May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
I promise this is the last time Im splitting a chapter into two parts!
Blaine didnt get out of bed the next morning. He told his mom he wasnt feeling well and she finally left him alone and went to work.
He let his mind wander to the dates hed had with Kurt and how...special hed felt. He couldnt believe hed been so naïve as to think that he could actually trust some random guy thatd hed met in a club, but hed seemed so...trustworthy.
A tear fell from Blaines eye as he remembered the previous nights events. He wouldve preferred to be dating a serial killer, but Kurt...he wasnt even human.
Blaines thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing. He wiped his eyes and picked it up to see Wes name on the caller ID, which made him cry even more.
"Hello?" He sniffled.
"Are you okay?" Wes asked.
"No," Blaine cried, shaking his head even though Wes couldnt see him. "I cant believe he...he...Why werent you scared of him?"
"Because I already knew." Wes admitted.
"And you didnt think to warn me!?" Blaine all but screamed into the phone, sitting up in bed.
"What was I supposed to say!? Blaine, you cant date this guy, hes a vampire. You wouldnt have believed me."
"He couldve killed me!" Blaine cried. "You shouldve told me Wes! You should have made me believe you!"
"The whole reason I even confronted him last night was to protect you!" Wes retorted.
Blaine curled himself into a little ball and buried his face as he cried harder. "I dont like being by myself," He admitted. "Im scared."
"He cant go out in daylight, so youre okay for now."
"How are you, by the way?" Blaine asked, trying to calm himself down. "Youre the one who got a chunk of your neck bitten off."
"Thats not how vampires -" Wes sighed, giving up. "Im okay. It hurts a little, but it hurt more when he was actually biting me."
"I dont get it..." Blaine said. "Why did he bite you and not me? Was it some sick plan to try and hurt me?"
"I sort of...provoked him."
"Wes!" Blaine shouted. "He couldve killed you!"
"I know, I just wasnt thinking."
"I dont know what to do," Blaine admitted. "I still really like him, Wes. I mean...not him, but the him that I knew."
"Please dont tell me youre actually considering..."
"No!" Blaine exclaimed. "Wes, I...I just have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that he was telling the truth. That he really does like me and didnt want to hurt me."
"You cannot be serious! Blaine, he isnt human. He has no idea what love is."
Blaine swallowed. "Yeah," He said, his voice breaking. "Yeah...I know."
"Ive gotta go," Wes said. "I have to get to class."
"Okay," Blaine replied. "Bye."
Blaine stared at his phone for a few seconds after he hung up before angrily throwing it across the room, letting out a frustrated cry. He buried his face in his hands and cried until he was unable to cry any longer.
When the sky began to get dark, Blaine got up and sat on his window seat. He leaned his head against the glass and stared at the stars, the previous night repeating like a song in his head.
Its a little heavy, but its not like ripping my arm off or anything.
I dont exactly have the...best history.
I still miss her so much...and it was so long ago.
I dont really let myself cry all too often.
Blaine felt so stupid. How had he not realised that something was wrong? He shouldve noticed that there was something off about Kurt. He hadnt realised how serious people were being when they said he wore his heart on his sleeve and hed end up getting hurt someday if he wasnt careful.
The worst thing about the whole situation, however, was that he actually missed Kurt. He knew, deep down, that he should hate Kurt for lying to him and for even trying to be with him to begin with, but he couldnt help but feel like it was wrong not texting him or talking to him.
Only once his parents were home did Blaine move from the window. He went downstairs into the living room and played the same song on the piano over and over for hours before he finally dragged himself back to bed and fell into an uneasy sleep once again.