Promises We Treasure.
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Promises We Treasure.: March

T - Words: 3,466 - Last Updated: Apr 17, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
146 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please review :)

When Jenna was finally released from hospital, Blaine all but refused to let her out of his sight. He would insist on cooking dinner every night while she sat in the living room with a blanket wrapped around her and would only allow her to go to the toilet if he helped her up the stairs. As much as she appreciated Blaine looking after her, he was kind of overbearing and acted as if she was incapable of moving by herself. Yes, she was still weak, but she was capable of walking up the stairs and back down by herself.

As for Kurt, he missed Blaine. He knew that Blaine was looking after his mom, but he didnt even seem to have time to text him anymore. Kurt was used to not seeing Blaine everyday, but he was used to texting him everyday at the very least, and he hated that he never seemed to have time for him anymore. Of course, he didnt say anything to Blaine as he thought it would just make him feel bad.

Instead, he just made his way to the twenty year olds house in hopes that he would actually have time for him.

"Kurt!" Blaine exclaimed when he opened the door, enveloping his boyfriend in a hug immediately.

"Hey," Kurt laughed, hugging Blaine back.

"Kurt!" Jenna called from the living room. "Please save me; my son is driving me insane."

Blaine shook his head with laughter, leading Kurt into the living room where Jenna was lying across the sofa.

"Im not that bad." Blaine said, sitting down on the other sofa and pulling Kurt onto his lap.

"Youre worse than that bad," Jenna laughed. "I appreciate you looking after me, but Im a grown woman. I can look after myself, but apparently you cant. When was the last time you ate a proper meal?"


"Thought so," Jenna replied. "Go spend some time with your boyfriend. The two of you just got back together and youve hardly seen each other."

Kurt looked down at Blaine, smiling softly at him as he huffed a little. "Fine."

"Try and eat something while youre at it, youre turning into a twig."

"Yes mother," Blaine laughed, pushing Kurt off his lap before crossing the room to press a kiss to his moms cheek. "I love you mommy."

"I love you too, now shoo."

Blaine took Kurts hand and led him out of the house, leaning his head against the sixteen year olds shoulder as they walked.

"Have I really been neglecting you?" Blaine asked, rubbing his thumb over the back of Kurts hand.

"A little," Kurt replied. "But its okay, I get why."

"Im sorry." Blaine said, burying his face in Kurts shoulder momentarily.

"Its okay." Kurt promised, kissing the top of his head.

Later that night, Blaine made his way to Kurts house - knowing that he was back to sleeping at Dalton - and asked Burt if he could talk to him. 

"So I um..."

"Spit it out." Burt said, laughing a little.

", as you know, Kurt and I just got back together but with everything thats happening with my mom, weve had practically no time to spend together, so I was wondering if maybe..." Blaine trailed off, unsure of how to phrase his question.

"If maybe..."

"If maybe I could takehimcampingfortheweekend?" He blurted out, not making eye contact with Burt.

"You think Im gonna let my sixteen year old son go camping with his twenty year old boyfriend for a whole weekend?"

"I know what it sounds like but I...I honestly just want to spend time with him, without any distractions. You know me - I wouldnt do anything to intentionally hurt Kurt and I would do anything to protect him. Were not going to go too far, I swear, so just...please?"

"Did Kurt put you up to this?" Burt asked, raising his eyebrow a little.

"He has no idea Im even here...I wanted to surprise him because Ive been basically ignoring him since we got back together."

"I dont know..." Burt mumbled, scratching his head thoughtfully.

"Please?" Blaine begged. "Ill get him to call you every day if I have to, Ill even write a daily report of what we do if you want me to just...please let me make this up to him, I cant lose him again."

"Okay," Burt sighed. "But I expect you back before dinner on Sunday and I want to know exactly where youre going before you leave. You dont have to call me or write me a daily report," He said, rolling his eyes teasingly. "Just look after him, okay?"

"Thank you!" Blaine exclaimed, jumping off the sofa and hugging Burt. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Youre welcome," Burt laughed, hugging Blaine back a little. "But, now its my turn to talk to you."

"Okay..." Blaine said skeptically, sitting back down.

