March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review :D
Blaine left for school later that morning, leaving Kurt and Alyson to themselves for the day.
“What do you wanna do Bubba?” Kurt asked the little girl, kneeling in front of her where she was sat on the floor watching TV. Alyson looked up at him through her eyelashes as she continued sucking on her dummy, not having the faintest idea what Kurt was asking her.
Alyson attempted to crawl towards Kurt. She put her hands on the floor in front of her but only succeeded in pulling herself a few centimetres forward. Ally whined around the dummy that was in her mouth and Kurt laughed softly before lifting her up and sitting her on his lap.
“I think crawling is a bit too much for you yet, superman.” Kurt said lovingly, hugging the little girl that was seated on his lap.
When Blaine arrived at Dalton that morning, he was greeted by Wes asking a whole bunch of questions at the same time.
“Oh my god, Wes! Slow down, please.” Blaine said to his best friend.
“Is Kurt okay?” Wes asked.
“And the baby?”
“Is also fine...well she's sick and also teething but fine other than that.”
“Yeah. I picked up on her compulsively chewing her bunny and we figured out she was teething so we went out and bought a whole bunch of different teething toys and gels. She also said Dada last night.”
“Aww.” Wes cooed.
“Kurt practically screamed my name when she said it, you'd have thought someone died.”
“Has she gotten any better than she was before I went?”
“She was okay last night but she threw up on me this morning so I don't think so...” Blaine said, remembering the event too clearly for his liking.
“Oh my god,” Wes laughed. “I so wish I was there. Anyway, you have some explaining to do Mister.”
“I do?” Blaine asked, intrigued.
“Why aren't you and Kurt together? You're both crazy about each other and you basically act like a couple anyway.”
Blaine sighed, deciding how he should word his answer before replying.
“Kurt was worried that I was gonna realise that it's all too much for me, so I suggested that we try being 'just friends' for now.”
“Do you think you're going to realise it's too much for you?”
“No,” Blaine said without even thinking about it. “That's the weird thing though. If you asked me if I'd be happy dating someone with a baby at seventeen, I'd probably laugh at you. But with Kurt I just...I just wanna make him happy, I guess.”
“Because you're falling in love with him.” Wes pointed out.
“I am,” Blaine sighed. “And being 'just friends' is really hard.”
“So tell him that. Tell him what you just told me.”
“But I feel like a jerk if I do that,” Blaine groaned. “Only two days ago I suggested we stay friends and to just say I don't wanna do that any more makes me feel horrible.”
“I'm pretty sure he wants to be more than friends with you, Blainers.”
“Okay this discussion is officially over,” Blaine said, eliciting a pout from Wes. “We're gonna be late for class.”
Back at Kurt's apartment, Ally and Kurt were snuggled on the sofa watching cartoons. Kurt was sitting in the corner of the sofa with Alyson cuddled up on his lap. She was sat diagonally while she leant against Kurt's chest and hugged her bunny, chewing on her dummy as Kurt took her rabbit away every time she tried to bite it.
Kurt was drifting to sleep when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He shifted on the sofa so that he could pull it out of his pocket, causing Ally to whine and bury her face in his chest.
“Sorry Bubba.” Kurt said cutely, kissing Alyson's cheek softly. Alyson moved her head and glued her eyes back to the TV instantly, seemingly satisfied with Kurt's apology. Kurt smiled instantly, seeing that the text he received was from Blaine, before he unlocked his phone and fully read the message.
Blaine: Is it okay if I come over after school?
Kurt: Anyone would think you've moved in with me. Of course it's okay, dummy.
Blaine: I like spending time with you...besides, all of our teachers are asking me to bring you the homework because Wes so helpfully pointed out that 'we're close'.
Kurt: He never stops, does he?
Blaine: Not really, no...How's Ally anyway?
Kurt: I'll let you know when she manages to tear her eyes away from the TV for more than five seconds.
Blaine: Aw. Okay, I'm getting weird looks from the teacher...I'll see you later :)
Kurt: Bye :)
Kurt smiled to himself, putting his phone on the table before scooping Ally up into a standing position, supporting her weight with his arms. Ally giggled a little as her feet left Kurt's lap and she was left kicking the air.
“You're insane,” Kurt laughed, lowering Alyson a little so that she was standing on his lap.
Kurt heard a knock on his apartment door a while later. He picked Alyson up, the five month old instantly snuggling her head against his shoulder, and went to open the door.
“Rachel? What are you doing here?” Kurt asked when he opened the door to reveal the brunette girl.
“I wanted to come and visit my best friend, is that a problem?” Rachel asked teasingly as Kurt let her into the apartment.
“No, but shouldn't you be in school?”
“Lunch break, dummy.” Rachel replied, pointing to the clock in Kurt's apartment.
“How is she?” Rachel asked, referring to the little girl that had her eyes closed while she rested her head on Kurt's shoulder.
“She's better...she's just unsettled, and she threw up on Blaine this morning..Let me see if she'll go to you,” Kurt said before nudging the little girl gently. “Bubba, Rachel's here,” Kurt said to the five month old who lifted her head and looked around confusedly. He gently lifted her up and passed her to Rachel.
Ally stayed still in Rachel's arms for a few moments before registering that she'd been taken away from Kurt and immediately started crying.
“Hey, I'm right here Bubba,” Kurt said to Alyson, who just continued crying even as she latched onto Kurt's hand. “No? Okay, I'm sorry baby,” Kurt cooed, taking the little girl back into his arms and bouncing her softly in an attempt to calm her down. “Shh.”
“I see what you mean about her being unsettled.”
“I'm really glad I stayed home with her.” Kurt said, relieved that Ally had stop crying in favour of going back to sleep on Kurt's shoulder.