Aug. 31, 2013, 12:53 p.m.
Aug. 31, 2013, 12:53 p.m.
When Kurt was fifteen, everything began to change for him.
Since he'd realised that he was gay, it was fairly easy for Kurt to ignore it. Sure, he'd see boys and think they were cute but as he was growing up, his feelings were more prominent than they had been before.
Rachel was still the only person who knew, and sometimes he just had the urge to shout it from the rooftops, but he was scared. Most people knew — or well, assumed — that he was gay, but actually saying it out loud was something completely different and for somebody who was afraid of speaking, it was even harder for him.
He wanted to tell Blaine the most. He knew that Blaine wouldn't judge him, especially as he was gay himself but even with that knowledge he was still terrified. It was a piece of himself that he was keeping hidden, and telling anyone that made it real and that was scary to Kurt.
Of course, Blaine had noticed that Kurt was changing a little bit. He'd noticed the fifteen year old looking at boys from his school, etectera, but as he knew that Kurt obviously wasn't ready to come out he didn't say anything.
He was sort of confused as to why Kurt hadn't told him. He was obviously scared, but he knew that Blaine was gay so he didn't really understand what he had to be scared of. But then he'd think back to when he came out. He was oddly suspicious that everyone already knew — that theory being proved correct when he told his family and his strange brother exclaimed "it's about time!" — and he was still scared to tell them. Blaine sort of just wanted to reassure Kurt that it was okay, but he couldn't. Kurt needed to tell him in his own time, whenever he was ready and Blaine respected that.
"Kurt! Hurry up, I swear I've been waiting for like an hour for you to get ready!" Blaine shouted up the stairs impatiently. He and Kurt were going out to lunch and the fifteen year old was, like always, taking a century to get ready.
Kurt came running down the stairs a few moments later, laughing at the 'finally' but muttered, not-so-secretly, under Blaine's breath and grabbed his coat, following Blaine out of the house and into the car.
They went to a little cafe not too far from their house. When they arrived, they both ordered sandwiches and opted to sit outside as it was really sunny out.
"Who's that?" Blaine asked, trying to be nonchalant when he noticed Kurt kept glancing at boy sitting a few tables away from them.
"Huh? Oh..um, he goes to my school." Kurt replied, taking another bite of his sandwich.
"You guys friends?"
"Not exactly..."
"Wait, he doesn't bully you or anything does he?" Blaine asked sort of worriedly.
"No," Kurt said a little too quickly. "I've never spoken to him before."
"Oh." Blaine said awkwardly, noticing the dejected look in Kurt's eyes. "So, what do you wanna do after this?" Blaine asked, trying to change the subject.
They got home a little into the evening after going to the movies, both boys retreating to their bedrooms; Kurt to work on his homework and Blaine to watch TV as his bed was more comfortable than the sofa downstairs.
Kurt came into Blaine's room later that night, looking tiny in his pyjamas as he played with his hands.
"I can't sleep and it's because I need to tell you something, I know I'm not gonna be able to sleep until I get it out." Kurt said quietly.
Blaine immediately turned the TV off and patted the space next to him on his bed, which he was sitting at the head of. "Come here."
Kurt shyly walked over to Blaine's bed and sat on his knees by the edge of it. Kurt took a deep breath, keeping his eyes downcast as he nervously picked at the sheet on the bed.
"I'm gay." He practically whispered, breaking into tears a few moments later as he fell into Blaine's embrace.
"Thank you for telling me." Blaine said, rubbing calming circles over Kurt's back as the fifteen year old cuddled up to Blaine's side, his head resting on the thirty four year old's chest. He felt Kurt nod slightly as he sobbed into Blaine's T-Shirt, Blaine never stopping the repetitive pattern he was creating over Kurt's back. "You okay?"
"Do you think my parent's would have been ashamed of me?" Kurt asked quietly. "I keep thinking about it and I feel like they would've been ashamed of me for being gay."
"I didn't know them," Blaine replied. "But they produced an amazing little boy, so they must have been pretty decent."
"You know most of that was probably down to you, right?" Kurt sniffed. "I've been living with you for nine years, I barely even remember them."
"I think...I think that they would have accepted you. No matter what, you're their little boy and I think that they would've supported you."
"I hope so," Kurt cried. "I know that I hardly remember them and I've lived with you longer than I got to live with them but I don't ever want to disappoint them."
"I don't think it's possible for them to disappointed in you, Kurt."
They stayed like that for a while, Blaine still smoothing his hand over Kurt's back calmingly until his sobs died down a little.
"You were totally checking that guy out earlier, weren't you?" Blaine asked teasingly.
"Was I that obvious?" Kurt laughed through his tears.
"Just a little." Blaine chuckled, gently carding his fingers through Kurt's hair.
"His name's Elliott. I've had a huge crush on him for ages."
"He's cute."
"You're embarrassing!" Kurt exclaimed, still laughing however, as he hid his face in Blaine's shirt.
"I'm offended." Blaine gasped sarcastically, putting a hand over his chest in mock hurt as Kurt looked up at him with a giggle. "Is he gay?" He asked after a few moments.
"Yes..." Kurt said awkwardly. "That's why I'm never here on Wednesdays. He works at the coffee shop and Rachel always forces me to go with her because she somehow thinks she's like, a matchmaker or something."
"Rachel knows?" Blaine asked, slightly confused.
"I told her when I was thirteen. That day that I came home crying because people were teasing me and then I stayed at her house...I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."
"Hey," Blaine said softly, causing Kurt to look up at him. "I'm glad you didn't tell me then, just because you felt obligated to. I'm glad that you took your time, okay?"
Kurt nodded before resting his head against Blaine's chest again.
"Can I stay in here with you tonight?"
"Of course. But if you squish me in my sleep I reserve full rights to tease you about Elliot." Blaine replied, eliciting a huge groan from Kurt.
"Why did I tell you about that?"
"Go to sleep," Blaine laughed. "I love you, little one."
"I love you too, even if you are incredibly embarrassing."