March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review :D
Kurt carried his sleeping little girl to the car, opening the back door and gently putting her into her car seat. The five month old whimpered softly in her sleep as Kurt settled her into her seat, fisting his jumper with her little hand.
“Shh,” Kurt said softly, strapping her into the seat and kissing her gently on her forehead before closing the door and getting into the front seat. Blaine and Wes were already in the car; Blaine in the passenger seat and Wes in the back next to the baby. “She's probably gonna be asleep for most of the night, except when I feed her, so do you guys wanna come back and watch a movie or something?” He asked his friends who looked at each other before nodding.
Just as Kurt was pulling up outside his apartment, Alyson woke up and started to cry.
“I'm coming baby,” Kurt said to Alyson before getting out of the car and opening the back door, gently taking the baby out of her car seat. “Shh,” He said, rubbing her back as Blaine and Wes also got out of the car. “Blaine, can you-” Kurt began, fumbling with his keys while he tried to calm the baby down.
“Got it,” Blaine said, taking Kurt's keys and locking the car before walking up to Kurt's apartment and unlocking the door.
“Shh, Ally,” Kurt whispered, cradling the crying baby to his shoulder.
“Are you okay?” Blaine asked, closing the door once everyone was inside.
“She's never like this...I think she's tired.” Kurt replied, still rubbing calming circles over Alyson's back.
“Do you need any help with anything?”
“Oh god,” Wes groaned. “You're one of those obnoxious independent people who don't say yes to help easily, aren't you?”
“I am not obnoxious,” Kurt pouted, just as Ally let out a huge wail. “Yes, okay, I need help. Blaine, do you mind warming her milk up for me please?”
“Sure...um, where's...”
“In the cupboard in the kitchen on the left, the milks in the fridge, just put it in the microwave for a minute.” Kurt explained.
“Okay.” Blaine said, disappearing into the kitchen.
“Thank you.” Kurt sighed, burying his face in his baby's head.
“Do you need me to do anything?” Wes offered.
“Um...if you go into that room,” Kurt began, pointing to one of the doors in his apartment. “There should be a white bunny in there somewhere, could you get that for me while I try and change her into her pyjamas please?”
“Yup,” Wes agreed, wandering into the room that Kurt pointed out. When Wes entered the room, he couldn't help but smile at the sight. The walls were painted yellow with a purple stripe going all the way around the room. There were little white stars painted on the yellow above the purple stripe, and a crescent moon on the wall next to a little baby's crib. There was a small, what looked to be handmade, mobile dangling over the baby's bed with little bunnies hanging down. The room had a light pink carpet covering the floor and there were several different toys in the corner next to a small-ish, but still quite big for a baby, wardrobe. Wes instantly spotted the white bunny resting in the crib, and took it out before leaving the room. “This the one?” Wes confirmed as he left the room, holding the bunny up for Kurt to see.
“Yes, thank you,” Kurt sighed, taking the bunny and giving it to the still crying baby who was now lying on a changing mat. “What's that, Bubba?” Kurt said cutely as the five month told took the toy, but continued crying. “Seriously, what is up with you today?” Kurt asked rhetorically, continuing the challenge of changing his baby while she was thrashing around crying.
“Did you decorate that room by yourself?” Wes asked randomly, kneeling on the floor next to Kurt and the baby.
“Yeah,” Kurt nodded. “I did it in the summer. She slept a lot when she was younger so I didn't really have much to do.”
“It looks amazing.”
“Thanks,” Kurt smiled as Blaine re-entered the living room and handed him the bottle full of warm milk. “Okay, you know what? I'll try changing you after you've eaten.” Kurt said, lifting the baby up even though she was only dressed in her onesie. He balanced the clearly distraught baby on his hip as she hugged her bunny and started feeding her. Alyson screwed her face up as Kurt fed her, but continued drinking the milk nonetheless.
After a few moments, Alyson turned her head away from the bottle and began crying again.
