March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review (:
It only took a few days before Alyson was asking Kurt if she could meet Brittany. Kurt agreed, as he said he would, but tracking her down would be fairly difficult. He honestly had no idea where to start, but he knew he had to try as hard as he could for the sake of his baby girl.
The brown haired, blue eyed toddler padded into the living room, bare foot in her pyjamas one morning and climbed onto the sofa sleepily, cuddling up to Kurt.
“Hey munchkin,” Kurt smiled, carding his fingers through her soft hair.
“Did you found my mommy yet?” Alyson asked tiredly, tucking her knees underneath herself and cuddling Kurt’s arm.
“Not yet baby,” Kurt said sadly. “But I promise I’ll keep trying.”
“Okay Daddy.” Alyson said, shutting her eyes.
“Nuh-uh,” Kurt laughed, getting the little girl to sit up. “No falling back to sleep, missy. We’re going shopping to find you a dress for your birthday party.”
“Yay!” Ally exclaimed, suddenly excited. Kurt laughed, pressing a kiss to her cheek before making his way into the kitchen, returning with a bowl of cereal for the three year old.
A few hours later, Kurt, Blaine and Ally were making their way to the shopping centre, thoroughly browsing each shop for the perfect dress. Once Alyson made her mind up, the three of them made their way to a small café and sat outside to eat their lunch.
“Daddy!” Ally exclaimed, tugging on Kurt’s sleeve to get his attention. She pointed across the road when Kurt turned around and he noticed Brittany standing outside a shop, speaking to somebody.
“Stay with Blaine for a minute.” Kurt said, standing up and making his way across the street.
“Daddy!” Alyson shouted sadly, jumping off her chair and trying to follow Kurt. Blaine stopped her, lifting her up and balancing her on his hip. “No!”
“Hey,” Blaine said softly. “He’ll be back in a minute.”
Across the road, Kurt was nervously approaching the blonde girl, waiting for her to finish her previous conversation before speaking up.
“Uh…Britt?” He said, catching the girl’s attention. “Hi…So, um…here’s the thing; Alyson sort of overheard me talking about you the other day and now she knows that you’re her mom and she really wants to meet you and I…” Kurt sighed. “Would you be willing to meet her?”
“I…I don’t know,” Brittany said, pulling on the ends of her hair nervously. “You didn’t really give me much notice and I…I need to think about it, okay?”
“Okay,” Kurt nodded. “I, um…it’s her fourth birthday next week –”
“I know.” Britt said quietly.
“Well uh…she’s having a little party with some of her friends and maybe you could come to that, if you decide you want to meet her? It would mean a lot to her, she really wants to meet you.” Kurt pulled a piece of scrap paper out of his pocket and scribbled his address down, handing it to Brittany.
“I’ll think about it.” Brittany said, smiling a little as she accepted the paper and walked away.
“I want to see my mommy!” Alyson cried when Kurt returned. He lifted her into his arms and smoothed her hair back, pressing a kiss to her head.
“It’s not that easy baby,” He said softly. “But, I invited her to your birthday party and hopefully she’ll come.”
“Fine.” Alyson huffed, leaning her head against Kurt’s shoulder.
Blaine laughed a little, taking Kurt’s hand into his own and intertwining their fingers as they began to walk down the street, whispering in Kurt’s ear, “She doesn’t take after you at all.”
The day of Alyson’s birthday finally arrived and the now-four year old was a bundle of energy. She woke up at a time that Kurt and Blaine found way too early, jumping up and down on their bed in light blue pyjamas covered in monkeys, her soft, wavy brown hair bouncing with her.
“Wake up, wake up, wake up!” She exclaimed with a grin, her blue eyes shimmering happily.
“Ally,” Kurt groaned, burying his face in his pillow.
“It’s my birthday!” She giggled, continuing to jump until Kurt and Blaine sat up and she plopped down into a seated position. “I’m four now.”
