Promises We Treasure.
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Promises We Treasure.: Epilogue

T - Words: 2,994 - Last Updated: Apr 17, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Author's Notes:

Please review :)

The next few months were an emotional rollercoaster for Kurt and Blaine. After everything fell back  into place, Blaine went home to New York - obviously - and that shook the boat a tiny bit, making the boys feel a little sea sick. Still, they marched through life with their heads held high and all too soon, Kurt was graduating from high school. 

Blaine was about to start his last year of college and had suddenly decided to switch majors - much to Kurts confusion.

"But you love performing!" Kurt tried to reason as he and Blaine sat opposite each other on the floor of the apartment theyd chosen to live in. Despite Kurts graduation approaching, the two boys had decided to spend a weekend in New York, apartment and furniture hunting so that they at least had something when Kurt moved. "Why would you want to change your major from music to child care studies?"

"Yes, I love performing but I...its not what I want to spend the rest of my life doing - at least I dont think I do. Im young, I can still change my mind and apply for different courses when I finish this year, know that I love kids."

"I love cheesecake but that doesnt mean I want to sit in a classroom all day disciplining it."

"Thats not the same thing and you know it," Blaine said defensively. "Why does it have to be such a big deal?"

"Because music has been your dream for as long as Ive known you."

"Dreams change." Blaine replied, picking up the Chinese containers theyd been eating out of and standing up, leaving the apartment briefly to throw the containers in a bin outside before returning.

"Im sorry," Kurt said guiltily, standing up, wrapping his arms around Blaines waist and burying his face in the twenty two year olds shoulder. "I know that dreams change and that youre allowed to change your mind as often as you like, and I should trust your judgement, and I do, but I cant help but feel like youre giving up on something youre exceptionally talented at."

"Im not giving up on it though," Blaine said softly, turning around in Kurts arms and wrapping his arms around the eighteen year olds neck. "Ill still sing and play the piano, I just wont be making my own music as a job. Ill still play at small cafes and things for fun, and Ill still sing you to sleep when you have a nightmare or youre upset, I just wont be doing it as a profession, because thats not what I want."

"I know, Im sorry." Kurt said, accepting the soft kiss Blaine pressed to his lips as he cradled his face gently.

"You are forgiven," Blaine said, grinning cutely. "Lets go get some sleep, were flying back to Ohio tomorrow and youre graduating, you need your beauty sleep!"

"I cant believe in graduating already," Kurt laughed, allowing Blaine to lead him to the makeshift bed theyd created on the floor as their bed hadnt been put together at that point in time. "Actually I can. What I cant believe is its been four years since I met you."

"Ugh, youre making me feel old," Blaine groaned as they climbed under the blankets, smiling at Kurt as he laid beside him. "I graduated like three years ago."

"Youre not old," Kurt laughed. "Twenty two isnt old, if it was then I probably wouldnt be dating you."

"It makes me feel old. Im sure it was just yesterday that I was tripping over a chair in dance class and running to my mum crying when she came to pick me up because my tooth came out."

"The scary thing about that statement is that it actually could have happened yesterday," Kurt laughed. "Youre always tripping over stuff."

"Shh," Blaine said with a laugh, pulling Kurt into his arms. "Sleep."

"I love you."

"Love you too." Blaine replied, shutting his eyes.


A few minutes later, "Why were there chairs in your dance class?"

Blaine just laughed, hugging Kurt close and drifting to sleep.

Two days later, Blaine sat excitedly in the audience, impatiently waiting for Kurt to graduate. He was sat with Jenna and Burt, the same way Kurt had when he graduated, grinning when he caught a small glimpse of Kurt at the side of the stage. He was talking to Wes - Blaine thought it was Wes anyway - as he bounced nervously on his feet, complete in his graduation gown and cap.

"My time at Dalton has been...interesting to say the least," Kurt began when it was time for his speech, smiling sweetly. "But it was definitely memorable, and Ive made a lot of friends that I intend on keeping for the rest of my life. I went through a lot at my old school, and ended up having to transfer here half way through the year, which was difficult. I had just started at high school and all of a sudden I was changing to a different high school. I remember on my first day, I got lost in the jungle that is Dalton, and I ended up locking myself in a bathroom stall, crying my eyes out over the phone to my boyfriend. I eventually left the stall and I met this guy, who I ended up dating for about a month," He chuckled, turning around to face Nick who was laughing and wiping his eyes with a tissue. "But that guy became my best friend, and stayed my best friend despite the huge riot our relationship caused, so thank you. Thank you for being there for me through everything and - oh god, here come the waterworks," He said with a laugh, wiping his eyes with his sleeve as a few laughs sounded around the room. 

