I'm Trying To Tell You
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'm Trying To Tell You: Chapter 4

T - Words: 1,278 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Sep 16, 2013 - Updated: Sep 16, 2013
174 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Yeah...the end of this was supposed to be a cliffhanger but I couldn't think of anything all that dramatic. It technically is a cliffhanger because there's gonna be more of Blaine's visit in the next chapter but yeah...PLEASE REVIEW! :D

I have a baby.”


Blaine froze. Did he hear that right? “I...you...what?”


Blaine, -”


You have...you...wow, okay.”


Blaine, please just-” Kurt was cut off again.


How do you even...you're gay.”


It's a really long story, please just let me explain.”


How do you explain something like that!?” Blaine exclaimed incredulously, standing up from the bed and pacing his room.


Blaine, please-” Kurt pleaded, starting to cry again.


Please what!?”


This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you!” Kurt shouted suddenly, running out of Blaine's room crying as he did before.


Kurt, wait!” Blaine exclaimed, running out of the room after Kurt, but he was already gone. Blaine re-entered his room, angrily slamming his door shut before falling face first on his bed with a groan.


Blaine didn't leave his room at all that day, hell, he didn't leave his bed that day.


Blaine, I swear to god if you don't open this door I will break it open!” Wes exclaimed from outside Blaine's dorm. Blaine reluctantly dragged himself off his bed and opened the door, lazily leaning against the door frame.

“What?” Blaine asked.

“You look a mess...what happened?”


Thanks for that. It doesn't matter.”


It obviously does if whatever it was made you lock yourself away all day.” Wes pointed out.


Suddenly Blaine got an idea, he just needed a way to make it happen.


Wes...I need your help, but it could end up getting the both of us in a lot of trouble...” Blaine said, standing up straighter.


Will it make you feel better?”




Let's do it.”


Wait, really?” Blaine asked incredulously.


Yes, really. But if I were you I'd get changed and make your hair look decent again before leaving this room.” Wes replied, earning him a playful slap on the arm from Blaine.


Half an hour later found the two best friends breaking into the school offices in search of Kurt's address. Of course, Blaine didn't tell Wes the whole story, he would never do that to Kurt, but he explained some of it.


They finally found Kurt's address, and Wes practically ushered Blaine out of school, telling him that everything would be okay. Blaine made his way to Kurt's place with no problems at all, but kind of started freaking out when he parked his car.


Okay Blaine, you can do this.” Blaine whispered to himself before leaving his car. He approached Kurt's apartment and knocked nervously on the door. Kurt opened the door a few moments later with a small baby cradled in his arms.




Hi.” Blaine said awkwardly.


What are you doing here? How did you even know where I lived?” Kurt asked.


Wes and I may or may not have broken into the schools student files,” Blaine admitted. “I came to apologise.”

“For what?” Kurt asked, stepping to the side to let Blaine into his apartment.


For not listening to you. It's just...it's a lot to process and I freaked out.”


I get it. I mean it's not everyday you have a gay seventeen year old telling you that he has a baby.” Kurt shrugged.


I still should have listened.”


It's okay.”


No it's not, stop making excuses for me,” Blaine said definitely. “I'm ready to listen if you're willing to explain still?”


Yeah, yeah, just...let me put her to bed.” Kurt replied, motioning to the sleeping baby in his arms. He went into one of the few rooms in the small apartment before returning a few moments later.

“Do you...do you live here by yourself?” Blaine asked upon Kurt's return.


Yeah,” Kurt nodded. “I promise I'll explain everything.”


Okay.” Blaine acknowledged, following Kurt over to his sofa.


So,” Kurt said, sitting down on the sofa and pulling his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around himself almost protectively. “I should probably start at the beginning.”


You seem even more nervous than you were to tell me that you had a baby...”


I've just never told anyone the whole story before.”


You don't have to.” Blaine told him.


Yeah I do. I told you, I really like you and it's not fair if I don't explain everything.”


Take your time, I'm not in a rush.” Blaine assured him, gently taking one of Kurt's hands and smiling softly at him.


Okay,” Kurt said, taking a deep breath. “So, when I came out to my dad, he was supportive and okay with it. Then he started seeing this woman, she had a son in my school. My dad started hanging out with him and taking him to football games and stuff and I felt like he was disappointed in me because I wasn't straight and into the same stuff as him. So I joined the football team, trying to prove a point to him. I started dressing differently and trying to lower my voice. I even started dating this girl called Brittany. I invited her over to my house when I knew my dad would walk in on us and made out with her. It was gross,” He said, eliciting a laugh from Blaine. “Anyway, I dated her for about a week before my dad realised what I was doing. He reassured me that he was okay with me being gay, but I still felt left out. I started dating Brittany again and well...you can figure out what happened then,” He explained shakily, receiving a gentle squeeze to his hand from Blaine. “When she told me, I freaked out. It was bad enough that I'd even done anything with her, let alone getting her pregnant. She told me that her mum was making her move once she'd had the baby, and apparently she couldn't handle raising a baby by herself and I kind of didn't want her to anyway. She freaked out after she had the baby and left without saying anything, but left the baby with me. My dad only found out after the baby was born, because I couldn't just leave her. He said that he was disappointed in me, but mostly because I didn't tell him. He...he...” Kurt was basically bawling his eyes out at this point and couldn't get the words out of his mouth, but Blaine knew what he was trying to say.


Blaine pulled him forward into a hug as the chestnut haired teen sobbed into his shoulder.


Shh,” Blaine said soothingly, playing with the hair at the back of Kurt's head, trying to calm his friend down.


Blaine, I'm scared.” Kurt sobbed into his shoulder, clinging onto Blaine like his life depended on it.


Scared of what?”


I'm scared that you're gonna realise how much of a screw up I am like everybody else in my life and you're gonna leave me too.”


Kurt, you're not a screw up,” Blaine said, pulling back to look Kurt in the eyes. “You made one mistake, that doesn't make you a screw up.”


It wasn't a mistake,” Kurt said, shaking his head. “I mean, the whole being with a girl and getting her pregnant was, but the result of that wasn't. I love that little girl more than anything.”


I have an idea,” Blaine said randomly, and Kurt looked at him with a confused expression. “I still really like you. Nothing that you've said to me has changed that. So, how about we trying being friends for now and see where we go from there?”


I'd like that, but...I need you to be really sure, Blaine. I need you to be one hundred percent sure that you want to be a part of this because being a part of my life means being a part of hers, and I don't think I could handle you realising that this is all too much for you.”


I've never been more sure of anything in my life.” Blaine admitted, eliciting a smile from Kurt as the other teen hugged him again.


Thank you.” Kurt sniffed.


For what?”



For being the only person other than my best friend who hasn't judged me for this.”


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