Something Missing In My Life
Epilogue. Previous Chapter Story
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Something Missing In My Life: Epilogue.

K - Words: 2,238 - Last Updated: Aug 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
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Author's Notes: The end! Just a few things; This epilogue was sort of confusing but I basically just wrote like a few moments of their lives five years into the future - or well, around seven years into the future because I wrote Georgia being born and then her turning one so yeah...Georgia is based entirely on my one year old cousin, except my cousin is a boy and isn't speaking yet but yeah, she has his entire personality.I hope you guys enjoyed this story, yay! Thank you all for reading and reviewing, I love you all!!Please review :)

"I'm home!" Kurt announced as he entered the house that he once resided in. "Blaine?" He called out after hearing no reply. Still he got no reply, so Kurt began to wonder confusedly towards the kitchen door. As he got closer, he could faintly hear Blaine cursing under his breath. Kurt shook his head with silent laughter before opening the door to find Blaine pulling an extremely over-cooked meal from the oven.

"Stop mocking me." Blaine pouted as Kurt covered his mouth to stifle his laughter.

"Five years and you still can't cook properly without me." Kurt laughed.

"Well I did say that Wes and I should come to your place but no, you insisted on coming home."

"Okay, we have ages before Elliot and Wes get here, let me help you make something that's actually edible and won't put everyone in hospital." Kurt teased, moving around the kitchen he was too familiar with as Blaine nudged him in the side.

Later that evening found Blaine, Wes, Kurt and Elliot seated around the small table in Blaine's kitchen, eating a meal that Kurt ended up cooking as he banned Blaine from the kitchen earlier in the day. Blaine was telling embarrassing stories from when Kurt was little as he so frequently liked to do at family meals – they'd began calling them 'family meals' as Wes and Elliot were practically their family anyway – while Kurt blushed furiously and hid his face in Elliot's shoulder. His boyfriend wasn't helping, however, as he just joined in with the chorus of laughter coming from Blaine and Wes.

When they were finished eating Kurt turned in his seat and whispered something in Elliot's ear, receiving a little nod from his boyfriend. He turned back around to face a confused Blaine and Wes, nervously playing with his hands under the table.

"So um...we kind of have an announcement to make..." Kurt began, receiving a 'go on...' look from Blaine. "Okay so, I know that we're only twenty four, but –"

"I'm not sure I like where this is going..." Blaine interrupted.

"But," Kurt continued. "We um..."

"We're having a baby." Elliot announced, receiving a relived sigh from his boyfriend.

Blaine and Wes were silent for a few worrying moments before Wes broke the awkward silence. "Aw, guys," He laughed. "That's awesome."

Elliot replied with a little 'thank you' and a smile, but Kurt was distracted by the silence that ensued from his adoptive father.

"Blaine?" Kurt prompted. Blaine suddenly stood up from his chair and ran out of the room, Kurt running after him. Blaine sat down on the sofa and promptly burst into tears, a worried Kurt sitting beside him. "What's wrong?" Kurt asked, Blaine shaking his head in reply.

"I just...I wasn't expecting that," Blaine laughed slightly, wiping at his eyes.

"But why are you crying? Do you not want us to have a baby or-"

"Of course I do!" Blaine defended, slightly incredulous that Kurt would even think that.

"Then what's wrong?" Kurt asked again.

"Nothing, it sort of just hit me how grown up you are. You're twenty four, you're a teacher, you're living with your boyfriend, and now you're having a baby. I think it just took that for me to realise that you're not the same little boy that I adopted seventeen years ago, you're all grown up now." Blaine replied, his voice breaking.

"Oh, Blaine," Kurt said, wrapping his arms around Blaine in a hug. "I'll always be that same little boy, I just won't be so little. It doesn't matter how much I grow up, I'll always think of you as my daddy."

"I love you." Blaine sobbed into Kurt's shoulder.

"I love you too, and I won't love you any less just because I'm having a baby."

