I'm Trying To Tell You
Chapter 24 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'm Trying To Tell You: Chapter 24

T - Words: 1,241 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Sep 16, 2013 - Updated: Sep 16, 2013
161 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please review :)

The car journey to New York was exhausting for both Kurt and Blaine. Alyson slept for more than half of the time though, thankfully, but the one year old was full of energy when they finally arrived. When they arrived, they went to get something to eat as they hadn't eaten — Alyson had but Kurt and Blaine hadn't — since they'd left earlier in the day. As they were walking towards a small cafe that they'd found, Rachel called Kurt and said that he, Blaine and Alyson could stay at her apartment until they found somewhere to live instead of trying to find a hotel.

"There's one thing I should tell you before you come over here though..." Rachel said over the phone, sounding nervous.

"And that would be?" Kurt prompted.

"Well...you see...I kind of have a roommate?" Rachel replied, phrasing it as a question as if she was uncertain of what she was saying.


"And it's...sort of...Santana..."

"WHAT!?" Kurt practically screeched down the phone, succeeding in gaining a slightly confused and slightly worried look from his boyfriend who was carrying the one year old who was finally starting to fall asleep.

"Just let me explain -"

"Rachel! Santana was practically in love with Brittany," Kurt began, not lowering the volume of his voice and ultimately stopping Alyson from falling back to sleep. "She probably hates me! And Ally is Brittany's baby, that's just...awkward. Rachel, oh my god."

"Will you shut up for a second, please?" Rachel asked, taking Kurt's silence as a yes. "Thank you. Anyway, I spoke to her already and she said that she's okay with you guys staying here, and she doesn't hate you. As for it being awkward because Ally is Britt's...I don't think it will be? I mean, Ally doesn't even know who Britt is and she looks for like you than she does Brittany."

"That's not the point though," Kurt groaned. "She still knows that Ally's Brittany's..."

"Please just come over and see how it goes? If it becomes a disaster I'll pay for a hotel for you," Rachel asked, elicitng a laugh from Kurt. "Please?"

"Fine, but only because I know Ally will be a pain in the hotel." Kurt replied teasingly.

"Yay!" Rachel exclaimed. 

"Now please text me your address so that I actually know where to go."

"Sure," Rachel laughed. "I guess I'll see you soon?"

"We're just getting something to eat but yeah, we'll be there after." 

"Okay, bye." 

"Bye, Rach." Kurt replied with a laugh, slipping his phone inside his pocket once the call was over.

"What was that about?" Blaine asked Kurt as they entered the cafe, trying to ignore the one year old that was patting the top of his head and making giggling noises.

"Rachel's roommate is this girl called Santana from my old high school who was basically in love with Brittany, the girl who...yeah." Kurt explained, ducking his head towards the end of the sentence.

"Wait...were they dating or...?" Blaine asked confusedly.

"No," Kurt laughed. "Oh god, no. But it was written all over her face, and they were best friends. Plus Rachel told me that she came out sometime after I left so..." 

"Dada...curl..." Alyson giggled, continuing to pat Blaine's gel free head. It seemed that the baby was obsessed with Blaine's curls and would always play with them whenever she had the opportunity.

Kurt laughed before taking Alyson into his arms. "Leave Blaine alone you little monkey." Kurt said to the little girl before blowing a raspberry on her cheek and eliciting a high pitched laugh from her.

"She's worse than you with my curls." Blaine laughed.

"It's not our fault you have adorable curls, is it Ally?" Kurt asked, saying the end of the sentence in a higher voice as Alyson giggled a little more and smooshed her chubby cheek against Kurt's face.

"Stop ganging up on me." Blaine pouted.

"Come on, Curly Sue, let's go order our food and then go back to Rachel's and get some real sleep." Kurt teased, ruffling Blaine's hair as they made their way to the counter.

When they arrived at Rachels — and Santana's — apartment, Kurt suddenly became extremely anxious about seeing Santana for the first time in two years. It wasn't just that she went to his old high school and he was mentally planning on never seeing anyone from there — except Rachel, of course — ever again, it was the fact that she was in love with the girl that he got pregnant. He couldn't exactly picture somebody like Santana just accepting that, even if it was almost three years ago that she found out what had happened.

Kurt carefully lifted a still very energetic Alyson from her car seat and proceeded to make his way to up to Rachel's apartment with Blaine by his side. Much to Kurt's happiness, Rachel opened the door instead of Santana. The brunette girl instantly took Alyson out of Kurt's arms and hugged her.

"Ally!" Rachel exclaimed happily, bouncing the one year old on her hip.

"Nice to see you too, best friend." Kurt deadpanned, grinning at little when Ally gurgled and replied to Rachel by exclaiming 'Ra-ra!' Alyson had taken to calling Rachel either Ra-ra or Roar, but as her R's came out like W's it sounded purely adorable.

"She's a baby, Kurt. She's supposed to get all of the attention." Rachel laughed, lifting Alyson into the air above her head and pulling her towards her face as she planted tiny kisses all over her baby soft cheek while making 'om-nom' noises.

"Hummel!" Kurt heard, and didn't even get time to register what was happening before he was being enveloped in a hug. "And you must be Blaine...I'm Santana." She said, pulling back from the hug and outstretching her hand to the curly haired teen.

"Dada!" Ally exclaimed all of a sudden, reaching out towards Kurt, who took the baby into her arms.

"And you must be Alyson," Santana said in a baby voice, looking at the one year old and doing a tiny wave with her hand. "Hi." Kurt was slightly taken aback, he'd never seem Santana so...so...endearing? He wasn't sure if that was the right word that he was looking for, but either way, it was strange for him to see Santana interacting with Ally in such a gentle manner.

Alyson made a little noise at Santana before burying her face in the hoodie that Kurt was wearing and fisting the material with her little hands.

"Sorry, she's kinda shy..." Kurt apologised.

"She looks exactly like you, it's like she's your clone or something." Santana replied with a little laugh, completely ignoring what Kurt had previously said.

"So I've been told." Kurt laughed.

"Do you guys wanna get some sleep?" Rachel asked. "I don't mind looking after Ally until she gets tired?" 

"Yes please. All of her stuff is in here," Kurt replied, handing Rachel the baby bag that he'd luckily remembered to take out of the car. "There are some toys in there too because everythings packed up in the car and I knew she'd get restless without something to play with."

"Okie dokie," Rachel laughed, mock saluting at Kurt. Kurt carefully handed Alyson back to Rachel, who went happily with a little gurgle.

A while later, wrapped up in Blaine's arms, Kurt smiled to himself. He could hear the sounds of Rachel and Santana playing with Alyson, her happy little gurgles and giggles echoing throughout the girls' small apartment. Although Kurt was content with staying with Rachel and Santana for however long he needed to, he couldn't wait to find a cosy little apartment and live there with his little family.


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