Something Missing In My Life
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Something Missing In My Life: Chapter 2

K - Words: 2,754 - Last Updated: Aug 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
128 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I still have no idea what I'm doing with this story, so reviews would be appreciated muchly!

A few days later Blaine was expecting his first visit from Mia. She had called him on Wednesday to let him know that she would be there at nine the next morning. Blaine didn't really have much preparation to do for Mia's visit and Kurt was already in bed so he decided to go to bed early. Blaine was woken up the next morning by the sound of crying coming from Kurt's bedroom. He quickly ran from his bedroom to Kurt's which, conveniently, was next door.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Blaine asked, trying to calm the crying boy down, but he just began to cry harder. "Kurt, I need you to tell me what's wrong or I can't do anything." He continued softly.

"M-my head." Kurt said in between sobs. Blaine gently placed his hand to each of Kurt's cheeks and then his forehead, yeah, he was burning up.

"Give me a minute," Blaine said, running back to his bedroom and getting dressed in record time. He then ran back into Kurt's room and rummaged through his wardrobe before pulling out a small hoodie and Kurt's coat. He carefully pulled the hoodie over Kurt's head and put his coat on before slipping his tiny feet into his trainers and tying them up. He picked Kurt up and carried him downstairs where he proceeded to fill a bottle with water and sit Kurt on his lap while he pulled his own shoes and jacket on. Blaine quickly glanced at the clock, seven thirty, before mentally debating whether he could get home before Mia arrived. He stood there staring at the clock for a few moments until he heard a whimper from Kurt and he decided that he could probably make it back in time. "Okay, let's go." Blaine said to the little boy in his arms, grabbing his keys and walking from his house to his car. He gently sat Kurt down in the front seat before pulling his seatbelt across and giving him his water.

When Blaine arrived at the doctors, he noticed that Kurt had fallen asleep and couldn't help but smile at the sight. Kurt was still in his pyjamas but due to his coat and hoodie you could only see his blue plaid bottoms. He was hugging the bottle of water like it was a teddy and he just looked adorable, to be completely honest. Blaine left the car as quietly as possible and went round to the other side, gently lifting Kurt out of the car. He succeeded in not waking the six year old, but he did elicit a few whimpers from the small boy. Kurt eventually woke up when they were in the waiting room and looked at Blaine with a confused expression while clinging to his T-Shirt with his tiny hands.

"Hey sleepy head," Blaine said softly, brushing Kurt's hair from his bright blue eyes. "Feeling any better?" He asked the small boy who was curled up on his lap. Kurt shook his head in response and buried it in Blaine's chest, snuggling up closer. Not too much later, Blaine took Kurt into the doctor, which was extremely awkward from Kurt's lack of speech, but they got there nonetheless. Blaine then went to the pharmacy to buy some children's medicine that the doctor recommended and took the sick little boy home. When he arrived home, the first thing Blaine noticed was that Kurt had fallen asleep again and the second thing he noticed was Mia sitting outside his house. He quickly got out of the car and eased the sleeping boy out once again without waking him. "Hey, sorry he wasn't feeling well so I took him to the doctors and then I had to go and get him this medicine, I thought I'd be back in time I'm so sorry." Blaine said in a rush of breath.

"Blaine, relax," Mia laughed. "I only got here a few minutes ago."

"I'm sorry." Blaine said again, breathing a sigh of relief.

"It's fine," Mia assured him as she followed him inside his house. Blaine immediately went into the kitchen and put Kurt's medicine in the fridge.

"I'm just gonna take him to bed, I- yeah..." Blaine said, taking Kurt up stairs to bed, little did he know that Mia was following him. Blaine took Kurt into his bedroom and sat him down on his bed as Kurt stirred half way to consciousness. He gently took Kurt's coat off and pulled his hoodie over his head before untying his small trainers and pulling them off his feet. Blaine picked Kurt up slightly and tried to lie him down but Kurt just clung to his shirt. After trying to get Kurt to lay in his bed several times, he eventually gave up. He wrapped a blanket around the little boy and carried him back out of the room, bumping straight into Mia.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to like...spy on you or anything, I just wanted to see how you interact with him when other people aren't around."

"It's okay," Blaine laughed.

"He can't seem to get enough of you." Mia teased.

"He's a little cuddle bug," Blaine said happily, wrapping his arms tightly around the small boy as Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and snuggled into his shoulder. "Uh, do you want anything to drink?"

"Sure," Mia smiled, following Blaine back downstairs. Blaine made two cups of coffee while balancing a sleeping Kurt on his hip before handing one of the mugs to Mia and walking back into the living room where he shifted Kurt slightly so that he was sitting on Blaine's lap. "So I take it everything is going well?"

