March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review :D
As summer arrived, Blaine had go back home to his parents. Because of this, his time with Kurt was restricted, and he also had make sure it wasn't very obvious that he was going to the same please with the same people all the time.
He wasn't ashamed of Kurt, but his parents had never really understood him being gay and he was slightly worried about how they would react when they found out he had a boyfriend.
Another reason that Blaine was worried about his parents finding out about Kurt was the fact that he had a baby. That sounded really bad, but dating someone with a one year old child at the age of eighteen probably wouldn't go down very well with most parents. Knowing Blaine's mother, she would want to meet Kurt - regardless of what she thought of Blaine's sexuality - and he would have to get somebody to look after Alyson and it would also become really awkward because of how Kurt's life was.
"Blaine." Mrs Anderson said when she saw Blaine getting ready to go out. "Where are you going?"
"Um...out?" Blaine replied awkwardly.
"Out where?"
"To my...friends house, why?"
"Because I hardly ever see you anymore, you're always rushing off to be at your 'friends' house. What's so special about this friend that you'd rather be there than here with your family?" Mrs Anderson asked in an accusatory way.
"If you can give me a good enough reason as to why you should be there instead of here, you can go. Until then, get comfortable in this house."
"I...because..." Blaine stutted before sighing. He knew that his mother was going to find out sooner or later, at least if it was sooner he could just deal with the consquences and get them out of the way. "He's my boyfriend." He admitted quietly, refusing to make eye contact with Mrs Anderson.
Blaines mother was silent for a few moments while she processed what Blaine had told her. "He's your what?"
"My boyfriend."
"Your boy - Blaine, don't be stupid. You don't have a boyfriend..."
"Yes I do," Blaine said, becoming increasingly annoyed with his mother. "His name is Kurt and we've been dating for months."
"You really need to get over this phase, Blaine."
"I swear, you're worse than Dad! When is it going to sink in that this isn't a phase? I'm gay and there's nothing that you can do or say to change that."
"Well then," Mrs Anderson said, clearly defeated. "If you insist, then I want to meet him."
"You can't," Blaine said quickly, too quickly. "He's um...he's going on holiday."
"Then invite him over for dinner tonight."
"But -"
"No buts, Blaine. You're the one who insisted that you're gay, so I want to meet your so-called boyfriend." Mrs Anderson said definitely.
"What about Dad? He hates having one gay person in the house, let alone two." Blaine muttered.
"I'll deal with your father. Now go, and make sure you invite Kurt or whatever his name is to dinner."
Blaine drove to Kurt's apartment positively freaking out. What was he going to tell Kurt? How was he going to tell Kurt? How was Kurt going to react? What would he do about the whole boyfriend with a baby situation? Blaine's mind was racing with a million and one questions and his head felt like it was going to explode. He pulled up outside Kurt's apartment and took a deep breath before leaving the car and slowly making his way to the door.
"Hey!" Kurt exclaimed when he opened the door and let Blaine inside.
"What's wrong?" Kurt asked as he and Blaine made their way over to the sofa.
"I have to tell you or well...technically ask you something and I'm not sure how you're gonna react..."
"My mum wants to meet you...like, tonight." Blaine said as Kurt stared at him with a blank expression.
"Um...why and how did she even find out about us? I thought you didn't want to tell her..."
"I didn't, it just sort of...came up, I'm sorry."
"It's okay just...what are we going to do about the whole baby situation?"
"Well we can just try and like avoid any questions that could lead to talking about Alyson and —"
"Yeah, but like, literally...what are we going to do about the whole baby situation? I have nobody to look after her." Kurt interrupted.
"Oh...what about Rachel?" Blaine suggested.
"She and her dads are going out with some of their family tonight, I can't ask them to look after her."
"Ugh. Um...maybe you could just tell my parents she's your sister or something?"
"No. Blaine, I can't lie like that..."
"Well the only other option we have is to tell them...and I don't know how they're gonna react."
"Probably not well, and I don't wanna do that to you." Kurt said, biting his lip.
"I love you," Blaine laughed slightly. "And I highly doubt that you can make my relationship with my parents any worse than it already is. I don't wanna hide you, or Ally for that matter."
"Can you at least tell them before I come? I don't exactly want to show up like 'hey guys, I'm dating your son...oh yeah I have a one year old daughter by the way.'"
"I'll tell them when I go home, but I wanna make out a little before I go."
"It's always kissing with you." Kurt laughed as he shook his head, but leaned in to kiss his dorky boyfriend nonetheless.
Later that evening found Kurt on his way to Blaine's house with Alyson. Blaine had told his parents about Ally, and he'd told Kurt that they hadn't taken it too well, but still wanted to meet him so Kurt had no idea what to expect.
Kurt knocked on the front door and mentally laughed when he heard Blaine practically scream "I'll get it!" even though he was outside. Blaine opened the door to reveal a nervous looking Kurt who was carrying Alyson in her car seat.