"Calm down, kid," Burt laughed. "You look like you saw a ghost. I just wanted to let you know that you dont have to be so...stiff around me. Yes, I love Kurt more than anything and I will strangle you if you hurt him, but I love you as well, you know. I wasnt keen at first...Kurt was only fourteen - he was practically a baby when he met you - and I didnt know what your intentions were, but I know how much you love him. Youre like a second son to me now, okay?"

Blaine had tears in his eyes by the end of Burts speech, a huge smile on his face. "Thank you," Blaine smiled. "I think of you like that know. I mean, not like my second son, but like my dad," He laughed. "My dads a douche so..."

"Well, Im always here for me if you need me, okay?"

Blaine couldnt help himself when he hugged Burt a second time, grinning like an idiot. "Kurts really lucky to have you, you know," He said as he hugged the man. "I can clearly see where he gets all of his amazing features from."

"Nah, theyre from his mom," Burt laughed as Blaine pulled away and sat back down. "Hes just like here - looks like her too. She definitely wouldve loved you."

Blaine smiled. "I hope so..."

Kurt practically screamed when he got home the next day and Blaine told him they were going camping. He hugged Blaine tightly before immediately running upstairs to pack, elicting laughter from Blaine and Burt. Soon enough, Kurt was making his way back downstairs, changed from his Dalton uniform into his pyjamas as Blaine had told him they wouldnt get there until early hours of the morning. He had a backpack pulled over his shoulders and was clutching a small stuffed animal in his hands - Blaine knew it was the teddy Kurts mom gave to him when he was a baby and it was the most important thing in the world to him - smling widely. Blaine grinned, taking Kurts free hand into his own and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Okay, both of you be safe," Burt began. "And dont do anything I wouldnt do. I love you both." He smiled, pressing kisses to each of the boys heads before allowing them to leave.

"Im gonna stop for coffee first," Blaine said as he and Kurt buckled their seatbelts. "Do you want anything?"

"Im good," Kurt smiled, leaning his head against the chair. "I have to ask the hell did you get my dad to agree to this?"

"It was actually easier than I thought itd be," Blaine laughed. "I just told him the truth; that I wanted to do something special for you because Ive hardly been around since we got back together."

"Blaine, I already told you that I understand why and that you dont have to apologise."

"I know, but I miss you. I wanted to spend some time with you getting in the way."

"I love you," Kurt smiled. "Where are we even going?"

"I dont know the actual name of the place but I used to go there with my parents and Cooper when I was little sometimes. I dont know if its still there but there used to be a little stable not far and my mom would take me over to ride the horses while my dad took Coop fishing."

"Aww," Kurt giggled. "I can just imagine a little Blaine with wild curls, sitting on a horse and grinning cutely."

"Shh," Blaine laughed. "I used to love it, but then the problems with my parents started and I..."

"Hey," Kurt said softly, laying a hand on Blaines shoulder. "You okay?"

"Yeah...Ill be back in a minute." Blaine replied, pressing a kiss to Kurts lips before leaving the car and running into the coffee shop, returning a few minutes later.

The boys talked and sung for a few hours, but Kurt soon became tired and leaned his chair back a little, grabbing a blanket from his backpack and curling up on the seat, falling asleep to the gentle sound of Blaines humming.

Blaine smiled at the sight of his boyfriend sleeping soundly, a content smile on his face as he dreamed. Kurt was still asleep when they finally reached the campsite - unsurprisingly as it was three in the morning. Instead of waking him, Blaine grabbed their stuff from the car and set the tent up before setting the sleeping bags out and making his way back to the car. He gently shook Kurt awake, smiling at the soft noise of protest he made as he tiredly opened his eyes, wiping his eyes in a childlike manner.

"Come on," Blaine whispered, helping Kurt out of the car and grabbing the blanket he had wrapped around him. He shut the door and walked them over to the tent as Kurt cuddled into his side, gripping onto his hoodie. He helped Kurt into the tent as he was still mostly asleep before crawling in himself, pulling the blankets over his boyfriend and allowing him to snuggled up to him. "I love you." He said softly, pressing a kiss to Kurts head.

"Love you." Kurt mumbled sleepily, falling back to sleep instantly.

Blaine was shaken awake the next morning by an energetic Kurt.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Kurt exclaimed, shaking Blaine until he groaned and rolled over, blinking up at the sixteen year old before smiling softly. Kurt had a huge, excited grin on his face and his hair was a mess. "I wanna go explore!"