"Would it be too enthusiastic if I said things were going more than well?"

"No," Mia laughed. "I'd say that's just the right amount of enthusiasm."

"I honestly don't think I could've asked for a better kid to adopt," Blaine said, smiling down at the boy curled up in his lap asleep. "Things are kinda...perfect with him here."

"Has he spoken at all?" Mia asked curiously.

"A little. When I first brought him here he asked me where the bathroom was and said goodnight to me, then the next day he kind of got covered in jam eating his breakfast," Blaine replied, eliciting a laugh from Mia and himself. "And he said the word sticky, then this morning he told me his head was hurting."

"Wow. That's actually quite a lot of speech for him."

"It's only one or two words at a time but I can tell that it's a lot of progress because he hadn't spoken to me once before I brought him here."

"Well if you're getting him to speak I'd say that's a good sign."

"I haven't actually done anything," Blaine said honestly. "He just...spoke."

"How did you react?"

"I didn't, I just acted like it was the most normal thing in the world. Which it is, a six year old should speak, but I also didn't wanna encourage or discourage him." Blaine explained.

"What do you mean?"

"I want him to speak at his own pace, I don't want him to feel obligated to speak or not to speak if he doesn't want to." Mia smiled at him, about to reply when Blaine heard a knock on his door.

"Sorry, hang on," Blaine said quickly, gently lifting the sleeping boy who let out a soft whimper before going to his front door and opening it to find Wes standing outside. "Hi..."

"Well you don't look happy to see me." Wes pouted.

"Oh hush," Blaine laughed. "I just didn't expect to see you."

"I did text you Blainers."

"Did you?" Blaine said, feeling in his pocket for his phone. "Ugh, I must've left my phone in my bedroom this morning. Kurt was crying so I kinda just rushed out and then I had to take him to the doctors and I haven't been in there since."

"It's fine. I can come back later if you want?"

"Um, no it's okay, come in," Blaine said, stepping to the side for Wes to enter his house and leading him into the living room. "Mia, this is Wes, my best friend. Wes, this is Mia, Kurt's social worker."

"Hi," Mia smiled, crossing the room to where Blaine and Wes were basically at the doorway. "I should probably get going, I'll see you in two weeks."

"Okay, bye." Blaine replied, smiling at Mia as she left.

"Why was Kurt's social worker here?" Wes asked confusedly when Mia left.

"Remember how I said this is sort of a trial at the moment?" Blaine asked and Wes nodded in response. "She just visits a few times to see how everything is working out."

"Oh...and may I ask why you're carrying Kurt around while he's wrapped up in a blanket?" Wes asked, slightly amused.

"He's sick but he wouldn't let me put him in his bed, he just kept clinging to me so I decided it would be better to just carry him around."

"Fair enough."

"So how comes you're here anyway?"

"Do I need an excuse to come and visit my best friend?" Wes asked, feigning hurt.

"Usually, yes you do." Blaine laughed.

"I was bored, okay? I had nothing to do so I thought I'd come and visit you and your little jam monster."

"Hm, well my little jam monster isn't gonna be much fun today. Also, what is it with you and that nickname?"

"It's cute." Wes shrugged.

"True," Blaine replied, switching the TV on and sitting on the sofa with Wes. Blaine was starting to fall asleep when he heard Kurt whimpering, so he sat up properly and pulled Kurt into a somewhat sitting position. "Hey, what's wrong?" Blaine asked softly. Kurt just clung to Blaine's shirt and buried his head in the fabric while whimpering louder. "I'll be back in a minute, I'm just gonna give him his medicine." Blaine explained to Wes who just smiled at his best friend. Blaine lifted Kurt gently and took him into the kitchen where he proceeded to sit the six year old on the kitchen counter while he got the medicine out of the fridge and got a spoon. He poured the instructed amount of medicine onto the spoon before feeding it to Kurt.

"Yucky." Kurt said, scrunching his nose up as he swallowed the medicine.

"I'll take your word for it," Blaine laughed, putting the spoon in the sink and the bottle back in the fridge. "Okay, let's go and run you a nice warm bath shall we?" Blaine asked Kurt who nodded his head enthusiastically. Blaine laughed slightly at the six year old as he eased him off of the kitchen counter and walked him back through the living room where he told Wes what he was doing before going upstairs to the bathroom. "Uh, Wes?" Blaine called downstairs.


"Is he old enough to be left alone in the bath or...?"

"I have no idea," Wes laughed as he jogged up the stairs and joined Blaine in the bathroom where he was staring at Kurt who was sitting on his lap. "I mean, I think he is but all kids are different."

"Should I stay with him just in case?"

