The Silence Surrounding Us
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The Silence Surrounding Us: Chapter 11

T - Words: 1,087 - Last Updated: Feb 26, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Nov 07, 2013 - Updated: Nov 07, 2013
154 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please review! (:

Carole and Finn arrived at the hospital a few hours later. Blaine had fallen asleep beside Kurt's bed, their hands still entwined as he rested his head against the edge of the bed. Burt was sitting on the other side of Kurt's bed, unsure of what to do with himself until Carole arrived and he reiterated everything the doctor had told him earlier in the day. Blaine woke up at the inevitable noise of Finn's voice; lifting his head and blinking confusedly. He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes sleepily, never letting go of Kurt's hand.

“Hey,” Burt smiled softly. “I think you should go home and get some rest.”

Blaine frowned. “I don't want to leave. I know that he isn't gonna wake up any time soon but…it just doesn't feel right not being here with him.”

“You can come and see him first thing in the morning, sweetie,” Carole assured him. “But if you keep trying to stay awake and fall asleep next to his bedside constantly you're going to make yourself sick.”

Blaine sighed, nodding a little. “Okay.” He said, sadness in his voice. He stood up, still keeping his hand interlocked with Kurt's, and pressed a kiss to Kurt's bruised forehead. Blaine slowly pulled away and gently placed Kurt's hand back on the bed, brushing his thumb over his knuckles before leaving the room, saying goodbye to Burt, Finn and Carole on the way out.

When Blaine finally reached his house, he made his way up to his bedroom – completely ignoring his parents greeting him – and all but collapsed onto his bed, sobbing into his pillow almost immediately.

“Blaine?” Mrs Anderson called out from just outside Blaine's bedroom, slowly creaking the door. “Blaine, sweetie? What's wrong?” She asked, sitting down on her son's bed as he sat up and wiped at his eye despite the tears that were still falling.

“Kurt was attacked.” Blaine said brokenly, more tears leaving his eyes.

He'd told his parents all about Kurt as soon as they started dating. The Anderson's were yet to meet Kurt, but they knew how happy he made Blaine.

“I went to his house because we were supposed to be going on a date but his dad told me that he'd gone to get something from the shops and he didn't come back for ages. He was gonna go out looking for him when he got a phone call from the hospital saying he was attacked.” Blaine sobbed out, trying desperately to stop the waterfall of tears leaking from his eyes.

“Is he okay?” Blaine's mother asked, placing a hand on his back and rubbing it soothingly.

“I don't know,” Blaine cried, shaking his head. “They said there was bleeding in his brain and it sent him into a coma. He…he's covered in cuts and bruises and his eye and lip are swollen. His leg's in a cast and apparently his ribs are broken too.” Blaine explained.

“Oh, Blaine.” Mrs Anderson said, pulling her son close and hugging him tightly as he cried into her top.

“Mommy.” Blaine cried, sobbing hard.

Blaine soon began to calm down after crying for way too long, so Mrs Anderson left him to get some sleep. He tossed and turned for a while, images of Kurt in the hospital flooding his head. He drifted into a light sleep a while later, only to wake up after having a dream about Kurt getting attacked. Blaine eventually gave up and sat up in bed, plugged his earphones in and listened to music until the early hours of the morning.

“I told you to get some rest.” Burt said when Blaine entered Kurt's hospital room the next morning, sipping from a cup of coffee.

“I tried,” Blaine admitted. “I slept for about five minutes before I woke up shaking because I couldn't get the image of Kurt getting attacked out of my head.”

All of a sudden, Blaine was being enveloped in a hug from Burt. He was a little shocked, but he reciprocated the hug nonetheless, trying not to burst into tears again.

“We were just about to go home and try and get some sleep ourselves – we've been here all night – will you be okay here by yourself?” Burt asked.

“Yeah,” Blaine said, releasing himself from the hug and attempting a smile. “I'll be fine.”

And so Blaine was left alone with Kurt. Taking a shaky breath, Blaine went and sat down next to Kurt's bed, placing his coffee cup on the table beside the bed. Once again, he took Kurt's hand into his own and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.

“I miss you,” Blaine said. “I miss you so much. I miss your smile and your laugh, I miss your beautiful blue eyes. I miss talking to you and texting you…I miss the way you blush every time I kiss you on the cheek…I just miss you so damn much,” He said, tears beginning to walk their familiar path down his cheeks. “It's only been a day and I'm already losing my mind, I don't know how I'm going to handle it if you're in a coma much longer. Please wake up,” Blaine cried, holding onto Kurt's hand with both of his. “I need you. I need you to roll your eyes at me and tell me that I'm a big baby,” He said, laughing a little at how Kurt-like that sentence sounded. “I need you to wake up and be okay…please.” He sobbed, his voice breaking as he rested his head against Kurt's arm and cried.

He was in the same position when Burt, Carole and Finn came back, only the tears had stopped. He lifted his head up and attempted to smile. “Hey.”

“Hey,” Carole smiled. “You okay?”

Deciding to be honest, Blaine shook his head, looking back at the unconscious boy he was…he was falling hopelessly in love with.

Finn crossed the room and sat down next to Blaine, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “He'll be okay.”

Not knowing what to say, Blaine just smiled up at Finn, mindlessly brushing his thumb across Kurt's fingers…wishing that hand could squeeze his back.


Unfortunately it was Sunday, meaning Blaine would have to go to school the next day whether he liked it or not. He was unable to sleep once again and had no idea how the hell he was supposed to survive school without sleeping, and with the knowledge that Kurt was still unconscious in hospital.


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