March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review!:)
After almost two weeks, Kurt and Blaine found the perfect apartment. They'd be able to move into it as soon as it was decorated, which was in progress but Kurt had been demanded to stay at Rachel's apartment while it was happening. Kurt would care more usually, but he was so glad that they'd finally found an apartment that he couldn't be bothered to argue with Blaine and complied to his requests...or demands. Nonetheless, Kurt couldn't wait until Blaine was finished with his so called 'surprise' so that they could finally move into their apartment.
In those two weeks, Alyson had started to become more talkative and learned a few new words in the process. She'd practically become best friends with Santana and spend most of the time they were at the girls' apartment playing with her. Kurt was sort of shocked at how Santana interacted with Alyson as he'd only really seen her being nasty to everybody in school, but she was actually really sweet and gentle with Ally.
Kurt was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a loud cry echo through the apartment. Instantly recognising that the noise came from Ally, Kurt was out of the room and into the living room within a matter of seconds. He carefully took Alyson from Santana's arms and rocked her gently, making shushing noises in her ear as the one year old continued to cry.
"What happened?" Kurt asked, trying to calm the little girl down a bit.
"I don't know. I left her on the sofa for like one second to get a drink and I came back in when I heard her scream and she was on the floor." Santana explained, clearly a little shaken.
"She probably tried to stand up on it and slipped, she'll be okay though, don't worry." Kurt said to Santana, hugging his little girl as she cried into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry." Santana replied sadly, her eyes a little watery.
"It's okay." Kurt said with a smile.
Luckily, Alyson started to calm down after a little while but practically screamed every time that Kurt tried to let go of her or put her down. She would cry and shout 'dada!' whenever he tried to give her to Rachel or Santana or place her on the floor, which became extremely awkward when he needed to go to the toilet.
"Bubba, I need to go to the toilet. Can you sit with Rachel and watch TV for one second, please?" Kurt asked the one year old who had her head resting on his shoulder. Alyson looked up at him for a second before turning around in his lap and crawling across the sofa to Rachel. The one year old immediately rested herself against Rachel and shut her eyes, chewing on the dummy that Kurt popped in her mouth before making his way to the toilet.
When Kurt returned to the living room, Alyson was sound asleep against Rachel, making soft snuffling noises. Kurt and Rachel both smiled down at the little girl as Kurt crossed the room and gently lifted her into his arms without waking her and took her into the girls' guest room where Kurt and Blaine were staying. He laid her on top of the covers before covering with her own fleece blanket. Kurt laughed a little when Alyson stretched out across the bed like a starfish before snuggling up under the blanket.
The next time that Kurt returned to the living room, Blaine was just entering the apartment. When he saw Kurt, a grin crept onto his face and he walked towards him, grabbing his hands and leading him outside.
"What...what are you doing?" Kurt asked confusedly as Blaine lead him into the car.
"You'll see." Blaine said mysteriously before beginning to drive...somewhere.
About five minutes into the drive, Kurt realised that Blaine was taking him to their apartment. He began to feel excited at the prospect of seeing their newly decorated apartment, but was let down as soon as they walked through the doors and nothing had happened except there were a few pieces of furniture scattered around the room.
"Okay I was really excited about this because I thought I was going to walk into an amazing looking apartment but nothing has happened..." Kurt stated incredulously. Blaine pretty much ignored him in favour of intertwining their fingers and dragging him into one of the rooms. Kurt froze when he saw it.
He wasn't sure what Blaine had done, but he'd recreated Ally's bedroom exactly how it was in Kurt's old apartment. The yellow walls with white stars were exactly the same as the old ones and the purple stripe was in the perfect place, the bunny mobile was dangling over Alyson's crib, much to Kurt's surprise as he was pretty sure it would get squished during the move, the cresent moon that was painted next to Ally's crib was still there, the carpet was the exact same shade of pink as it had been in the old apartment and the only thing that was different was the arangement of Alyson's wardrobe and toys.
"I took pictures of Alysons bedroom before you started packing and made sure to design this room exactly how Ally's was at your old apartment because I knew that you loved how that turned out and you must've worked really hard on it. Plus I thought it might help Ally adjust a little bit better because it's consistency."
"I can't believe you did this," Kurt breathed, turning to face Blaine and enveloping him in a hug. "Thank you."
"I also did our room..." Blaine said, pulling back from the hug and taking Kurt's hand once again before leading him into their bedroom.
A huge, comfortable looking bed was sat in the center, the back of it leaning against the wall, there was a small en suite attached at the side of the room and there was a bed side table with a lamp on at each side of the bed. The walls were painted a light beige and the wood flooring was a light brown.
The first thing that Kurt did was throw himself face first onto the bed, letting out a groan of happiness.
"Thank you for having such a big trust fund." Kurt mumbled into the pillow, eliciting a laugh from Blaine. "No but seriously, where did you find a bed this comfortable? I don't wanna leave, ever."
"Funnily enough I found it in a magical place called a bed store." Blaine replied sarcastically, recieving nothing more than a little hum from Kurt.
"Blaine...I may have to have an affair with this bed, I'm sorry."
"Not today you're not, we have to go back to Rachel's."
"Boo." Kurt replied, rolling onto his back and pouting at Blaine.
"Aw, poor baby," Blaine teased, grabbing Kurt's hands and pulling him off the bed. "We should be able to move in the day after tomorrow. We're gonna finish the rest of the rooms tomorrow then let it dry and get rid of the smell of paint before we bring Ally here."
"But that's two whole days." Kurt groaned, allowing himself to be lead back to the car.
"Mhm," Blaine acknowledged. "But think about it; in two days time we get to move into our new apartment together, and then we get to spend every day there."
"Okay, okay, you win." Kurt laughed.
"I knew I would," Blaine teased, leaning across the car to press a kiss to Kurt's lips. "I love you."
"I love you too."