Something Missing In My Life
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Something Missing In My Life: Chapter 3

K - Words: 2,067 - Last Updated: Aug 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
137 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review! :)

It took about a month before Blaine could file an adoption for Kurt, but honestly, he would've waited a year. The day that he was filing the adoption, Blaine felt like he was going to explode. Both he and Kurt were hungry and he'd somehow managed to end up with nothing but bread in his house and he couldn't go shopping because he was expecting Mia to show up with the adoption papers and he had no idea what time she was going to arrive.

"Hungry." Kurt groaned from where he was sprawled out on the living room floor.

"I know, but- what are you doing?"

"Starfish." Kurt giggled.

"Obviously," Blaine laughed just as he heard a knock on the door. He practically ran to the front door and sighed in relief when he saw Mia standing there.

"You look happy to see me." Mia teased.

"You have no idea, come in." Blaine said, leading Mia through to the living room.

"What is he doing?" Mia asked, amused.

"He's being a starfish, duh." Blaine replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, eliciting a fit of giggles from Kurt.

"I can't believe this is the kid who used to sit by himself and read books all day." Mia said incredulously.

"He still does that, actually..."

"He just seems more...comfortable I guess. Anyway, let's get this adoption sorted so that you can get on with the rest of your day," Mia laughed, handing Blaine the adoption papers for him to sign. "Okay, all done." Mia said, taking the papers back from Blaine.

"Thank you again." Blaine said sincerely.

"You're welcome. And I should thank you really, I've been kind of desperate for someone to adopt him but he never spoke and anyone who came to see him just..."

"He's amazing, so it's their loss," Blaine smiled.

"Okay, I should get going. Good luck with everything."

"Thank you," Blaine replied, and Mia left. "Okay, I think we need to go and get some food," He said to Kurt, who was still lying in the middle of the floor but jumped up as soon as Blaine mentioned food, causing Blaine to laugh a little. "Go get your shoes on." He continued, shaking his head when Kurt practically sprinted upstairs. The six year old came down the stairs about five minutes later with his shoes and coat on, ready to go out. They went grocery shopping but were too hungry to wait until they were home to eat so they ate out. They were about half way through their meals when Blaine heard his phone ringing.

"Hello?" Blaine said into the phone, not even bothering to check the caller ID.

"Blaine, we have a problem..." Wes replied.

"And that would be...?"

"Sebastian's in town."

"You've gotta be kidding me." Blaine groaned. The last thing he needed was his ex trying to get back together with him.

"Nope, and my guess is that visiting you is at the top of his list of things to do while in Ohio. I'm coming over."

"I'm not at home..."

"Well where the hell are you!?"

"Woah, calm down. I had no food at home so I went shopping and me and Kurt were starving so we decided to eat out."

"Ugh," Wes groaned. "Text me before you leave, okay?"

"Yes boss," Blaine laughed. "Bye Wes."

"Bye." Wes replied, hanging up the phone.

As promised, Blaine texted Wes before he and Kurt left to go home and Wes must've broken the speed limit because he somehow managed to get there before Blaine. Wes helped Blaine put his groceries away while Kurt sat in the living room and drew. The three of them were sitting down watching a movie when they heard a knock at the door.

"Here we go," Blaine muttered under his breath, lifting Kurt off of his lap. "Can you go in the garden with him please? I don't want Sebastian anywhere near him if I can help it."

"Sure." Wes replied, taking Kurt's hand and leading him into the garden while Blaine answered the door to a very smug looking Sebastian.

"Blaine," Sebastian smirked. "Long time, no see."

"What do you want?"

"I miss you."

"Yeah, okay," Blaine scoffed. "Bye Sebastian."

"Wait," Sebastian exclaimed, putting his foot in front of the door to stop Blaine from closing it. "Can I just come in so we can talk?"

"You're not coming in, any talking you want to do happens here."

"Why can't I just-"

"Blaine!" Wes nearly screamed, running through the house holding a crying Kurt with blood all over his leg.

"What happened?" Blaine asked as calmly as he could, taking Kurt into his arms.

"He tripped over, conveniently, on that stupid concrete in your stupid garden."

"My garden is not stupid," Blaine defended. "Stay here." He instructed to Sebastian who had no idea what was happening.

"Nope." Sebastian whispered to himself once Blaine was out of earshot, following Blaine through the house and into the kitchen.

"Well how did he trip?" Blaine asked Wes.

"What do you mean how did he trip? He just tripped!" Wes cried.

"Well he- I told you to stay outside!" Blaine groaned when he saw Sebastian.

"Like he's gonna listen to anything you say."

"Care to explain what's going on?" Sebastian asked pointedly.

"Not really," Blaine mumbled, not once looking at Sebastian and instead focusing on the crying six year old sitting on his kitchen counter. "I'll be back in a minute. Keep him here!" He said to Wes before carrying Kurt to the bathroom where he proceeded to sit him on the edge of the sink. Blaine carefully cleaned up Kurt's cut with a wet wash cloth before covering it with a plaster. "You okay?" He asked Kurt, gently brushing his hair out of his face and wiping his eyes with a tissue. Kurt nodded in response and wrapped his arms tightly around Blaine's neck. Blaine picked Kurt up from the sink and the small boy snuggled into his chest as Blaine carried him back downstairs.

"Okay this," Sebastian said, gesturing to Blaine holding Kurt in his arms when the returned to the kitchen. "Is so weird. Can someone please tell me what's going on?"

"This," Blaine growled before speaking normally again. "Is Kurt. I adopted him."

"You have got to be kidding me," Sebastian laughed. "Oh my god, you're serious."