"You look like you just saw a ghost..." Blaine commented.
"I'm nervous." Kurt said, clearly stating the obvious.
"I know," Blaine replied, smiling sadly. "Me too."
Kurt sighed. "I guess it's time to face the music."
"Come on." Blaine said, holding his hand out for Kurt who gratefully took ahold of it and followed Blaine inside his house.
Blaine led him into the kitchen where they found Blaine's mother preparing dinner.
"Um...mum, this is Kurt." Blaine said awkwardly as his mother turned around with a smile.
"Hi," She greeted as Kurt smiled shyly and subconsciously gripped the handle of the car seat tighter when Mrs Anderson came over and ducked down slightly to look at his little girl who had fallen asleep. "And who is this little cutie?"
"Alyson." Kurt supplied quietly.
"She looks a lot like you." Mrs Anderson observed as Blaine mentally raised his eyebrows. Who was his mother pretending to be? "Why don't you guys go upstairs for a bit? Dinner shouldn't be too long."
So Blaine led Kurt upstairs where, once behind his closed door, he proceeded to let out a deep breath.
"My mum's acting really weird...I don't know if it's a mask or what it's just not normal."
"I thought it was kinda strange. You said that she didn't react well but she was acting all sweet."
"I don't even want to think about what's gonna happen when my Dad meets you..." Blaine said worriedly.
"I honestly don't even care what he says. I've heard a lot of crap from a lot of different people about my sexuality, the way I dress, my voice, Alyson and I've stopped caring so don't worry."
"Kurt," Blaine said sadly. "I don't care how many people have bullied or just been nasty to you, my Dad is a grown man and if he says anything rude about you, I'm gonna get mad."
"I love you." Kurt laughed, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck in a hug.
"I love you too, which is why I don't want my parents to make you feel uncomfortable." Blaine mumbled from where his face was smooshed against Kurt's shoulder.
"I'll be fine." Kurt assured him.
"Boys! Dinner!" Kurt and Blaine heard Mrs Anderson call from downstairs.
After the awkwardness of Kurt having to warm Alysons milk and getting her to stop crying after he woke her up, everyone was sitting around the table in an awkward silence while they ate - Ally sitting on Kurt's lap happily drinking her milk.
"So Kurt," Mrs Anderson said, breaking the silence. "Do you plan on going to college?"
"Um...I'm not one hundred percent sure yet." Kurt said awkwardly as he wiped away some of the milk that dribbled down Alysons chin.
"Well that's what you get for having a baby in high school." Mr Anderson muttered under his breath, but due to there being hardly any sound in the room, everyone heard him.
"Dad." Blaine warned, not that it had much of an impact.
Mr Anderson's snarky comments continued throughout their meal, and Kurt was getting more and more annoyed until he finally snapped - much to everyone's surprise.
"I don't care what you think or say about me," Kurt said suddenly, cutting Blaine's Dad off halfway through his sentence. "I don't care what you think about me, my life, my sexuality or the fact that I had a baby at seventeen even though I'm gay. Yeah, maybe what I did was technically a mistake but I don't think of it that way because I got the most amazing little girl in the world as a result of it and really, it doesn't matter that I was only seventeen. And as for your whole problem with gay people, get the hell over it. Your son is gay whether you like it or not. He isn't gay by choice. He didn't chose to be thought of as 'wrong' or whatever else people like you describe it as, but he is. You can't change that about him, nobody can because it's who he is. It doesn't make him less of a man, or girly. Hell, he's more of a man than you'll ever be, judging by what I've seen tonight. I honestly just find it amazing that Blaine has turned out so pure and amazing." He rambled before turning his head to address Blaine. "I'm just gonna go. I love you but I don't really want to be around ignorant people and frankly I don't want my daughter anywhere near that kind of behaviour."
"I'll walk you out." Blaine replied and they made their way to the front door with out turning around to look at either Mr or Mrs Anderson.
"I'm sorry," Kurt sighed as they stood just outside Blaine's house. "I know I said I didn't care what he thought of me and I don't, I just got kind of worked up and -" Kurt was silenced by the soft press of Blaine's lips on his.
"Kurt, that was awesome." Blaine laughed.
"Yes. I can't believe you had the courage to say all of that to be honest," Blaine said incredulously. "But he deserved every single word that you threw at him."
"You're insane, Blaine Anderson. Insane."
"But you love me anyway."
"Yes, I do. Despite that, I really just want to go home so..."
"Go," Blaine laughed. "Is it okay if I come over tomorrow?"
"As long as you promise there'll be no more surprise parental visits..."
"I promise." Blaine replied, leaning forward to kiss his boyfriend before the chestnut haired teen pulled away and made his way to his car, taking himself and his little girl back to the safe comfort of their own home.