"Okay, okay," Blaine laughed, voice hoarse with sleep. "Just give me five minutes to wake up."

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!" Kurt replied, pulling some shoes on before leaving the tent.

Blaine exited the tent a few minutes later to find Kurt wondering around, taking photos of the view around them. He smiled, walking up to his boyfriend and wrapping his arms around him from behind, resting his head on Kurts shoulder. He slowly reached out with one hand and took the camera from Kurt, turning it around and pressing a kiss to Kurts cheek as he pressed the button to take a photo.

He turned it around afterwards to look at the photo, laughing a little. Kurts nose was scrunched up cutely as his hair blew around in the wind and Blaines nose was pressed right up against Kurts cheek, making it look like he was trying to eat the sixteen year old.

"Were adorable." Blaine laughed.

Kurt grinned, turning around in Blaines arms and pressing a kiss to his lips, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. "I am so ridiculously in love with you."

"I am so ridiculously in love with you too," Blaine laughed, taking Kurts hand into his own. "So, where to first?"

"Youre the tour guide here, you tell me."

"Well there isnt much to do on an empty field...we can go and see if that stable I talked about is still there?"

"Okay," Kurt grinned.

They walked hand in hand and much to Blaines happiness, the stable was still there. He lead Kurt inside where they found a few instructors grooming horses.

"Theyre so gorgeous," Kurt commented, walking up to one of the horses and petting him gently, smiling like an idiot. "I want one."

"I dont think your dad will appeal much to you having a horse sleep in your bed while youre at Dalton," Blaine laughed. "Do you wanna ride one?"

"Ive never ridden a horse before...Ive never even been this close to one before."

"That, my dear, is why instructors exist."

Soon enough, Kurt was complete in suitable clothes to ride a horse in and the instructor was helping him mount it. Blaine stood quietly to the side, taking photos of his boyfriend as he gently petted the horse. Blaine watched for a while as Kurt slowly rode the horse, taking photos of him happily. He got onto a horse a little while later, catching up with Kurt quickly before slowly down and riding side by side with him.

The boys were so lost in their own little world that they didnt even notice one of the instructors picking up the camera, taking photos of the two of them riding together. They both had huge smiles on their faces and Kurt was constantly exclaiming how cute the horses were.

"My butt hurts," Kurt laughed as they walked the horses back over to the stables. "That was so much fun though."

"Im surprised at how quickly you picked that up, actually. I honestly thought youd be more scared."

"How can I be scared of this cute little guy." Kurt said in a weird voice, petting the horse.

"Uh-oh, am I going to lose my boyfriend to a horse?" Blaine teased.

"Maybe," Kurt laughed, reaching out for Blaines hand. "Thank you for this."

Blaine just grinned, lifting Kurts hand up and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. 

They looked through the photos on the camera as they made their way back to the tent, Kurt leaning his head against Blaines shoulder and holding onto his arm as he pointed out his favourites.

"I cant wait to print these out and put them on my wall." Kurt wondered aloud, smiling at the photos of him and Blaine.

"Im pretty sure that wall has three thousand photos on it now." Blaine laughed.

"Memories," Kurt smiled. "There are three thousand memories."

"I love you." Blaine grinned, pressing a kiss to Kurts head.

"I love you too."

When they got back to the tent, Blaine made something to eat and Blaine wiping food from Kurts mouth resulted in an unexpected make-out session. Kurt all but pushed Blaine backwards onto the sleeping bag, climbing over him and enveloping his mouth in a deep kiss.

"I thought you wanted to explore?" Blaine asked breathlessy against Kurts lips, tangling his fingers in the sixteen year olds hair.

"I wanna explore you." Kurt mumbled, continuing to kiss his boyfriend.

Later that night, Kurt and Blaine cuddled up in bed and traded lazy kisses, smiles gracing their faces.

"I dont want to go home tomorrow." Kurt said, leaning his head against Blaines chest.

"We have a few hours," Blaine assured him. "Your dad said we have to be back before dinner, so that gives us a few hours before we have to leave."

"I know I just...I like being with you and just you. I like having no distractions and no rules."

"Our lives would be a mess if we lived without rules," Blaine laughed. "But I promise well come back here sometime. Maybe in the summer?"

