May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
This chapter & the next chapter are my faves :)
That one simple word made Blaine break and he darted towards Kurt, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his face in his shoulder. Kurt was a little shocked, but he wrapped his arms around Blaines body nonetheless and hugged him close, breathing in the scent hed missed so much.
"Hi." Blaine replied, his voice muffled.
The two boys reluctantly pulled apart and stared at each other with equal amounts of sadness and despair in their eyes.
"Lets go inside." Kurt said, attempting a smile as he held the door open for Blaine.
They found a table to sit at and both ordered a drink, sitting in awkward silence for a while.
"You look...awful actually." Blaine said, fiddling with his hands.
"That makes two of us then," Kurt chuckled. "I havent been sleeping or...uh, eating for days."
Blaine nodded, staring down at the table. "I...I feel like I should say something but I honestly have no idea what Im supposed to say."
"What do you want to know?"
"Everything," Blaine said. "I just...everything. Start from the beginning maybe?"
"Okay, well...My name is Kurt Hummel, I was born on May 27th, 1871 -" Kurt heard Blaines sharp intake of breath but continued anyway. "I died on May 26th, 1888 - the day before my seventeenth birthday and the day that I came out to my dad. He wasnt...accepting, it was the 1800s after all, and he kicked me out. I basically just wandered around all night and someone found me, and...well, killed me. When I realised I was a vampire, the first thing I did was go home. I found my dad and I..." Kurt closed his eyes and took a deep breath, wishing he didnt have to think about all of the stupid, regrettable things he did. "I killed him -"
"Kurt -"
"I wanted him to feel the pain that I felt when he told me I wasnt his son anymore, and its probably the stupidest thing Ive ever done. I went kind of crazy after that and just killed anybody I could find. I was still hurting and suddenly it felt even worse than it did before - when youre a vampire, your feelings are kind of...intensified. I calmed down after a while and learned to block out that pain until it didnt really hurt anymore. I sort of became numb to everything after that, though, and I didnt care about anybodys feelings and I never let myself feel. I didnt kill people as much as I used to but I still did...a lot."
"What about when you met me?" Blaine asked, his stomach twisting into knots.
Kurt took a deep breath before speaking. "When I first saw you I...I wanted to rip you apart," He admitted, noticing how tears welled up in Blaines eyes. "I could smell your blood from the other side of the room and for some reason the scent was a lot stronger than everybody elses. Thats the reason that I came over to you in the first place. But then you ran away from me and I started feeling guilty, and for somebody whod been ignoring their feelings for over a hundred years, that wasnt a fun experience. I saw the car almost hit you and I kind of felt like I was going to puke, so I ran after you and pushed you out of the way. When you went home, I fed on some random person, thinking that it might help me to forget about you but it didnt. I just felt empty and I wasnt the least bit satisfied that Id killed someone, I was the complete opposite.
Then I saw you at the restaurant, and I mentally told myself that I was going to kill you. When I finally got you away from your friends, I thought that Id actually do it for a minute. Then you asked me on that stupid date and I genuinely wanted to go. Not to kill you, but to actually spend time with you. Since then, I havent once had the urge to kill you. I havent really wanted to kill anybody, I only did for a while because I had to eat."
Blaine wiped away the tears that had fallen and sniffled a little. "You nearly killed my best friend."
"I know, and Im so, so sorry," Kurt said earnestly. "He was winding me up deliberately and I didnt see that he was trying to get me to bite him on purpose."
"You lost your temper," Blaine said, understanding what Kurt was saying. "And you bit him. What if that happens with us? What if were arguing and I say something you dont like?"
"I would never hurt you Blaine," Kurt replied. "I...you might not be ready to hear this but I really need to say it -"
"Kurt, dont -"
"I love you," Kurt said in a rush of breath. "And I know that sounds ridiculous, but I swear to you, I mean it."
"Kurt," Blaine said, full on crying now. "I believe you. But I cant...I cant be with somebody who kills innocent people."
"Ill stop," Kurt said. "There are loads of vampires who feed on animal blood instead of human blood and they survive."
"Kurt, stop -"
"Please," Kurt begged, a tear falling down his cheek. "Ill do anything to be with you, just please give me a chance."
"Kurt, I cant just..." Blaine sighed, wiping his tears. "I need some time, okay? I need to think about everything that youve told me. Its not a no, but its not a yes either."
Kurt nodded, wiping the tear away. "Okay."
Blaine stood up and walked around the table, pressing a kiss to Kurts cheek. "Ill call you."
And then he was gone.