"I know," Blaine laughed a little. "I just got a little emotional, that's all. I can't wait to be grandpa."

"Good...because we already have a surrogate who's three months pregnant..." Kurt revealed awkwardly.

"What!? Why didn't you tell us before?"

"Well at the start there were uncertainties and stuff and we also kind of just weren't ready to tell anyone yet. I'm sorry."

Blaine sighed, a little smile playing at his lips. "It's okay, I get it. Can I just say how proud I am of you? A few years ago you would have been terrified to do anything that you're doing right now, but you've come so far."

"I am terrified," Kurt laughed. "Petrified, really. But everything that I'm doing makes me happy; teaching, being with Elliot and even the prospect of having this baby so I just...I guess my happiness and excitement is stronger than my fear."

"Well, I'm still extremely proud of you, and Elliot."

"Thank you." Kurt said quietly with a smile, allowing Blaine to take his hand and lead him back into the kitchen.


"Kurt?" Blaine croaked out, rubbing at his sleepy eyes and glancing at the clock. "Why the hell are you calling me at four in the morning?"

"Hey grandpa." Kurt replied, his voice full of emotion.

"Are you serious!?" Blaine exclaimed, shooting straight up into a sitting position. "What...when?"

"About an hour ago. Blaine...she's so beautiful."

"She..." Blaine repeated aloud. "It's a girl..."

"Thankfully, we're all boys at the moment, except Rachel." Kurt laughed.

"Do you have a name?"

"Georgia," Kurt replied proudly. "Georgia Elizabeth...for my mama."

"It's perfect. Can I come down to the hospital?"

"Yeah...yeah." Kurt replied, beginning to tear up a little.


"I can't believe we just had a little girl..." Kurt whispered into the silence of his and Elliot's bedroom. They'd just taken Georgia home and, being completely exhausted, they went straight to bed but neither boy could sleep due to excitement.

"I feels so surreal even though we've known this was going to happen for the past nine months."

"I'm so happy," Kurt laughed. "I never ever thought that this was how my life would turn out when I was younger. I never imagined that I could actually overcome my fear of...everything and be this happy."

"But you did."

"I did. And I'm so glad that I did because I have the most amazing boyfriend and the most perfect little girl ever."


The first year of Georgia's life was both hectic and perfect for Kurt and Elliot. Of course, they were completely new to looking after a baby and they would often have to phone either Blaine or Elliot's parents – who were more than willing to help – at ridiculous times at night, but they eventually got used to it.

Georgia was an exact replica of Kurt, it was almost scary. She had his beautiful blue eyes and the same chestnut coloured hair. She was a fairly small baby and had adorable chubby cheeks that Kurt was sort of in love with

"Georgia!" Blaine exclaimed when he opened the door to reveal Kurt holding his one year old daughter. Blaine had begun looking after Georgia while Kurt and Elliot worked as he claimed that it would help them save money on a babysitter, but he honestly just loved spending time with his granddaughter.

"You don't even care about me anymore, do you?" Kurt teased, handing Georgia over when Blaine made grabby hands for her.

"Maybe if you didn't have such a perfect baby I wouldn't be so obsessed with her, would I Georgia?" Blaine said in a baby voice as Georgia giggled and laid her head down on Blaine's shoulder.

"Okay," Kurt laughed. "I need to go. Can daddy have a kiss?" He asked the little girl, who puckered her lips and all but smooshed her face against Kurt's. He pulled away with a 'mwah' sound which made Georgia giggle. "I love you both." Kurt said before making his way out of the door.

"What do you wanna do today, little one?" Blaine asked the baby, tickling her softly. Blaine had accidentally called her 'little one' one day, and it sort of just stuck. The slip of the nickname brought happy tears to Kurt's eyes when it happened, and he was more than happy to pass his nickname down to his daughter.

Georgia replied by gurgling something in her baby language and waved her tiny hands about, making Blaine laugh. He put the one year old down on the floor and went to get some of her toys out of the cupboard in his living room, smiling to himself when she followed him.

