was content to hold his boyfriend and watch the TV.

"Blaine?" Kurt said gently after the fifth episode of Project Runway finished. The teen looked up at him, but said nothing. "Please talk to me?"

Blaine sighed, pressing his face against Kurts arm and kissing his shoulder through his shirt before sitting up with his legs crossed, facing his boyfriend. "My m-m-m-m-m-mom w-w-wants m-m-me t-t-t-to g-g-go t-to s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-speech therapy."

"And you dont want to?"

Blaine shrugged. "Ive always known it w-w-w-w-w-was an option b-b-b-but I n-n-never r-r-r-r-r-really thought ab-b-b-bout it. I g-g-g-guess Im j-j-j-just..."

"Scared?" Kurt asked, eliciting a nod from Blaine. "Of what?"

"F-f-f-f-failing," Blaine replied, looking down at the sofa. "And of h-h-h-h-having t-t-to t-t-t-talk t-to a n-n-n-n-new p-p-p-person; m-m-my s-s-s-s-stut-t-t-t-tering is always w-w-worse w-w-w-when Im n-n-n-nervous."

"What do you mean failing?" Kurt asked, turning to face Blaine properly.

"W-w-what if I g-g-g-go and it d-d-d-doesnt imp-p-prove m-m-my s-s-speech at all? W-w-what if I d-d-d-do l-l-l-loads of w-w-work and m-my p-p-parents s-s-s-spend a t-t-t-ton of m-m-m-money and it d-d-d-doesnt h-h-help at all?"

"If it was guaranteed that it would help with your stutter, would you be open to it?" Blaine nodded. "So why not go for it? I get that youre scared of failing - everyones scared of failing - but what if it does help you? Isnt that what you want?"

Blaine nodded, staring down at the sofa. "I j-j-j-just d-d-dont w-w-w-w-want to d-d-disappoint anybody," He admitted. "Especially m-my m-m-m-m-mom."

"Oh, Blaine," Kurt said. He crawled to the corner of the sofa and leaned against the arm of the chair, opening his arms for Blaine. "Come here," Blaine followed Kurt and crawled in between his legs, lying with his back against Kurts chest. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaines body and buried his face in his curls, smelling the inevitable scent of Blaines strawberry shampoo. "Listen to me, okay? Your mom could never be disappointed in you - even a blind man could see how proud of you she is and how much she loves you. Your dad, too. And you know for a fact that Sam and I could never, ever be disappointed in you. Im not saying that you should do it if its not something you want, but you seem like you want to, so whats stopping you?"

"I j-j-just h-h-h-having this horrible f-f-f-feeling that Im g-g-g-going to g-g-g-go there and n-n-n-nothing w-w-will change."

"So what?" Kurt asked. "At least you can stay you tried. Isnt trying and failing better than not trying at all?"

"D-d-d-do y-y-you think I should d-d-d-do it?"

"I think that if its something you want, then yes. I believe in you, Blaine, and I think that if you put your mind to it then you can improve your speech. Maybe not straight away, but I believe that you can get there. But if its something that you dont want, then no - I dont think you should do it."

Blaine huffed in response. "Why d-d-d-d-do y-y-you always k-k-know the r-r-right thing t-to s-s-s-say?"

"Because I am awesome," Kurt grinned, leaning forward so that his chin was resting on Blaines shoulder. "And Id like to think I know you well enough now to know what you need to hear."

"I love you," Blaine smiled. "But I w-w-w-was c-c-comfortable b-b-before, s-s-so lie b-b-back d-d-down." He said, playfully pushing Kurt backwards and giggling when he let out an umph sound. He laid back against his boyfriend and turned onto his side a little so that he could wrap his arms around Kurts entire body.

"I swear to god, Blaine Anderson, if you fall asleep on me I will ban you from my cuddles for week." Kurt teased.

Blaine let out a fake gasp. "You w-w-wouldnt d-d-d-dare!" He exclaimed.

"Try me." Kurt grinned, tickling Blaines sides and laughing when he let out a squeal and began to giggle, wriggling around in Kurts grasp.

"I surrender!"

"Your giggle is the cutest thing in the world," Kurt smiled as he took Blaine back into his arms. "You sound like a two year old."

"Thats n-n-n-not the f-f-first t-t-time Ive h-h-heard that, b-b-believe it or n-n-n-n-not." Blaine said, leaning his head back when Kurt began to card his fingers through his hair.

Kurt smiled, reaching down with the hand that wasnt tangled in Blaines curls to hold his boyfriends hand. "I love you so much, it feels so unreal sometimes."

"I l-l-love you too," Blaine replied, snuggling up to his boyfriend. "Im s-s-so g-g-g-g-glad I agreed to S-Sams s-s-s-s-s-stupid blind d-d-date idea."

"Me too," Kurt laughed. "I thought the whole thing was going to be a disaster, but Sam wasnt lying when he said he knew the perfect guy for me."

Blaine snorted. "Hes s-s-s-such a d-dork," He said. "But h-h-hes p-p-pretty awesome, I g-g-guess."

Kurt laughed, slapping Blaine playfully on the arm.


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