Something Missing In My Life
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Something Missing In My Life: Chapter 1

K - Words: 3,349 - Last Updated: Aug 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
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Author's Notes: Reviews would be appreciated, especially since I have no idea what I'm doing with this story :)

At six years old, Kurt Hummel had lost both his mum and his dad in a tragic car accident. He was stuck in the foster care system, wishing he had a real place to call home. Kurt had become a very shy child since losing his parents and if you ever heard him speak, well, you were privileged in a way. Kurt had become quite independent, and tended to stick to himself instead of interacting with the other kids he saw on a day to day basis. At only six, Kurt had become smarter than most of the kids his age, and loved to read. He would often sit by himself reading books while the other kids fought over what TV show to watch or who got to play with which toy. Mia, Kurt's social worker, adored Kurt and hated that he was stuck without anyone to take care of him like he was their own.

At twenty five years old, Blaine Anderson was fresh out of a rough break up and had no idea what he was doing with his life. He was working a highly unsatisfying job after his father had pretty much wrecked his dreams of becoming a singer. Blaine didn't know what he was doing with his life and everything was a mess for him. He knew that something was missing in his life but he didn't know what it was. He had considered pets and, well...that didn't end well to say the least. He decided that his best option would be to talk to Wes, his bes friend. Blaine and Wes had been best friends since high school, and talking to him always seemed to help Blaine think clearly.

"I just feel like something in my life is missing." Blaine said confusedly. He had met up with Wes for coffee as Blaine attempted to sort his life out.

"Is this because of the break up? Because-"

"I don't mean like a boyfriend. I don't know what I mean, I just don't feel...complete. My life's a mess, Wes."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad." Wes tried.

"Yes it is, and you know it."

"We'll figure it out, okay? Whatever it is in your life that's 'missing', we'll figure out what it is."

"Thank you." Blaine sighed in relief.

And that's how Blaine found himself looking to adopt a child a few weeks later. He didn't even realise that this was what he wanted until Wes suggested it. Blaine had realised that he had a terrible relationship with his dad, and he wanted the chance to help a kid who needed someone to look after them. Even Wes was quite shocked when Blaine figured out that he wanted to adopt. He'd never really expressed an interest in it before, but he could tell from the look on Blaine's face that it's what he really wanted.

"There's one child, six years old, he lost both of his parents about a year ago in a car accident. He's quite shy and doesn't talk a lot but he's an amazing kid," A social worker, Mia, told Blaine. "Do you want to meet him?"

"Sure." Blaine replied, following Mia into a room where he saw a small boy sitting in the corner of a sofa drawing.

"Kurt," Mia said softly, sitting down next to the boy. "This is Blaine, he's thinking about adopting you."

"Hi," Blaine smiled, kneeling on the floor so that he was basically eye level with the small child. "What are you drawing?" Kurt looked at him with big eyes for a moment before turning the paper around to reveal his drawing. It was nothing more than a simple house that was half coloured in, but Blaine couldn't help but smile at it. "That looks amazing!" Blaine said enthusiastically, earning him a small smile from the child.

"Do you want to spend a little bit of time with Blaine and then see if maybe you'd like to stay with him?" Mia asked the now smiling boy who seemed to consider it for a few moments before turning completely to Mia and nodding slightly.

From there, Blaine spent an hour with Kurt every Thursday and fell more and more in love with the little boy each time he saw him. By the time their fourth session rolled around, Blaine was more than certain that he wanted to adopt Kurt, he just hoped that the six year old felt the same way.

"So, if he decides he wants you to adopt him then he'll stay with you for a while with a few visits from me and if everything goes well then we can file an adoption." Mia explained to Blaine who listened to each and every word she said as if his life depended on it.

"Okay." Blaine acknowledged, wanting to ask when they'd ask Kurt what he wanted to do but not wanting to sound too pushy. He didn't want to screw this up. As if reading Blaine's mind, Mia continued speaking.

"I know what you're thinking," Mia laughed. "I'll asked him tonight if he wants to stay with you. I think he will though, he seems to like you a lot."

"The feeling is mutual." Blaine added honestly.