"Thank you to Jeff and Wes, too. Although Ive never been as close with you guys, youve both talked me out of being an idiot and youre both always there for me too. Thank you to the most amazing man that ever existed, my daddy," More tears left Kurts eyes as he smiled at his dad, somehow able to see the tears that were falling down the mans cheeks as Blaine nudged him a little. "Thank you for...just everything. Thank you for always being there for me, even when you were heartbroken and terrified, with no idea how to look after a grieving eight year old by yourself. Thank you for always putting up with me when I became my stubborn self and threw a tantrum over stupid things. Thank you for paying for tuition here, even though the price wasnt exactly within your range, when my whole world seemed to come crashing down just to protect me. But more than anything, thank you for being my dad. I love you. Now moving onto the person thats probably going to have me sobbing up here and making a fool of myself," He said with a laugh, looking at Blaine who was crying equally as much as he was.

"Blaine...Youre my everything. Weve been through our fair share of ups and downs, and Im sure we have plenty more of each to come, but throughout everything, youve been there for me more than anyone. You always know when theres something wrong, and you always squeeze it out of me because you know that Im stubborn, but you also know that I need to talk about whats wrong to feel okay again. You always put up with me, even when I act like a jerk and you probably want to slap me, and you..." Kurt let out a small sob, wiping his eyes frantically. "I love you more than anything, you big goofball. The past few years, knowing you has been the best thing thats ever happened to me, and I cant wait to finally start the next chapter of my life with you. Okay, Im going to stop speaking now because Im a mess and you probably couldnt care less about anything Im saying. Congratulations graduates!"

Cheers and whoops erupted in the room, accompanied by laughter from Kurts banter, but the only thing Kurt and Blaine noticed anymore was each other. Their eyes stared deep into each others from across the room as the other figures in the room blurred from the tears that were still falling. Speeches were spoken and congratulations were received, but nothing mattered to either boy. People soon began to shuffle around, moving towards the stage as graduates left it one by one. Limbs became tangled and sobs escaped bodies as Kurt darted from the stage, running towards Blaine and pouncing on him; his arms circling his neck and his legs wrapping around his waist as he hid his face in the twenty two year olds shoulder, crying loudly and openly with a smile on his face. Blaine just about caught him, gripping him tightly and crying with him. 

Neither boy were sure when or how it happened, but they had moved their heads at some point and their lips were tangled together, slotting together perfectly as if they were puzzle pieces. An amused cough caused Blaine to lower the eighteen year old to the ground, reluctantly breaking their kiss as they turned to face their parents.

Later in the evening, Kurt and Blaine were making their way to Nicks house for a graduation party. Blaine originally told Kurt to go by himself but Kurt refused to go without him. As Blaine watched Kurt get drunk for the first time, he was amused. The eighteen year old turned into an adorable ball of excitement and it was the sweetest thing in Blaines eyes - he just prayed Burt was asleep when they got back, or hed probably get murdered. 

"And we can walk to college together and oh! I can bring you lunch when youre at work and be all here dear, you left this at home and then kiss you and skip happily down the street and New York is going to be so much fun." Blaine had been listening to Kurt ramble about how fun New York was going to be for at least half an hour and he couldnt help but laugh at his boyfriends enthusiasm.

"You should drink more often." Blaine laughed.

"Im going to feel like poop tomorrow, arent I? I wouldnt know but I think that Ill feel like poop."

"Ill look after you." Blaine assured him with a chuckle.

"My hero!" Kurt exclaimed, sprawling out across Blaines lap with a grin on his face. "Hey...hey! Nick and Jeff are making out...Why are Nick and Jeff making out?" Kurt asked, looking up at his boyfriend expectantly to find him lost in a world of his own. "Blaine." Kurt whined, poking his boyfriend.

"What- oh. I dont know," Blaine shrugged. "Theyre drunk so..."

Kurt giggled all of a sudden, staring up at Blaine with wide eyes. "Youre the only person here that can legally drink, and youre the only person not drinking!" He was in fits of laughter; burying his face in Blaines top and giggling uncontrollably. Blaine just shook his head with silent laughter, carding his fingers through Kurts hair until he calmed down.

Getting Kurt into his car later that night was a mission, to say the least. He saw a bird and chasing it suddenly became the most interesting thing in the world as he leaped around, giggling when he managed to catch the bird. It sat on his hand for a good five seconds before it flew off, causing Kurt to frown.

"It left me," He said, happily going into Blaines arms as he walked him back to the car. He suddenly became emotional, gripping onto Blaines jacket and hiding his face. "Dont leave me."

"Im not going anywhere, promise." Blaine said, pressing a kiss to the top of Kurts head.

"Good. I dont want you to flap your wings and fly away from me too."

