Feb. 26, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 26, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review (;
Dating Blaine was…well, it was kind of awesome. For whatever reason, Kurt seemed to enjoy Blaine's company a lot more since they became boyfriends and had a lot more fun with him. Kurt began to become even more confident and comfortable with himself since he and Blaine started dating, which everyone around him noticed.
To Blaine, dating Kurt was like a dream come true. To be able to hold his hand, kiss him and snuggle up to him while they watched movies…it was everything Blaine had wanted since he'd met Kurt. He could see that Kurt was starting to feel less insecure about not talking, which was a relief because Blaine didn't want to lose Kurt over something like that.
Blaine made his way up to Kurt's bedroom one afternoon to find him sitting with his back to the door, his earphones in as he read a book. Smiling, Blaine snuck up behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he jumped.
“Boo,” Blaine laughed when Kurt pulled his earphones out, receiving a playful shove from him. “Hi.”
Kurt grinned, turning his head to press a kiss to Blaine's lips, wrapping his arms around his boyfriends' neck. They went out shopping shortly after – as Blaine had promised Kurt a shopping spree – and Blaine smiled as Kurt excited skipped from shop to shop. He spent half of the day dressing Blaine up and trying to convince him to buy a new outfit. Blaine gave in eventually and bought something just before they went to lunch. Throughout lunch, they cuddled up in a booth and took goofy pictures until Blaine finally had to return Kurt home.
“I'll see you tomorrow.” Blaine smiled, pressing a kiss to Kurt's lips before making his own way home.
Kurt smiled, making his way inside and into the kitchen to help his dad make dinner. He spent a long hour texting Blaine later that evening before going to sleep, excited to see Blaine again the next day.
“Hey,” Blaine smiled when Burt opened the door to him the next day.
“Hey,” Burt replied. “Kurt just went out to get something from the shop but he should be back any minute.”
“Okay.” Blaine said, following Burt into the living room and sitting down on the sofa.
Ten minutes passed and Kurt still hadn't returned. Ten minutes became twenty and twenty became thirty. Both Blaine and Burt were beginning to get worried about the sixteen year old. He didn't live far from the shops and it wasn't like he was going there to get a lot of stuff, so why hadn't he come back yet?
Burt was about to go out looking for him when the phone started ringing. He knew it couldn't be Kurt as he wouldn't speak, but he answered it nonetheless. Blaine noticed Burt's face drop and he kind of looked like he was going to be sick, which didn't help with how worried Blaine was feeling.
“What's wrong?” Blaine asked once Burt hung up the phone.
“Kurt was attacked…” Burt said blankly, staring at Blaine for a few moments before grabbing his phone and car keys, Blaine following swiftly behind.
“Is he okay?” Blaine asked, beginning to shake a little as he climbed into the car.
“I honestly don't know,” Burt said, pulling out of the drive and making his way to the hospital. “I don't know anything except that he was attacked and he's in hospital.”
They finally reached the hospital and rushed up to Kurt's room only to be told that they weren't allowed inside just yet.
“Are you kidding me?!” Burt screeched. “My son was attacked and I'm not even allowed to see him!?”
“Burt,” Blaine said, seemingly on the brink of tears. “Just let them do what they need to and then you can go and see him.”
Burt covered his face frustratedly, sitting down on one of the seats for a few moments before getting back up and pacing in front of the door to Kurt's room. Blaine pulled his hands through his hair, breaking it free from its gel hold, and sat down. He felt like he was going to be sick. He had no idea what had happened to Kurt and how bad the damage was. He wasn't even sure if…no, don't go there Blaine.
“Mr Hummel?” A doctor said, stepping out of the room. “You can come in now, but I'll need to talk to you about your son's injuries.”
Burt nodded as Blaine shot up from his seat and followed Burt, only to be stopped by the doctor.
“I'm sorry but only family is allowed.”
Okay, Blaine really was going to be sick. He needed to see Kurt or –
“He's my nephew.” Burt lied, and suddenly Blaine was allowed into the room.
Seeing Kurt didn't relieve Blaine of his worries, however, as Kurt looked absolutely awful. His leg was wrapped in a cast and he was covered in bruises. His face was a canvas of cuts, scratches and bruises. His lip was swollen purple and bleeding slightly while his eye was swollen too. There was an oxygen mask on his face that confused Blaine…why did he need an oxygen mask?
Blaine could hear the doctor talking about what injuries Kurt had but he was too focused on how beaten his boyfriend looked. He wanted to cry because he didn't understand how somebody could be so cruel as to do this to someone.
“Wait, what?” Blaine said, his head shooting around when he heard something he was not expecting come from the doctor's mouth. “He's in a coma? Why?”
“Kurt was either hit over the head with something or his head hit something, but either way there was some slight bleeding in his brain. It shouldn't have any long-term effects as we managed to stop it quite easily but it has sent him into a comatose state.” The doctor explained. “Kurt was lucky that somebody found him. If they hadn't, he probably wouldn't have survived. He's lucky to have survived in general with the injuries he has.”
“He's strong.” Blaine whispered mostly to himself, sitting by Kurt's bed and taking his hand into his own, pressing a kiss to Kurt's grazed knuckles.
The doctor left shortly after fully explaining Kurt's injuries to Burt, leaving the two of them to do nothing but sit and watch Kurt's beaten, unconscious body, wishing they were at home with a happy, healthy Kurt instead.