I'm Trying To Tell You
Chapter 35 Previous Chapter Story
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I'm Trying To Tell You: Chapter 35

T - Words: 1,564 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Sep 16, 2013 - Updated: Sep 16, 2013
166 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

The end!! Please review :)

Over the next few weeks, Brittany went over to Kurt and Blaine’s and played with Alyson for a few hours. They had spoken to the little girl and she sort of understood that although Brittany was her mom by birth, she wasn’t really her mom. She’d been confused at first, but then she’d just accepted it and made sure she called Brittany by her name and not ‘mommy’. Britt loved spending time with the three year old, but she knew that she wasn’t ready to have a baby and she already had two amazing parents who loved her. Ally had also gotten used to calling Blaine ‘papa’ and although Blaine was accustomed to hearing it, his heart still fluttered every time she said it.

Brittany and Santana began dating eventually, which just confused Alyson further, but she accepted it in the end and would always beg Kurt and Blaine to let her stay with the two girls occasionally. She enjoyed spending time with them, probably because she was always stuck with Kurt and Blaine and she needed some girls that she could relate to.

As Alyson grew older, she began to take up an interest in horses and Kurt eventually started taking her horse riding on the weekends. He screamed the first time he tried to mount a horse - even though he didn’t technically have to ride the horse - and elicited fits of laughter from Blaine and Alyson, who was seven at the time. Much to his dismay, when the seven year old climbed onto the horse it appeared she was a natural, and she didn’t even whine a little - Blaine would not stop teasing him about that.

When Alyson was eight, Kurt and Blaine decided that they want to have another baby. They started looking for a surrogate but Brittany soon spoke up and said she wouldn’t mind being a surrogate. Kurt and Blaine were sceptical at first, but she got them to change their mind easily by pointing out that she had basically acted as a surrogate with Ally, even if it was by mistake, and at least the two of them would be blood related siblings. And that’s what led to Ronnie Hummel-Anderson being born.

He was small, with chubby cheeks and soft tufts of blonde curls. His eyes were hazel - just like Blaine’s - but it was clear that he was related to Alyson from the cheeky smile he had. It was actually kind of scary how similar Ronnie and Alyson looked, despite having different biological fathers; neither of them looked too much like Brittany, yet they still looked like each other.

“Eww!” Alyson exclaimed, pulling Kurt and Blaine’s focus towards her despite them preparing dinner. “He drooled all over me!” Ronnie grinned, more dribble trickling down his chin as he clapped his hands together from where he was sat on his sisters lap. At five months old, Ronnie was beginning to teethe, meaning he was releasing never ending streams of dribble wherever he went. Kurt and Blaine had explained this to Ally and told her that she was the same when she was little but she just pulled a face of disgust and claimed that she ‘would never do such a thing!’

Blaine laughed, lifting Ronnie off of Alyson's lap. “Hey little man,” He grinned, pulling a baby wipe from one of the packets that became compulsory to have in every room in the apartment and gently wiping Ronnie’s mouth. Ronnie giggled, reaching out for Blaine’s face with clumsy hands. “You’re so cute.” He cooed, talking Ronnie’s hand and pretending to eat it as the five month old laughed loudly.

“Unless you’re planning on cooking the baby, put him down and get your butt back over here.” Kurt laughed, turning around to see Blaine handing Ronnie back to Alyson before crossing the kitchen to join him once again. It was only a little while before the inevitable noise of Ronnie’s crying filled the kitchen. Alyson attempted to get him to calm down by playing peek-a-boo with him but that only distracted him for a few minutes before his crying started up again.

“Come here baby,” Kurt said, lifting the little boy up and bouncing him gently. He went into the living room and returned with a slightly calmer baby who was chewing on a teething ring, his face blotchy and little whines escaping him every now and then.

“Why does he cry so much recently?” Alyson asked confusedly.

Blaine sat down next to the nine year old and accepted Ronnie onto his lap, bouncing him softly on his knee as answered Alyson. “He has loads of little teeth ripping through his gums right now,” He explained. “Imagine how that must feel.”