“You’re a pain, that’s what you are,” Kurt said, although there was no venom in his voice. “Go downstairs, we’ll be down in a minute.” He added, tucking Alyson’s hair behind her ear and kissing her forehead.
“Kay.” Alyson grinned, hopping off the bed and skipping down to the living room.
“She was a lot more fun when she was a tiny baby and she couldn’t talk…or jump.” Blaine said with a laugh, rubbing his eyes sleepily.
“Come on,” Kurt laughed, pulling Blaine out of bed. “We have an energetic four year old to attend to.”
They fed the little girl breakfast before allowing her to open her presents – Blaine filming the entire thing on his phone as her giggles and grins were too cute to ignore. She then proceeded to spend two hours playing with her new toys before Kurt forced her to get dressed before people started to arrive. Rachel and Santana arrived first, of course, but Ally’s friends began to pour in not long afterwards.
They all told her that her dress was ‘so pretty!’ and she proudly told them that she picked it out all by herself. The dress was pink, with white stripes on the top half, the bottom half a fluffy tutu with a ribbon on the side.
Kurt was in the middle of getting princess stickers plastered all over his face by Ally when the doorbell rang. He lifted the four year old off his lap and sat her on the sofa. “Hang on bubba.” He said, making his way to the door. “Britt!” He exclaimed incredulously. “Hi.”
“Hey,” Brittany replied with a smile. “I uh…decided that I want to meet her. I don’t…I can’t become a real mom to her, but I want to know her.”
“That’s…that’s more than okay,” Kurt smiled. “Come in.” He said, holding the door open for the blonde girl to walk through. Kurt led her over to the sofa and smiled at the way Alyson’s eyes lit up when she realised what was happening. She ran over to Kurt and held onto his hand shyly until he lifted her up.
“Hi,” Brittany said softly. “I’m Brittany…I got you something.” She said, handing a wrapped present to the four year old.
She took it into her small hands, looking up at Kurt as if she needed permission to unwrap it.
“Open it then.” Kurt said with a laugh, bouncing her gently.
Alyson slowly peeled the paper off of the present, grinning when she saw what the contents was.
“A princess teddy!” Ally exclaimed happily, lifting it up to show Kurt. “Thank you.” She said sweetly, leaning her head against Kurt’s.
“That’s okay,” Brittany smiled, nervously taking the girl into her arms when she reached out towards her – the doll grasped tightly in her hand.
“Will you be okay if I quickly go and find my boyfriend?” Kurt asked Brittany, not wanting to leave her with Ally if she was uncomfortable.
“Uh…yeah.” Brittany answered unsurely.
“I won’t be a minute.” Kurt said, rushing off to find Blaine.
When they returned, Alyson leaned her head against Brittany’s and pointed to Blaine, proudly telling her that, “That’s my papa.”
Blaine felt like crying. That was the first time Ally had actually called him her papa and even though it wasn’t directly to him, it made his heart flutter. He was glad that Alyson wanted to tell people that he was her papa, it sort of made him…proud.
“Hi,” Blaine said, snapping himself out of the trance he was seemingly in, holding his hand out to Brittany. “I’m Blaine.
“Brittany.” The girl replied, shaking Blaine’s hand.
“Wanna play.” Ally whined, rubbing her eyes with the hand that was clutching the teddy.
Brittany lowered the little girl to the floor, smiling as she ran off to join her friends. When Brittany looked back up, she noticed Santana across the room, the two of them making direct eye contact. Kurt turned around to see Santana with tears in her eyes, unable to stop staring at Britt.
“Go talk to her,” Kurt said. “You both need to talk.”
Brittany nodded, making her way over to Santana and talking to her. The two of them got lost in conversation until it was time to sing happy birthday to Alyson, and they continued talking after that. Ally ran over to them a few times, showing them a new toy she got for her birthday before running back to her friends. The two girls stayed until after Alyson went to bed, Brittany promising to stay in contact before leaving; Kurt and Blaine being left to their own devices for the rest of the night.