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Understanding: Meeting the New Directions

T - Words: 988 - Last Updated: May 29, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Apr 19, 2014 - Updated: Apr 19, 2014
158 0 0 0 0

After explaining to Blaine everything that happened, Blaine agreed to meet his friends. Kurt knew that he was nervous about it, but he knew that he couldnt keep Blaine hidden from his friends for forever, so it was easier to get it over with, right?

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Kurt," Blaine laughed. "Sh-sh-shut up." He said, kissing his boyfriend for a moment before pulling away.

"I dont want you to do something that youre uncomfortable with."

"Im n-n-not uncomfortable with it," Blaine argued. "Im n-n-nervous b-but w-w-when am I n-n-not n-n-nervous?" He teased.

Kurt sighed, pressing another hard kiss to Blaines lips and pulling away with a mwah. "Ready for this?" He asked

"As r-r-ready as Ill ever b-b-be."

They left Kurts car, linking hands almost immediately and making their way down to the park. They had decided to have a picnic in the park as all of the New Directions wanted to meet Blaine, and there were quite a lot of them.

A few cheers sounded as the boys made their way hand-in-hand down to the picnic, and Sam hit Puck up the back of the head for starting it while Blaine squeezed Kurts hand tighter. Kurt probably wouldve made a sarcastic remark had Blaine not been so nervous.

Blaine sat down next to Sam and Kurt sat down right next to him, keeping their hands locked together tightly. Kurt pointed to everyone who was sitting around the picnic blanket and told Blaine their names. He just nodded, unsure of what to do with himself.

"Well..." Santana said, looking at Blaine. "Hes not exactly what Id have imagined was your type -"

"Stop," Kurt said, glaring at Santana. "The second any of you say something snarky, rude or sarcastic, youre leaving. Im not putting up with any crap from you guys today."

"Feisty Hummel," Puck teased.

"I swear to god -"

"Kurt." Sam warned, causing Kurt to huff in defiance.

"Well," Mercedes said. "I, for one, am happy for you. Even though Im still mad that you didnt tell me."

"Thank you," Kurt smiled. "Okay, this is really awkward, can somebody please say something?"

Blaine giggled a little, leaning against Kurts arm.

"Food!" Sam announced. "Were having a picnic and were not eating anything."

"Theres m-m-meat," Blaine grimaced. "Who p-p-planned this?"

"Guilty." Mercedes shrugged.

"Theres some fruit," Kurt said, reaching across to grab the bowl that contained nothing but fruit. "Mercedes," He groaned. "Seriously, everything but this bowl includes meat."

"Its f-f-fine," Blaine smiled. "Im n-n-not t-too h-hungry and if I d-do g-g-get hungry there are shops n-n-not t-too f-f-f-far away."

Kurt huffed. "Stop being sweet."

"I c-c-cant." Blaine grinned.

"You guys are sickening." Santana scoffed.

"Youre just jealous." Kurt retorted, poking his tongue out at Santana.


"Blaine Warbler," Brittany said suddenly. Kurt muttered an oh god... under his breath and reached for something to eat, not trusting himself not to make a comment unless he was eating something. "Is it true that youre a dolphin?"

"Um..." Blaine mumbled.

"Just go with it," Sam whispered. "She thinks dolphins are gay sharks."

"I g-g-guess..." Blaine answered. "Sh-should I b-b-be offended?"

"No," Kurt laughed. "She calls me a dolphin too, its fine."

They talked a little more while they ate, before Sam walked Blaine to the shop to find vegetarian-friendly food, leaving Kurt alone with the New Directions.

"Kurt," Mercedes smiled, reaching out to cover Kurts hand with her own. "Hes amazing."

"Even I have to admit it," Santana began. "You did good, Hummel."

"Thank you guys for not scaring my boyfriend away," Kurt laughed. "This day honestly went a lot better than I thought it would."

"Were not all bad you know," Puck laughed. "We can be nice if we want to."

"I still find it weird thats hes a vegetarian..." Finn mumbled. Kurt just laughed threw a grape at his brother.

Sam and Blaine returned soon after, and Blaine ran up behind Kurt and hugged him, eliciting a yelp from Kurt as he had no idea Blaine was behind him.

"Dont do that to me!" Kurt exclaimed, laughing as Blaine kept hugging him, resting his chin on his shoulder and grinning widely.

"Y-y-youre such a d-drama q-qu-qu-qu-queen." Blaine laughed, rolling his eyes fondly and pressing a kiss to Kurts cheek before detaching himself from his boyfriend.

"Come back," Kurt whined. "I liked hugging you."

"Y-y-you werent h-h-hugging m-me," Blaine laughed. "I w-w-was hugging y-y-you."

"It still felt nice." Kurt pouted.

"Aww," Blaine teased. "P-p-poor b-b-baby." He reached a hand up, as if to ruffle Kurts hair, only to be stopped by Kurt.

"Touch one strand of my hair and were through." He said teasingly.

"Meanie." Blaine pouted, but he couldnt keep it up and started laughing straight afterwards, cuddling up to Kurts side.

"Aww," Rachel cooed. "Finn, why arent we that cute?"

"I can think of several reasons." Santana commented, receiving a glare from Rachel.

"Play nice," Kurt scolded. "Im trying to trick my boyfriend into thinking I have normal friends."

"Y-y-youre f-f-f-forgetting that Im b-b-b-best f-f-friends w-with S-S-S-S-Sam," Blaine chuckled. "I k-k-know that you d-d-dont have n-n-normal friends."

"Hey!" Sam exclaimed, laughing.

"He has a point dude." Puck pointed out.

"You guys suck." Sam pouted.

Blaine successfully ruffled Sams hair a little, laughing when his hand was swatted away and he was glared at teasingly.

The rest of the day was full of light-hearted teasing and fun, and Kurt was soon driving Blaine home.

"I h-h-had f-f-fun today," Blaine smiled. "I k-k-k-kind of though Id b-b-be t-too sh-sh-shy t-to t-t-talk the whole t-t-time."

"They loved you," Kurt laughed. "I had fun too, actually. Even if I did have to give up my alone time with you." He sighed dramatically.

"S-s-stop b-being d-d-d-dramatic," Blaine giggled. "Y-youre s-still coming over for dinner tomorrow."

"Thats not the same," Kurt pointed out. "Your family will be there and Sams family will be there."

"True, b-b-but Im s-s-still g-g-glad youre g-going to be there. I l-l-love h-having S-S-Sunday d-dinner with S-S-Sams f-f-family, b-but it will b-be extra s-s-s-sp-sp-special w-with you there."

"Fine, you win," Kurt laughed, pulling up outside Blaines house. "Home sweet home."

Blaine pulled his phone out and looked at the time before locking it again. "W-w-wanna c-c-come in and w-watch a m-m-movie?" He suggested.

Kurt grinned, nodding. "Let me just call my dad."


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