“Ouch.” Alyson replied.

“Exactly.” Blaine smiled.

“On the plus side, he isn’t anywhere near as bad as you were,” Kurt teased, pressing a kiss to Ally’s cheek. “I remember you were awful, wasn’t she Blaine?”

“Oh yeah,” Blaine agreed playfully. “Never shut up.”

“Not true!” Ally giggled.

“Is too,” Kurt laughed. “And you chewed everything in sight. I’m sure I still have marks from where you bit me.”

Alyson laughed loudly, causing Kurt and Blaine to grin at each other. Ronnie let out a little noise, lowering the teething ring and reaching out for Ally. She lifted the five month old off of Blaine’s lap, her face scrunching up cutely.

“He’s all slobbery.” She said. Ronnie giggled as if he’d planned it and rested his head against his sister, chewing on his teething ring once again.

Typically, the first time Ronnie spoke, he didn’t say ‘dada’ or ‘papa’. Nope. The first time Ronnie spoke, ‘alla’ came out of his mouth, along with a string of dribble. Kurt and Blaine still both cried and Alyson teased them, claiming that Ronnie liked her the best. They got their payback, however, when she was feeding him applesauce and he dipped his hand in the bowl before reaching out for her face, smothering the food all over it.

“It’s his way of saying he loves you.” Blaine teased, taking a photo of the two of them as Ronnie began to laugh loudly and Ally let out a noise of disgust.

The adorable relationship between Ronnie and Alyson never disappeared as they began to grow older. At three, Ronnie was just as attached to his older sister as he had been before and she had taken to calling him a ‘little monster’. As Ally was twelve, she had begun to spend more time with her friends which disappointed Ronnie as he loved spending time with her.

Kurt and Blaine had explained to Ronnie why Alyson was spending less time with him, but he didn’t understand. She only really had time to play with him for an hour before he had to go to bed, and it was always a difficult task to get him to bed after he’d been playing with Ally.

However, as Alyson grew older she started taking Ronnie out to the park or for ice cream, unable to stop herself from laughing and taking a photo whenever he got dollops of chocolate ice cream on his nose.

“What?” Ronnie asked when he noticed his sister laughing at him.

“You just can’t get your food in your mouth can you?” Ally laughed, leaning across the table to wipe the ice cream from Ronnie’s face.

“Ew, the tissue’s sticky!” Ronnie cringed, scrunching his nose up and turning his face away from the tissue.

“Okay, fine, go home like that,” Alyson said, laughing at her little brother. “But daddy’s gonna wash it off when we get home.”

“Fine,” Ronnie frowned, allowing Ally to wipe the ice cream from his face before taking his hand and walking home with him.


Much too soon for Kurt’s liking, Alyson was eighteen and moving out to go to college. He was a sobbing mess the day she left, leaving a nine year old Ronnie to think something was seriously wrong with him. Blaine wrapped his arms around him, Kurt crying into his shoulder helplessly.


“She’s my baby,” Kurt cried. “I don’t want her to go.”


“I know.” Blaine said, rubbing his back soothingly.


“Daddy,” Ronnie’s little voice sounded as he pulled on Kurt’s sleeve until he pulled away from Blaine and looked down at him. The nine year old wrapped his arms around Kurt’s body as Kurt brought a hand down to card through his soft blonde curls. “You still have me.”


Kurt laughed, lifting the nine year old up despite him being way too big to carry and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Yes I do, which means I’m going to have to endure SpongeBob Marathons for the next who knows how many years!” Ronnie laughed loudly. “Go get your DVD.” He said, setting the nine year old down on the floor.


Kurt dreaded the day Ronnie was old enough to go to college, he wasn’t ready to not have his babies with him every day. He wasn’t prepared to not be woken up every Christmas by two bodies jumping up and down on his bed - three when Blaine woke up and decided to be a child himself. He was, however, prepared to not listen to Ronnie all but scream the SpongeBob theme tune everyday for the rest of his life.


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