"I know. You're really good with him. It's kind of hard for a lot of people to interact well with him because he only speaks every once in a blue moon but you already have a really good connection with him." Mia said, eliciting a wide smile from Blaine.

When Mia asked Kurt later that evening if he wanted to stay with Blaine, the small boy nodded almost immediately with an adorable little smile on his face. Blaine went to pick Kurt up two days later and felt like he was floating on cloud nine. He honestly couldn't wait to bring Kurt home. When Blaine arrived, he saw Kurt sitting on the steps with Mia. He had a small backpack on and there was a suitcase next to Mia who was popping sweets into Kurt's mouth and laughing at the huge grin she got each time he had eaten a sweet. Blaine smiled as he left the car and walked over to the pair, noticing the way Kurt's eyes lit up when he saw Blaine standing there.

"Hi." Blaine greeted, unable to wipe the smile from his face.

"Someone's happy today," Mia laughed. "Are you ready to go?" She asked Kurt who nodded in response, standing up and hugging Mia quickly before pulling back and smiling at her. "Let's get you going then shall we?" Mia continued, standing up and lifting Kurt's suitcase from the ground. She smiled as she saw Kurt reach up to take Blaine's hand before following the twenty five year old to his car where she proceeded to follow his instruction to just 'throw his stuff in the back'. Blaine lifted Kurt gently and sat him in the back before leaning across to plug his seatbelt in.

"Thank you." Blaine smiled at Mia.

"For what?" Mia asked amusedly.

"For introducing me to this amazing little boy that I get to take home and look after."

"Well, you're welcome," Mia smiled. "And good luck."

"Thanks." Blaine said again, getting into his car and taking Kurt back to his house. When they arrived at Blaine's house he helped the little boy out of the car before getting his suitcase out and walking to the front door, holding Kurt's tiny hand once again. "Are you hungry or anything?" Blaine asked, kneeling down to become level with the six year old who shook his head in response. "Okay. Do you wanna see your room?" He asked next and was met with a shrug. "Come on," He said, stretching his hand out for the little boy, but Kurt didn't take his hand. Instead, Kurt lifted up both of his arms, silently asking to be carried. Blaine smiled softly at Kurt before bending down and hoisting him off the floor. Kurt immediately wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and snuggled into his shoulder as Blaine carried him upstairs to his room. Inside the room was a small bed that would probably need to be replaced by the time Kurt was ten to stop his legs from dangling off the end. "Wait here for a minute," He said, setting Kurt on the bed before running back downstairs to bring Kurt's suitcase and backpack up to his room. "Do you want me to help you unpack?" He asked and smiled as Kurt nodded enthusiastically, hopping of the bed and sitting on the floor in front of his suitcase. Kurt unzipped the bag and flipped the lid open before looking up at Blaine with big eyes, silently asking where he should put everything. Blaine knelt down on the floor next to Kurt and started taking out the different clothes that were packed neatly inside. He worked in silence with some help from Kurt here and there before eventually, all of Kurt's clothes were hung up in the wardrobe or folded nearly inside drawers.

After unpacking all of Kurt's things, Blaine led the small child downstairs and made dinner for the two of them. He ended up cooking sausages and mash as they seemed like the safest options judging by Kurt's facial expressions when he went through the different foods that he had in the house. Blaine was washing up when he felt a small tug on his T-Shirt, and looked down to see Kurt pulling on the arm of his shirt in an attempt to get Blaine's attention. Blaine quickly turned the tap off and dried his hands before crouching down in front of Kurt who spoke for the first time since Blaine had met him.

"Bathroom." Kurt said quietly, looking at Blaine with pleading eyes.

"Come on." Blaine smiled, standing back up and outstretching his hand for Kurt, who took it gratefully, and leading him to the bathroom. He was waiting patiently outside for Kurt to finish when he heard his phone go off in his pocket.

"Hey, how's the whole adoption thing going?" Wes asked when Blaine picked up the phone.

"About that," Blaine said, about to continue when he heard the toilet flush and Kurt came out shyly.

"Ew, were you talking to me while you were on the toilet?" Wes asked, completely grossed out.

"Ew no," Blaine exclaimed, crouching down to pick the little boy up. "That's what I was about to explain to you."