“Ally,” Kurt whined restlessly. Just when Kurt was going to try and feed her again, Alyson reintroduced everyone to her food down the front of her onesie and continued crying painfully.
“Ew.” Wes grimaced, causing Blaine to slap him on the arm.
“Shh,” Kurt said to the little girl, placing the bottle on the table near the sofa and kissing the top of her head. He sat down on the sofa, pulling a bag of baby wipes out of Alyson's changing bag and gently cleaning her face.
Blaine and Wes both noticed tears welling up in Kurt's eyes as he wiped Alyson's chin and tried to calm down the little girl.
“Are you okay?” Blaine asked, placing his hand on Kurt's shoulder and rubbing gently. Kurt shook his head in reply.
“She's never been ill before. I mean she's had runny noses and stuff but she's never actually been sick before and she won't stop crying and I don't know what to do.” Kurt said, breaking into tears as he became increasingly worried.
“Hey, hey, shh...” Blaine said, scooting closer and rubbing Kurt's back comfortingly. “Do you want us to do anything?”
“Can...can one of you use my phone and call Rachel please? Her dads should know what to do.”
“I'll do it,” Wes said, grabbing Kurt's phone from the table. “You stay with him.” He said to Blaine before walking into the kitchen and scrolling through Kurt's contacts.
“Kurt!” Rachel exclaimed when she picked up the phone.
“Hey, um, it's Wes actually...” Wes said awkwardly.
“Oh, hey...wait, I'm confused.”
“Yeah, um. Here's the thing...Alyson hasn't stopped crying since we got back to Kurt's and when he fed her she just threw it back up. He's freaking out and crying because he doesn't know what to do and he said your dads will probably know?”
“I'll go talk to them, hold on...they said just get Kurt to take her to the doctors, they'll be able to tell if she's actually sick or if she just has an upset stomach, but she's probably sick if she won't stop crying. Oh yeah, they also said try and calm Kurt down because she reflects his emotions and it won't help if he's freaking out and crying.”
“Thank you,” Wes sighed. “You're a life saver.”
“No problem. Tell Kurt I hope she gets better.”
“I will...bye.”
“Bye.” Rachel replied, hanging up the phone.
Wes re-entered the living room to find that Kurt had mostly calmed down, but Blaine still looked worried as hell about him and Alyson was clinging onto Kurt crying her eyes out.
“What did she say?” Blaine asked as Wes sat down on the sofa.
“She said to take her to the doctors because they'll know what's wrong with her. She's probably sick because she keeps crying though. Oh, and Kurt, she said try and stay calm because Alyson will reflect your emotions and if you're freaking out then she'll freak out.” Wes explained.
“Okay, I'm gonna change her and then get changed myself because she's gotten sick down my jumper,” Kurt said shakily, getting up and going back over to the changing mat for a second attempt at putting her into her pyjamas. This time it was much easier as she had tired herself out with all of the crying, but it was still a struggle. “Can you look after her while I get changed please?” Kurt asked Blaine tiredly. “Her bunny is there and she has her dummy in the changing bag but I'm not sure that will really help at this point.”
“Yeah,” Blaine said, taking the baby into his arms and giving her the toy bunny. She started crying harder at being taken away from her daddy, but calmed a little once she wore herself out again.
Kurt returned a few minutes later in clean clothes and took Alyson back, the five month old immediately snuggling up to him. She had mostly stopped crying, and had resulted to just whimpering every time Kurt moved.
“I know baby,” Kurt whispered into the top of her head as he grabbed his phone and slid it into his pocket.
“Do you want us to stay here or...?” Wes asked awkwardly.
“Blaine, can you come with me?” Kurt asked. “I kind of just don't want to be by myself right now.”
“Yes, but I'm driving. You're a mess and I'd prefer it if we made it there in one piece.”
“Thank you,” Kurt said to him, getting ready to leave. “If you want anything to eat or drink or whatever just help yourself, I really don't care.”
“Okay,” Wes replied, ushering Kurt and Blaine to the door. “Bye.” He waved as they left.