"I dont have wings -"

"Shh, no speaking," Kurt said, clumsily climbing into the car and leaning against the headrest as Blaine pulled his seatbelt across him. "Im grieving."

Blaine laughed softly, pressing a kiss to Kurts cheek before shutting the door and walking around to the other side of the car. As soon as they left the car, Kurt became his giggly self again, despite Blaine trying to shush him.

"Youre going to wake your dad up." Blaine protested when Kurt exclaimed I love laughing!

"Im awake," Burt announced, making his way downstairs.

"Daddy!" Kurt exclaimed with a grin, giggling again.

Burt and Blaine eventually got Kurt into the living room - his bedroom was mostly packed up, so he was sleeping on one of the sofas while Blaine slept on the other - and onto the sofa, covered by a blanket. He was asleep almost instantly and Blaine groaned, pulling his fingers through his hair.

"Im sorry," Blaine said guiltily as he followed Burt into the kitchen, pouring himself some milk.

"For what?" Burt laughed. "Do you honestly think I expected any less than what happened? Its his graduation, hes eighteen, I knew that this would happen. Im not mad, at either of you."

"But I should have been more responsible and -"

"You were responsible, Blaine," Burt argued. "You didnt drink so that you could make sure he was safe and you could drive him home, Im pretty sure thats being responsible."

"I guess."

"Besides, you couldnt have stopped him. Youre not his dad - thats my job - youre his boyfriend, and youre going to be living together in a few days so youre going to have to deal with this stuff. Speaking of living are you feeling?"

Blaine grinned around the mug he was drinking from. "I cant wait. And before you tell me its going to be a lot different and its a big step, I know. I know that its gonna change a lot of things, especially after being away from each other for the better part of three years, but just knowing that I get to wake up every day and see his face makes the nerves go away."

"You guys are already like an old married couple, god only knows what youre going to be like living together." Burt chuckled.

"It sounds kind of weird but Im more excited for when were older...When were both done with college and I can walk through the door after work and say hi, honey, how was your day? and..."

"Kids?" Burt guessed, recieving a small nod from Blaine. "Its okay to talk to me about it, you know. I know that you arent ready to talk to Kurt about it yet, but Im not going to say anything to him."

"Do you think he wants kids?" Blaine asked, sitting opposite Burt at the kitchen table. "I know, and he knows, that I love kids and Id love to have kids but Ive never seen him with kids and hes only just turned eighteen so weve obviously never talked about it."

"I honestly dont know," Burt admitted. "I know that he gets along well with them, but hes never mentioned wanting them or not wanting them."

"The other day...I told him that I was changing my major from music to child care and taking music as a minor because Im thinking about working in a nursery or something instead of as a musician and he kind of...I dont know if got mad at me is the right wording, but he seemed to think I was making a mistake. That probably doesnt have anything to do with whether or not he wants kids might?"

"I dont know. Look, you can either talk to Kurt about it if youre really worried, or you can wait until the time is right and talk to him about it then. Im sure he knows that you want to have kids though, even I know how much you love them."

"I dont know what it is, theyre just...theyre so loveable," Blaine laughed. 

"What made you change from music to kids?"

"I...I just enjoy being around kids for some reason. I dont know if working in a nursery is the right thing for me, though. Id like to really be able to help them, you know? Kids that dont have families or who have disabilities. Kids that close-minded people think of as weird or strange because they arent as privilleged as everyone else...I guess I just want to help make their lives easier, or at least a little more enjoyable."

Burt smiled at him softly. "This is completely off topic but...Im really glad Kurt found you - Im glad you found each other. There are some messed up people out there, and Im just glad that my son met one of the good ones. Im glad that you met him too though, I know how happy he makes you."

Blaine was awaken the next morning by the sound of retching. He blinked his eyes open to see Kurt leaning over the side of the sofa, hurling into a bin with tears falling down his face. He frowned, getting off of the sofa he was on, making his way over to his boyfriend and rubbing his back gently.

"Oh, baby," Blaine frowned, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.

"Please dont let me drink ever again." Kurt sobbed, turning around and snuggling into Blaines arms, tears soaking the twenty two year olds shirt.

"Youll be okay," Blaine assured him. "We need to get some food into you though, come on." He said, receiving a groan from Kurt as he eased him up from the sofa and lead him into the kitchen.

He made Kurt toast as he knew there wasnt a chance in hell that hed be able to get him to eat much else. He then demanded that Kurt take a shower and found some comfortable clothes to change into before the two boys went back downstairs and cuddled up on the sofa, watching TV for the remainder of the day.

Two days later, Kurt and Blaine were making their way back to New York - for good. They were both a mixture of nerves and excitement, but they were both looking forward to beginning their new lives together.


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