"Explain what to me?"

"It wasn't me you heard flush the was Kurt." Blaine said, way to excited considering they were talking about the toilet.

"Wait, he's!?" Wes exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's sort of like a trial thing and if it goes well then I can file an adoption." Blaine explained, smiling at the little boy in his arms.

"Aw. I'm happy for you Blaine," Wes said honestly. "And I can't wait to meet the new man in your life."

"Oh hush," Blaine laughed. "You can come over tomorrow if you like?"

"Yes! I'll be there."

"Okay Wes. Bye." Blaine said, keeping in as much of his laughter as he possibly could.

"Bye Blainers." Wes said cheerfully, hanging up the phone and Blaine slid it carefully into his pocket while balancing Kurt's weight with one arm.

"Okay, what do you wanna do little one?" Blaine asked, tickling Kurt softly and eliciting a laugh from the six year old who hid his face in Blaine's neck before letting out a small yawn. "Sleepy?" Blaine asked and Kurt just snuggled up closer to the twenty five year old. "Let's get you to bed and I'll see if I can find a DVD for you to watch." And with that, Blaine took Kurt into his bedroom and got out a pair pyjamas for Kurt to change into while Blaine rummaged through his DVD's for something for Kurt. He came back into Kurt's room about five minutes later to find the small boy standing the middle of the room in his pyjamas, holding the clothes he changed out of in his hands and staring at them like he could control them with the power of his eyes. Blaine laughed slightly before taking the clothes from his hands and leading him into the bathroom where he showed Kurt the clothes hamper. After making sure Kurt knew where to put his dirty clothes, he took the blue eyed boy back into his bedroom, put on his Finding Nemo DVD and tucked the little boy into bed. "Night, Kurt." Blaine smiled.

"Night night." Kurt said happily, snuggling into his pillow as Blaine left the room awestruck. Blaine was falling asleep on the sofa when he heard screaming coming from upstairs. He jumped off the sofa and ran upstairs faster than he'd ever ran in his life and darted into Kurt's bedroom to find the small boy thrashing around and crying in his sleep. Blaine started to panic, he pulled his phone out and dialled the first person he could think of; Wes.

"Blainers! What's up?" Wes exclaimed when he picked the phone up.

"Wes, I'm freaking out. I put Kurt to bed and went downstairs and I just heard him screaming so I ran up here and he's thrashing around and crying in his sleep and I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Woah, okay. Firstly, breathe because if you don't do that you're not gonna be able to do much of anything. Secondly, don't wake him up, stay with him in case he does wake up but don't actually wake him up, just let it happen naturally."

"I really don't like just sitting here with him screaming and crying while he's freaking unconscious."

"I know, but if you wake him up you'll just freak him out. Do you want me to come over?"

"No, I'll be okay. Thank you, Wes."

"You're welcome. And if you need anything else just call me okay?"

"Thank you...again."

"Night Blaine." Wes laughed.

"Night." Blaine replied, ending the call and hoping that Kurt would either wake up or calm down. It took about five minutes for Kurt to wake up and Blaine honestly felt worse when he did. He was crying even harder than he was in his sleep and he looked so scared and lost. "Hey," Blaine said softly, brushing Kurt's hair out of his eyes. Kurt stared at him for a few moments before all but throwing himself at Blaine. "Sh, you're okay. It was just a dream." Blaine comforted, lying down on Kurt's bed and pulling the tiny body against him until he fell asleep, only Blaine fell asleep too...

Blaine awoke the next morning to the sound of his phone going off and he somehow managed to answer the phone and leave Kurt's room without waking the six year old up.

"Hello?" Blaine said sleepily, rubbing at his eyes in an attempt to wake up properly.

"I'm guessing you were asleep because I've been outside your house for about ten minutes now and I've been texting you basically all morning." Wes laughed.

"Ugh, I'm sorry, hold on." Blaine groaned, running downstairs and opening the door for Wes.

"Well you look like crap." Wes said, entering Blaine's house.

"Gee, thanks for that," Blaine deadpanned, slapping Wes on the back of the head. "I need coffee."

