Something Missing In My Life
Chapter 21 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Something Missing In My Life: Chapter 21

K - Words: 1,545 - Last Updated: Aug 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
133 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review:)

About two months into Kurt's speech therapy, he began to get frustrated. He still felt as if he was making next to no progress and it didn't exactly give him much hope that he would get any better, if anything it just made his speech worse because he started to give up. Elliot, Rachel and Blaine noticed that there was something wrong as he started to pull away and wouldn't speak as much as he used to.

"Something's wrong with Kurt." Rachel said to Elliot at lunch one day when Kurt claimed he had a test to study for and went to finish his lunch in the library.

"I know...He's pulling away from everyone, Blaine even thinks so."

"How are we supposed to help him though? He clearly doesn't want to speak and we can't like, psychically figure out what's wrong with him."

"I've tried asking him but he just tells me that he's fine and kisses me and well...not a lot of talking happens after that." Elliot replied, awkwardly taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Ew, thanks for that visual."

"But in all seriousness...something's up with him and it's affecting his speech."

"We could talk to Rose?" Rachel suggested.

"You know Kurt will kill us if we do that..."

"What other choice is there?"

"You're right...I just hate going behind his back." Elliot sighed.

"That's because you, my friend, are too nice for your own good."

"And I care about him..." Elliot pointed out.

"Well yeah, that too...So how do we go about talking to Rose?"

"I'll ask Blaine, I'm pretty sure he wants to help Kurt more than anyone."

After talking to Blaine, the thirty six year old called Rose and told her what they were all worried about. Surprisingly, Rose thought that Kurt was pulling away too. Apparently he'd been less responsive in his sessions and it was evident that he didn't have a word block either, he just obviously didn't want to talk. She agreed to discuss it with him in their next session, but that didn't end very well...

Kurt ignored both Blaine and Elliot the entire way home, opting to curl up in his seat and stare aimlessly out of the window. He didn't speak when they got home either, until dinner when he finally broke.

"I can't believe you." He said pointedly to Elliot, who looked at Kurt as if he'd just been accused of a crime. "And I can't believe you helped him." He said next, looking at Blaine.

"Kurt, we were only trying to help you," Blaine replied. "We could tell that you were pulling away and you wouldn't talk to anyone."

"Because that's who I am! I can't talk until I'm ready to, you of all people should know that!" Kurt exclaimed louder than both Blaine and Elliot expected him to.


"Dont," Kurt said firmly. "Don't try and justify this because it was unfair. You couldn't get me to talk so you decided to set my therapist on me even though you know for a fact that I have a hard time talking."

"Kurt, we-" Blaine was cut off once again by the seventeen year old.

"I'm not hungry anymore," Kurt said, pushing his plate away. "I'll be in my room if you want me, but knowing you you'll just call Rose to come and sort me out."

And with that, he left the kitchen leaving a shocked Elliot and Blaine behind.

Blaine entered the teen's bedroom a while later to find Kurt curcled up on his side making soft sniffing noises as he cried.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you." Kurt said quietly before Blaine had a chance to speak.

"It's okay," The thirty six year old replied, crossing the room to sit on the edge of Kurt's bed. "I get why you did."

"It's not okay," Kurt sobbed, sitting up to face Blaine. "I know you were just trying to do what was best for me but it just-"

"It wasn't fair." Blaine finished.

"It kinda hurt too...the fact that you know that I find speaking difficult and instead of waiting for me to talk to you, you just got Rose to try and get me to talk."

"I'm sorry, I honestly didn't even think about it like that. Elliot just told me that he was worried about you and suggested calling Rose and I agreed so I did it without properly thinking, without thinking about how it might make you feel."

"I really hate speech therapy." Kurt said with a small laugh.

"I know," Blaine said with a sad smile. "You know that you don't have to go if you really don't want to."

"I want to get better though. I'm sick of breaking down whenever I get nervous and I'm sick of my words getting mixed up in my head, I'm sick of everything," Kurt cried. "I just wish I could curl up into a ball and shut everything off but I can't."

"I don't know how to help you..."

"You can't...nobody can help me and I'm scared that I'm never going to get better. I didn't even know I could shout until today, that's how bad this is. I'm so quiet usually, my voice is so tiny and I had no idea that I was even capable of being that loud."

"But that's one of the things I love about you. I know that you might not think having a soft, small voice isn't a good thing but it makes you who you are. When you laugh, because you're so soft spoken, you just have this tiny little giggle and it's adorable. It isn't necassarily a good thing or a bad thing, but it's who you are and that's okay."

"I want to teach," Kurt said, eliciting a strange look from Blaine. "When I get older...I wanna teach kids who aren't as privelleged as others and show them that there's somebody who understands what they're going through."

"Kurt...that's amazing." Blaine said honestly, having no idea that Kurt wanted to do that.

"I feel like I'm never going to be able to though. If I'm always like this, if I can't speak confidently or loudly how am I ever supposed to do that?"

"You can get better, Kurt. Maybe not completely, but if you try hard enough and believe that you can, you will."

"Then why aren't I making any progress? I've done nothing but concentrate on my speech for the past two months and nothing seems to be happening."

"You are making progress. You shouted at us today, you got angry and honest to god shouted at us. Fifteen year old Kurt wouldn't have done that, he probably would have stayed silent and curled in on himself."

"I did do that at first."

"You still snapped, you never used to snap because you didn't know how to."

"I don't like snapping though," Kurt laughed. "It makes me feel bad."

"That's because you're too nice, which is why you'll make an amazing teacher. Speaking of, what made you want to do that?"

"Remember that time in English when I passed out when I was forced to do that presentation? It made me hate my teacher and I've never hated anyone before. I realised that not everyone understands that people like me with disorders, disabilites or any kind of problem that affects their life don't find the same things as everyone else easy to do and I don't want other kids to have to pass out because they don't have anyone who understands what they're going through. I just wanna help people who can't live life as easily as other people because they were born with something that affects them against their will."

"I'm so proud of you," Blaine smiled. "I've watched you grow from that tiny six year old whose first word to me was 'bathroom' to this amazing seventeen year old who wants to help people because you had a kinda sucky life."

"I didn't have a sucky life," Kurt replied. "I had you. And after my parents died that was all I could've ever hoped for. I was afraid that I'd be stuck in foster care forever because everyone thought I was strange because I didn't talk or they just didn't want to adopt me because they wanted a child they could actually hold a conversation with until you came along and asked me to show you my drawing."

"I can't believe you remember that," Blaine said with a laugh. "I honestly had no idea how to interact with kids, I just said the first thing that popped into my head."

"Well it worked. And you did a pretty good job of interacting with me."

"You weren't like other kids were special. You are special and you're going to get better because you have me, Elliot and Rachel and we're not gonna let you give up until you're the most amazing teacher ever and you're helping change the lives of kids just like you."

Kurt just smiled and enveloped the thirty six year old in a hug, not wanting to ever let go. "Thank you." He whispered.

"For what?"

"For just...everything that you've ever done for me I guess."

"Well then, you're welcome." Blaine replied with a smile, even though Kurt couldn't see it. "By the way, you should call Elliot, he feels really guilty."

Kurt shook his head as he pulled away from the hug. "No, too much speaking for one day. I'll text him and I'll just talk to him tomorrow."

"Okay." Blaine laughed, pressing a kiss to Kurt's forehead before leaving the room.


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