March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review! :D
In the time following Burt’s appearance, Kurt gradually got over the damage of seeing his father, who kicked him out of the house at seventeen, after nearly two years. Of course, Blaine was a huge support and helped him more than he could’ve ever asked him to; always happy to hold him when he cried or just to listen when he needed to talk. He knew that Blaine would always be there for him, but that period of time – when Kurt needed him the most – Blaine really was there for him.
Soon enough, Ally was turning two and becoming an even more adorable little girl than she already was. She was starting to form words better and her giggle got even louder. The small child was trying more and more every day to walk, always pulling herself up into a standing position while using the sofa for leverage, but never being able to take a step without losing balance.
Kurt couldn’t help but laugh a little whenever Alyson did this as she would stare up at him with big eyes, not understanding why she couldn’t move unless she was on her hands and knees. She would usually crawl towards either Kurt or Blaine whenever she lost balance and hold her arms up in the air, snuggling into either of the boys shoulders once she was happily seated in their arms.
Ally quickly learned how to take tiny steps, using Kurt’s hands to guide her and would giggle insanely loudly whenever she managed to walk, even if she was holding Kurt’s hands. The two year old was almost as proud as Kurt was when she took her first steps, solo. The eighteen year old cried, a lot, and lifted the little girl into his arms, hugging her tightly and repetitively telling her how proud he was even though she didn’t actually know what he was talking about.
Two soon became three and Alyson was starting her first day of nursery. Kurt had officially become a crazy person, more nervous to send his baby girl to school than he expected to be.
When the day eventually arrived, Kurt was awoken by a tiny hand pulling on his arm. As he gained consciousness, Kurt heard the unmistakable voice of his daughter repeating “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” like a mantra.
“Okay, okay, I’m awake,” Kurt said sleepily as Ally giggled and climbed onto the bed, kneeling next to Kurt and bouncing excitedly.
“Daddy, guess what!” Ally exclaimed cutely.
“What, bubba?” Kurt asked, amused at his daughters eagerness.
“I’m going to school today!” Alyson said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“I know you are,” Kurt replied with a laugh, sitting up and placing a kiss on Alyson’s button nose, causing her to let out a particularly loud giggle. “You’re gonna wake Blaine up!” Kurt whispered with authority, although his laugh let the three year old know that he wasn’t actually mad at her.
“Blaine’s awake,” Kurt heard from beside him as he turned his head to see Blaine rubbing his eyes sleepily and yawning. “What time is it?”
“Um…six thirty. Ally!” Kurt exclaimed. “Why did you get up so early? You don’t need to be in school until nine thirty.”
Alyson ignored Kurt in favour of clambering over him to get to Blaine.
“Guess what!” She laughed, sitting next to Blaine.
“What?!” Blaine asked enthusiastically.
“I’m going to school today!”
“No you’re not!” Blaine replied, feigning shock.
“Yes I am,” Ally giggled. “Because I’m big enough to go to school now.” She said cutely, eliciting laughs from both Kurt and Blaine.
“You certainly are,” Kurt said. “Come on, let’s go and pick you a nice outfit to wear.” He continued, getting up and holding his hand out for Alyson, who happily jumped off the bed and took her daddy’s hand.
Soon enough, Alyson was dressed in a pink dress with white polka dots, paired with light pink leggings and white shoes. Kurt probably shouldn’t have given his daughter such light clothing to wear on her first day as he knew that she was extremely playful and would probably get covered in either paint or dirt, but as he pulled his little girls hair into two neat braids while she ate pancakes covered in way too much syrup, he honestly didn’t care.
Once they arrived at Alyson’s new school, Kurt took his baby girls hand and helped her hop out of the car as Blaine grabbed her backpack from the backseat. He walked around to the other side of the car and helped the three year old get her bag onto her back before Kurt knelt in front of her and enveloped her in a hug.
“Please don’t get too messy,” Kurt pleaded, eliciting a giggle from his daughter. “I love you, bubba.”
“I love you too daddy.” Alyson replied, pulling back from the hug and turning to Blaine, lifting her arms up and silently asking for a hug.
Blaine smiled adoringly, bending down and enveloping the small child in a cuddle.
“I love you as well.” Alyson giggled.
“I love you too,” Blaine laughed.
Once Alyson was in school, Blaine had to all but drag Kurt back to the car as he didn’t want to leave Ally.
“But…but she’s gonna be all by herself all day.”
“She’ll be fine, Kurt. She’s not by herself, there are loads of other kids there with her and teachers…”
“But…” Kurt frowned. “My baby is starting to grow up.”
“Aw, Kurt,” Blaine cooed, leaning across in his seat to wrap his arms around his boyfriend as a few tears left Kurt’s eyes. “She’s still gonna be your baby. She still is a baby.”
Kurt sighed dejectedly, pulling back from Blaine’s hug and wiping his eyes. “I’m okay.”
“You sure?”
“Yup,” Kurt smiled.
When Kurt went to pick Ally up from school later that day, he couldn’t be happier. Sure, he’d been away from her for a day before but this time she was the one going to school, not Kurt. He was, admittedly, more excited to hear about Alyson’s day at school than he thought he’d be. He sort of couldn’t wait to hear about what she spent her day doing and about the kids that she’d spent time with.
“Daddy!” Alyson exclaimed happily, running towards Kurt and jumping into his open arms as Kurt stood up and balanced the three year old on his hip.
“Hi,” Kurt said equally as happily, pressing a kiss to her chubby cheek. “Did you have fun today?”
“Yup,” Alyson grinned. “We drawed pictures and I made one of me and you and Blaine.”
“Drew, honey,” Kurt laughed.
“Drew pictures.” Alyson corrected.
“What else did you do?”
“Um…um…we played in the garden and we readed books.”
“Did you make any friends?” Kurt couldn’t help but ask as he walked towards the car with Alyson still balanced on his hip.
“Yup! I maked a friend called Elijah,” Alyson said enthusiastically, making Kurt laugh at her pronunciation of ‘Elijah’. “He’s my bestest friend, daddy.” She said as Kurt sat her in her car seat and pulled her seatbelt around her.
“Is he?”
“Okay,” Kurt laughed, pressing a kiss to Ally’s forehead. “You can tell me all about him when we get home, yeah?”
“Okay.” Ally grinned happily.
As promised, Alyson told Kurt and Blaine every detail that she knew about Elijah later that night once she was dressed comfortably in her pyjamas with her wavy brown hair out of its pigtail hold.