"Okay," Kurt smiled, pressing a kiss to Blaines shoulder. "Blaine...I hate to ruin a good day but...whats going to happen when you go back to New York? I know things are different now, in a sense, but I...I cant go through that all again, Blaine. That was one of the worst periods of my life, and thats really saying something because the worst things Ive ever been through are losing my mom and the bullying."

"I promise you, you arent going to go through that again. Well miss each other and itll hurt but I...I swear, Im going to try harder this time. Im going to listen more and be there for you...I dont want to lose you again, and I dont think I could live with myself if I hurt you like that again."

"I cant wait until I graduate," Kurt wondered aloud, snuggling his head into the space between Blaines neck and shoulder. "All of this...mess will just be over and we can just be."

"Itll be harder than you think," Blaine laughed. "Ive seen what my parents were like and living with somebody, and being with them every single day is so much different to just dating."

"I think were way past just dating now, though," Kurt pointed out. "If I was the same age as you wed already be living together."

"Well I for one am excited to live with you," Blaine smiled. "I feel kinda bad for Rachel though, Ill basically just be leaving her..."



"I just kind of assumed youd still want to live with her. Like...the three of us."

"Not really," Blaine mumbled, closing his eyes and hugging Kurt close. "I like the idea of it just being us. Unless you wanted to?"

"No," Kurt replied instantly. "I love her but I dont think I could ever live with her." He laughed.

"Well, just us it is then." Blaine grinned, pressing a kiss to Kurts head.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Liar," Kurt giggled, resting his head over Blaines heart and listening to the thump-thump-thump of his chest. "I feel like this is a fairytale. It sounds depressing but sometimes I just...I just wait for something terrible to happen because I feel like love and romance is never this perfect...but the terrible thing never happens."

"I thought I was in love once," Blaine admitted, carding his fingers through Kurts hair. "It was my first boyfriend, and I thought he was the most amazing person on the planet. He was always sweet to me and bought me gifts and it always felt like I was floating on a cloud,"

"What changed?" Kurt asked.

"He was a little bit older than me - at the time, he was almost seventeen and I wasnt even sixteen - and hed always try to...pressure me, I guess. I mean, if he did something that I didnt like, hed apologise and stop but hed always make it seem like I was doing something wrong and I was only fifteen, so of course I felt like I actually was doing something wrong. I gave up eventually - much to his happiness - but it was horrible, and it should have never been like that. I started crying straight afterwards and he called me a baby. I didnt break up with him straight away, but I did eventually. I shouldve realised it was a stupid idea to be honest; he didnt go to my school and nobody even knew that I was with him, so he was basically hiding me away."

"Thats horrible," Kurt said, burying his face in Blaines hoodie.

"He took everything from me. He was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first...everything, and none of it should have been that way. I kinda thought that love didnt actually exist after that - what with my parents relationship being my only example to look at - but then I met you," He said, looking down at his boyfriend. "I knew from the second I met you that there was something special about you and the more I got to know you, the more in love with you I fell. That relationship was kind of why I was afraid to ask you out, though; I didnt want to become that guy...I didnt want to make you feel pressured into anything and I was worried that you might think I was...dominating you or you werent allowed to really be yourself around me because I was older and you felt like you had to make me happy."

"I promise you, Ive never felt that way around you. I mean, yeah I want to make you happy but I wouldnt do anything I didnt want to just because you told me to."

"I know," Blaine smiled. "Thats when I knew for sure that I was okay...that I was safe with you and you were safe with me."

Tears suddenly began to well up in Kurts eyes and he smiled softly, lovingly, at his boyfriend.

"You okay?" Blaine asked.

"I just...have you ever felt something so strongly that it kind of feels like your heart is going to explode out of your chest?"

"Every time I look at you," Blaine said softly, carding his fingers through Kurts hair. "Its like the first time we met all over again. The way my palms started sweating when you first put your hand in mine and I helped you off the floor. The way my heart fluttered and my throat went dry when I looked into your beautiful eyes for the first time."

"Youre such a sap," Kurt said with a smile, his voice breaking as a happy tear ran down his face. "I...I want to say I love you but that doesnt even being to cover it."

"Shut up then." Blaine grinned, pressing a kiss to Kurts lips to silence him.


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