"Why would I have a random kid in my house that I pretended to adopt, Sebastian? We're not all as twisted as you." Blaine snapped. Kurt lifted his head up and took one look at Sebastian before burying it back in Blaine's shoulder where he sniffed, and probably wiped snot all over Blaine's shirt.

"Ouch," Sebastian said, feigning hurt. "Why did you adopt a kid?" Sebastian asked, still laughing.

"Because I actually have a heart and I wanted to help someone who needed it."

"No, you basically just replaced me with a toddler."

"Sebastian." Wes warned.

"What?" Sebastian sneered.

"I will drag you out of this house myself in a minute."

"I'd like to see you try, you're just-"

"Stop!" Blaine practically shouted as Kurt buried his head further into the twenty five year old's neck. "Sebastian, just...just go home. I don't want anything to do with you so just please leave me alone." He said, running out of the room and upstairs to his bedroom with Kurt. He sat on the edge of his bed with Kurt on his lap and cuddled the small boy as close to him as possible. Kurt pulled his head out from under Blaine's chin to look at him.

"Why are you sad?" Kurt asked quietly, looking up at Blaine with his bright blue eyes. Blaine smiled at the six year old and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm okay," Blaine smiled, blinking back tears. "Promise." Kurt seemed happy enough with that answer and snuggled his head back in under Blaine's chin.

"Blaine?" Wes called, running up the stairs.

"In here." Blaine called back from his bedroom. Wes walked inside and smiled at the sight in front of him.

"He's gone. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just...why did he have to come here? I was fine about the break up, I was fine about...what he did to me and he's just made it hurt all over again."

"He's Sebastian. All he ever wants to do is stir up trouble."

"It's not just that though, it's Kurt. He actually made me shout at him and Kurt was clinging onto me like someone was threatening to take him away from me," Kurt chose that moment to pull back and look at Blaine with big eyes. "Hi." Blaine said softly, leaning his forehead against the six year old's. Kurt stared at him for a few moments before speaking.

"I love you." Kurt said sweetly and Blaine laughed slightly at the expression on Kurt's face.

"I love you too, little one," Blaine replied as Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and hugged him with all of the strength he had in his tiny body. Wes sat next to Blaine and watched adoringly as Kurt hugged Blaine with all his might and Blaine hugged back as tight as he could without crushing the small boy. "Okay," Blaine said, pulling back from Kurt's hug and smiling at him. "I think we should have a movie night," He said enthusiastically as Kurt smiled widely at him. "Why don't you go and pick a DVD from your room and then come downstairs and we'll watch it, okay?" Kurt nodded and hopped off of Blaine's lap before running into his bedroom.

"Do you want me to stay?" Wes asked, rubbing Blaine's back soothingly.

"Yes please," Blaine said, trying to keep it together. "Ugh, okay. Too much sadness. Come on, let's go watch kids movies."

"Can't wait." Wes laughed, following Blaine downstairs. Wes and Blaine were waiting downstairs when Kurt came running in holding a DVD case behind his back.

"What did you pick?" Blaine asked and Kurt pulled his Toy Story DVD out from behind his back and grinned at Blaine like it was the best thing in the world. "Again!?" Blaine laughed. He'd probably watched that DVD about ten times since Kurt moved in with him. Regardless, Blaine put the DVD in and sat on the sofa where Kurt snuggled in between him and Wes.

Blaine woke up the next morning and it took him a few moments to remember what had happened the night before. He, Kurt and Wes had fallen asleep on the sofa while watching Toy Story. Blaine tried to sit up and then realised that Kurt was lying right on top of him. He laughed at how the six year old actually resembled a starfish. Kurt was lying face down across Blaine's stomach with his arms and legs spread out like he had been doing star jumps. Blaine's laugh had accidentally woken Kurt. He lifted his head and looked at Blaine confusedly.

"Hey." Blaine said quietly at Kurt who sat up, still on top of Blaine, and rubbed his eyes sleepily. Wes woke up a few moments later and almost rolled off the sofa.

"Okay, either you need to get a bigger sofa or we're never sleeping on it together again."

"Uh...Wes, I think you should rephrase that sentence." Blaine said, trying not to laugh.

"Shut up," Wes groaned, falling back against the sofa. "What time is it?"

"I have no idea," Blaine replied, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Half seven."

"What time did we even fall asleep last night?"

"Way too early," Blaine laughed. "Okay, I'm gonna make some breakfast." He said, picking Kurt up and plopping him on the sofa, which elicited a few giggles from the six year old for some strange reason.

"Need any help?" Wes asked.

"I'm good just...occupy my little starfish."

"What happened to jam monster? I liked that nickname." Wes pouted.

"Oh my god," Blaine laughed. "Anyone would think you're the six year old."

"Starfish!" Kurt shouted suddenly and Blaine poked his tongue out at Wes.

"Okay, fine. You win, now feed me."

"Pushy," Blaine muttered, walking into the kitchen and laughing at his best friend. Wes followed Blaine's path into the kitchen a few minutes holding Kurt. Blaine set three plates of waffles on the table before taking Kurt from Wes and sitting him on his lap. "I think I need a new table...he can't reach it when he sits on his own chair."

"Or you could just let him sit on your lap until he's about nine?" Wes teased.

"Ha ha," Blaine said sarcastically. "I'm serious though, I had no idea this table was so high."

"We could go and get a new one today?"

"Sure, but I have no idea what size it needs to be."

"Well...smaller than this."

"Starfish!" Kurt exclaimed.

"You're so weird." Blaine laughed, hugging the giggling six year old closer to him.


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