"You look like you haven't slept at all, Blaine."

"I have, I just ended up falling asleep in that stupidly tiny bed I bought for Kurt."

"You know what? I'm not even gonna ask," Wes laughed as Blaine handed him a mug full of coffee. "Thanks."

"How comes you're here so early anyway?" Blaine asked, sitting down at the small table in his kitchen as Wes sat down opposite him.

"Well I had nothing to do today and I figured you probably needed to go shopping for Kurt and we all know my car is more spacious than yours no matter how much you try to deny it."

"Ha ha," Blaine said sarcastically. "But yeah that sounds like a good idea, I need to get some stuff for him and I'll probably take him to the toy store or something because there's literally nothing for him to do here at the moment. Are you sure you wanna spend your day shopping for a six year old though?"

"I'm sure I'll survive." Wes joked as Kurt entered the kitchen unnoticed by Wes as his back was to the door.

"Hey," Blaine smiled at Kurt as Wes turned around to see a tiny child standing in the doorway. Kurt looked strangely between the two friends before walking over to Blaine and holding his arms up. Blaine placed his cup back on the table before leaning down slightly to pick the little boy up and set him on his lap. Kurt immediately snuggled into Blaine's chest. "You okay?" Blaine asked Kurt who somehow managed to keep snuggling closer to him. Kurt nodded in response, fisting Blaine's T-Shirt with his tiny hand. "I'm gonna make some breakfast, do you mind sitting with Wes for a little while?" Blaine asked, looking between the six year old and his best friend. Kurt stared at Wes with wide eyes for a few moments before eventually nodding and hopping off Blaine's lap. Kurt walked slowly over to Wes who already had his arms out for Kurt. He lifted the brown haired child off the floor and sat him gently in his lap.

Blaine made breakfast for the three of them and Kurt returned to his previous position on Blaine's lap where he munched happily on pieces of jam on toast until he was finished and turned to Blaine with a jam smothered face and jammy hands.

"Sticky." Kurt giggled, holding his hands up for Blaine to see.

"I can see that," Blaine laughed, picking Kurt up and carrying him over to the sink. He set Kurt on the kitchen counter before grabbing some kitchen towel and wetting it down. He gently wiped the jam from Kurt's mouth and hands before setting him down on the floor where he proceeded to run upstairs.

"I think you adopted...or are adopting the cutest kid ever." Wes said, watching Kurt run happily out of the kitchen.

"He's said more in the last two days than he has in the past four weeks that I've known him. Actually he only spoke to me for the first time yesterday."

"Well he seems happy enough here."

"I know I'm just...I'm worried I'm gonna screw something up."

"You're going to be fine," Wes said slowly, placing his hands on Blaine's shoulders. "Now go tell your little jam monster to get ready so we can go shopping and then I'll buy us all pizza later, okay?"

"Okay," Blaine laughed. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Okay, I'm gonna go shower quickly and sort some clothes out for 'my little jam monster' as you so eloquently put it. I'll be back in a bit."

About half an hour later, Blaine and Kurt were both ready to go shopping with Wes. Blaine carefully placed Kurt in the back of his best friends car before getting into the passenger seat. They ended up going to several different stores. They got a few pieces of furniture and décor for Kurt's room along with some new clothes, a few books, a drawing set and various other things for Kurt to keep himself entertained. After their shopping spree, they went back to Blaine's house and set Kurt in front of the TV with his colouring pens while Blaine and Wes sorted out the new furniture they bought for Kurt's bedroom and put away the six year old's new clothes and toys. Later on in the evening, Wes ordered pizza and Blaine put some on a plate for Kurt, cut up as Kurt appeared to be an extremely messy eater, before taking the rest of the box back into the living room for himself and Wes. Blaine put the TV on and sat on the sofa, pulling Kurt onto his lap and handing him his plate of pizza. The six year old chomped on the small pieces of food while Blaine and Wes watched whatever show was on TV at that particular moment. Eventually, Kurt fell asleep in Blaine's arms and the twenty five year old took the small boy to bed before helping Wes clean up the living room. Not long after that, Wes decided it was time for him to go home and Blaine collapsed happily into bed...his own bed this time.


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