"That would probably be a good idea. Plus he's sick so it's probably better that you stay with him anyway."

"Okay..." Blaine said, going back to staring at the six year old.

"Right, well I'll be downstairs." Wes said awkward, leaving the bathroom and going back down to the living room.

When Blaine had successfully given Kurt a bath without drowning him, he wrapped the little boy in a fluffy towel and carried him into his bedroom where he set Kurt on the bed and went through his drawers to find a pair of pyjamas to dress him in. He dressed Kurt in a fresh pair of pyjamas and ruffled his hair, eliciting a laugh from the small boy. Blaine carried Kurt downstairs to ask Wes for advice about his hair.

"How should I know what you're supposed to do with his hair?" Wes laughed.

"I don't know if I should brush it or just let it dry naturally...he has a lot of hair." Blaine pouted.

"Well what do you do with your hair after you've washed it?"

"Nothing but Kurt doesn't have a head full of curls."

"Okay, just leave it and see what happens. I'm sure his hair will be fine, Blaine." Wes assured him, trying not to laugh at the pout his best friend was still wearing or at the six year old that was now playing with Blaine's curls.

"This is your fault." Blaine said pointedly as Kurt pulled on one of the curls and giggled as it bounced back up.

"Bouncy." Kurt giggled, hiding his face in Blaine's neck.

"I take it you're feeling better," Blaine said and Kurt sneezed all over him. "Or not. Ew."

"Okay, that one was your fault." Wes laughed.

"Ew okay, back upstairs, we need tissue," Blaine said, taking Kurt back upstairs and sitting him on top of the toilet lid while he wiped his neck where Kurt sneezed on him. He then took some more tissue and gently wiped Kurt's nose. "Please don't sneeze on me again." Blaine laughed slightly, throwing the tissue in the bin and kneeling down in front of Kurt.

"Sorry." Kurt said guiltily.

"Hey, it's okay. I was joking," Blaine said sadly, opening his arms for Kurt who happily crawled closer and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. The twenty five year old smiled as he wrapped his arms around Kurt's small body, hugging him tightly for a few moments before pulling back to look at him. "Okay, what do you wanna do mister?"

"Hungry." Kurt replied simply.

"Let's go make you some lunch then." Blaine said, holding out his hand for Kurt, who jumped off the toilet seat and grabbed Blaine's hand. Blaine then proceeded to make sandwiches for himself, Kurt and Wes. Once again, Kurt ate while sitting on Blaine's lap, but the twenty five year old didn't mind one bit. They ate their lunch and Kurt finally let Blaine put him in his bed. Kurt slept peacefully for the rest of the night, which Blaine was quite grateful for considering the lack of sleep he'd had.

Blaine woke up the next morning to find Kurt sitting in the middle of the living room floor staring intently at the floor. He walked slowly over to the boy and knelt down in front of him before gently carding his fingers through the soft brown hair and smiling when Kurt leant into his touch.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Blaine asked quietly. Kurt stood up and held his hand out for Blaine, who also stood up and took the little boys hand. Kurt led him in the kitchen where he looked guiltily at Blaine. It seemed that the sandwich Kurt ate yesterday didn't agree with him and had decided to make it's presence known over Blaine's kitchen floor. When Blaine looked back at the six year old he noticed that he'd started crying. "Hey, it's okay," Blaine said softly, picking Kurt up off the floor and sitting him on the kitchen counter. He gave Kurt a bottle of water to drink while he cleaned the floor up. When Blaine was finished cleaning the floor, he walked back over to the small boy and sighed when he hadn't stopped crying. "It's not your fault, just come and get me if it happens again, okay?" Blaine said, picking Kurt up from the counter and carrying him into the living room. Kurt nodded in response and snuggled into Blaine's side when he sat Kurt down next to him on the sofa. Blaine put a random movie on the TV and within about ten minutes Kurt was asleep with his head resting in the twenty five year old's lap.

He slept for about an hour before waking up with a pained face and clutching his stomach.

"Bathroom!" Blaine exclaimed instantly, picking Kurt up and all but running up the stairs with him, just making it there in time to not have a repeat of that morning. Blaine crouched down on the floor next to Kurt and rubbed his back gently as the six year old emptied his stomach into the toilet. When Kurt was done, he slumped back against Blaine's body and buried his face in the fabric of his T-Shirt. Blaine reached over Kurt to flush the toilet before carefully picking the small boy up and carrying him into his own bedroom instead of Kurt's so that he could keep an eye on him and not get cramp from Kurt's tiny bed again. He peeled his covers back and gently put Kurt underneath them before climbing in next to the small boy, who crawled as close to Blaine as he could and fell asleep with his head on Blaine's chest.


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