Ever since the one year old had started walking she would follow everyone, especially Kurt and Elliot. She more waddled than walked and would lose her balance quite a lot, but she found it amusing how she would plop onto her bottom whenever that happened.

Georgia was one of the most energetic and happy babies that Blaine had ever seen, he was sort of surprised that she hadn't worn Kurt and Elliot into the ground during the one short year she'd been alive. The little girl was always running around giggling or playing with her toys. She had the cutest high pitched giggle ever, it would make other people in the room laugh.

"What do you wanna play with?" Blaine asked, lifting the one year old up so she could see into the cupboard.

Georgia looked over the various things for a few moments before patting the top of her blocks, giggling and saying 'bbbbuuu.'

Blaine set her back down on the floor before grabbing the bag of blocks and setting them out over the floor. He knelt opposite Georgia as she stood and started towering the blocks with Blaine's help. Once they'd used almost all of the bricks, Georgia knocked it over and promptly dissolved into a fit of giggles.

"You're insane." Blaine laughed.


"Mum," Elliot cried down the phone as Kurt looked after their sobbing baby girl. "Georgia fell and hit her head and she threw up and she won't stop crying and oh god, what should we do?"

"Calm down. What happened?"

"She was playing with Kurt but she lost her balance and she was too close to the table so when she fell she bumped her head on it and then she started crying and threw up over him." Elliot explained shakily.

"Okay, does she have a bump on her head?"


"Has she thrown up since the first time?"

"No, it was just after she hit her head but all she's done since then is cry."

"Give her a little while and if she doesn't stop crying then take her to the doctors. She should be completely fine though."

"Okay," Elliot sniffed, calming down a little. "Thank you."

"It's fine, just go make sure your little girl is okay. And make sure Kurt doesn't blame himself, because I know him as well as I like to think I do, that's exactly what he's doing right now."

"I will. I love you mum."

"I love you too."

Elliot hung up the phone and made his way to sit next to Kurt on the sofa.

"What did she say?" Kurt asked shakily.

"She said give her a little while to see if she calms down but if not then take her to the doctors. She also said to stop blaming yourself for what happened."

"But I was playing with her," Kurt cried. "I obviously wasn't looking after her properly or she never would've hit her head."

"It was an accident, Kurt. I highly doubt that you would've been able to get to her fast enough to stop her from bumping her head. When she loses her balance, that's it. She's down in a split second, it was not your fault, okay?"

"Okay." Kurt said quietly with a tiny nod.

"Here, give her to me and go change your shirt, you're covered in sick." Elliot said as Kurt shakily handed the one year old to Elliot and made his way into their bedroom.


Kurt was shopping with Georgia when one of the happiest moments of his life happened. He was walking down the street with Georgia in her stroller when he heard a familiar high pitched voice say "daddy."

Kurt immediately froze, wondering if what he heard actually came from Georgia, when he heard it again but a little bit louder.

"Georgia," Kurt choked out, going around to the other side of the stroller to kneel down in front of his baby girl with teary eyes.

"Daddy," Georgia repeated, reaching her hands out towards Kurt. Kurt unstrapped the one year old and lifted her into his arms, hugging her close.

As soon as Kurt got home later that day, he all but ran inside, stopping in front of Elliot completely out of breath.

"Elliot," Kurt breathed out, tears swimming in his eyes once again. "She said daddy."

"What? When?" Elliot asked, standing up from the sofa.

"Earlier, while I was shopping with her. She was just sitting in her stroller and she said daddy, I wasn't even sure if it came from her at first."

"Papa," Georgia said all of a sudden, reaching out towards Elliot as tears fell from both his and Kurt's eyes.

"Hey baby," Elliot said softly, taking his daughter into his arms as she rested her head on his shoulder and shut her eyes. "Kurt..."

"I know." Kurt smiled, happy tears still trickling down his cheeks.


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